
Parental Issues

A crowd had formed on the walkway around an extravagantly dressed middle aged couple and an angry blond-haired youth. The youth firmly blocked the couple's path and viciously retorted back to their angry roars.

Many in the crowd whispered in panic and anger. Aayla heard many gossiping as she pushed through.

"How on Tellus did those people have the gall to come here?"

"Didn't the headmaster ban them? How could they even get on campus?"

"There's no way the Forolan family will let this slide."

She frowned. If they were really banned by the headmaster, then Nafriton has some serious security issues if the couple made it this far. When Aayla finally pushed through the crowd, she was hit with the most overpowering stench of perfume like someone had taken a bath in it. After her violent sneezing fit stopped, Aayla finally got a good look at the couple and the youth.

The young man was obviously Chris. The couple was an overdressed woman with thick, clownlike makeup and an equally gaudy man. Aayla's heart sank. They reminded her of the arrogant rich donors that often donated to her parents' research group. This was not going to be fun. Handling these sorts of unreasonable people with enormous egos was her least favorite part of going to her parents' professional events as a child.

She walked up to Chris and tapped on his shoulder. By this time, everyone had noticed Aayla's sudden appearance. Some looked like they were going to watch a good show and had to resist the urge to pull snacks out of their bags.

"What are you doing here? Go back inside. This is Forolan family business. I'll take care of it."

"Look, I would love nothing more than to get out of this obnoxious perfume cloud, but technically I'm responsible for the dormitory right now. Let's at least disperse the crowd first and make this private."

Giggles burst out among the crowd and Aayla could have sworn that she saw steam coming out of the woman's ears. Oops. Her voice was louder than she thought it was. Chris slightly relaxed and nodded his head before glaring at the couple again.

"Obnoxious?! HOW DARE YOU! This is the latest perfume from –"

"That's nice. Welcome to Nafriton Residence Hall. I am Aayla Glowery, the resident advisor for the upcoming school year. What is your business here today?"

"Hmph! What an ignorant country bumpkin," the man sneered. "We are from the illustrious Forolan family and the parents of the Daren Forolan. I demand that you remove this rude young man from the premises immediately! He has no right to stop us from seeing our beloved son. Nor should our son associate with someone of his poor breeding."

"And where is our reception? The tea and sweets? Does this hovel not have any proper servants? Disgraceful! I absolutely will not allow my son to stay here! If I do not get a proper reception right now, I'll see to it that you're ALL FIRED!"

The trees and grass began to rustle. Dormi has little tolerance for outsiders threatening its residents.

Aayla and the audience internally cringed. This was worse than she thought. They're highly delusional and self centered as well as rude and arrogant. If she has to deal with these types of people all the time, then Aayla better be getting a serious bonus! Chris sneered and trembled with rage.

"Oh? I didn't realize that people kicked out of the Forolan family for hurting their son would be shameless enough to still claim to be his loving parents, Lord Jaime and Lady Margrett. My apologies, I forgot that it's Mr. and Mrs. Golding now."

Mrs. Golding began to wail like a banshee and threw another tantrum including screaming and crying. Aayla quickly held Chris back and interrupted.

"Please stop disturbing the other students and their guests. How about we move this conversation to the side so that others may pass? You do have proof that you are his legal guardians, right?"

She smiled as sweetly as she could and gestured to the side of the walkway. The students and parents standing there scrambled out of the way as if to avoid venomous snakes. Mrs. Golding glared daggers at Chris while Mr. Golding smugly pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Unacceptable. I demand to see my son right now. We have a permit to enter the campus at any time to check on our son. Take us to him right now! I can't believe that he was actually assigned to live in this disgusting place."

Unnoticed to all but Aayla, but the surrounding plants stiffened and slightly turned to face the horrible couple. Like a panther stalking its prey, they were ready to pounce. Dormi can tell when it's insulted. Dormi hates being insulted. A slight killing intent permeated the air. Weaker audience members began to nervously sweat.

Aayla slightly frowned in confusion. Ramona was normally good at her job. Surely she would have mentioned if some people were so annoying that they needed a permit to access campus.

"Is that so? I haven't heard anything about special visitors or permits, so you'll need to return to the main campus and bring a staff member back. Unfortunately, I cannot accompany you today due to check in."

"What? Us? Walk back? You impertinent, low-class cripple! The audacity of a peasant talking back to and blocking the way of a noble. I WILL have you fired for this! Now take me to my son this instant and I might let you have an hour to pack your bags."

Several onlookers from noble families clicked their tongues in disgust. Such behavior and language were unbefitting of a noble. One might think that way, but they should never say it. No wonder they were kicked out of their former family. Aayla smiled coldly. Thank goodness they are so short tempered. Hehehe. Dormi might be able to give them a good surprise if they refuse to leave.

"You're creating a hostile environment for the residents and other guests. Under the current regulations of the university, leave right now. The gate is right behind you. Just follow the road back and you'll arrive at the university in no time."

Many gasped in shock. That girl is daring to directly kick them out. That couple may have been excommunicated, but they are still powerful wizards. And she doesn't have any mana at all! Mr. Golding viciously glared at Aayla and Mrs. Golding stomped forward with a dangerous light gathering in her hand. Chris quickly stepped in front of Aayla, but someone else was faster.

Before anyone could react, thick vines shot out from the trees and hoisted the insufferable couple up into the air. Onlookers watched in a daze as Mrs. Golding screeched in terror and Mr. Golding struggled to free himself. Sharp leaves cut into their thick skin and clothes, but they wouldn't bleed enough to die. Several seconds of silence later, many in the crowd burst out in laughter and cheers as shreds of clothing fell to the ground.

"The artifact spirit controlling the area does not take kindly to threats. It will let you two down after security from the university arrives. Stop struggling or you'll only be bound tighter. Everyone else, please feel free to walk around the grounds or follow me to the office for check in."

Aayla walked back towards the office. She could already hear some in the crowd throw mocking insults towards the suspended Mr. and Mrs. Golding. Their rage peaked again and their struggles continued. As did their loss of clothing. Oh well. She did try to warn them.

Her heart rate slowed and she could feel the adrenaline fading from her body. Immediately after Aayla returned to the office, she hid in the back room and slouched to the floor. The adrenaline had long worn off and a bit of fear crept into her heart.

"AAHH! What the heck! That was so scary! I totally forgot about magic!"

Daren chuckled and closed the door to give her some privacy. So, she does know fear. He smiled and relaxed his shoulders, grateful to have avoided his parents this time.


Ramona arrived soon after. While she talked with Aayla about the incident, security hauled away Daren's parents literally kicking and screaming. While their permit was real, the headmaster had no knowledge of it and did not approve it. The couple was promptly thrown out of campus. Security started a full investigation into how they got on campus in the first place. Daren and Chris were summoned to chat with the headmaster, while Aayla was left to finish the day by herself to her despair. She only had 387 residents left to register.

Other than that, the rest of the day went smoothly. All residents successfully arrived, and the school year was set to begin in two days. Contrary to Aayla's desire to stay low key, she became even more famous off campus when the incident with the Golding couple spread the next day. Letters were sent across Chinebar, placing her directly in the public eye.