
Epilogue 6: Worlds Connected

[Unknown location, Chinebar Republic, Tellus, fifteen years after Aayla and Daren's 'deaths']

From the platform, Ramona watched the wizards drawing the formation on the ground. Dozens of people precisely carved delicate patterns and symbols. Beads of sweat covered their faces. The wizards could only clench their jaws and push forward. Once they started on a symbol, they couldn't stop.

The formation was nearly complete. Over 300 feet wide in diameter, the intricate layout took Ramona the last fifteen years to design. She even resigned from Nafriton University for this. The Forolan family bankrolled this secret project and provided many of their researchers and materials.

At first, the researchers grumbled and silently complained about being pulled from their projects fourteen years ago. They only stayed silent because of the excellent pay and the opportunity to work with the internationally famed Ramona Heston.

Everything changed five years ago. After a small-scale success, Ramona had proven that the legendary Terra existed. An energetic fervor had swept through the secret lab. The researchers worked night and day to build this improved full-scale prototype.

One by one, the wizards finished. As the last line on the last symbol was carved, the wizard carefully pulled his carving knife away. When his last foot finally left the magic circle, the entire room held their breaths as they scanned the formation.

It looked good. There were no smudges or errors. The researchers cheered and jumped for joy. Testing could begin that very day. Ramona faintly smiled and nodded toward her assistant.

"Chris, go inform the City Lord."

"Yes ma'am."

With dark circles underneath his bloodshot eyes, Chris looked like he hadn't slept for weeks. He excitedly hopped out of the room to send a message to Halcyon. His masters would be pleased. When Ramona offered him a place as her assistant, Chris couldn't refuse when she explained the project.

Sorrow, regret, and shame had consumed him after his best friend's death. Chris had only returned to Halcyon once for Daren's funeral since then. Deeply concerned about him, Philip asked Ramona for a favor when the City Lord informed him of the project.

Ramona and Chris secretly performed research on Terra with the aid of the Forolan family. At first, it was just themselves. They tracked down the True Order's researchers and laboratories. Their research team slowly became bigger over time.

To the outside world, the Forolan family was deep in grief and struggled with letting go. The public and other forces were unaware of their progress. The vassals had been occupied by the succession struggle for some time, but this project couldn't be hidden forever.

Once discovered, the vassals instantly complained about the budget. Innello would have been forced to downsize or even shut down the project if the success of five years ago didn't happen. The most trustworthy vassals were allowed to join and changed their tune, saving the project.

Ramona clutched the small rectangular object in her hand. It was completely foreign to this world and used to belong to Aayla. She called it an 'eye fone'. Aside from Aayla's boots, this was the only one of Aayla's belongings from Terra that was still in good enough condition to use.

The gremlins had found it when Ramona asked. All of Aayla's remaining Terran belongings had been found by them, free of charge. This device had been by Aayla's side for a couple of years. Ramona would only get a single try with it, but it was possible to roughly locate Aayla.

That evening, the City Lord approved the experiment. Tellus was changed forever when the formation came to life. Terrans had confirmed Terra's existence, and a new chapter in history opened.


[Halcyon, Chinebar Republic, Tellus, twenty years after Aayla and Daren's 'deaths']

At first, several spatial disruptions prevented the researchers from learning much. However, these disruptions gradually faded. To their surprise, time was distorted between dimensions. Only a few months had passed on Terra when the Forolan researchers got their first glimpse.

The distortion gradually faded, and the researchers could watch Terra in real-time. Ramona and the Forolan family watched as the pair grew up. The Glowery family treated Daren like one of their own. With the help of some friends, Daren received an official Terran identity. He enjoyed living life to the fullest.

Only today was slightly different. It would become one of the most important days in the couple's lives.

The main laboratory had been extravagantly decorated for a traditional Halcyon wedding. A large screen over several control panels replaced an altar for the bridal party and the officiant. Several important allies of the Forolan family were sitting on benches facing the screen.

Researchers frantically operated the magic formation. The screen buzzed to life. The view warped for a few minutes until it finally settled to reveal a beautifully decorated cathedral filled with formally dressed people.

A sign read 'Wedding of Aayla Rose Glowery and Adrian Lyam Auclair'. Ramona led the Halcyon City Lord and his immediate family to the front row. Edwina looked at the screen with amazement. She was the only one who had been kept in the dark.

"So, it exists? He's alive?"

"Yes dear," Rebecca laughed. "He can't ever come back, but we can at least watch over him."

Edwina frowned as he stared at the sign. "I thought you said that Daren was getting married? Who is this Adrian Lyam Auclair?"

"That's his new identity, Edwina. He seems to love it."

Rebecca beamed with pride as she told her daughter about the real progress of Ramona's project. The other guests listened in rapt attention. Many of them had just learned about this as well. Her narration continued until the faint sound of a piano played from the screen.

The room quietened down as the bridal party entered. Rebecca started crying as she saw Daren, now Adrian, walk down the aisle and then stand nervously by the priest. Chris lovingly held Jacki and their child while watching his friend achieve his own happiness.

When Aayla's father walked her down the aisle, Ramona smiled at her goddaughter's joy and her friend's sour face. He looked like he was being robbed. Aayla's mother had to give him a good pinch to let her go.

Audiences from both worlds watched as the ceremony peacefully concluded thirty minutes later and the groom happily kissed the bride. The reception began immediately as wine and delicacies were served in abundance.

The Forolan family wildly celebrated their missing child's survival, marriage, and future bliss that night. To openly celebrate Daren and Aayla, the Forolan family released a report in their names with the information gleaned from Terra.


[Halcyon, Chinebar Republic, Tellus, fifty years after Aayla and Daren's 'deaths']

"Congratulations on starting a new venture, Lord Forolan!"

"Haha! We do not doubt that you will once again revolutionize the world. What will the Forolan family work on next?"

Surrounded by well-wishers, Innello faintly smiled as they continued to pester him about his family's next project. Playing dumb, he laughed off all of their questions and escaped from their encirclement to greet the other guests.

Now, the Forolan family had reached new heights. Edwina had grown up to become a splendid heir, and Ramona had become an integral part of the family's forces. Those who had sneered and plotted to take advantage of the family decades ago no longer soiled his sight.

Thirty years ago, the Forolan family began introducing several magical and technological innovations. These achievements never stopped. Outsiders assumed that the family had discovered these while fanatically researching to suppress their grief. No one could guess that this information came from a different world.

For Daren and Aayla's wedding decades ago, the Forolan family decided to invite representatives from a few trustworthy families in other cities, including other City Lord's families. This ultimately became a blessing. The project couldn't be hidden forever, especially after the Forolan family released the first report.

With the help of their new allies, the greedy and corrupt politicians were kept in the dark about the project's true nature. A powerful alliance grew, ultimately pushing the nation forward. The Forolan family lead the way with magical and technological innovations.

Only a few at the top and the Forolan's research team knew where their information came from. That information was passed on to teams from other organizations for further research and development. The future was paved with gold for the Forolans.

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. The only three mediums used to track Aayla had fallen apart. They could use some of Daren's possessions, but his connection to Tellus had faded. Terra could only be watched for a few more months at most.

Innello and Edwina had prepared for this with their allies. They had frantically stockpiled as much information as they could. Fortunately, Daren loved to read anything that he could find and Aayla loved to travel the world. With this springboard, the Forolan family would prosper.

Today, the Forolan family officially shut down the Terran research project to the public. To most, this project had long since pivoted to study other things. Now, the Forolan family was simply making this official and moving on from the loss of Daren Forolan.

Only those involved knew that they were shutting down the magic formation for the last time. After the party ended, the research group gathered one last time in the control room with the main Forolan family.

They watched Aayla and Daren, now with greying hair, for one last time. The pair had a loving family with plenty of savings. Ramona and the Forolan family were confident that they would live well for the rest of their lives.

With a slight hesitation, Ramona pulled a lever, and the formation slowly died. Both worlds would live independently from now on.

I added a brief wedding scene just for you all! Anyways, this basically wraps up the novel.

I should have the final epilogue posted tonight, but that's more to show you who was pulling some strings in the background. I might right another book about this, but I'm not sure right now.

OceanTouristcreators' thoughts