
Downfall of a Noblewoman

Security quickly controlled the scene. They took statements from all of the witnesses that they could find. The manager and employees had no idea how a snake could have possibly gotten into their store. Fortunately, nothing truly bad had happened.

One of the backrooms was a mess, caused by the first group to discover the snake. Security was eager to find them given their chaotic control over their emotions and magic caused some serious property damage and caused the initial panic in the store. None of the witnesses aside from the employees could really describe them. No one saw where they went.

After the sobbing girls finally let her go, the uniformed man and robed woman asked Aayla several questions. Who are you? Where are you from? What happened? Why on Tellus did you think that it was a good idea to handle a dangerous creature?

As soon as Aayla's companions mentioned The Butterflies, the officers immediately realized who caused the initial panic. Vanessa Landrienne already had a bit of a reputation in Forest Waypoint. A round of scolding and praises later, they let Aayla go. Hopefully they could catch Vanessa before she left the city.

The manger profusely apologized to the guests and thanked Aayla personally after security had left. He practically forced several bags into her hands and waved the costs of the other girls' shopping to show his appreciation. With this incident, they decided to call it a day. Instead of following the rest back to campus, Aayla had slightly different plans. She gifted them a few items as gifts for showing her around then said her goodbyes.

As soon as the other girls were gone, Aayla set off to investigate. What are the chances that the incident today was the only one? She walked around the markets and shops, asking questions about incidents with animals. Aayla had to find out if animals could be coming from Terra.

To her surprise, incidents like the one with the snake were growing more common in the past few weeks. Strange rodents, birds, house pets, reptiles and even insects had appeared. In the wild, there were rumors about incidents with larger creatures and aquatic animals. The animals were scared and defensive, with no magical abilities. Despite little mana, they seemed to be in the best of health. Unfortunately, not all of the incidents ended peacefully.

Her feet ached by the time that dinner rolled around, so she slowly walked back to the carriage station. What Aayla found over the past couple of hours was surprising. If animals were coming from Terra, could they also return? Could she return?

The carriage ride was long and lonely. The carriage was mostly full, but Aayla had never seen any of the other passengers before. Which was perfectly fine, because they needed the extra space to pile up all of the extra baggage.

Aayla stared at her bracelets. She didn't even think about using magic today. A simple spell could have changed everything. She was used to a life without magic, but everyone else was used to a life with magic. Why did they forget about magic? Or did they choose not to? She still had a long way to go in her magical studies.

The way back seemed much shorter than the way to Forest Waypoint. It was much nicer than awake than passed out as well. Aayla had a quick dinner then went to work as soon as she arrived back. The major rush should start later as the last carriages returned to campus.

Vanessa and The Butterflies never appeared, even late into the night. Aayla checked the sign in sheets. Apparently, they decided to flee the scene. They must have returned to school just after that incident happened. Did The Butterflies think that they wouldn't be blamed at all? If Aayla and the Halcyon girls didn't see them, then they might have gotten away with it.

Aayla bit her lips. Since rumors have already spread about her exploits, then rumors must have spread about The Butterflies. The Halcyon ladies appeared to hate them. Chris definitely hates them, and he knows the Halcyon ladies. Darn it. She should probably expect a visit from the wicked witch and her flying monkeys soon.


Vanessa Landrienne angrily carved her steak. Those boorish, plebian officers from Forest Waypoint tried to arrest her. Arrest THE Vanessa Landrienne, fiancé of Daren Forolan and the young lady of the Landrienne family. She viciously bit into her steak. Rumors had already started to spread throughout campus.

Two men entered the room. A slightly rotund young man with blond hair sat down next to her. A sickly-looking gentleman with dull orange hair sat down across from her. Vanessa was too preoccupied with her food to notice. Still furious, she guzzled the wine and shattered the glass on the table.

"It must be those Halcyon hussies, no Christopher Vear, spreading those rumors –"

"Rumors that would not have begun in the first place if not for YOU, Vanessa Landrienne."

The icy cold voice chilled Vanessa to the core. She looked up to realize that some one else had joined her. The fat and faithful Marc Lupton, and the unforgiving Jerome Foryl. Her heart skipped a beat under his cold gaze.

Trembling, she kept her head down as Professor Foryl poured himself a glass of wine. He savored the glass for several minutes while keeping his frigid gaze focused on Vanessa. Marc simply kept a languid smile on his face.

"Do you know what you did wrong, Ms. Landrienne? Hm? … That's a rhetorical question. Don't bother answering because I know that you can't. You're far too stupid and what little brain cells that you have are focused only on your beauty and Daren Forolan. Marc. Explain our current predicament to her."

"Yes, Professor. Please calm your nerves, my lady. All this stress will put wrinkles on your beautiful face. The issue has already been handled by placing most of the blame on Angela Morvell. She will be expelled and arrested by midday tomorrow.

We were fortunate that someone else already had her in their sights. That scheme was merely pushed along, but Professor Foryl still had to act personally to clear the rest of The Butterflies. Especially you, Lady Landrienne.

Now you are all known as incompetent fools who scare at the mere twang of a bow. We conservatives will lose support from the Morvell Family and any favorable impressions from the neutral faction."

Professor Foryl slowly clapped as he stood up from his chair.

"Very well said Marc. Ms. Landrienne, you are hereby on house arrest for the next few weeks. Marc will aid you with damage control and choosing a replacement for Ms. Morvell. Don't ever disappointment me like this again. You cannot afford those consequences."

Vanessa shivered as Professor Foryl left the room.

"No, no! I- I am destined to be his wife. They- they can't possibly replace me! Right, right Marc? They can't!"

Vanessa desperately grabbed Marc's sleeves. Disgust flashed through his eyes, but a smile appeared on his face. He carefully patted her hands to calm her down.

"I believe in you, my lady. You are the rightful wife of Daren Forolan. You only need to remind all those scheming vixens of that fact. Tomorrow will be a better day, especially without that Angela Morvell dragging you down. Please, finish your meal in peace and let me, your loyal servant, take care of things for you."

Vanessa dried her eyes then waved for Marc to leave. His expression flipped like a switch after he closed the door behind him. He transformed from a concerned vassal to a furious traitor. After a couple of seconds, his expression became serene once again.

Marc walked quickly to catch up with Professor Foryl.

"Your work managing Ms. Landrienne's temper so far is impressive. Today's work was also… pleasing. The conservatives cannot be brought down so soon or so easily."

"Many thanks for your praise, sir."

"Ms. Landrienne is incapable of leading the Butterflies. Due to Ms. Landrienne's blunder, several of our special 'packages' heading for Nafriton were discovered, implicating many of our agents.

And this is all because she and her friends, allies that she handpicked, couldn't control themselves around a harmless, near mana-less snake. Utterly disgraceful. It's unfortunate that we have to ally ourselves with such trash.

Starting today, I want you to report to me directly about the activities of the student factions. We must move up our plans. Start searching for those who seem… receptive to the true way of wizardry. I will send you a list of targets to start with.

Find one that is a suitable replacement for that Morvell girl. Make sure they have actual talent and more than two egocentric, man crazy brain cells."


"How has the investigation on that Aayla Glowery been going? The one who helped the Forolan heir escape during that incident just before classes started."

"As expected, sir. Deputy Heston is keeping information about her locked up tightly. Especially her condition. The girl herself is intensively private and almost never leaves the residence hall. The investigation should go much faster now that we've infiltrated the residence hall."

"Keep me updated. I want every card possible to start making a move on the neutral factions. Whether that's to recruit them… or to destroy them."

"With pleasure, sir."

"I want results within a week for both investigations. May magic reign supreme."

"May magic reign supreme."

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