The setting sun barely filtered in through the closed window shades. Empty plates sat on the table while the briefing continued. A map of the nation was displayed on the wall.
"The forces under my command from Forest Waypoint will join with the reinforcements from Cuoq and North Beti town. We will travel to Dor to relieve the Odalan army. A sizeable force will remain behind just in case the terrorists at Forest Waypoint or Nandel decide to attack."
Stallesso Forolan drew a red circle around Odala.
"The True Order has begun to play some tricks back in Odala. A particularly tricky b**tard is leading the rebels in that city. After negotiations, part of the Halcyon Guard will be loaned to the city to take them down. A couple of scouts will accompany them on their way to Halcyon."
Emblems representing different groups moved along the map as Stallesso spoke. The blue tokens eventually began to separate and surround the grey enemy tokens.
"After that we'll need to wait and see how the other battles go. All we are waiting for are the reinforcements from North Beti to arrive. They should get here any day now. The army will immediately head out upon their arrival. Any questions?"
"Grandfather, who's going to Halcyon? I want to go, too."
Both Chris and Stallesso immediately rejected.
"It's too dangerous, young master. There are too many risks involved. If something happened, then you could get surrounded by rebel forces from Sarrasak and Landrienne!"
"I agree. You are too high profile of a target. Second, we need to have some member of the family who has a rightful claim on the City Lord position safe and secured just in case something happens. As the current heir apparent and a promising young wizard, you are the best option."
"But Grandfather! You've always said that a noble's main duty is to protect the people and morality. My place is in Halcyon."
"No, Daren. I forbid it. End of discussion."
"I'm not a child anymore! I am an adult member of the Forolan family. I can defend myself and help my uncle."
"This is not a matter of 'maturity' or 'being an adult', young master. One person cannot change the tide of war when armies numbering in the hundreds of thousands are battling. You're not the City Lord yet. The worst case, that is dying with the city, is not your duty."
Daren bit his lips as he stared pleadingly at his grandfather. Stallesso stubbornly stared back with a heavy pressure in his gaze. Both refused to back down. A hurried knock on the door broke the silent tension in the room. A short middle-aged man entered while wringing his hands.
"Pardon my intrusion, but your captain brought word of a fairy ring near Forest Waypoint. Is this information true, my lord?"
"Yes. I'll let my grandson talk about it. We are finished with our other conversation, so he has plenty of time."
For the rest of the evening, Daren reluctantly answered questions from the mayor and other officials about the Nafriton fairy ring. His grandfather refused to entertain any thoughts about permitting Daren to travel to Halcyon.
North Beti Town's forces arrived several days later. Each day, Daren stuck to his grandfather like glue and begged to travel to Halcyon with the scouts. No matter how he pleaded, Stallesso refused. He would not place his grandson in harm's way.
Daren constantly pestered Jacki and Chris to confirm his accomplishments so that his grandfather would feel more at ease sending him to Halcyon. They refused, and even if they did Stallesso still wouldn't let Daren go.
Instead, Aayla seemed to have caught Stallesso's eye even more. Chris and Jacki had observed her up close for several weeks and confirmed her intentions. She had an odd set of skills, and truly viewed his grandson as a friend at best.
Scouts from North Beti arrived two days before the main units. The city bustled with activity as the military prepared to leave. Stallesso locked Daren into his room due to fears that Daren would sneak off on his own. To be fair, Daren had started to plan his escape but was still frustrated that his grandfather didn't trust him.
Aayla accompanied him every day. Jacki tagged along with Chris, and even Aayla started to sense the sparks flying. She took no joy in being a lightbulb, but didn't really have anything else that she should be doing. Everything that she needed was provided by the Forolan family.
A fork stabbed into a piece of cake. Frustrated, Daren shoved the next bite into his mouth as he stared out the window. He could see soldiers, mercenaries and officials scrambling to ready the supplies needed for the march to Dor City.
"Stupid Grandfather. I'm NOT a child." The fork stabbed into the cake again. "Why won't he at least let me go with him to Dor? Halcyon is my home, too. I want to protect it."
"You may not be a child, but you're sure acting childish," Aayla mumbled while Daren was too focused on his cake to notice.
"Even Chris and Jacki won't let me go. Ugh. People always complained about me studying all day. They praised me while simultaneously calling me a 'greenhouse flower'. Now they won't even let me go defend my city when it's in trouble. How am I supposed to prove that I'm not some dainty flower?"
The rest of the cake turned to mush as Daren prodded it with his fork. Aayla sighed and pushed a bowl of fruit towards him.
"At least eat a bit of fruit. That's like the third piece of cake that you've had today."
"I don't want fruit! I want to go to Halcyon."
"Daren, you're acting like a brat. No wonder your grandfather prefers to keep you by his side all the time. Something always seems to happen when you're left alone."
Daren pushed back his chair and stood up. Aayla realized that her tone and words were a bit rude. He wasn't mad, was he? Should she duck and cover?
Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around Aayla and pulled her towards a warm body.
"Oh, that's it! Aayla, you're a genius! Mwah!"
Something damp roughly pressed on her forehead for a couple of seconds. The next instant Daren was rushing out of the room. Aayla reached up towards her forehead. Did that idiot… just kiss her?! What the heck! She did not give him permission to do that! Her face turned red in anger.
Aayla rushed out of the room to follow him. A pair of long forgotten maids silently stood in the shadows. They glanced at each other as they broke out in giggles. In their perspective, Daren's kiss appeared to fall much lower on Aayla's face. Then the young lady flushed in embarrassment as she rushed after him.
Was that the young couple's first kiss? Their hearts lit up with glee. Young love was so beautiful, even if it blossomed during war. Oh, did they have some interesting gossip to share. Aayla would have puked blood if she knew what these dirty minded ladies were thinking.
Daren forced a pair of Halcyon Guards to escort him to his grandfather. Stallesso rubbed his temples when he saw Daren approaching with a smirk on his face.
"I've already told you 'No', Daren. You cannot go to Halcyon under any circumstances –"
"Please let me finish talking before making any judgements!" Daren cut off his grandfather's rejection. "Let me go to Dor with you! Grandfather, you know what people say about me. That I'm a 'delicate flower raised in a greenhouse', that I'm naïve and ignorant of worldly affairs, or that I'm a cold, selfish monster like my parents."
The officers and soldiers nearby stood back to give the pair some room, yet they strained their ears to hear what was happening.
"Please let me prove myself! Other families' heirs have long started doing their own missions. I'm ready! Headmaster Marin is personally teaching me spatial magic. I repaired a newly discovered fairy ring to the point where it was safely operational. How many wizards are that skilled in spatial magic? If I don't fight now, then when will I?"
Grandfather Forolan fell silent. He had to admit, not that many had the skill. Spatial wizards were always in high demand.
"You'll be leading the mission to Dor, right? You can watch and evaluate me the entire time. Besides, aren't there issues with True Order spies? They'll keep targeting me if you're not around. I won't push the issue of going to Halcyon again if you just let me help at Dor City."
Stallesso thought for several minutes. He really didn't want his grandson to go, but Daren was ultimately right. Daren had to grow up sometime. Gaining experience under Stallesso was the best option for now. Just as Stallesso nodded, a furious young lady with a red face stormed into the room.
Throwing a bit of awkward romance in there to stretch things out and get some practice. Daren should be fine (?).
Thank you Lumen214 and AWeebingRock for the powerstones.
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