
Nothing Happened - 1


"This place is quite large, don't you think Mom?" She is busy looking at the vases and the paintings decorated into the room and pays a little to no heed to my words.

"Mom!" I raise my voice a little bit because she's just too ignorant.

"Ah…yeah? What is it?" What's this sudden realization? She didn't hear a single word I guess.

"Nothing…" It got mixed up in the atmosphere so let it be. Anyways, now that I have finally arrived at the start of this story, it's time to decide the perfect play for my needs and a smooth experience with a well-compacted plan.

They have a whole bracket for books beside the study table and the seat I am sitting on. It already covered most of the information I needed for this world, for starters. It's been a around half an hour since we arrived in this guest room. It's quite fine, nothing that special of the sort…It does make sense since it must be made for the irregular travelers and if I look it from my perspective, it's kind of about the same as our house at Ironlyn. Regardless, this world is just as deep and complex as I thought, too much for me to comprehend entirely.

Apparently, the country I am currently living is primarily known as Angbotain, the terrain of the angels, but the more popular or used name is Vitalis Kingdom since the current rulers of this country are the member of one of the four cardinal families, Platinum-ranked Vitalis family. So that means if someone else were to rule this country the new name would be based on their families, interesting.

They have a ranking system among the four families, apparently, showing their influence and power over the country abiding by various laws and regulations, with platinum ranking at the pinnacle as obvious as it was, followed by diamond, then gold and silver.

Enough talk about the hierarchies, currently things that are useful to me are the various methods and types of combat and tactics that this world has gained over the passing time.

"What are you doing staring at the book so intently?"

"Ah, nothing, am just recalling things…they may be important for my written examination." Technically, I am not lying tho.

"You know, you won't be able to pass the test even if you ace the written test since it's just takes ten percent of the entire event. What will you do about the other tasks, most importantly, just don't depend on your magic affinity because you have none, you get it?"

"Ah…wait a minute, what are you talking about? I don't have any magic affinity, even though I am the son of a world-class mage, I don't believe it…or am I not your son?" I ask her in a more normal tone.

Suddenly, she hit me on the back of my forehead, I did expect that though. "Think before you speak…What I meant was that the magic affinity does not depend on the genes but the person manifesting it. Every single human being on this planet has some mana and it depends on them if they are able to manifest it or no-"

"Nah-nah, here have a look at what this says." I point out a sentence printed on one of the books from my table. "'Anyone is able to manifest mana but the chances are drastically increased if they are genetically connected to someone who has awakened themselves.' What do you say now? The book can't be incorrect."

"Ugh…do whatever you want. I was just telling you from my experience. Have you thought about what job you will take on once you pass?"

"I want to explore this world from here to the end of the horizon, that's my goal for now, I guess. To be precise, I will turn into something that we call as adventurers or hunters."

Her expression suddenly turns dull. I am unable to decipher what she's thinking right now but…

"I see…well, do your best then."

What was all that about? Hmm, and even if I fail, I don't have to worry about exploring the other countries. After all, magic is not the only fantasy-type trope in this world…I am curious, really curious after all.

From a more elegant and professional point of view, the tasks in the test should be under my calculations unless they have something completely contradictory. It won't be that hard to handle either.

As for the magic test, even if this body doesn't have the strength to bring out it's power, I am going to use the little cheat given to me by that creepy goddess. Although, I still don't know what that power is haha…She did say that the power would depend on my desire, does that mean I would get any power I want with just a brief visualization or will it be based on my inner desires? Sigh, I better hope it's not the latter, am already suppressing enough.

Haa, I feel like procrastinating a little bit. I stop reading the books and lay my body on the cushioned chair comfortably while looking at the small chandelier fixed in-between the ceiling. And I don't know when but I fell asleep while staring at the ceiling…


It was a spacious room but the amount of people inside made it seem smaller. The main attraction of the room was the Buddhist altar covered entirely with a hefty amount of flower and a portrait of a man together with a spirit tablet. It was the funeral arrangement (tsuya ritual) of the man named Hyosuke Hirata, father of Arata Hyosuke and the late husband of Hyosuke Saeko.