
The Otherworld Saga

Life in the town of River Springs was peaceful. It was the typical valley town where you knew your neighbours and had sunday dinner with strangers. Four young adventurous teens are the towns one concern. Imagination in a child is a great thing, but when their teens and still are up to old antics it had everyone worried. Sophie Sawyer, Cam Clarkson, Kevin King and Pierce Parker are the type of kids who sneak out at night to go hunting for monsters. So what happens when one of those nights leads to them discovering actual monsters? Read to see the world of “The Otherworld”

jaqueline_R · TV
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29 Chs

The Major Part 1

'Why do I keep waking up forgetting what happened before I fell asleep?!' Pierce thought to himself as he opened his eyes. The room he was in was bright, making him close his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again as they adjusted to the light.

Pierce placed his hands on either side of his body, lifting himself to a sitting-up position against the nearest wall. He looked around his surroundings, taking in the circumstances he and his friends were in, seeing that were inside what looked to be a prison cell, iron bars placed across from the wall he leaned against.

Pierce moved his hands to push himself up against the wall more only to hear the sound of chains clanking. He glanced over to his hands to see that a chain had been attached to his left wrist. His eyes followed the chain to a handle poking out of the wall just a bit above his head.

"Shit!" he growled, shaking the shackled hand in frustration.

"Must you always be so loud?"

Pierce looked to the source of the voice and found it to be Cam, waking up from his sleep that they had been forced into by unknown sources.

"Where are we?" Cam asked, eyeing the chain tied to his ankle as he stretched his legs out in front of him.

"Not too sure. All I know is we all are shackled in a prison cell we would see in one of our old prison escape movies. Not to mention Sophie and Data's bags are gone meaning any equipment we could use to get out of here is with whoever put us here," Pierce said, glaring at the bars.

Cam turned his attention to the two still asleep on the floor, one who was in a whole other cell.

"They put Sophie in a different cell?" Pierce questioned, looking in disbelief at the small girl asleep on a quite uncomfortable dirt floor.

"It could be because they had no more chains or because she's a girl and we are all guys, Pierce. There's a handful of reasons they would put her in a different cell. I say let's be happy she's there and not in a whole other place," Cam told Pierce.

Pierce watched with scrunched eyebrows as Cam crawled as far as he could with the chain to Data and used his free hand to shake Data awake. The moment Data woke up he sat himself up and looked at the two boys with a very angry glare. "I was talking and somebody hit me with a tranquillizer dart!" he screamed, tugging on his right wrist that had been chained to the wall.

Cam pulled back to where he was comfortable.

Pierce put his head back against the wall and said, "I would stop doing that Data. All you're going to do is hurt yourself," annoyance flowing through his blood at the circumstances they were in.

Data stopped, glaring over at Pierce. He began to look around the cell before he turned and stopped.

"Why is Sophie in a different cell?" Data said in a high-pitched tone, his voice cracking a little.

"Don't even ask. We don't know the answer for sure," Cam responded, shaking his head while watching the small girl lie asleep through the bars.

Pierce stood from the ground, walking as far as he could with the chain. Once the chain pulled him to a stop, he stopped in his tracks. He turned to the bars and spoke loudly, "Sophie? Sophie Wake up!".

Pierce continued calling out to her as Cam and Data joined in.

Finally, after about three minutes of calling her, Sophie began to stir.

"Why in the name of God am I in a prison cell with what feels like a metal shackle around my leg?" Sophie mumbled, groaning as she sat up from the uncomfortable ground.

Sophie turned to the sound of the voices that she heard calling her awake from her nightmare and stared at the bars that separated her and her friends. "Why the hell am I in a different cell?"

"Your and Data's bags are also gone," Pierce said aloud, sighing loudly.

The group each exchanged looks.

Sophie stood from the ground, looking around her cell as the boys did the same. "There has to be some clue as to where we-" she began but stopped when Pierce shushed her, looking at the entrance of his cell.

The four listened to the sound of footsteps heading toward them, Data noting that it sounded like multiple people coming toward the cells.

"Whoever it is, no matter what they try to do, we order for ourselves to stick together. We will not be separated!" Cam told the others sternly. For once in all of knowing each other, each of them agreed with Cam, even Pierce.

They each watched as four figures came to stand before them, dressed as medieval knights in white armour, armed with swords and who knows how many other weapons.

The one in front stepped forward with a key, opening Sophie's cell and walked into her cell, using another one of the keys on the ring to remove her shackle. He then spoke, "You four will be coming with us. The Major needs to speak with you." Taking Sophie's arm he led her out of the cell and to the boys. He did the same as he did in Sophie's, opening the door and removing the boys' chains then he led them out.

The group followed the man down the hall, passing many empty cells until they reached a door. Opening the door the white knight led them inside what looked to be a very long and lavish hallway, lit only by sunlight and candles. Down the hall, they were led and into a parlour-looking room.

"Wait here. The Major shall be here shortly," the knight said then he walked out of the parlour.

The four watched as two knights came and closed the double doors, finally hearing the sound of the lock twist into place.

Cam turned to the others. "At least we're together"