
The Otherworld Saga

Life in the town of River Springs was peaceful. It was the typical valley town where you knew your neighbours and had sunday dinner with strangers. Four young adventurous teens are the towns one concern. Imagination in a child is a great thing, but when their teens and still are up to old antics it had everyone worried. Sophie Sawyer, Cam Clarkson, Kevin King and Pierce Parker are the type of kids who sneak out at night to go hunting for monsters. So what happens when one of those nights leads to them discovering actual monsters? Read to see the world of “The Otherworld”

jaqueline_R · TV
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29 Chs

Data’s Talent Part 1

Pierce and Sophie slowly made their way through the Hall, making their way back to the West Wing.

Pierce held Sophie's arms, helping her to walk as her legs jiggle like jello, ready to collapse at any moment if Pierce let her.

He couldn't understand what happened. One moment he left her in the middle of the tavern while he went to ask some tipplers about what they had heard about the monster attack, and the next she was on the ground across the room, gripping her head as though she had been hit by a stone.

They reached the West Wing and walked down to Sophie's bed-chamber door. Pierce raised his hand onto the doorknob, turning it and pushing it open while he kept hold of Sophie.

He led her inside the bed-chambers, helping her walk and to sit on the couch at the foot of her bed.

He gazed down at her, concerned, beating into his heart. "What happened back there, Sophie?" Pierce asked her. His eyes never left her as he waited for her reply. He could see that whatever happened was serious, but it seemed she was trying to either dismiss it or hide it.

"Nothing, Pierce. It was just a headache. I've been stressing about what happened at the square," Sophie replied, her gaze on the floor.

Pierce knew that wasn't all, but he let it go.

If Sophie had an idea of what was going on, she was the kind to not share her idea until she knew it was the truth. When she found whatever it was she was thinking about to be true, then she would tell him, Data and Cameron.

Pierce nodded his head, giving Sophie a little smile. "Well, then I'll leave you to get some sleep," he said. He walked to the wooden door and just as he pulled it open he turned to face Sophie, "When you're ready, I'm here to listen," he said, then walked out of her room, closing the door behind him with a light click.

Sophie raised her head, her eyes locked on the door where Pierce had just walked out. She closed her eyes, raising her hands to cover them as she let out a frustrated sigh. 'Why can't I tell them? This involves them now?' Sophie thought to herself.

She let her head fall back against the back of the couch and let her hands fall limp beside her, her eyes opening to stare at the ceiling.

Back home when she had those dreams, hearing the voice speak to her was something she had kept to herself. She always thought it was just her child's mind trying to grasp what happened with her mom, and that was personal. She now, however, knew that it was never the child deep inside her mind trying to grasp what had occurred six years ago. No, it was a mysterious female voice trying to lead her to this world.

Sophie stood from the couch and walked to the large window by her bed. She gazed down at the village below, wondering just how innocent these townspeople were. Did they believe every word their government told them? Or were there some, like her great uncle, that knew they were keeping the full truth from them? She shook her head. She couldn't think about that right now or she would be up all night.

Repeating in her mind that she would think it over in the morning, Sophie walked from the window and to the wardrobe. She removed the nightgown from one of the hangers and changed into it. Then she placed the black dress onto the hanger in her hand and hung it back on the rail. She closed the red silk curtains, covering the room in darkness.

Sophie returned to the large queen-sized bed made of what felt to be a marshmallow mattress and satin sheets. The blanket that she used to keep herself warm was a light blue colour with intricate patterns of stag's antlers, going this way and that.

She laid back on the silk pillows and sheets, covering herself with the warm and furred blanket. Turning onto her side she closed her eyes and went to sleep.