

I don't know how I came to be here. I vaguely remember being on a battlefield shrouded in smoke, with deafening sounds of artillery fire, bullets whizzing wildly by my ears, and my comrades falling one after another... Suddenly, a violent explosion struck, and I lost consciousness in an instant. When I woke up again, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar world, a world belonging to monsters. The inhabitants here call themselves the Undying Race, and my grandfather is the patriarch of our clan. I learned many skills here and quickly grew into the clan's finest warrior. On the day of my training completion, I embarked on my first mission, marking the beginning of an incredible and wondrous journey. However, when I finally reached the end after enduring countless hardships, I suddenly discovered that everything was a lie... This is a fantasy lord struggle novel that tells the story of the protagonist Colin traveling to a different world, becoming a lord, and gradually growing into a generation of tycoons. The background of the story is set in a world where magic and technology coexist, where humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and other races live together. The protagonist Colin was originally an ordinary young man on Earth. He accidentally traveled to this different world and became a lord. However, the territory is on the verge of bankruptcy and surrounded by dangers. In order to survive and develop, Colin had to use his modern knowledge and way of thinking to carry out reforms in the territory. He developed agriculture, commerce, and military affairs, and gradually built a powerful army. At the same time, he also fought against other lords and races, and finally rose up in troubled times and became a generational hero.

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Military Order from the Duke



While walking on the streets of Ice Rock City, Colin touched his stomach and burped.


He had just come out of church and had a good drink of water.


It's just that the expected advancement didn't come.


There wasn't even a fever in the body.


Colin thought that the effect would not be that fast and that there would have to be some reaction time, so he waited patiently.


This wait lasted from early morning until sunset.


Still no response!


At noon, he felt a slight fever in his body.


But it's extremely unobvious.


Could it be that the dose is too low?


Colin was a little confused.


But at the same time, there was also some helplessness.


Last time, Archbishop Raven was extravagant and used a whole bottle of pure holy water to save him out of consideration for Vera and Marquis Garcia.


Now if he wanted to get some holy water to drink, he could only buy it with money.


But when he thought of the expensive price, Colin felt a twinge of pain.


I'm afraid that the Angele family could only spend all their money to buy the pool of holy water in the Ice Rock City Church.


But the diluted holy water alone may not be enough for him to advance to the third level.


Depressed, Colin went to the tavern next to the hotel and ordered a glass of deer blood wine to soothe his sorrows.


Night once again enveloped Ice Rock City.


Colin's hearing also becomes more sensitive at night.


So, Colin, who was slightly drunk, began to sit around in the pub while eavesdropping on various gossips.


After listening for a while, Colin discovered that the most discussed matter was the Marquis of Garcia forcing Marquis Charles to give up his title at the banquet last night.


Moreover, the vast majority of the people believed that Marquis Garcia's approach was very appropriate.


Marquis Charles must pay the price for his previous defeat.


However, not many people realize what a huge impact this incident will have on the situation in the north.


This isn't surprising either.


After all, they are just a group of ignorant civilians. What do they know about politics?


Many people do not really support Marquis Garcia, they just want to see Marquis Charles suffer misfortune.


Just as the arrest of corrupt officials always triggers cheers from the masses, the tragic experiences of those in power always allow those in power to gain some psychological balance.


As for whether this superior person really deserves it, that is secondary.


Besides the unlucky Marquis Charles, the other most discussed person in the tavern was Miss Vera, the Duke's adopted daughter who made her first public appearance in the North.


Especially when the night gets darker and more wine is drunk, Marquis Charles is gradually forgotten by everyone, and Miss Vera's name becomes the new focus of discussion.


Some people described Vera's appearance with confidence, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.


Some people spoke mysteriously about Vera's true identity as a mage, which immediately aroused a burst of surprise.


Colin took a closer look at the guy who revealed the identity of Master Vera, and found that he looked familiar.


They were probably the people who had experienced the "Great Escape" together.


He didn't care. Among those who fled together, Colin just wanted to find the filial son Sal, and then teach him a profound lesson.


However, some remarks about Vera in the tavern later caught Colin's attention.


Because many people are speculating about Vera's biological parents.


Colin suddenly discovered that Vera's biological parents seemed to be a mystery.


But since she could be chosen as the adopted daughter by Duke St. Hilde, Vera's biological parents must also be big nobles.


Who could it be?


Just when Colin was deep in thought, he suddenly heard some drunken men speaking very disrespectfully to Miss Vera under the influence of alcohol, and some of their remarks were really unpleasant.


Colin was furious after hearing this, and just when he was about to beat up these idiots at the expense of his own worth, he found that someone had taken action first.


As a result, the tavern instantly became lively.


Those who fight, those who watch, those who cheer...


The one who pretends to stop the fight but actually instigates it on purpose, the one who concentrates on watching but is accidentally injured, the one who gets so excited that he joins the fight...


The whole scene was chaotic, full of hormones that had nowhere to vent.


Only the owner of the tavern was crying and trying to stop the siege.


But these drunkards, who were aroused by Vera's name, could only vent their anxiety through this most primitive physical conflict, and they could not be stopped by a few words of persuasion.


Colin ordered another glass of deer blood wine and sat in the corner watching with great interest.


Finally, a fierce fight attracted a group of city defense troops.


In front of the heavily armed soldiers, these drunkards suddenly lost their temper. They were subdued one by one and squatted on the ground for interrogation.


According to the punishment for private fighting in the city, these people had to pay a fine of thirty copper coins, otherwise they would go to jail for ten days.


Some people paid the fines honestly.


But there are also some paupers who can't even afford thirty copper coins, and old fritters who can afford it but would rather go to jail.


The latter two were naturally taken away by the city defense army.


The tavern instantly became much more spacious.


But it's also a lot less interesting.


Colin finished his glass of wine and was about to go back to bed when he found an acquaintance walking in.


"Knight Bliss!"


Yes, the person who came was none other than the knight of the Saint Hilde family who fled with Colin.


Knight Bliss followed the sound and found Colin.


A rare smile appeared on his cold face, and then he walked over and sat down next to Colin.


"Your right hand..." Colin then noticed the other person's empty right arm.


After the Battle of Running River, Colin immediately fell into a coma, and Knight Bliss accepted Marquis Garcia's order and left before Colin woke up.


Therefore, Colin did not know that Bliss had become a one-armed warrior.


"It's nothing. I was just slightly injured in the battle at Running River." Knight Bliss said lightly.


Seeing that the other party didn't want to say more, Colin stopped dwelling on the topic and instead asked, "Want something to drink? I'll treat you."


"What did you drink?"


"Deer blood wine."


Knight Bliss glanced at Colin in surprise, as if he didn't expect that the seemingly gentle heir to the baron would have such a strong taste.


"Then give me a glass of the same."


Colin smiled slightly and ordered Bliss a glass of deer blood wine.


"Where did you go after the Battle of Running River?"


"Winter City."


Colin's eyes narrowed slightly and he quickly asked: "What are you going to do?"


But he seemed to realize something, and quickly added: "If it's not convenient to say it, forget it."


"Nothing inconvenient."


After the Battle of Running River, Knight Bliss seemed to have recognized Colin, and he seemed to say everything:


"On the order of Marquis Garcia, I went to Winter City to seek military orders from the Duke."


Colin secretly thought that it was true.


Then he asked: "So, what military orders did you bring back?"


This time, Knight Bliss hesitated for a moment, but still said:


"The Duke ordered Marquis Garcia to command the Black Cavalry Army and pursue the troll army that was evacuating the north."