
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH97: Beast mode in beastly moods

Outside Yuena'-space, I fly fast, toward the clashing forces, in tree-heights, and notice a running golden-lion,looking intelligent enough for conversation, yet weak enough to get information from, without worry, and decide to talk to it.

"Excuse me" I ask as I appear in front of it, and put my hand in front of my body, to stop it from keep on running, but it doesn't stop, and *bang*, like his mind is busy elsewhere, he hit my hand with his head, even though it saw me, stopping in place, while I keep standing in the same spot, with him in my hand.

'WHAT' I exhale in my mind, feeling enormous changes happen around my body, and hear Bi-Bi shouts (It evolves!.. Our spirit-soul!!.. It evolves!!!).

"NO!!!!" The golden-lioness, which I now feel some sort of connection to, shouts at me, and I look at her, not sure how to act.

"I'm... Ayn... a humanoid dragon..." I mumble my self-introduction, with my eyes opened wide, and confusion all over my face, while staring at the crying golden-lioness, who probably feel the connection to me as well.

*Sob*, "..My father will kill me..", *SOB*, she burst into a huge cry, and I unconsciously start patting her head, saying "..he won't ..don't worry ..I'm not sure what happened, but I promise to protect you ..Sorry for this whole incident, I never meant to take away your energies, or whatever it was..".

"THAT'S NOT ENERGIES! THAT'S MY THIRD-EYE! THE POWER OF DESTINY!", *SOB, SOB, SOBBBB*, the lioness shouts and go back to crying nonstop.

'Please help me' I tell Bi-Bi, Infi, and the others, and focus my space-energy on the lioness, sending her into Infinity, while reading her mind, finding out she ran away from a fight between a giant-eye-with-tentacles versus a blackish-huge-dragon.

I ponder 'Should I teleport, find Yuena, and ask her... No, I better see them with my eyes first!', and a second later start flying again, turning invisible, concealing myself the best I can, with minimal energy-signature left from flying, even using chi instead of soul power.

After few minutes, when the powerful-clashing-forces get stronger, I can now see in the sky a huge eye, with a diameter of more than 300 meters, and eighty-one tentacles, looking grim, evil, and disgusting, fighting against a huge-blackish-dragon, who fly while evading the incoming tentacles attacks, and shooting back lightning attacks.

I fly close to the dragon, saying "I'm Ayn! Gu Yuena partner! I'll help you! I'll go for a surprise attack! Be ready for him being paralyzed! Gather energy for a strong attack!", and *teleport*.

Standing behind the floating-giant-eye, on the ground, while watching the fighting continues, I wonder 'What will effect this enemy the hardest?'.

(It has immense spiritual powers, and Infi think space-powers are his strongest element) Bi-Bi say, and Junko then tell me {Let us out, we will use our powers, then wait for the black-dragon attack, and you should finish him off, getting his soul-ring!}, and I think 'that's an amazing plan, but what attack exactly?...'.

*BZZZZTTTT*, a red electric strike hit my body, as I'm standing in the evil-eye-domain-zone, which spread really wide, not letting me escape his force, but the electricity fuse into me, as I'm electricity myself, and I feel the power of destruction it contain, amazed by it power.

'Slowing-Beam!' I think, and gather time-energy, which I train daily, and *BEAM!*, shoot it at him, shouting "NOW!!!", as he freeze in place, and Bi-Bi, Bro-Ge, Junko, and Bijo-Mu, materialize, and begin a barrage of attacks.

*FIRE STORM!* hit his left-side.

*ICE STORM* hit his right-side.

Illusions cover the giant-eye-front.

*Ice spears!* penetrate his back.

I *teleport*,*Slash!*, ..., cutting tentacle, and do this over and over, till we hear a shout "GET AWAY!", and I *teleport* back, with them returning to the spirit-rings.

'Oh my... My energy is on the verge of depletion...' I think weakly, while watching the black-dragon, who transform to a humanoid-dragon, like me, just with black-body, and red-wings, create a huge spear-like-energy, made from electricity, and *Fwoosh!*, shoot it into the middle of the evil-eye.

*BZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTT!!*, the whole huge-eye-creature blaze with lightning.

<Enemy is escaping via space> Infi informs me, and a second later Bi-Bi shouts (Close-space-domain!), but I'm already on it, after hearing Infi, focusing my power as I go below the evil-eye, enclosing the space, with just me and him inside.

"How dare you attack the evil emperor?!?!" a humanoid-form appears, looking like a red-energy-existence, with a mask on his face, and he gather power, ready to attack me, when I turn my body to electricity, escaping a light-beam who strike from the sky.

'I got power for barely 1 full attack, while keeping this domain..' I think quickly, while evading his beams barrage, and he keep gathering energies.

I decide to go for the unpredictable-route, and fly in front of him, looking at his eyes, as he smirks at me, like I just lost, but I send a quick-mental-shock, which he negate, but then begin manipulating his energies, messing his conscious, and a second later, when I got his rhythm, I use my Nemu-Nemu-no-mi, Hypnotizing him to fall asleep, or rather, into an illusion his asleep.

I notice he let go of his gathered-energies, *teleport*, to behind him, with my sword coated with haki, and *swish! SLASH!!!*, send his head flying, *SLASH!*, cut his body to two, *SLASH*, cut his body to 4, *Slash*, *slash*, *slash*, ..., Even slashing some kind of core in him, ...

I land on the ground, while gathering my darkness-energy on his 'corpse', catching him into a spirit-ring, which somehow still got conscious, and fall down to lotus position, too tired, too exhausted, too occupied with absorbing this spirit-ring.

"I'll protect you, go for it" I hear the black-humanoid-dragon tell me as he land next to me, and I say "thanks", and go into deep-meditation, absorbing the ring, and feel a new fight erupt.


Few hours later, opening my eyes, I lie-down on the floor, so exhausted, I can barely keep my eyes open, and whisper weakly "can you take me home, please? or just somewhere safe for few hours?", hoping the black-dragon still here, and fall unconscious.


Waking up, feeling a soft womanly-touch on my forehead, I grab the hand, put it on my lips, kiss it, and hug it to my cheek, pulling it to big-spoon me.

The hand resist me, pulling back, and I moan in sadness "ummmm", and roll over, while opening my eyes, but almost fall out of bed, yet luckily, a green-hair-woman, with green-eyes, and with a pair of small-white-wings who go out from her head, like horns, stops me.

"Good morning, Miss... , mmm, oh, Mr.blackie brought me here? Thank you..." I blubber-mumble, gazing at her eyes, behind her glasses, seeing they're actually yellowish eyes, and she look cutely at me, and a glare-contest start between us, not averting our eyes.

"Good morning, I'm Bi Ji... Are you the legendary humanoid-dragon, who try to assemble all the beast together?" she asks me, and I smile, saying "Animals, creatures, not beasts, and Yeah! You know of it! .. Why an angel like you haven't joined us yet?" I ask while pouting.

"I live by my own-rules, staying neutral, only helping the injured" she say, but I feel she got immense powers, not as much as that black-dragon, yet she's no doubt in his level.

"Am I not neutral?" I ask, and she smile awkwardly, while going out, and returning a moment later, with the human-form-black-dragon, who says "Good morning, I'm Di Tian, Sir Ayn".

"Sir?" I chuckle, and *Cough, Cough*, feeling the fight-residue was a life-or-death kind of situation, even if it was short, and I totally overpowered him, but even then, I almost died, proving this new spirit-ring must be shockingly awesome.

"Lord?.. Emperor?.." Di-Tian asks, and I open my eyes wide, then narrow my eyes down, and say "Ayn, call me Ayn, and if you wanna be friends, then cool, but this whole subordinate-bs, it's just weird, drop it off".

"See?" Di-Tian talk to Bi-Ji, "He's as weird as I told you, Can you believe he defeated the Evil-Eye-Tyrant-Emperor?".

"Yes, I can", Bi-Ji answers, "There was a lot of destruction force roaming inside his body, together with dark, light, lightning, and other energies, who are type-cast for such said creatures'-attack".

I burst laughing, saying "Damn, you're so cute and serious, so, are you also a dragon? no, no way, you... you must be... mmm.... cute plus gentle plus useless wings equals... A Swan?" I ask, confused myself, feeling I turned an idiot, cause the best answer I could find, and description, sounded kinda off.

"Yes, I am an Emerald-Swan" Bi-Ji say, but look at me in doubt, as she can see the shock in my face, asking "Why are you shocked?", and I tell her "That was some wild guess going right, wow, so... thank you, Bi-Ji, and you too, Di-Tian".

"You? Thank me? You saved my life" Di-Tian exhale, kinda angry, and I smile at him, saying "So you can say thank you, you know? And you saved mine as well, so..." I answer, and his face change to a smile, finally, saying "Thank you", and suddenly Bi-Ji, this cold-attitude-scientist-looking-woman also smiles.

"Hmm... How long was I out?" I ask, and Di-Tian tells me "I just finished breakfast, want some?", making me realize I was out for almost a day, but think 'That's weird, this injuries, the time it took to assimilate the ring, everything here, it's too long...? Any idea? Infi?'.

Infi responds after a minute, while Bi-Ji check upon me, <According to estimations, you had a certain godly-trial, who appears after reaching level 70, but was bygone in Infinity, without you noticing anything, and now came to you, after you acquired your 6th spirit-ring. Self-body-check is recommended>.

I ask 'What about the lioness?', while standing up, asking Bi-Ji "where can I find a mirror?", and she gaze at me, answering "this is a forest", confusing me by the way they live, and take out a mirror, looking at myself.

'Another change, ah, the girls will like it...' I think while ripping off my half-torn-shirt, seeing the muscles on my body got sculptured, looking detailed like an art pieces, and begin channeling soul-power, seeing some sort of armor appears around my body, covering most parts.

Then, I change to my humanoid-dragon-form, and a loud gasp come from behind me, and instead of looking back, I'm still dazed by my look, feeling '...I really look like a dragon-god now...', as my golden-wings can't even open completely in the medical-tent we're in, yet the majestic view is mesmerizing, and kinda effect my whole body, as the mismatch colors, from the spirit-bones, turned yellowish-black, with the colors who were there before staying as linings.

"You're really a dragon-god?" Bi-Ji question me, and I turn back, seeing her looking cutely-shy at me, and I sense the bloodline suppression I got, when I'm next to other creatures, mostly near those who are sensitive for it, effecting her as well.

I almost begin flirting, feeling my lust, but just then, *fwoosh*, Junko and Bi-Bi materialize, standing beside me, checking out Bi-Ji, while introducing themselves to her and Di-Tian.

'Bi-Bi.. In that butterfly costume... I want her...' I think loudly in my head, and Bi-Bi turn her head, put her leg on her other leg, flashing me her thong, who sank into her love-hole, and drool almost drop out of my mouth.

"Let's finish this conversation later" I tell Bi-Ji, asking her "Where do you usually hang out?".

"Here, mostly, this is my clinic" Bi-Ji say, and I *Chuckle*, yet from awkwardness, as this place ain't nothing but a mere tent, not a hospital, and she's at least 400,000 years old, so it kinda a sorry state to be in.

"Okay, I'll come with a thank you gift" I tell her with a smile, stand up, stretch, say "see ya soon", take Junko and Bi-Bi, and *teleport*.

In the lake-tree-house, in the forest, I materialize Bi-Bi, while sitting on bed, and she appears, wearing even less then she wore a second ago, with golden-ornaments covering her whole body instead of her lingerie, reminding me Yuena'-costume I saw in the past.

I pull Bi-Bi on top of me, softly kissing and touching every part of her beautiful sexy loli body, whispering "I wonder how butterflies do love", and transform myself to a butterfly as well, using my illusion-ring, with wings and black-golden clothing.

Bi-Bi try to move up, but just then, "Mmmmm...", I shove my cock into her, and begin flying, while turning invisible, making love in the air as we fly through the forest, moaning freely, shouting our love to each other.

"I. Love. You. UUUuuuuu.." Bi-Bi cutely moan, leaking a stream of her love fluids to me, and I cum with her, in a daze, making no sound, just staring at her perfection.

"...My wife ..Maybe ..A wedding dress?" I whisper, playing with the wedding-ring on her finger, and she *giggle*, getting my dick out of her, but still sit on my lap, in the air, and suddenly *fwoosh*, turn her clothes to a full-white-dress.

"Oh, cute" I tell her, but she pout, and *fwoosh*, change her clothes.

"MM... Sexy!" I say and let my hands roam her body, seeing her shyly smile in joy, probably getting the reaction she wished for.

I watch her bosom hidden in an almost transparent white dress, if that small veil can even be called a dress, and *Rip* her thong, going back inside of her.

"Will you be my wife? Forever?" I ask, and she laugh, saying "too late, Big, Bad, Dragon, you're already my husband for eternity", and *Fwoosh*.

Bi-Bi still in the same clothes, but, instead of a loli-outlook, she's now fully an adult, and I feel the sort of charm I can only feel from a queen, like Hancock, or Yuena, that cold-detached-attitude, with an ethereal beauty, who feels not from this world, and all I wanna do is soak my body into her.

"My queen, You're... MMmM..." I try speaking, yet Bi-Bi think otherwise, dancing on my lap, giving me a dick-massage, with her pussy, and I just watch the show, while 'returning the favor', massaging her bosom, thinking out loud "Can we make a baby? You being spirit-ring and all?", wishing for it from the bottom of my heart.

"If you pass godhood... Infi told me... ahhhhhh... I love you... so much..." Bi-Bi keep riding me, and I fly us back home, till we reach the bedroom, and land on the bed, after making our love rain all over the forest.

*fwishh*, Bi-Bi lie-down on the bed, changing her clothes, plus look, again.

Drool go out of my mouth, and I quickly gasp, looking at the veil on her head, held by a crown, the golden-choker on her neck, the white gloves, held by golden-arm-bracelets, and the thong-string, which she pull, but most of all, her boobs, her giant boobs, enormous boobs, that she changed to.

"My wife..." I whisper while removing the veil from her face,

"You just awakened..." I cut my words by kissing her lips, deeply, passionately,

"The wild husband mode..." I lower my head to her bosom, water-boating my face in between her breast, sliding down the white-bra/shirt, held by a golden-frame, and marvel at her huge boobs, taking a nipple into my mouth, sucking, biting, it, while teasing, pinching, twisting, the other,

"I wish us eternal happy marriage.." I whisper, pushing my body upon her, connecting us in the deepest meaning there is, and begin a harsh, rough, piston, watching her tits jump up and down, to the sounds of her cute lustful moans,

"Let's practice.." I moan as I sit on my knees, holding her by her waist,

"How to make babies...", and I raise her body into the air, humping her quicker, harder, deeper, every thrust, breaking her apart, as I'm already broken just from seeing her perfection.


"..I love you so much .. I'm so happy .." Bi-Bi tell me, while lying-down on top of me, between my legs, and playing with my dick, showing a more crazy-in-love-face, rather than an ahegao-face, after all the numerous rounds we did, that make her charm reach another level.

"Then maybe... Show it to me?" I tease her, and she beam a smile, climb on top of me, take me back into her, and begin to dance, jump, fuck, make love, and showing me the full glory of her marvelous body, as I gaze at her bouncing boobs, who hypnotize me to stupor.

"We're not goona sleep tonight..." I moan, feeling like I'm drowning in lust, and a new wild love session erupt between us.


Waking up, I look at Bi-Bi besides me, who's awake, and in a identical look for the way she was when we first kissed, in a childish, yet mature, red lingerie, playing with a red apple, and I feel love, real love, as I cuddle into her, wishing to make sweet-slow-love, forever, with her.


"I'll go meet Yuena, ask her about everything, and then tour around" I tell Bi-Bi after we finish eating breakfast, flirt a bit more, before she go back inside Infinity, and I *Teleport*.


"Yuena?" I shout from the top-cloud in Point-Nemo, 'seeing' she's not here, and begin fly around, to the palace, forest, and finally reach the city, where I find all the girls, tying-up a blond-man, probably a criminal from the ground-below, as he has no wings.

I say "Good day, all", and go to each, passing them the memories of all that happened in Soul-land, and while all the girls busy appreciating my new outlook, wishing to go back and see my improved-dragon-form, Yuena stand in a daze.

I read her mind, trying to understand who's this man is, but find out her mind pre-occupied with the thoughts of her suborfinates, in the forest, and discover there's a whole other continent, in soul-land, I never went to, and that creature was more than just a though-foe, he was probably the strongest creature, who isn't a god, in the whole soul-land world.

I take out my spirit-rings, as Yuena'-mind asking about it, and she look at my 6th-spirit-ring of my brain'-eye-spirit, which show a red-ring, with 8 golden-dots, signaling it's 800,000 years old, and suddenly, she burst laughing happily, saying "you took out my enemy, that's awesome... I should probably go back there now... hmm... there's much needed to be done...".

I go toward the 'criminal' they caught, reading his mind, finding out his really a bastard-criminal, who wish to rob the place, and then become Don-flamingo subordinate, and I laugh, as I knock him out, take his devil fruit away, and teleport him to the prison, thinking 'one less future trouble...'.