
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH95: Inmate of my own Intimation and Intimidation

"There, there, cutie.. cute baby man.." Perona joke with me, trying to raise her hand to pat my head, but not reaching it, and we both laugh at her just patting my shoulder in the end.


'Why am I so attracted to her? Is it her personality? This gothic style? The big eyes? sexy body?...' I wonder while we keep hanging out together, having a nice conversation, chatting freely, eating, exposing ourselves to each other, till I think I wasn't wrong in what I initially thought about her.

"Okay, cutie, I'm goona clear up the area, one of my wives is a former-crew-mate of straw-hats, and she wanna save'em... What you wanna do?" I ask Perona while my eyes glued to her bosom.

She squeeze her bosom onto me, eke her boobs, and I focus my eyes at hers, seeing her taking her tongue out, making a "blahhh" sound, teasing me, and I shyly smile.

She look down, sadly, and I tell her "I won't kill no one, just paralyze them, okay?...", and I read her floating thoughts, finding she have compassion for that Moria, but she's a good-person, gentle, having a good-nature in her, even though she's part of this corrupted-evil-pirate-crew, plus have a weird kink to cute-things, but it's also kinda like most women, or better say, humans, cause who doesn't like cute things.

"I'll send you into a different place, where my wives live, then finish the business here, and we can know each other better? Okay, cutie?" I ask, waiting to see her response.

"..Did I really... Did that... With you..?..." She asks quietly, and I narrow my eyes, thinking out loud, "What?", and she respond "..When I was.. sleeping..", and with a stern face, I look straight into her big shiny eyes, saying "I'm sorry for entering a maiden bedroom.. you were so peaceful, and beautiful.. but I really just lied-down, and didn't touch you.. I prefer kill myself then sexual abuse a woman..".

"That didn't answer the question" she look at me like she doesn't care about it.

"..You hugged me like a hug-pillow.. Lovingly.. And.. You're so cute, stop bullying me!" *chuu*, I begin to talk, but her face, gazing at me, push me to stupor, and I kiss her cheek.

"..okay.." persona say shyly, running around in her room, and quickly run around, packing her things, letting me realize she decided to come with me, and drop the whole jerking-in-sleep-issue, at least for now.

When she finally finish, I take her suitcases into Infinity, and she sit next to me, while I focus on my space-energy.

*Chuu*, Persona lips land on mine, kissing me, and a moment later she smile, and disappear, moving into Infinity, with me still sitting there, in a daze, and a smirk slowly appear in my lips, as I touch them, and happiness wash me, thinking '..How cute is she..'.

'Oh, I spent way too long with her...' I think as I sense what's going on around me, and notice we spent lots of time together without feeling how time fly by, and begin to fly around, while turning invisible.

'So... shadows are like a secondary-soul of humans...Is it real?... Or... Is he turning them to vampires? But then again, what's that shadow-of-living-creature Moria steal?' I ask in my head, questioning the information I got from Perona.

<I presume more information is needed for a concrete resolution> Infi remarks, and I agree with her, thinking 'Perona really didn't care about all of the thing, with her silly dream of a cute-things-country, just wasting her time in this floating-castle-island-ship, growing up in this weird environment...'.

I suddenly see the blue-hair-guy run up the stairs, while crying, and choose to ignore this weirdo, flying to the lab-basement-like-room I saw in Perona'-memories.

I land inside the castle, and feel the whole ground shaking, and sense a sudden source of power appears from there, and running inside, I can hear a shout, "MEAT!!!!".

I keep running inside, and reach the feet of a giant, and 'see' high above, on a platform, lots of zombies, and also the guy I stole the devil-fruit from in the past, together with an ugly old man wearing a lab-coat, and another huge man, who screams commands, making it clear his the boss.

'I better deal with the small-fries first' I think as I fly up, touch the man with the lab-coat, that a zombie-woman called Dr.Hogback to, and *teleport*.


Inside the world-government prison, on the desert-floor, I leave that man, knock-out, and *teleport*.


I grab the guy I stole the devil-fruit from, doing the same thing.

Then, I begin expelling the zombies 'souls', watching their ghostly-energy escaping their bodies, as they drop down and stop moving, while all around me zombies keep arriving, bringing food, till one of them yell something about not giving the giant salty-fish.

'Isn't salt is an easier way to solve it all?' I think, and fly after the zombies, into the kitchen, expel them, and grab all the salt I can find, which ain't a lot, meaning they got some brain left, and fly back, near the giant'-mouth, and throw the salt inside.

"NO!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" the giant man, who seems to be Moria, one of the seven warlords of the sea, yells, and shocked to reveal his zombies dwindle to less then half, even not finding his Dr, or other side-kicks.

'I better take him down, not wasting energy on another small-fry' I decide, but suddenly the giant keep moving, as the salt didn't make the effect I thought it will, and *BOOM!*, his fist hit the wall, as he scream "YUCK! I'LL FIND FOOD MYSELF!", and run out.

'...Well... Still the same..' I think as I go behind Moria, concealing my blood-lust, clearing my mind to emptiness, while gathering energy, till I feel I got enough power, and *FWOOSH!*.

My fist, coated with energy, fly toward Moria.

*BOOM!*, my fist hits his body.

*EXPLOSION!*, his whole body explode, shocking me, but a second later I realize it was his devil-fruit probably, not his powers, and remember 'Haki is a must in this world!!!', while moving quickly to the side, as I see the black-shadowy-energy gather again, but separated from the real-body of him.

*PUNCH!* I hit Moria in the face, not holding back, while coating my whole arm in haki, and he hit the wall, breaking it, and his body fly outside.

I quickly fly after him, and before he can recover, *KICK!* him, sending his body down, aiming into the water, knowing it's a K.O. in the moment his body land there.

*KICK!*, I hit him again, feeling he's still conscious, and gathering energies.

*SPLASH!*, his body hit the water, and quickly he begin to drawn, as I fly above him, throwing a rope around his neck, tie it up, and plan my next move, while the whole island shakes, thanks to the super-massive-giant he created with Luffy shadow, who jumped off the ship'-mast.

I drag Moria close to shore, keeping his body inside the water, and sit on a small plank of wood, floating near him, as I focus my 'dark-energy', shifting it inside his body, separating the devil-fruit from him, who seems to be rooted deeply, just like it was with Crocodile.

'This world is... Every major power is around devil-fruit + Everywhere there's sea = Easy kills... The only redemption for it it's how stupid people here are, not exploiting it, at least from what I saw till now...' I think while keep condensing his devil energy and push it outside.

... 'FINALLY!' I shout in my head, as a blackish-round-fruit inside green leaves appears in my hand, and I store it, passing it to Robin and co. , and *teleport*.


Leaving Moria, who passed out, inside the prison'-desert, I smile, and *teleport* back.


'Say, did that electricity-man woke up already?' I suddenly remember about him, and think in my head, hearing Bi-Bi answering (nope, nothing, Robin say Enel is still in coma), and feel lost, as I'm sure he had some important information, talking about lots of islands in the sky, that no one but him knows of, except the roads how to get there.

'I can't read strong foes mind when they're powerful... but when I weaken them, by stealing their devil-fruit, it seems they fall into coma... Maybe I should go back to my sea-water-prison-idea...' I think about future plan, relaxing it's all over for now.

I fly back in the island, and only now notice there was a huge fight, by the amount of destruction made all over, who makes me angry, as I planned to own this island-ship.

I fly to the giant-corpse of the red-giant, who's lying-down, still invisible, and land down on him, while looking down, seeing the four straw-hats, plus the blue-hair-guy, and also a talking-skeleton with an afro on his head, and suddenly another guy appears, with a weird-bear-hat on his hand and a bible in his hand.

<It's Bartholomew Kuma!! The 'Tyrant'!! One of the 7 warlords of the sea!!> I hear Perona shouting in my head, wondering 'Do they sit next to a screen or something? How do they see what I see from there?', and hear Infi <You are correct, there is a room-space in Infinity, where I am, and so are the others>, and I smile, thinking 'As long as you're all together, having good times, it's the best'.

I shift my focus back to the ground, where this Kuma asks "Where can I find Gecko Moria?", and Luffy shouts back at him "WE DON'T KNOW! WHO ARE YOU?", as Kuma shifts his gaze to him.

"You are... Monkey D. Luffy... Is it true you have an older brother?" Kuma asks him, and Luffy responds "Yeah! Ace! Why??", feeling threatened by him, as he should, as Kuma is tall, well-built, move like he can teleport, and oozing with power.

"I see... So it was true..." Kuma say, while I walk down slowly from the corpse, but see on the corpse'-hand posters glued there, with the faces of the straw-hats, laughing to myself, mostly from how ugly the blond-dude look like.

'Should I expose myself? In a fake look? Or wait and see how it develop?' I ask in my head, but hear no response, as the giant-ship softly keep shaking, the sky kinda defogging, and looking up, I see the sails fully-opened.

"Did you defeat Moria?" Kuma asks, and Luffy yells back "NO! I JUST GOT HERE!", and Kuma asks "Like you didn't defeat Crocodile?", and he yells "I DIDN'T DEFEAT CROCODILE!", and I look in shock, *giggling*, yet kinda feel guilty, as it all fall on him.

'I better solve this...' I think as I write a note, writing 'Robin hood been here. 2 out of 7, wanna be the 3rd?', make a paper-plane out of it, and throw it toward Kuma, who catches before it hits him, open, read it, and look around himself, like he's searching for me.

"WHAT'S THAT??" Luffy yell at Kuma, and Kuma start asking questions again, till the blue-hair-guy rattle me out, saying "..OH! I saw someone here! He asked me if I'm with the straw-hats!", and I think 'I saved your sorry-ass-life, ahh, this crew is all clowns.. Bro-code ain't really exist...'.

Slowly, lots of people start appearing, from everywhere, and from all sort of origins, from Navy, to pirates, citizens, merchants, animal-creatures, etc, and already more then a thousand surround the place, making the vibes become cheerful, shouting happily about freedom.

'Can I take this whole island-ship into Infinity?' I think, while the fog almost disappeared completely now, and hear <You can>, and I thank Infi, and look at Kuma, wishing to know his powers, or capabilities, or at least his plans.

'Why do I feel my powers getting stronger?' my mind preoccupied again, as I feel some sort of pure-energy sip into my body, from everywhere, like thousands of small particles, and Infi shock me, telling me <Divinity energy is given by a prayer and sincere thanks>, and I stand in stupor.

The sun suddenly rise from the distance, signaling we left the dark-space, and even more people show up from anywhere, with the vibes becoming even happier.

"..So it would seem.." I wake up from my stupor, seeing Kuma talks on a snail-phone, probably informing about the situation, and hear from there "Obliterate everyone who's on thriller-bark!..".

At that second, I decide to act, gathering ice-energy, and shoot it in a round-stormy-breeze, in a mere second, not letting him react in time, till his whole body is like a huge ice-berg, with him in the middle.

*Creak,creak,creak,..*, the ice-berg crack, and shutter into pieces, and in that moment, *SWISH!*, a fire-storm hits him, but he raise his right-hand, and it disappears.

I take my sword out, gather energy, coat my body and arm with haki, and *teleport*.

*SLASH!*, I wave my sword at his hand, and flap, it falls off, *Clang!*, a sound of metal is heard, and I look down, seeing he's a robot, not a human, even though I feel he's using a devil-fruit, confusing me about this situation, thinking 'I already saw a bazooka-devil-fruit, so why not a robot?'.

He turns his face, in shock, looking humanly, at the invisible-me, like he can see me, and I *teleport* in the moment he raise his left-hand.

*Slash!*, I cut his left-hand, *Clang!*, if falls-down, and I *Punch!* his body, sending him flying away, into the forest, and fly after him, *Kick!*, make him land inside the water, and just like Moria, I tie him up, extract his devil-fruit, send him to the desert-prison, and come back, feeling exhausted, tired, but happy, as I looted 2 devil-fruits, plus a whole ship-island.

"For real? A party?" I think out loud while walking back into the island, looking at the people partying, and almost beginning to attack them, when I hear Nami, saying <Please make sure they're safe>, and I *exhale*, change my look to be like Kuma, and appear in the middle of the party.

"YOU HAVE 10 MINUTE TO LEAVE THIS ISLAND, BEFORE MASSACRE WILL OCCUR!" I shout, and the people faces change colors, till panic erupt, and they all begin running away.

"I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU! LET'S FIGHT!" Luffy shouts at me, even though his crew cowardly try to shut-him-up, and escape.

'He's mental, that's for sure... A man who doesn't know how to choose his fights... How is he still alive?' I wonder while looking bored at him, and just before a fight begin, his crew drag him by his legs, with his head hitting the floor, as they run to their ship.

'I can't believe they changed ship in the end...' I think as I hover above their ship, who's the last to leave the island, and stick a huge written paper to the ship'-wall, 'When you arrive to Sabaody, go to Mangrove 13', and fly back to the island-ship.


After spending a long time, from gathering all my wives for a week vacation, finding temporary solutions, like a babysitter for Gohan, etc, and informing Rayleigh and Shakky about the straw-hats, asking of them to somehow educate and train them, promising to pay, and they said they'll test them, and maybe agree, plus storing the island-ship into Infinity, I finally ready to relax a bit.


Outside the cloud-palace, located right below the giant-jack-house, in Point-Nemo, my island in the sky, I begin spreading my space-energy, letting all the women step outside.

Raki, Conis, and Yuena already sitting in the house entrance, while the girls start to appear, and I see Robin, Nami, Alison, Persona, Mia, Wu, Rongrong, Zhuqing, Lazuli, Chi-Chi, and Bulma, holding baby-trunks, coming out last, complaining to me about missing the meeting with her friend-scientist, and that 'I'll regret it', and I apologize, telling her we'll meet soon, after the vacation.

I begin teleport back and forth, moving here Hancock, Roxanne, Rebecca, Viola, Lya, Shyarly, Shirahoshi, and Vivi, and Junko and Bing-Bi materialize, as I finally collapse on the ground, tired.

I slowly float inside, 'seeing' what they're all doing, and when I get to the garden, in the back of the new castle they've built for me here, I watch the girls partying, chilling, mingling, and land inside the pool edge, beaming a happy smile.

A teasing competition begins, as some girls surrounds me, while fabrics slowly disappears from the area, except towels, and I let the leftover energies in me to sip-out, to the nature, making trees and flowers grow everywhere around us.

"I ! LOVE ! YOU !" I shout with all Iv'e got, like I'm announcing the start of the vacation, officially, and while things start rolling, the realization of my life sinks into me, letting me understand how much I achieved, which is much more then power, wealth, or health, but mainly, those sexy women, my women.

While I keep ogling them with my eyes, my lust spreads like fire in a dry wheat field, I think 'I can probably make this week last for a month, or more, if I use my powers right..', and suddenly feeling cornered, and a legendary fights begins, 1-VS-24, with another 2 flirting, teasing, and doing almost everything, except penetration.


At nights, we party freely, doing every idea that comes to mind.


At days, we party all the same, roaming the beaches, touring the cities, chilling in the house, garden, or forests, and doing lots of sports, fun, and most of all, 'fun'.


After a few days, in the morning, while I'm around Zhuqing, Lazuli, Persona, and Lya, I watch the scenes in front of me, as Vivi and Yuena jump on Mia, ogling her, while on the other side, Bulma and Conis flirting with each other, and right next to me, I see Wu and Rebecca in 69, and I think 'Oh, Wow, They're so intimate with each other, best thing ever...', and moan in joy, while Alison jumps on me, taking me inside her.


At night, having a party after dinner, while Nami, Chi-Chi, and Junko, cuddle into me, I look around and see Wu sitting on Rebecca's lap, kissing deeply, and ponder, while my lust gets over-board, once again 'Is a harem mentality suppose to be like this? Intimate between the women? Or is it bad? Like, is it a mere lesbian play? And even if it's not, is it good? bad? should I be happy?...'.


In the morning, sitting on the beach, on a blanket, near Robin and Conis, I ask them about my wondering-thoughts, and surprised when Robin begin to laugh, asking me "Are you jealous when one of your wives kiss another one of your wives?", and Conis smirks cutely.

"No? Not really, kinda enjoying it, and feel happy you're all close and intimate" I answer, and they both look at me, *giggle*, and begin kissing, and look at my face, testing me out, and I pull them both at me, 3-way-kissing.

"...just so you know..." Robin whispers to my ear, "...a girl on girl doesn't make them lesbians... we're not like men...", and I begin realize there's coherent differences between genders, not just physically, but mentally, perceptively, conceptually.

I look to the side, feeling more sensitive then ever to lust-energy, and see Nami and Rongrong touching each other, flirting, reminding me how close they got last night, in the huge pillow fight we had all over the place.

I unconscionably *teleport*, and just as their lips about to touch, I shove my cock in the middle, thinking 'Maybe I am jealous?'.

*Chuu*,*Chuu*,*Slurp*,*Lick*, they passionately make out, for real, not just softly teasing, like they did when I looked at them from afar, and I get extremely excited from the situation, fondling a boob in each hand, thinking 'Or maybe I ain't?'.