
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH92: Waves of change

"Hmm, Koneko, Right? What... What's..." I try to ask Koneko, who sit on my lap, why she's doing that, but she gaze at me, in an expressionless, emotionless, eyes, while munching a bagel, and I begin to laugh, not even sure why, and shift my focus to the others.

Akeno begin cooking, but it seems like a bust, and she'll probably prepare charcoal, not food, but I choose to shut up.

Rias is still nibbling a bread, with bread-crumbs on her cheek, and I help her wipe it with a towel.

She raise her head, looking cutely at me, with her hands on her chest, playing with her fingers, acting shy, and I tell her "What about cooking?", and she smile, walking over to Akeno's side.

"And you?" I ask Grayfia, who says nothing, and I pat Koneko head, moving her aside, and go bring Grayfia a drink, giving everyone an apron, and begin to also cook.

"What are the prizes?" I ask everyone, looking at Rias making smoke, not food, but hide my smile.

"Admit I'm right! And you're wrong!" Erina demand, and I respond "Wait, we're also here", and she gaze at me and Serafall, saying "Whatever you want, but if I win, you must obey my 1 command".

'Damn, is she trying to have fun, or take control over the world?' I wonder about Erina cold-act, but prefer to remain silent.

I look at the others, who look puzzled, so I declare "Winner will be ...", and *drum,drum,drum,drum...*, hitting the table for attention and drama, "...WIN! ALL THE LOSERS! Will be his servants, or maids, until the party is over!".

They all freeze in shock, and Rias is about to deny it, so I just laugh, saying "Joking... The winner... The winner can choose what we're goona do after eating, like what activity, okay?", and they all smile at me, even Erina.

"I can use any ingredients, right?", I ask Erina, "...I got close to zero experience in cooking...".

Erina *chuckle*, while holding a steaming pot, almost dropping it, and say "sure, whatever you think will help you lose less face".

I smirk, light up the whole gas-stoves, put a huge frying-pan on top, pour olive oil and few veggies, and then pull out from my space a huge sea-king steak, put only pepper and salt, flip it after a few minutes, and take it out, to a giant plate, placing it on the table.

'It's not cheating, right?' I ponder in joy, smelling the intoxicating aroma who took over the room, watching the drool going out from everyone mouths, seeing them all surrounding the table like zombies in apocalypse, who just heard a noise, and grabbing a slice like survivors in apocalypse, who found food after a week without any.

"Cooking is easy" I say with a smirk, looking at Erina, who almost burst in curses, but hold herself back, saying "It's the ingredients! Not you!! What fish is that???".

*Chuckle*, I say nothing, and go taste her dish, and in the second I take a bite, I fall down on the seat, falling in love at the soup I just tasted, who look crystal-clear, with not a single sign of any ingredient in it, but tastes like the liquid-form of a fresh-vegetables-field in harvest-day.

"Wow, you're more then just talking" I say in surprise at Erina, who's her turn to smirk now, flapping her hair, like an arrogant princess who won an argument, but a second later grab another slice of my fish-dish, making me relax in happiness.

I go pour wine-glasses for everyone, and watch them finish the whole huge-plate, with even Grayfia digging in, like she's not a maid, but one of us, making me wonder, 'Rias, Akeno, and Koneko, act with a lot of respect to her, even Serafall'.

I check Grayfia out, and discover she's powerful, the second most powerful of the girls, after Serafall, with Akeno holding a power similar to electricity of some kind, and Rias has some destructive-red-energy in her, but Koneko got animalistic-vibe to her powers, leaving only Erina as 'normal'.

Erina keep taking bites, but just get angrier, and keep asking me, or more like demanding, "WHAT FISH IS THAT? What's this vegetables?? Where did you get that salt??? ...".

"Really? Even the salt is a surprise?" I ask in wonder, and she tell me "I can taste, and know, from where every salt is! This is the first time I don't recognize ingredients in my life!!".

"Well, there's a town somewhere, who's hit by a tsunami every few years... But those people are smart, protecting themselves, and after each time, they harvest the salt who wash into their land, making it the best salt in the world, deep ocean salt!" I tell her the story I heard from a cook in Water-7, at Red-line, and she gaze upon me, enjoying the story.

"And the other? The fish??" Erina interrogate me, and I respond "I'll tell you when we'll go on our date", and smile, but she going Tsundere on me, so I tell her "Hey! You promised to anything, that was the bet!", and just as she's about to argue, the girls look at me, as Rias asks "So what you wanna do now?".

"Karaoke party!!" Serafall jump in joy, shouting, and I laugh, nodding in agreement.

Koneko run to her left-alone-dessert she was making, and I ask Erina "Please help her out?", and she smile, like she also won, going to help the others, giving them quick-tips on cooking. Not responding to my joke about a date.


Waking up, with a hang-over from last night, after we kept playing, singing, dancing, drinking-games, and somewhere in the middle I just got tipsy, walked to my room, and fell asleep, wishing to wash this unpleasant-alcoholic-feelings, which I find kinda disgusting, like 1-glass-wine is more then enough for alcoholic-joy for a human in a day.

I shake up from my thoughts as I discover I hug someone, a naked someone, a sexy curvy someone, and *fwoosh*, move the blanket.

"Huuuu... An angel..." I mumble, gazing at Rias' perfection, bare naked perfection, the body I just hugged a second ago.

*Giggle*, I turn around to see who's divine laughter is that, and see Akeno, bare naked, sitting on her knees, like me, next to me, and I feel drool coming out of my mouth, blubbering "..I'ma make babies with her..I'll have a baby-daughter as perfect as Akeno..", and slowly move toward her.

"mmmm..." I hear a noise near my legs, under the blanket I just threw off, and raise it quickly, looking at a Koneko, but a cat-version-Koneko, with fluffy-ears, gazing at me with her golden-eyes, a smile, and do *Nyaaaa..*, and I fall into a daze.

Suddenly, the bathroom-door opens up, and Erina step outside, with a night-gown, looking shyly at me, making me wonder 'What have I done last night?? I Remember nothing!! No way!!'.

(HAHAHAHAHA, You did nothing, idiot, they just sneak-inside when you went to sleep..) Bing-Bi voice make me relax, cause all of this was obvious, yet, shockingly not.

'So why?' I ask in my head, and hear Junko laughing {for a lusting dragon, you sure are dense sometime}, and I think 'I love you, Junko, Bing-Bi, BUT, I'm not a wild-animal?, no, wait.. at least I control my urges?, no, wait.. at least try?..'.

<I advice you to stop before the but> Infi says, and I laugh, thinking 'Infi, you're timing is in the comical range, and I love you too, no but', and I wait for her response, but there's none.

"Okay, it's probably a dream, about me sleeping with a bunch of angels, so I better enjoy it" I say in a stupor-way, grab Erina's hand, Akeno's, and pull them to me, as we fall down next to Rias, and Koneko, and I hug them all tightly, cuddling together.

I'm always naked when I sleep because my clothes are made of energy, so right now, I feel my erection rubbing against some of them, yet act like nothing is wrong, not letting them go, and to my surprise, none try to.

I control my impulse to do more then just hug, holding myself back, and consequently, fall asleep.


"MMmmm..." I cuddle in bed while waking up, but find myself in an empty bed, rolling around it in disappointment, but feel the wind coming from the window, with the curtains also open, and decide to go up to close it.

Opening my eyes, looking there, I see Rias, sitting on the open-window, with flowers everywhere, and flying flower-petals around her, looking mesmerizing.

I just take a blanket, rap myself in it, and go sit next to her, putting my head on her shoulder.

"We plan to go to a human school, wanna go with us?" Rias drop a question at me, making me realize there's some plot behind it all, from my father, as he mentioned it yesterday, but Rias seems innocent, not knowing about it, as she's asking it now.

"A human school? So you're not a human?" I ask her, snuggling my head on her shoulder, and she answer back in a question, "Are you?".

I shake my head, like saying 'no', while my mouth land on her neck, and then whisper "Nope, but been there, done that, so why should I return?".

Rias stand, leaving me hanging, walking out of the door, and only then turn back,while a set of black-wings get out of her back, and she shyly say "To be with us... with me..", and cutely run away.

'She's a succubus??' I think in shock.

(Nah, but she's a devil) Bing-Bi answer puzzle me, and I quickly ask 'WAIT, she's from this world??'.

(How the hell would I know that) Bing-Bi say, and turn quiet, as I walk out of the room, going around, but finding lots of maids, but none other then them.

"Excuse me?" I ask a maid in the kitchen, staring at her head, which except having a black-hair and blue-eyes, I discover a pair of large-ears, a huge-pair, kinda like a horse-ears, who was hidden yesterday under her hat, probably under all the maids heads.

"Yes?" she asks with her beautiful blue-eyes open wide, and her bosom exposed in her cleavage, showing lots of promise, and softness, but I shake my head, wake myself up, and ask "Hmm, I'm Ayn, Ayn Adelard, where is everyone? Where's my father? And... Who are you?...".

"Eishin", she says, "Me and my 6 friends came here, looking for protection, after being saved, and your father said you'll take us somewhere, where we can live without any worry... Oh, he left, said he'll come back in a few days, probably".

'He meant Paradise?' I think, and hear Infi respond <Robin think so as well... She say we need them in Infinity... But we must check upon them first...>.

"Okay, get everyone ready, we can leave now, it takes about 2 hours..." I tell her, as she smile, and run off, while I go eat breakfast.


By lunch time, me and 7 girls, are in Paradise, eating, while I explain them about the place, what to do, what not to do, and let them do whatever they wanna in the camp-base, making it theirs.

"I'll try to visit at least once a day" I tell Eishin, as I got close to her, and also to a girl named Mejiro, with whitish-blue-hair, and purple-eyes, who remind me of Yuena, and I say my 'goodbye' to all, going back to the dock, and *Teleport*.


"Yu E Naaaa" I shout from the highest cloud in Point-Nemo, in the Giant-jack-house.

*Plop*, from under me, Aisa'-head pop-out, making me laugh.

"Having fun with the devil-fruit?" I ask Aisa.

She come out, and I hug her, sitting with her on my lap, pulling out snacks and drinks, and she begin telling me her tale, about life after the changes in this country.

"..Wait.." I stop her talk, "You dag tunnels across the whole place?", I ask and she nod, saying 'yeah', while eating a chocolate-snack.

Suddenly, Junko and Bi-Bi materialize next to me, and begin talking to Aisa, while I go find Yuena, Raki, and Conis, wherever they are right now, but don't find them anywhere around the house, nor the city, so I return to the girls.

"Aisa will come to Infinity tomorrow!" Bi-Bi say happily, and come sit on my lap, but Aisa seems jealous at that, jumping on my other leg, as Junko hug me from behind, pressing my head between her breast, yet I can't do anything ecchi while Aisa is here.

'I think I forget something important...' I ponder in my head while the girls snacking, chatting, and suddenly, like a bomb exploded in my head, I remember my promise with Rongrong.

I hurriedly write a letter to Yuena, Raki, and Conis, say goodbye to Aisa, promising to come tomorrow to pick her up for an adventure, and she should tell her mother not to worry, and *Teleport*.


'I better wear something fancy' I think as I go inside the tree-house, finding Wu here, alone.

"I came to kidnap you!" I tell Wu, as we hug, and I enjoy her gentle beauty, sinking my head to her neck, raining kisses at her, and she *giggle*, asking "Where to?".

I press my forehead to hers, and pass the memories, and when she understand, I pass her the techniques, cultivation, information, etc, letting her know lots of things, till she shyly nod, whispering "..where mom was all this years..", and I kiss her lips in joy.

"Okay, tonight!" Wu declare, and then think for a moment, saying "They went somewhere, training I think, I was in meditation when they left, but Rongrong is in her clan, so you can find her there".

I say "maybe I won't come tonight, so in the morning. I love you",kiss her again, and *teleport*.


At the secret-garden, I make sure DuGuBo ain't here, make preparation all over the place, and once it seems ready, I go wash myself, wear formal-clothes, and *teleport*.


"Hello" I tell grandpa-bone as I arrive into the guest-room, and he arrive a second later, but when I use my 6th-sense, I 'see' the place is much emptier then it used to be, realizing they probably started the project to move the clan to somewhere safer.

"Hey" he answers, and take me with him, meeting with all, plus Rongrong, who captivate my mind in the moment I look at her, but she suddenly shake herself up, saying "Wait here!!", and run off.

"Hello" I call Rongrong's father, Fengzhi, and grandpa-sword, and the 4 of us sitting around the table, chatting for a bit, while I keep dropping gifts at them, as Robin, Bi-Bi, and Junko, instruct me what to give them.

"This technologies... Are you saying... We can develop factories for them?" Fengzhi question me, while they all play with tablets, watching videos they just recorded themselves, and a huge pile of gadgets spread on the floor already.

"Yeah, it's from the place I came from, but, I think we need a certain strategy, from how to implement it into society, to what we can use, who ain't a war-type-knowledge, and most of all, how to keep control on the rights to develop it... It's your land, your resources, you're the only investor I plan to use, so go ahead, plan, and give me back a script you see as logical..".

We keep discussing the issues, planning our future business endeavor, till *Creak*, the door open.

Rongrong, wearing a white-and-black-dress, over a red-dress, decorated with golden-jewelries all over, a crown on her head, with white sexy leggings, and golden-high-heels, walk inside.

I walk toward her, like she hypnotized me, and hug her.

Her grandpas *Cough* ,*Cough*, trying to hold me back, but I hold her tight, raise her up, and dance her in circles, shouting "Mine! She's mine!", and hear them laugh, as I put her down.

"You look so pretty... Reminding me of your mother... Ahh... I'm sure she would've been so happy seeing you like this..." Fengzhi talk to Rongrong, and I let them have their moment, waiting.

... "See ya later" I say as me and Rongrong, hand-in-hand, walking outside the house, and I hug her close to me. *teleport*.


"Wooooo" Rongrong excitedly look everywhere around the secret-garden.

From a messed-up garden, who look like a flower-bed in a jungle, it became like a noble-house-garden, with wooden-paths to walk on, one-story-pagodas, small water-streams around the place, and even small stone-statues, as I was practicing my control at earth-energy, having fun with it while being here.

I even added a space-layer around the place, even though it's weak right now, but coming here daily, for at least an hour, mainly for growing the plants faster, this place became my training-spot, and I also have my training-partner here, for most of the time, DuGuBo.

"Look! Look!" Rongrong jump around a flower, a tulip, just like the one she consumed to evolve her spirit-tool, and then run to the pagoda near it, where a large-sitting area, filled with 2 sofas, who placed around a table, and also a bed in the far-side, covered with flowers, plus candles everywhere, awaits us.

*fwoosh*, I shoot a soft-stream of fire around the place, lighting-up all the candles, and in a moment the vibe becomes romantic.

*Click*, I press a small-stereo, and a soft-gentle-music sounds, some time violin, some time a piano.

*Clang*, I open a champagne bottle, with a soft-strike, and pour two glasses, going to Rongrong, who move around the place, giving her one.

She suddenly take off her wedding-ring, whispering to me while hugging me close, "I want to change clothes".

I smile, taking the ring, understanding what she meant, but instead of what she asks for, I ask 'Can you please let me take the whole wedding-dress collection?'.

(Nah, we'll just come with it, you won't know what to do or say anyway) Bi-Bi happy voice sounds, and she materialize, hugging us both, and a moment later, Junko joins, whispering to her something, and dragging her with them, as they know the place well.

I sit there, alone, going to the tulip, poring energies to it, helping it keep growing, waiting.

*fwishhhh*, fire-streams appear in the air, and I feel Junko take energies from me, making a fire-stunt.

Soft snow starts to fall down, as I see Rongrong walk on the wooden-deck, and I put my hand on the ground, helping flowers bloom where she is, also plucking a few, and make a flower-bouquet fly into her hands.

Rongrong begin crying, barely moving, or walking, and I look at her, thinking, out loud, "I love her, I love her so much".