
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH89: "...Forever..."

"Can I have all your attention for a moment please?" I ask the girls after breakfast, before anyone leaves.

"There's a certain power in me, called Infinity, which part of it is a different space, like a world, and maybe in the future a full-real-world, as now it's too small to be so, yet has the potential.." I tell them while taking off my shirt, showing them the tattoo in the middle of my chest.

"... You can come in and out of it, even though the transition take around a week, I wish you could move in there for a certain period, help in the progress of it, as I can't yet move in there... For more details, Yuena, Bi-Bi, and Junko, can tell you more" I finish speaking and sit-down.

"Hmmm...", Yuena stand and think out loud what to say, "..It's like if the world was just a small circle you can go around in an hour walk, yet it's a normal world, that keep on growing, but what Ayn means is that this world makes a connection to you once you're in there, which is the most important part".

"And Infi is there!" Bi-Bi says loudly, cutely, "And me! And Junko! And Snowy will soon wake up!".

"You can move to different worlds through being there" Junko adds.

"Anyone who's free for a month or so, I would be happy if you'd come" I say, and end the talk, letting them get ready for it on their own time.

"Next issue..." I continue the discussions, about Amazon-lily becoming a country, about Alabasta reviving after the 'civil-war', about Dressrosa future-uprising we plan, about Sky-island turning to Point-Nemo, and about Restart-institutions everywhere.

A serious conversations begins, like a world-council, between everybody, plus, there's representatives-rulers from 5 countries here.

From there, another discussion arise about cultivation, mostly guided by the girls from Soul-land, then from Hancock, who talks about Haki, and end up about devil-fruits.

"Ahhh... that was long...", I sigh, "Let's take our time with everything, we also recorded the whole thing, so the other girls can see the recording, so ... anything more?" I ask.

"Can I have your yacht? this boat?" Hancock asks with a smile, reminding me the speed-boat she got already, and I smile, nodding in agreement, and keep a list of all their wishes, and also hear their future plans, like Yuena staying in the sky-island, wishing to asses it first.

I'm feeling exhausted, using time-energy on so many people, ever since yesterday, but now I begin to feel a strong energy burden on me, and by the time it ends, after another 'breakfast', even though it can be called lunch, and a fun friendly time of all of us together, I begin taking the girls back to their countries, till I'm done, lying-down in Vivi-bedroom, exhausted completely.


'There's a certain depression who's coming from feeling fulfillment and tiredness ... like I lack a goal now, or motivation ... even though I know there's so much waiting for me in the future ... Maybe I should up my game a bit ...' I think to myself while meditating, feeling a bit better now.

'I always say I'll find the right personal for things, but do none about it, from scientist, to a builder, a cook, or even just finding citizens for Infinity ...' I kinda decide about my future development, and go say goodbye from Vivi, before I *Teleport*.


"Hi" I say as my phone-call was answered.

"Hey! Where are you? You're coming here now?" Bulma asks through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm outside the building, is it good to come now?" I ask as I'm standing outside the giant dome of Capsule-company in West-city.

"YEAH! Come in!" Bulma says and hang-up, and I send messages to Lazuli and Chi-Chi, telling them I'm here, as I'm going to visit Bulma, and ask them if they're free to meet up later.

"Hello" I say in the reception-desk, but soon hear Bulma shout from afar "Come in already!", and I smile to the clerk, and walk in, give Bulma a friendly-hug, and follow her.

"I just finished a new product! For myself! For training! Come help me test it!" she says happily, and we enter an underground floor through an elevator, who's empty, and she go to the dressing-room, while I'm in a huge training-room, waiting for her.

She comes out, wearing a weird suit, which I cannot even call a swimsuit, nor a training-gear, but she seems excited, so I shut-up, thinking 'It's like the warriors in this world clothes style? What's special about this weird-fetish? And it's so tight, I can see her huge breast, even her nipples, clearly through it... it's like high-school girls swimsuit warrior style...'.

"Let's fight" she announce happily, and attacks me, which I gently dodge, and soon let her hit me with her weak attacks, as she keep talking while moving, explaining to me what she did.

"Wait, it's not just an armor, it also fit all sizes, even if I'm a giant, or have a tail... But why is it so ugly?" I ask, and she look bummed about my comment, so I quickly say "I love your invention, it's amazing, can you please make me one, but that looks like a black-normal-suit?".

She narrow her eyes, and nod in agreement, then think to herself, *Sigh*, and say "Yeah, I guess this Saiyan, those wild men, effected my senses... I can do it...".

I smile, and she relax, smiling too, and suddenly strip the suit off of her, remaining in her black-lingerie, gazing back at me, as I'm shocked, yet ogling her with my eyes.

She act normal, while I'm confused 'why did she take it off here?', but she soon go back to the dressing-room.

Few minutes later, she comes back, with a yellow training suit, smiles to me, and say "You hurt me!..", and sit-down on a mattress, on 6, "..Massage me! I feel sore".

'No I didn't' I think, sighing in my head, but say nothing, going behind her bubbly-sexy-butt, and ask "where?", feeling something is out with her.

"Everywhere" she answers with a shy gentle smile, and I begin massaging her foot, move slowly to her legs, and when I reach her thighs, she says "MMmm... Wait", and move.

I watch her taking off her pants, remaining in a black-thong, thinking 'this is beyond teasing', but act normal, just returning to massage her, holding myself back, massaging her thighs, watching her thong getting swollen into her seductive love-crack.

"mmmm" she moan quietly, trying to cover her mouth with her hands, but can't hold her voice back.

I hold my lust, even though I'm fully-hard-on, massaging her bubbly-butt a bit, and quickly move to her back, but suddenly she again say "MMMmmm... Wait", and move.

Bulma take off her shirt, remaining in only a black-thong, no bra, lying-down, as she's smirking at me, and say "okay, you can continue now".

I feel my erection can erupt if I won't clear my mind, and do so, as I keep massaging her lower-back, moving up slowly, but I can see her giant boobs smudge on the mattress, spreading, making me lust for her.

I keep sitting on my knees behind her, massaging her, holding myself back, but when I reach her upper-back, moving around the area, I feel her side-boobs, wishing to grope them, yet stop completely.

"MMmmm" Bulma moan quietly into her hand, raise her bubbly-butt, who rub itself right into my erected-shaft, and I shout in my head 'Fuck, that temptress, what to do, arghhh, WHAT TO DO??'.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*, "Bulma?? You're here??", Suddenly, someone outside the door shake us out of this, making me *Breath* in relaxation, and she smirk at me, standing up, take off her thong, throw it at me, and wear her yellow-suit back, with nothing under, and go to the door.

I hide the thong, sitting there, trying to relax and plan how to escape, as I turn invisible before she open the door, looking who's coming.

"Here, I sign it, are you sure you wanna do that??" I see her husband give her papers in anger.

"Yes, I'm sure, WAIT!", she call him as he's about to leave, "You didn't sign here! You need to sign all the papers!", and she give it back to him, as he hold it and begin signing, while she turn around, moving her pants down, raising a finger, signaling me 'shhh' with a smile, and flash me her bubbly-naked butt.

I focus on the papers, ready to teleport, but see it's a divorce papers, and think 'maybe it's her breakdown moment, I better be a polite gentleman, then a fucking-bastard', and wait there quietly, till he return the papers to her, and go away in anger.

Bulma close the door, looking kinda broken now, and she say in frustration "I need a drink".

I go to her, smile, and say "let's go", and she nod, going to change clothes, while I wait.

Bulma return, in a white-dress and white sweater, take my hand, and I let her drag me to a car, driving to a parking-lot of a pub, near the sea, where we get off, and get inside.

We eat lunch in total silent, but by the time we finish eating, and alcohol starts coming, she can't stop talking, telling me about her young-self-dreams, about her joy in science, and about her failed love-life, from a cheating boyfriend, to a neglecting husband.

"Okay, that's enough, you can leave the past in the past, and leave the future to the future, let's focus on the present" I say, grabbing her hand, throwing money on the table, and take her for a walk on the beach.

... When we see a swimsuits store on the dock, she run inside, returning after some time with a white-bikini, and we continue our walk, quietly, peacefully.

"I think it's my first time walking leisurely on the beach, without a purpose" Bulma suddenly speaks, and I look at her, enjoying her free-look, feeling like I'm seeing her throwing 100 ton weights who were on her back, like she can fly away now.

"Let's go for a swim!" she decide happily, but I smile awkwardly, telling her "I can't swim at sea, I got a body mutation, after I ate something who gave me powers, but made me lose my energy from sea-water".

"WHAT?!" she asks/say in surprise, and start touching my body, then gaze into my eyes, but before she can speak, I tell her "You're suppose to relax, clear your mind, don't invent new reasons to do science right now".

She smile, and jump on me, hugging me, and whisper to my ear "thank you", kiss my cheek, and stay like that, not moving.

'Turtle wins against a rabbit' I think in my head, type a massage in my phone, send it, and *teleport*.

Arriving home, to the upper-floor pool, I land down inside the pool, with her still hugging me.

She look at me, confused, but a moment later relax, looking around, and return her eyes to me, like some changes happens in her mind, which I cannot read at all, not without 'cheating', reading her mind, but I prefer to let her tell me when she's ready.

I 'see' Lazuli and Chi-Chi arrive to the house, like I asked them to, and share my 6th-sense with them.

They arrive to us quickly, and Bulma jump happily, waving 'Hi' to them.

I walk outside, kissing them, while passing them all that happened, and leave the place, letting them solve this womanly issue, walking into the house.

'Bi-Bi?' I ask in my head, feeling some sort of melancholy, and Bing-Bi materialize next to me, wearing a black-dress, tilting her head to me, with a questioning gaze.

I hug her tightly, relaxing in her warm touch, till she hold my hand, turn around, saying "let's go".

"Where?" I ask, and she turn her head, while we're walking, smiling, answering "A date, of course".

For the next few hours, me and Bing-Bi tour around West-city, walking hand in hand, having fun, lovely fun.

The best thing is her usage of metamorphosing clothes, as she 'window shop' and turn to it in the same moment she see it, making the experience supreme.

While walking in a flower-park, in the dimming light of the sun, I put a flower-crown on her head, and go sit on a bench, pulling her to sit on my lap, face-to-face, saying "Thank you... I love you... I think the mere thought of separation from a woman you promise eternity to shocked me a bit..".

Bing-Bi look at me, as I look at her, at her childish-womanly-perfection, "this beautiful silky-green-hair, those sunny-eyes, this alluring lips, that sexy body, adored with golden jewelry, hidden in this tempting brown-dress..." I mumble my thoughts.

Bing-Bi slowly move on top of me, whispering "I love you, I want to make love to you, turn us invisible", and once I do, she open the zipper of my pants, move aside both our underwear, and slowly sink her pussy on me.

We begin to make love slowly, and I watch her dance on my lap, cumming in a mere few minutes, but my erection stay the same, like nothing happened at all.

I kiss every part of her body I can see, touch every part of her body I can reach, while Bing-Bi dance on me, going up and down, as her smile never leave her face, and her eyes never moves from mine.

"..Forever.." she moan quietly, having a soft orgasm.

We keep having slow love, enjoying this blissful, peaceful, moment, feeling each other, cumming quietly, saying nothing.

Suddenly, I feel Junko materializing next to us, seeing Bi-Bi smiles, like she called her here, and in the moment she appear, she begin saying "I...".

I look at her red-face, shy yet proactively teasing, and pull her for a hot kiss, not letting her talk, nad Bi-Bi pass the flower-crown to her. Junko burst into a beaming smile.

Junko suddenly change clothes, as she smirk in a tease, and go sit on her knees, behind Bi-Bi, and *Lick, LICK, LICKKKK...*, from my balls to her ass, while holding Bi-Bi's ass-cheeks, making her jump on me, turning our slow-love-making to a fucking-fuck-3-some.

"OHMMmmm... MMMmmm..." Bi-Bi squirt, looking so mesmerizing and beautiful, even though I assumed she'll get mad at Junko, and it just push me to the edge, cumming with her, as she fuck-dance on me, and her hair fly all over.

She turn 180-degree, sitting with her back to me, but not separate my dick from her wet-pussy, and look back at me, smiling, before she pull Junko to her, who smile and climb up, kissing me through Bi-Bi.

I can't hold on anymore, and *teleport*.


Inside a bedroom, in the house, they push me down to the bed, and as Bi-Bi goes behind me, hugging my head, Junko dance before me, slowly take her clothes off, and lap dance on me.

"I'm goona do it forever!" Junko say in joy, rubbing her pussy on my shaft through her black-dress, and soon turn around, sit on me, and we begin our intercourse, going hardcore from the first moment.

Half an hour later, Junko, with a fabric stuck in her mouth, with liquids all over her, not just sweat, is standing with her back to the wall, and I ram into her, breaking her apart to the sounds of her shouting moans, and we cum, as I shout "I. WANT. YOU. FOREVER!".

I fall back to the bed, and she quickly slide down, smiling, and begin licking and sucking my dick, while Bi-Bi joins her, making my lust awake anew.

Suddenly, they disappear, going back to Infinity, leaving me with narrowed-eyes, yet a second later, the door opens.

"Come have dinner with.." Lazuli words stuck in her mouth, as she sees the state of the room, brushing her hair while her face change expression.

I jump at her, raining kisses, washing her with my lust, while taking her clothes off, and soon enough she's with just her lingerie on.

I go behind her, as she crawl on the bed on six, with her face to a mirror, and push my cock into her love-hole, grabbing her by her massive bosom, biting her neck, and piston her, watching this beautiful sight in the mirror, seeing her blue-eyes staring at me through it.

"I love... you... forever... I will never... divorce.. I wanna... be ... with you... forever!!" I shout and cum, and Lazuli spasm, squirting, cumming, making her love juice flow out of her, as she collapse on the bed, responding back in a mumble "...forever..".

I whisper to her ear "together with our children", and she spasm again, keep having her soft orgasm, as her pussy massage my dick.

I keep humping her, lying on top of her, and she soon turn us around, sitting on me, and jump on my lap, crazily, sexually, making a fucking love session, till we both cum together again, and go into the shower.


"What took you so long??" Bulma asks in anger as me and Lazuli enter the living-room, and continue to the dinning-room, but Chi-Chi just *Chuckle*.

I pull Chi-Chi for a kiss, knowing 'she knows', in my mind, '... yet Bulma seems childish, even though she's an adult, who was married, having kids, like her love-life-experience seems non-existent...'.

We have a joyful talkative dinner, and we don't mention anything related to Bulma's divorce, rather they're talking about their joint-projects, and while they talk about girls-stuff, I'm busy in my head.

'Bi-Bi, Junko, why did you left?' I ask.

(That's not how I want to meet Lazuli for the first time!) Bing-Bi answers.

{Really? I was just tired, and thought you wanted to give them some time alone} Junko says, as she act in sync with her, but her reasons are really different.

'Okay, wanna come join us now?' I ask, and they agree immediately, materializing next to me.

I introduce them all to each other, and they get friendly, while eating desserts.

"Let's go to sleep early today?" I ask, feeling exhausted, as I really spent too much energies today, that it make me tired just to stay awake.

They all agree, but I find myself alone in the bedroom, as none came yet, falling asleep quickly.


Waking up in the middle of the night, finding out I'm alone, I go to the bathroom, and when I go back I look for the girls, finding them smeared on the sofas, in the dark living-room, with alcohol all around.

Suddenly, a pair of blue-glowing-eyes gaze at me, and I walk closer, seeing Bulma is working, or at least trying to work, with a pen in one hand, and a beer-can in the other.

I sit next to her, and she turn around, exposing to me her body, as she's wearing just a thong and a white-shirt, who's wet, probably from spilling beer on herself, and I can see her whole awesome breast.

I hug her, while pulling her up to a princess-carry, to the bathroom, to wash her body before I'll take her to sleep, and she snuggle in my hold, blubbering in a whisper "...mumble-mumble...I'm not used to it..mumble...alone...mumble mumble...just like this...".