
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH86: An endless climax

"You're beautiful" Zhuqing mumble as she gaze at me, and I see all the girls are the same, like I changed again after acquiring the ring, like happened a lot in the past.

"C'mon! Show us the new ring!!" Wu neg me, but I just smile at her mysteriously, and turn to look at Yan, wondering what spirit-ring she got.

Yan get the hint, looking back at me, narrowing her eyes, but a moment later she smirk, and walk toward me, gathering energy to her palm of the hand.

Her energy shows she's about to attack, but when she's just a step away from me, like she sensed something, she stop, put her hands on my exposed chest, as I only wear black-pants, and asks rapidly "Why are you so warm?".

I smile, already getting she got some poison-snake-type of energy, move aside from everybody, and release my ring, who make my body turn into a blazing fire, in raging colors, from white, yellow, and all the way to purple, like a fire-god.

"AWESOME!" Wu shouts, and all the other exhale in amazement right after her.

The biggest change is in Yan, who opens her mouth, yet not speaking, staring at me in shock.

"Look" I say, and a pair of wings, made of fire, pop out of my back, and I swing them a bit, floating above the ground, smiling at them while turning back, and quickly wear new underwear and pants, as I discover only now it burns my clothes, and they all saw everything.

{Hehe, you can make clothes with energies, why don't you do that?} Junko tell me, and right after, I feel knowledge of the technique to do so pass into my head, through Infi, with other information as well.

I find out that Infi evolved, when I evolved, making me understand how her powers grow now, and by a lot, as she can even pass me information without talking now, making our connection and understanding about each other levels above before, and more then that, Infinity will have huge growth-sprout soon.

I metamorphose full-clothes, wearing a blackish-suit, looking formal, yet kinda sloppy, keeping my cool-vibe on, and the girls touch my body, mumbling stuff like "...hot..", "..how can clothes be made from nothingness?..", "..why's that ring seems white, or was it golden?..", "..you're taller now..".

I ignore all of that, declaring "Let's get back before it's dark", and think about all the things I got to check in me, inside and outside.

DuguBo tell us "I've got to go somewhere, so you go, take Yan safely back!", and we all say our goodbye to him.

I take out the car, and go take the things here back to my space, before going back to the car, discovering they boarded all the seats, except the driver-seat, and I *sigh*, thinking 'no fun in the way back.. nor sleep.. I can just teleport..', but still go and drive.

Our drive back is in extremely happy vibes, like a small party, enjoying the ride to the maximum.

"More chips!" Rongrong asks, as she sits next to me, and I pull out potato-chips-bag, giving it to her, plus lots of other food and drinks.

"Can you make that music box play stronger?" Erlong asks from behind me, and I show Rongrong how to operate it.

The back-seat play games, even dancing, making me lose focus at driving nonstop, and after less then 2 hours we're back at the New-Shrek-Academy, thinking of dropping them off, and take Yan back now, but she go out of the car as well.

"Yan? Tian-dou-academy is still far, let me drive you there" I ask from the window.

Yan look at me, *humph*, and walk with the girls, who all, even Erlong, enter the secret-tree-entrance, climbing up to the secret-tree-house, while showing Yan and Erlong around, and I store the car and follow them up, wondering what happened between them.

"Girls, wanna have a party later?" I suggest when they bring dinner with them to the dinner-table and we start eating a late-dinner, as it's around 10 o'clock at night already, but there's no plans for tomorrow.

"What party?" Erlong asks.

"Costume party!" Mia decide happily.

"WOOO!", "YEAHHH", Wu excitedly shouts, followed by Rongrong, while the other three just smile.

... When we finish eating, deciding to meet in the living-room in an hour, I say "Iv'e got a bunch of them here, if you wanna", and put a stock of clothes, jewelries, and more, on the living-room table, and continue to my room, wishing to relax a bit.

I sense Bing-Bi and Junko materialize, but outside the room, 'seeing' them walking to the living-room, and I let it be, going to check myself up.

'I'm higher... Much more mature-looking... I bet the girls dig this change a lot...' I think in front of the mirror, and go sit on the balcony's floor, meditating, feeling 'My powers are stronger then ever... The fire changed after consuming the phoenix, plus that flower, making it absolute-fire... And the balance with the absolute-ice is just perfect...'.

After an hour, I hear from behind me noises, and wake-up, changing to my usual dragon-pajama, but made out of energy, letting me custom-make it perfectly, looking closely like my humanoid-dragon-form, even adding my real horns on top of my head.

"Yo, Lara croft" I call Mia as I go to the corridor, "Iv'e got a treasure here, wanna dig in?", and point to the middle of my body, and she *giggle*.

"It's already mine, why are you so happy about it?" she tease me back, but keep on walking to the living-room, shaking her ass in front of my eyes cutely, saying "You better be ready to not understand any custom they have in this world, haha, act polite".

*PFFFTT*, I try to hold my laugh when I step inside the living-room, seeing Erlong in a playboy-bunny custom, pure sexy red, with black net-leggings, and red-bunny-ears.

She pouts at me, and I quickly smile, saying "You're so beautiful I turned stupid", and she narrow her eyes, but smile back.

"..What are you looking at?!?" Yan look at me in anger, attacking me with words, and I answers "At how cute you are... but why are you so mad all the time? ..Have I done something to you?".

Yan turn aside, but then turn her head back at me, staring at me with her alluring-green-eyes, looking between cute and sexy, and then just go to a sofa.

'I got no power right now to deal with her, or care about it' I think as I look around, checking the girls, and next walk to Zhuqing and Rongrong, who dress like princesses, giving them a peck on their cheek, whispering "beautiful".

I see Wu sitting on the bar-chair, with a charming-blue-dress, so I walk over and kiss her neck, whispering "I love it, I love you", and she hug me, kissing my chest.

After a moment I walk to the sofa, where Bing-Bi, in a witch custom, looks supremely-cute, and I hug her tightly, and then turn to my other side, look at Junko, and ask her "Who are you?".

Junko laugh, jumping happily, declaring "I'm the new sea queen!", and I look at her silver-jewelries all over, with her colorful-blue-dress, blue gloves, silvery-blue-boots, and a blue sword in her hand.

"Well, you're beautiful, that's for sure" I tell her while pulling Bing-Bi to my lap, biting her neck softly, whispering "you promised me a revenge, but I'll eat you before you can", and bite her again.

She cutely laugh, about to speak, but Mia push everyone, as she say out loud "Are you ready??... The party! Starts! NOW", *Bang*, she shoot a small-confetti-gun, *Bang,Bang,Bang,Bang...*, all the girls shoot the same confetti-fire-work, and while papers fly everywhere, she play music from the stereo.

I grab a drink Mia give me, and we start playing drinking-games, then singing karaoke, which shock the girls, reminding me the technology in this world is really lacking, and the party keep on rolling in full-power, as we're now playing truth-or-dare.

... "Truth" I say as it falls on me.

"Who do you love the most in the world?" Erlong drop a bomb at me.

"I love love the most. I love love... and I share all my love with my loved-ones... And I get your question, so I'll tell you, even if we didn't have this relationship, love is love, and I would still love them" I answer to her the best I can.

... "DARE!" Yan shouts, seems drunk already, and the girls laugh in joy, looking at Wu.

"WOO!" Wu excitedly says, "Lap-dance!! Mmmm... To Ayn! Yeah!".

Yan turn her eyes at me, while hugging her legs, looking a bit shy.

She stand up from the floor, and so am I, as I go sit on a wooden-chair Mia pull over, and she stand before me, rolling her hair with her finger, looking shy and confused.

Mia *giggle*, saying "like this", and begin dancing sexually in front of me, and then slowly sit on my lap, while dancing, shaking her ass, and I can feel her dry-hump my dick, charming me with her endless beauty, but she break it apart, and look at Yan.

Yan start dancing slowly, with a hand behind her back, and the other holding a flower near her mouth, yet shaking her hips sexually, smiling at me.

She take her other hand behind her back, and slowly descend to lap-dance on my lap, face-to-face, smooching her giant boobs into me, but doesn't make eye-contact with me, and slowly ascend.

She pull the string of her bow, opening a button of her shirt, letting me see her black-bra a bit, while she teasingly take her tongue out, smiling, with a shy face.

"Okay! Mission completed!" Wu declare, cutting the vibe, and I feel 'I hate lap-dance, is like the epitome of blue-balls!'.


Looking to my left, Yan is lying-down on the sofa, mumbling nonstop, totally opposite to how she was till she drank a bit of alcohol.

Looking on the carpet, my eyes stuck on Erlong's pussy, who swallow her bunny-custom and net-leggings inside her juicy ass, but I shake my head, and turn to look aside, seeing all the girls already sleeping everywhere around here, except of Mia.

"Looking for me?" Mia whispers from behind me, and I quickly pull a blanket on Yan, wishing she'll fall asleep, while patting her head gently, and my head is turned to Mia, who stand on the balcony entrance.

She dance to a quiet classical tune, shaking her assets from side to side, while holding her hands above her head, letting me see her whole body moving.

She crawl on the ground, exposing to me her cleavage, and her swinging breasts inside of that tight-white-top she's wearing.

When she almost reached me, I check that Yan closed her eyes, and her head also turned around, and *flash*, I become naked,but Mia stops, sit on the carpet, on her ass, and begin playing with herself, tempting me, like the temptress she is.

I crawl on 6 to her, kissing her from her legs, up to her lips, before going down on her, enjoying her whole body, and before she cum she whispers "While you're..inside of me.. please..", and I quickly raise my body, but she do so as well, turning around.

I look at her, as she's standing on 4, with her ass raised sky-high, stretching her legs and hands, and I go behind her, and slide my dick into her hole, who awaits me while dripping love-juice, looking deliciously ready.

"MMMmmmm" Mia moans hard into her hand, cumming in the moment I got in.

I hold her hips, going back and forth, fucking her in great joy, climbing to climax, when suddenly I feel a lick on my balls, and looking down, I see Wu, in a tight-pink-dress, and white leggings, now sucking my balls, as I moan "ohhhhh", trying not to shout.

I move my eyes back and forth, seeing Mia push her ass upon me, dancing on my pole, while Wu pleasure me and her from below, teasing us both, as she now lick her mom's clit.

"I want more" I whisper powerfully, and Mia pull herself out, grab Wu, and walk to her room, while I follow behind.

Entering after them, I see Wu push Mia on the bed, sitting on her, but Mia push back, and now Wu's ass is on the bed, while her hands on the carpet, and Mia lye above her, an inch from kissing each other.

I sit on my knees, sliding my dick between their faces, fucking their mouths, while sliding it to each mouth every few moves, and I almost cum when I see this mother-daughter pair is kissing, with my dick in the middle, as their lips and tongues touch each other when they open their mouths wide.

"..I want it back inside of me" Mia tell me with a lustful gaze, and I stand up, climb the bed, and begin fucking her from behind, while pushing a finger under Wu's thong, sending a soft electric-vibe, and my lust, into her pussy.

I look at them kissing, but barely, so I hug them both, pulling them up, as I lie-down on the bed, and put them both to sit above me, each on a leg, saying "you can kiss now" smilingly.

Wu put her hand on Mia's cheek, closes her eyes, and go for a kiss, while Mia half-closes her eyes, sliding her hand under Wu's thong, jerking her off slowly, rubbing her clit, and I keep looking, with my hands on their legs, enjoying this duo show, fully erected, ready for what's coming next.

'Oh my... This... Lesbian-incest-play... I think I'm in love... New kink for sure...' I drool as I keep sending lust-energy into them, and they fully play with each other, touching everywhere, kissing deeply, lovingly, and I almost begin jerking-off from too much excitement.

Mia push Wu toward my crouch, jerking me off while guiding it into Wu, and without waiting a second, I start to piston from below, while finger-fucking Mia.

After few minutes, I raise myself to sit, while Wu keep dancing on me, and rain kisses on them, while joining their french-kissing, nipple-pinching, ass-squeezing, play.

"I love you, I love you so much, I wanna put a baby inside of you" I moan while climaxing, filling Wu up, and she *SQUIRT*, shooting love-juices all over, while Mia tease her clit.

"Close your eyes, don't peek" Mia whispers to me, and I do as she says, knowing it's always going to turn better with her, even if she pull Wu off of me, and go out of bed with her, making my lonely cock stand here alone.

"You can open them now" Mia says after few minutes, and I look around me, seeing to my left Mia and Wu, standing near a table, with their back to me, and hands tied in a soft-fabric-rope.

'OHH, I'M.. I'm goona break them... I'm so fucking goona break them...' I think as I go stand behind Mia, shoving it inside, in one full-thrust, with electric-vibes on, and begin fucking her, while squishing her boobs, teasing her nipples, and biting her neck.

"MMMMMM... AHHHOHAHAAHAAMMM..." Mia shouts in few minutes, cumming, and I go behind Wu quickly, doing with her the same thing, yet holding her hands, who tied behind her back, and not in front, piston her hard, and in a mere minute she cum, surprising me.

Like this, I keep changing between them, till they can't stand on their legs, and I take them to bed, put them on top of each other, go behind them, and start another cum-massacre, as they're on full-ahegao-mode, shouting nasty words out loud, playing with each other, kissing nonstop, pushing the 3-some to another level, a fucking fuck level, who probably only mother and daughter can do.

Suddenly, while I fuck Wu in missionary, while Mia suck her nipple, Zhuqing join, sucking Wu's other nipple, and in the moment Wu cum, once again, Zhuqing sit up, smirking, saying "I hope you're ready", and I smile back, thinking 'I'm goona break you, I'm so fucking goona break you'.

I hug her, we kiss, and I feel she's wet, with no underwear on, and slide inside her, while standing up, holding her from her ass, and fuck her harshly, from the first moment, also using electric-vibes, and in mere minutes she already cumming, her cat's tail and ears wiggle cutely, and I don't stop, not letting her breath.

... After few rounds with each, and obviously with all together, I'm now in front of a mirror, behind Zhuqing, who has her hands on the mirror, legs on the floor, and ass raised high, as I pump my dick into her wet pussy, and look at her full-blown-dazing-eyes in the mirror.

"... Ahhhooowwaaa... uhwwww... oooo..." Zhuqing moan, but I can't understand a thing.

*slap..*, I hit her ass, dominating her, but she ain't reacting, letting me do whatever I want.

She cum, collapsing to the carpet, but I fall down with her, hugging her from behind, and keep fucking her.

*SQUIRT,SQUIRT,..*, love juice shoot out of her, smearing the room, but I don't care, I keep on going, playing with those juicy tits, as she shouts "AHWAWAAA, LOOK, IT'S FLYING OUT OF ME", looking at herself cumming like crazy, and her ecstasy-orgasm reach an all-time-height, till she ain't moving any more.

'She fell asleep? Really? A real knock-out?' I think as I see she's snoring, laughing to myself, and carry her to the bed, next to the sleeping-hugging-duo.

'It's like backward for me... I'm more awake then ever...' I think as I walk around, not knowing what to do, feeling I gotta let myself loose somehow.

"What are you doing?" I hear Junko, and turn to see this blond-hair-red-eyes beauty, staring at me with half-open clothes.

I go to her, raining kisses, while ripping her clothes off, almost completely, while pushing her body to the wall, standing behind her, whispering "I can't go to sleep without making love to my wife", slowly sliding my shaft inside of her, pushing her breast to squeeze on the wall, and begin piston her, letting her know she married a real dragon, a real lustful dragon.