
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH8: what came first: 'the thought' or 'the act'?

"Ouch Ouch Ouch, I'm not even sleepy, just relaxing, feeling the vibes here" I tell them jokingly, ignoring the greenish-white energy flying toward us from behind.

"You better not. Let's finish eating, and move to another place, Iv'e got a nice idea for us" Robin says, and Mia happily nod to that, taking a plate, and feed me all the food we have left, like I'm a food dumpster.

'They're totally drunk right now' I think while smiling, as Robin gallop the wine left, as she forgot she's suppose to drive us back, and soon enough the table is clear, while Mia get her card and the receipt back from a waitress, and we're finally ready to go.

As we stand to walk away, Few men try speaking to Robin, but she raise a hand in front of her face, turn to a waiter, and ask "Please maintain our privacy in your establishment", as she hug my hand, and Mia quickly see that and join her, hugging my other hand, and we step to the elevator.

By the time we reach the car, Robin seems dizzy, and Mia ain't looking much better, so I think that maybe I'll take the risk and drive.

'I'm almost 14-year-old, but I kinda look like a 21+ year old, so I guess it will work out?' I think, not aware I'm probably a bit drunk myself, while taking the key from Robin purse, opening the back seat door for her, and sitting her in.

Mia sit in the seat next to the driver's seat, and I sit in the driver seat, igniting the car, and familiarize myself with how people drive a car.

Mia goes "hahaha", giggling at me, while Robin shut her eyes and laying her head back on her seat.

I put the jeep in gear, and start driving out of the underground parking lot, onto the road, asking "So home? or got something else in mind?".

Robin shout in a blubber "No No No, let's go to the sea, beach resort, I wanna go", and Mia just *giggle* at her, while activating the GPS, so I can know where to go.

'Driving is super easy, why people need to be so old just to drive a car? that's just weird and hypocrite of those oldies' I think to myself.

Mia choose a song on the media-screen in the car, a classic rock song, and sing together with it.

after less then 20 minutes we arrive, as Mia finish her cute performance, and I park the car, when suddenly "AAHHHHH?!" scream comes from Robin, "WHY ARE YOU DRIVING??", she shout angrily.

"Why not?" I retort, stepping out, and open the door for her, as she pout and cutely *punch* me, and then *pinch* me softly. Mia join the fun and also *punch* me while laughing, acting like she's a boxer, making me laugh with her, as we walk into a spa-hotel-resort on the edge of a beach cliff.

"One suite please, and few bottles of wines, and some snacks also, and a view to the sea" Mia tell the front desk clerk while giving him a card. The clerk nod, and a minute later give back the card, with another card, saying "The bottles will be there before you reach the room. Please enjoy your stay".

After speaking, she looks at me, grinning, making me think 'Her energy is whitish-red, plus yellow, and a bit green... am I seeing more energies now, or becoming more sensitive to it?', I question my own perception, while understanding my new out-look gets women attention.

We go to an elevator, who instead of going up, is going all the way down.

In the corridor, we enter a room, and I see the whole front wall is a one-sided-mirror, almost at the sea level, where waves of water move to us, breaking on the stone, sparkling in all direction.

There's really snacks and wine bottles on a table near the window, near a soft white sofas, and there's a huge bed to the right, a Jacuzzi to the left, and 2 doors near the entrance who lead to a bathroom and a closet.

Robin sway in, fall on the bed, and pull me with her, making me fall above her, face to face.

"Dear, I missed you", she says and pull me to a hug, who after a minute got loose, and her breathing tells me she fell asleep, so I let her go, arrange her comfortably, and take off her heels.

I look at Mia, who's checking the Jacuzzi, as she throw off her heels as well, saying "Let's dip in", coming to me, asking "Can you take down the zip on the back?".

I do so, as she move the dress straps to the sides, shake her body, and the dress fall to her legs, revealing herself.

I also unhook her bra, and she pull down her matching lacy underwear, and I can see her walking sensually into the bubbling water.

I also strip myself, arranging all our clothes on a hanger nearby, and dip in the water.

I sit next to Mia, our faces to the sea window.

She give me a *smooch* kiss on my cheeks. I go and give her a hug.

She put herself close to me, sitting on my legs, her ass on one, and her legs on the other. I kiss her on her cheek.

She lie her head on my shoulder, breathing on my neck. I gently comb her hair, passing my fingers through her long silky hair.

She fiddle my body with her fingers, using a finger to pass on my chest, chin, jawline, lips, nose, and eyes.

I feel the urge to merge with her into one being, so I hug her strongly with both my hands, and she *giggle* at me, whispering "Relax, I'm not going anywhere".

'Her white energy turn more and more pink, I feel the urge to push it. I want to push it. Should I follow my thoughts? should I think before I act, or act before I think?' I wonder to myself, deciding to act as I think, and think while I act.

I pry to her pinkish energy, mixing it into my own energies circling my body, before getting suck to the middle of my chest.

Mia play with her fingers on my tattoo, pinkish energies coming in and out from me and her, as she says "It's beautiful. I know you never wished to have it, but now that you do have it, it's just getting even more beautiful".

I whisper to her ear "Yeah, your'e really are beautiful, but why do you say I never wish to have you?".

She looks at me with one eyebrow raised, saying "Hah, it seems your tongue got sharper after you slept for so long".

I laugh. 'She's right. I do feel more true to my urges, not denying them, or push them away. I wanna... explore the world', as I put one hand on her shoulder and neck, and the other hand on her legs, or rather her thighs.

She in response kiss me on the neck. She kiss me again on the neck. She kiss me a bit higher on the neck, and keep kissing me higher and higher up, till she kiss my cheek, moving to the side, while kissing, until she reach my lips, and put her lips on mine, not moving anymore.

I move my hand to the back of her neck, and think 'How do couple kiss? what am I suppose to do now?', but she move her head back to my shoulder before I could do anything.

"You just took my first kiss, you better take responsibility" Mia tells me.

Shocked, I ask her "Didn't you say you've already got a daughter? You mean to tell me you done that, but not this?", and Mia silently, kinda sadly, nod her head, while kissing my neck again.

I tell her "Mia, I love you, you know that, right?", and she whisper "You just love me, or love-love me?".

I hug her, with one hand on her neck, another on her waist, and say "love love love you".

She move her head up, her brown eyes diving into mine, and with a bit of angle we lay our lips on each other, connecting our faces together.

Our lips is moving, drowning our lips to smooch onto each other.

We open up our mouths, separating our lips, eating each other lips.

Slowly, our tongues pry into each other open mouth, licking inside, tasting each other. It was weird, like I'm eating a Mia's ice-cream, but all my urges tells me I should do so, feeling how much love is exposed in such an act.

As our mouth connecting together, making slurp noises, my brain shut down. the only thing I can feel is our mouths, my hands who roam her neck, back, and waist, and a towering blood rush in the middle of my body, like an erect soldier ready for war.

She move her head a bit back, eyes locked in mine, and a stringy saliva between our mouth, while whispering "I better not take the lead from Robin, Ayn, just know I also love love love you", and once again return her head to nestle on my shoulder, while her hands roam my hand and the back of my head.

I move my head a bit down, and kiss her on the lips again shortly, while raising my legs, and with that her body, and put my lips on her nipple, kissing it, then sucking it strongly.

"hummmm, Aynnn", Mia moan. I can feel her nipple pop out from it hide, so I move my lips to the other, who also pop out just from the touch. "ahhh, Aynnn", Mia moan, "mm, not yet, Ayn".

I stop and look at her, thinking 'wow, her energy is really pinkish-red, but I can sense purple, I wanna see what this purple do', so I focus on the purplish energy, sucking it into me, till a moment later Mia whisper "I love you, Master".

I'm shocked, 'she called me Master for the first time', and my red-energy-urge polluting my whole body, spreading to Mia as well.

Her hand move downward on my chest, reaching the middle of my body, exploring and rubbing all of my erected soldier, while softly nibbling my neck with her mouth.

One of my hands roam to the side of her breast, while the other roam her squishy ass, to the middle of them, rubbing between them, reaching the middle of her body.

We breath heavily, and deeply, and sync our breath together, and so our movement.

Her soft bosom massage my chest, and we continue touching each other nonstop.

I feel any moment now I will explode, any moment now Mia will explode, and I feel like I don't care if even the whole world will explode.

I move my mouth to hers, and she also move the same, and the moment out tongues meet again, a chain reaction explode between us, releasing all the liquids hidden deep in our bodies outside.

We keep kissing, sucking each other mouth, as our breathing return to normal, and for a long time we kiss, touch each other, and enjoy the moment, until we relax, and back to hug each other and gaze upon the raging sea outside the window.

After few more minutes we move, leaving the bubbling water, and scrub each other with a towel.

My erected soldier stand like a starving warrior who want to soak in a bloody endless war, but my sense tells me I better relax right now, so I put my boxer back on, and so is Mia with her thong, as she goes sit on the sofa.

I grab a blanket, and join her in the sofa, covering our bodies, and we hug-fall-asleep.


*smooch*, *smooch*, I wake up to the feeling of kisses on my cheek, and see green eyes smiling at me.

it seems the sun is rising from the edge of the window, as waves at sea keep crushing into the standing rocks.

Mia is sleeping on my shoulder, as I hug her.

"Come, I have something to show you" Robin tells me, and I gently leave Mia and walk with Robin, who's in a revealing black lacy lingerie underwear, and we sit on the other sofa in the room.

"You remember Iv'e told you I got a lot to tell you about? I think it's time. I'll show you something, and I hope you won't be too shocked. Be ready, dear" Robin speaks and move her 2 hands before my eyes.

I feel a hug around my waist, thinking it's Mia, but when I look down, I see just 2 pair of hands, hugging me, like 2 hands grew from my body.

'What the hell is happening? Did Robin do that?' I think and look at her, seeing her smile and wonder at me.

'I guess she is... does she have some magic powers or something like that? is that superpowers like in a marvel movie, or some anime? AH, it mean she ate a 'devil fruit' herself, like I did, and that's her powers?', and as my thoughts loop around, she keep gazing at me, before she start speaking.

"Yeah... there's something you need to know... some of those imaginary-world, from movies, and anime, do exist... they are more than just pure imagination...", and her green eyes captivate me with her words, "some of those are actually based on real things, who rather exist ... or would one day exist" she tells me.

"Would exist? not existing? like based on something existing?" I ask, but she ponder in her thoughts before saying "I guess it's too early for that question, let's just focus on right now ... and so, yeah, there's people with unscientific-powers who exist, like me, and also like you, and your parents, as also Mia, even if a lot differently from me, or us".

"Mia also? and different? why?" I ask, and she say again "wait, let's take our time talking, it's too early for that question. Just know that there's something more than science can tell you. There's a whole universe, not just humanity little world perception".

She stop speaking, and hug me tightly, pushing me to lie on the sofa, and putting her body on top of mine, with her head on my chest, saying "Okay, Let's talk about it later, I wanna watch the sea together with you right now", and we both turn our heads to the window-wall.

With her soft body spread all over me, and her soft bosom on my lower half, while watching wave after wave collide and splash on the rocks, we slowly fall asleep.


Waking up, I feel double the weight over me, and a blanket covering what was on.

'Seems Mia decided to make a human pile on us... ahh, luckily I got steadier, and stronger, or my whole body would've turn mushy by now', and like Mia can hear my thoughts, she says "Good morning", while sliding to the side of my body.

"Good morning Mia ... I've dreamt about you...", I speak to her, and she question me with "Go on, go on".

"I've dreamt that we were in a forest, like when we used to train there, but you were a pink rabbit, and you were jumping on my body waking me up. You had the softest fur, and 2 big round eyes, red, and your rabbit ears were like the definition of kawaii".

She *giggle*, pointing to the other sofa, and suddenly I see the rabbit I dreamt about sitting on it.

"What?? since when there's a rabbit here?" I ask her, and she giggle again, and the rabbit turn into fog and disappear.

"It's kinda my power? You can say I'm actually really a rabbit?" she tells me, and smile shyly.

I stare at her, while thinking 'so that's what Robin told me about Mia?', and ask "So... what does it mean?", but instead of answering, she snuggle on my shoulder, and act cutely like she's asleep.

'I guess I'll have to wait to find out what's what, huh, whatever, just having her snuggle on me is what I really want right now anyway' I think to myself.

"Good morning" Robin says and kiss my cheek, "I guess you heard us talk Mia.. But Ayn, how come you ain't acting surprised?".

"Wellll, I kinda saw it coming? I mean, too many weird things kept happening around me, that I felt there's something behind the scenes, and with all that training, powers I got, and how different my life is from the norm, plus you never react to those things, I was pretty sure it's just a matter of time before you start explaining to me, plus you promised to tell me everything, so I had an inkling what you're goona reveal" I tell her, "But every answer I get, I get double the questions from it, so please explain me things soon".

"Yeah.. soon.." Robin says, returning to snuggle on me.

I raise my body, while holding both of them in my arms, and turn to a sitting position, and now they're both with their back to me, heads on each of my shoulder, and legs stretching to the edge of the sofa.

I look at the untouched snacks and drinks, and instead of touching them, pick a phone, call the reception, and asks for breakfast delivered to us, and wait for it while hugging the 2 to the view of the raging morning sea.

When I hear a knock on the door I cover their almost naked bodies in a blanket, put just my suit-pants on, and go receive the breakfast.

I push the cart to the sofa, clean, arrange, and set all ready.

Mia and Robin sit as if they were never sleeping, just too lazy, or too spoiled, to move, and we begin eating, while watching a boat cross the sea.

"LET'S GO FOR A SEA VACATION" Robin declare happily, "Just for a couple of days. we'll call it early birthday trip!". Mia nod her head, and so am I, so it seems decided.

We hang for an hour, before putting our formal dress back on, leave the resort, going to the car, and drive back to the house.

Few hours later, each with a small briefcase loaded to the car, were ready and driving to the port, where Robin's yacht was parked.

Arriving there, we see the 4-floors-yacht before us.

We get on the yacht, throw the luggage in the bottom sleeping rooms floor, climb through the living/kitchen/dinning rooms floor, pass also the entertainment floor, and reach the control room, igniting the yacht, and yell together "SET SAILS".

We laugh, cause there's no sails, and float slowly from the harbor into the deep sea.