
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH70: Up the sky

In Water-7, and Ling-Long Islands, I go to the informants I bribed, who give me info about ships who harbor those islands, mainly about famous pirates, straw-hat included.

I've created a persona of a 'secret agent', who collect data, but not revealing a thing to them about me, and it seems they don't mind if I'm from the government or whatever, as a bit of money and they just get the job done, seeing as extra-income for them.

I find no mention to straw-hat-pirates anywhere, and look at the map, thinking 'I'll try that place called Jaya, and if not there I'll try again in a week'.

Flying with an eternal-pose to Jaya I arrive in a few hours to a pirate-town, lawless and messy, choose to change my appearance to the 'secret agent' and find an informant, usually a port-workers and pub-owners get the job done perfectly, and do find a potential informant.

Paying him some cash, he tell me "yeah, they've been here, made a mess out of this place, fought with the biggest pirate crew here, and in the end went to the other side of this island, to the sea-divers-explorers, which are pirates also".

I thank him and go to the place he show me on the map, on the other side of the island, and see a man with 2-monkeys-looking-men, sitting next to a small house, on the grass, looking injured, in the middle of barbecuing food.

"Hello, Excuse me ... I'm looking for Nami, from straw-hat-pirates, seen her maybe?" I speak politely, and they look in suspicion, but with no ill-intention the conversation soon relax, plus I gift them some alcohol and food, and they start opening up.

"They've went to the sky-island, or at least tried, by using the knock-up-stream" the man tell me with a smile while pointing up, but I'm not smiling at all, rather keep questioning them.

I'm really worried, cause I never heard of islands in the sky, nor that the way to get there is a massive-water-streams from the sea, who make you fly, which sounds insane, to say the least.

'Well, this whole world not really abiding to 'normal' perception, so maybe my thoughts is wrong?' I think as I thank them, step away from the place, and fly up high, above the place the water stream shows, ascending to the clouds.

'On Earth, there's clouds who exist for thousands of years, and some even have a small lakes inside, as water accumulate there, and even fish-eggs rise up, or frogs-eggs, leading to a phenomena of raining-fishes, or raining-frogs ... so maybe here, or even on earth, the phenomena is even stronger?' I think while flying through a cloud.

"AHAHAHAHHHH", *Can't breath*.

While inside a cloud, I enter water, sea-water, as I can't assert power, and a moment later I drop-down from the cloud, into the sky back again, and second later assert power and can fly again.

'So it does happen here, now let's circle it?' I wonder how to get inside, and go to the edge of it, before flying up again.

'And now there's roads who lead between clouds?! I'll just focus on the cloud above Jaya' I keep thinking how to move correctly, confused by the whole experience.

Arriving way above the clouds, a marvelous sight awaits me, making me sight in awe, as I see a huge city built on clouds, connecting all together, including huge forest, and a giant 'bush-branches' connecting clouds together.

As I descend from the sky I hear a beautiful-sad-music from a harp, and below me, on a small isolated cloud, a blond-angel is playing. I land near her, saying "Hi", and look into her eyes, wishing to read her memories.

'WHAT THE! My luck? or rather, no luck at all? She's kidnapped by the government here?' I wonder as I chat with her a bit, plus we both question each other wings in wonder, but it seems she can't fly, making her wings kinda useless, just purely beautiful.

'I guess Nami and Chopper goes first right now' I say goodbye, kiss her cheek, and quickly fly to the sky, to the place she has vaguely in her memory, where the 'Vearth' is, the forbidden-forest-cloudy-island, where there's earth.

'Haha, it's really weird Earth is the name of a planet, cause earth is the ground, so why Earth called Earth?' I amuse by the thought as I fly into this 'vearth' land.

'I feel like someone is watching me' my danger-sensor signal me, so I turn invisible and land in the forest below me, trying to hide.

'Please help me' I try talking to the trees, while spreading my 6th-sense, who merged with the observation-haki and my spirit-brain-eye (the pineal-gland), creating an image, but not wide enough, of the whole areas around me, so I try channel it through the tree I'm on.

I feel the tree spread it's conscious to other trees, like sophisticated network who connect all the trees on this land together, and slowly my perception of the entire areas farther and farther than me start to build up, mostly from the trees and what's touching them.

'I see Nami!!!' I jump in joy and map the way to her, as she walk with Zoro on a tree, close to the edge of the cloud-forest we're on, so I'm trying now to also find Chopper, but 10 more minutes pass, and I get no response or intel of him, mostly animals, plus a massive-giant-snake, scaring me by it size.

'I'll just reach Nami first..' I think and fly toward her from the sky, keeping my invisibility on, afraid of the one who give me a chilling-feeling, like he can sense me, so I show no blood-lust, and not leak any power from my body.

"AYNNNN!!" Nami jump into my body as I land and retract my wings. "Yo!"

I tell her and Zoro, who look at me, while Nami shouts "MONEY!".

I laugh, asking "what?", as she start explaining everything they went through, while they tell me they've left Chopper on the ship, and we run back there, me with Nami on my back, who's keep telling me everything.

When we get there, the ship is in the center of a small-lake, on an alter, with Chopper jump in joy on the ship, waving to us, and I jump to there in one full swing, discovering he's treating some old-man inside, who saved his life.

"Well, this ship is gone" I say as I see the mast is gone, the whole wood is broken and rotten, and there's no meaning in fixing it, but before anyone answers we hear shouts from the river, who connected to the small-lake, and on a small puddle-boat we see Luffy, Usopp, and the blond-guy wave to us happily.

"The sun is setting, and I'm hungry" Nami tell me while she snuggle to me, hugging me close.

The 3 on the small-boat reach us, and board the ship, who's on the alter, and a conversation erupt on many topics, but I don't care, as I'm talking to Chopper about leaving the place, but he wish to finish saving the life of the man who rescued him from death, and I totally get him, even though I'm a bit angry he let Nami out of his sight.

"Never mind.. let's go eat... the sun will be gone soon... I don't see a reason to fight in this place.. there's a dangerous people here.." I tell Nami and Chopper, but Nami shout back "GOLD! MONEY!", and I smile weirdly, telling her "we're rich enough, more gold ain't worth our happiness, or life".

(Ayn! Robin wanna come back!) I hear Bing-Bi in my head.

<Informing you that it's correct, Robin find this place intriguing> Infi tell me.

'Wait, listen, all, we can always come back here, does it need to be right now?' I ask in my head, and hear no response, so I go with the rest to land, wishing to eat as well.

While eating Nami call me, and show me 2 maps, and when she connect them together it shows a picture of a skull, and she explain to me "this is Jaya, and this is this island, Skypiea, we're on, and it probably was connected till the knock-up-stream flew the whole island to the sky... AND HERE!" she point on the map "THE GOLD IS!".

"Okay.. okay... we'll go get it, but if it's dangerous we're outa here" I tell her, and go ask Chopper if he's ready, and when he return and say he is, I transfer him into Infinity's-space, letting him go meet Robin.

I go look at the old-man, seeing Chopper left him many medicines, so I wake him up softly, look into his eyes, and read as much memory as I can, mostly about powers of the people here.

'Wow, another new technological power I never knew about... dials... impacts and preserving energies... like generators? voice machines? empowering boats? it's so amazing, I better take some... and this god, Enel, I better not find that electricity-user, but I so wanna this devil-fruit...' I think as I get all the info before I get a headache, and he *breath heavily* and return to sleep weakly.

The straw-hat-pirates light a fire, in the middle of a forest, in night, in the middle of the enemy-base, making me mad, but I just tell them "see ya later" while Nami tell them "goodbye, and good luck, maybe we'll meet again in the future".

Nami and the straw-hat-pirates start having an argument, her complaining about risking her life nonstop, about them not listening to her, even starting a bonfire here, and how she made a promise with me, while they just cry like babies, saying 'we need you'/'we can't survive without you'/'we got no navigator', but those reasons are pure-selfish, making her a bit more mad.

"Let's go" I tell Nami as the argument bare no fruits, telling them "we're all here for now, so just remember, this island is extremely dangerous, so stop with this light-mood you create and use your lil' brain. By the way, Chopper with us as well".

I grab Nami hand, and we walk into the wood, as she cling to me really hard, looking scared, so I carry her on my back while turning invisible, showing her we're totally safe like this.

"Let's go to find the gold!!" Nami exhale happily in my ear, and I smile and walk to the direction she tells me to, but it's dark, cold, and not the time for that.

"Let's camp here" I tell her as we reach the end of the land, and now walking on a cloud, so I choose the tree closest to us, on the verge of an old-looking-buildings, who are broken and stuck inside the clouds, with trees growing out of them, and start building a base.

I manipulate a tree, creating a space in it, and then cut the clouds, taking it with me as a bed, plus pillows, feeling how comfortable it is.

Inside, I also put an oil-lamp, giving the room a romantic feeling, and when I'm finished I finally focus on Nami, seeing her on the bed.

"Wow, all of this made me hungry" I say with a smirk.

"You seem hungry" Nami shyly look at me.

I watch Nami rolling on the white-bed-cover, on the white-cloud-bed, with a white bikini on, and white-pearls on her ears, making her ginger hair glow beautifully in the soft-light.

Her ginger-eyes show a feeling I can't describe, but wish to explore, and I take my clothes off, staying with only my underwear on, and climb to bed, above her.

"You know how worried I was looking for you everywhere?" I ask her as my hand stroll her body, from her feet to her tights.

I kiss her stomach, as she whispers "I know.. When they found a map of a sky-island, and the log-pose pointed at the middle-of-the-sea, where nothing at, it's sort of turn out like this".

I look up, and see her nipples popping up, pushing the white-bikini-top upward, and I raise my head to bite them softly.

"MMnnnnn" Nami moan cutely, and I suck her nipples through her top.

I move up, while kissing her body, as she fidget, and pull the strings of her bikini, making them stay in place, but slowly slide off of her body, as I reach her lips and we kiss greedily.

She put her hands around my head while we kiss, and slowly slide them to my neck, back, ass, and try to take off my underwear, which she can't, so I move up, helping her take them out, as she lay on the bed, and I'm sitting on top of her stomach.

'AH, I wanna slide it here' I think as I see her bare naked breast after the bikini-top slid-off, and sit a bit up, trying to slide my dick in between her boobs.

She look at my lustful gaze, *giggle*, and push her boobs together, covering my cock between them, but we both feel it ain't working, as it ain't sliding, so she push me gently, guiding me to lie-down on my back, while she turn to sit between my legs.

*Slurp*, Nami take my dick into her mouth, getting it wet with her saliva, then take it out, move a bit up while holding her boobs from the sides, and slide my dick between them.

"HAAaaaaa" I moan, as Nami rub my shaft with her soft-giggly-boobs, and every few movements she move her body a bit down, *Slurp*, sucking my dick into her wet mouth, and slide down again.

'I'm close to it' I think and moan-talk "I said I'm hungry, but it's only you eating here", and she raise her eyes to me,with my cock in her mouth, mumbling "iam thirsty lemie dringk iwt".

The whole situation take me over the edge, as I shout "AHHH,HERE,DRINK,NAMIII, ILOVEYOU" and cum while hearing her gulping it all down her throat.

I relax as she keep cleaning it with her sweet mouth, and I turn 180-degrees, putting her leg above me, so I lie-down between her legs, with her above me, going 69, and seeing the bikini-bottom slid-off, I just shove my tongue out, pull her by the ass-cheeks to my mouth, and eat her.

"AH, AHH, AHHHH, AHHYNNNN" Nami shouts while my cock in her mouth, and I eat her pussy greedily, while playing with her juicy-ass, squeezing it, separating it, just to *slurp,slurp,slurp,...* sounds echo in the room.

"NOOOOO!" Nami shouts as she cum, right in the moment I wet my finger and shove it inside her ass, making her sit on my face, fucking my tongue, sliding her pussy on my mouth and nose, and *SQUIRT,SQUIRT,..* on it nonstop, as I piston my finger in her ass.

"YESSS!.. NOOO!.. WHY!.. WHY IS IT SO GOOD!.." Nami keep cumming for more than a minute, as my face get wetter by the second, and I raise my other hand to play with her boobs, but she grab it, and start sucking my fingers like it's my dick, while my arm is between her tits.

"FUCK ME!" Nami shout, making me ask from below "How'd you want it?", but she just start rubbing her clit hard on my mouth, back and forth, while singing-moaning "FUCK ME! FUCK ME! fuck me fuck me fuckme!...".

I push her off of me, landing on 6, and she lick my cock who's in front of her face, but I quickly move up, sitting on my knees behind her, and let my cock slide into her wet-awaiting-pussy, as she push her ass backward, fucking me, moaning "yessss, I LOVE YOU, I, I missed you, I want you,..".

I begin piston, while holding her boobs in my hands, kissing her back and neck, and go faster, stronger, deeper, and what starts as making love quickly turn to wild sex.

Right before the climax Nami moans to me "YES! Pull my hair!!!", and I wonder how, as I never did it before, so I slide my fingers through her skull, grab a handful of hair, and hold it tight while *Bang,Bang,Bang,...*, hear the sound of my balls hitting her ass, smashing my cock onto her womb.

Nami shivers, making me feel she's not goona cum, but rather erupt, and really soon.

When I hear the sounds of her rough voice, through her face who stuck inside a pillow "HMGFPH...", I feel it is coming, and big time.

Nami raise her head to the ceiling, as I pull her hair strongly, riding her roughtly, and she shouts her moans "HUUUAH, HOOOH, AGHH, ... ", and *SQUIRTTTTT*, so strongly it shoot through her pussy like fireworks, some drop even reach my face while I piston her from behind, and right then, my head reach the clouds, cumming, shooting her pussy white.

I collapse on top of her shivering body, who massage my dick inside of her, and we fall asleep, just like that, without moving an inch, in our own puddle.


Waking up, I slowly pull my dick out of Nami, before it also wake up and rise while inside her.

Nami grumble-fidget, as it almost woke her up, and I go stretch my body and see what's happening outside.

Looking out, I see a broken ancient buildings, stuck in clouds, looking majestic.

<Robin asks to come to you, she say it's really really important to her> Infi tells me.

I think 'sure, if it's that important..', and focus my space-energy, as she *teleport* right in front of me, and I catch her to a hug.

*CHUU* she kiss my lips in the first moment, and in the second she gaze at the ancient-city, looking mesmerized, telling me "It's like a dream come true, I... I...".

I *chuckle*, hug her from behind, and we snuggle together till I feel 2 hands, one on my dick and one on my balls, playing with them, as I'm still bare naked.

I turn my head, but, Nami ain't there, and I get Robin finally uses her powers for the 'right purpose', as she turn her body and we start kiss, while she hand-job me, using 4 hands, making my lust go haywire.

"I..." I try to speak, but she shush me with a finger, whispering to me "wait outside", and go inside the tree-house/room, while also asking for her suitcase, which I pull out, and wait outside, gazing on this ancient-broken-buildings.

Suddenly, 2 hands cover my eyes, and I get it's Robin, as I hear the door slide open, and feel a different hand pull me in, and push me onto the bed, sitting there.

Just when the hands move from my eyes, I can feel and see Nami and Robin between my legs, doing a double tit-job, while wearing a revealing bikini-top, and slide up, then down, and more down, enough to give a wet-licky-saliva to it, just to slide up again.

I'm just sitting, barely moving, and watching them full of joy, merely pinching a nipple once in a while, letting them play and have fun with my cock.

When I'm close to cumming, and they drop their head down and put both their lips on my cock's-head, start kissing with it between them, tongues entangling with it, I cum while shouting "WE'RE GOONA FUCK TILL WE REACH ABOVE THE CLOUDS".

I push them onto the bed, give them a short stare, before starting to devour them to the bone.