
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH67: Living in a bubble

Waking up alone in the bed, I slowly go wash myself, going to find food, and find Robin alone in the balcony. "Good morning... Vivi went back to the palace with Caroo, Chopper with the straw-hats helping them heal before they leave, and Nami... well.. look outside" Robin tells me while I arrange breakfast on the table.

I walk outside, and on the river's shore Nami rides a camel, looking like a professional racer, and I burst laughing while waving 'hi' to her, returning inside. Robin is already sits on the table, preparing a plate for her and me, and tells me "Iv'e got few more days here, so let's go to Amazon-lily, then Fishman-island, and if we have time, Rusukaina and Sabaody", and I nod 'yeah'.

As we finish eating, and Nami and Chopper joins us, Robin tells me while looking at Nami "Ayn, it seems the navigator of straw-hat ran-away from them, and they're stuck..", and I feel conflicted, looking at Nami, who have a sad-smile on her face.

"Namiii" I pout and go lay my head on her legs, sitting on the floor, looking into her eyes while she brush my hair, still with the sad-smile. "Okay, whatever you want, just stop with this sad-face, you won" I whimper, and she blink her eyes few times, breath, and say "at least until next island, then I'll come join you forever.. I feel like I'm leaving them hanging.. it's like I abandon friends who got no backup plan..".

"Chopper, you're part of the Familia, so you will join and protect Nami!" I decide as I look at him seriously, and he salute, like he's a marine or something, and Robin laugh and pat him on the head, saying "that's a good idea, Nami, make them search for a doctor and a maintenance-guy for the broken-ship, or better yet, new ship, as well".

"Wait. Robin, how can I find Nami? How can she protect herself?" I ask, but none got any idea, and I'm worried-sick about something happening to her. "Let's go relax in town for today" Robin decide, and pull me by the hand. "Iv'e got 2 bikes, wanna ride them, or the camel you found?" I ask, feeling depressed. "BIKES!" Nami shouts happily, trying to raise my mood, and she come near my ear, whispering "I'm yours already, and in less than a month will be together, forever, everything goona be alright", and hug me from behind.

"Iv'e got the perfect thing" Robin tell Nami and pull her inside a room, and Chopper and I talk about the plan to protect Nami while they sail with the crazy-pirates, till the 2 comes out wearing black-leather clothes, from head to bottom, even black-high-heels, and black-sunglasses, looking sexy-cool, and Robin signal us with her head, like she's saying 'let's go'.

I go out and put the red and black bikes down, and Nami jump on the black-bike, and Chopper jumps to ride with her, like he's ready to protect her with his life, making me smile, and I go on the red-bike, hugging Robin from behind, as she hold the steering-wheel.

"Lock and ready to go" Robin tell me, as she ignite the bike and I just roam her body with my hands, kissing her neck and shoulder, whispering "seeing her going to sea with bunch of men, I hate it", but Robin *giggle* at me, like I'm worried for nothing, and say "all you need to do is trust her, as your woman, to keep her commitment, and protect herself, as a real man should do", and I think about how her words got sense, but also isn't, at least from my, a man, perspective.

"WHOOOHOOO" Nami rotate the pedal, throwing a sand-cloud behind her, and Chopper screams "AHHHHH" right after, and a moment later we see the camel run after them, laugh, and Robin follow them at full-speed, making a crazy race, continuing all the way to the royal-palace, while the whole army chase us as we didn't identify ourselves in the city's entrance and broke inside.

"They're okay, you can leave now" Pell tell the group of endless soldiers surrounding us, and I say "Yo, sorry, women are crazy" while storing the bikes, and I get double-pinch on my cheeks. "Haha, come, the princess await with the king" Pell say and lead us inside.

We join a lovely brunch with Vivi and her father, the king, talking from pure fun to politics, government, and reach country-development, as we think about water-ways, protecting the source of the river, and roads, plus army and weapons. When I call the king about something, saying "Cobra", but he stop me and say "Father-in-law", and I smile to Vivi, then to Cobra, and continue with even better coordination and cooperation between all of us, feeling more close to each other.

"What about the hover-car? You want it?" I ask Vivi as we're in her bedroom, having a private time before I leave, and she nod shyly, so I leave her fuel, tell her to keep it a secret, and we leave, as she go say goodbye to everyone else.

"Come take all you need from the yacht" Robin tell Nami and Chopper as we return, and I follow Nami to have private time with her, having fun while she pack suitcases.

When she's ready, and change shirt, she comes to me with her bra on, talking to me how I shouldn't worry, and sit on me, whispering love-words, and slowly dry-hump me, telling me "I won't see you for at least a week", and start taking my and her clothes.

I keep sitting on the edge of the bed as Nami sits on her knees, going down on me, as I hold her hair. Not wishing to cum in her mouth, but rather inside her, I pull her up when I'm close, making her sit on my lap, making love, before I raise her to the air, standing while still inside her, pushing her back to the wall, and make love to her till I cum, and a moment later she surprise me and also cum.

"I want at least 4 more inside of me" Nami moan to me, and she awoke a ferocious beat inside of me, making me devour her from every angle, everywhere across the bedroom, till *Knock,Knock,Knock*, "It's late already, we got long day ahead of us" Robin says from behind the door, and I could only cum 3 times, but Nami on her 8th, at least, close to the 9th, as I fuck her from behind, standing in front a huge mirror, her hands up holding my horns, and my hands squish her boobs, as she shiver, cum, and collapse into the mirror, but I catch her in time.

I go out, guided by Robin to start focus on space-energy, as she wish to store the yacht back to Infinity's space, and she go help Nami and Chopper get ready, plus get things straight with the straw-hat, and when they get out, I start the process, as it takes me half the time than before to store it, but still, few hours.

I fly over to the piece-of-ship, finding them all doing things, from eating snacks to fishing, while the ship slowly go down the river, and I join into Robin and Nami discussion, as Chopper also comes to us, and few minutes later we say farewell, knowing their general-plan, and they sail down the river, as I hold Robin's hand, and *Teleport*.

"Hmm... we're inside Hancock's bedroom, in the palace, and I can't see her nearby, what should we do?" I ask robin, and she just walk out, as I turn invisible and follow behind her. When I see guards walking close I hold Robin, turning her invisible also, take my shirt and wings out, jump out of the window, and fly above the island.

"There" Robin point to a huge Colosseum where lots of people are gathered, and as I land, Robin leaves my hold, standing next to Hancock with a smile, and say "Hi, I'm Robin, Ayn told me lots about you". The whole crowd scream in shock as unidentified woman appeared, but Hancock show the most gentle face I could imagine, and I'm mumbling "beautiful", together with the shouts of the whole crowd, to Hancock, and even Robin seems to be in love with her.

"I'll leave you together, I'll return in the evening" I whisper to both of them, and when they say "okay", I *Teleport*.


Visiting Paradise, I can't find Alison or Mia, and the yacht isn't here, so I leave them a note and go give the tree-house energies, which he suck greedily, making me tired and go do something till I charge-up, continuing construction of the underground-basement, and find out the tree, by himself, created 'walls', or rather, put his roots, in ordinarily manner, making the place amazingly stable and beautiful.

I put my hand on the roots and 'ask' him to next create 3 floors out of this space, which still would be incredibly huge, as I dug really deep, except the middle, where the elevator is. Nothing happens, but I believe he understood me somehow, and if not, I'll correct it later on, and go eat and train before I got energy, and *Teleport*.


'Why nobody dig through the red-line, creating a tunnel through it, or even digging the tunnel between the 4-blue-seas, connecting them through the calm-belt' I think about such a project, wonder if someone already done it, as I reach Hancock's room, and find her and Robin drinking coffee with Roxanne.

"Yo" I say as I sit in the empty chair. We all chat for a bit before they tell me Rebecca and Viola went to Rusukaina, and they wanna go there too for a 1-day-break, and I'm suppose to teleport them. I still have headache from lack of energy, so I rest-*teleport*-meditate-..., and back again, till it's midnight, and we're all in Rusukaina now.

The women move around the tree-house, making it look like a real house where people live in, as I kinda neglected the place, and I give them lots of things, plus get a shopping-list, and a mission to go tomorrow to get everything, from Earth and Sabaody.

Sitting on the balcony, together with the 5 women, we watch the stars, while planning our future, from Alabasta, where Vivi rules, to Amazon-lily, which in the process to change into a country and I give them lots of things to help the process, and discuss Dressrosa-issues, wishing to gather forces to conquer the island safely.

"We'll be going to Fishman-island tomorrow" Robin says. "Let mermaids come visit, or join, Amazon lily" Hancock suggest. "Maybe create a sea-force is the best way to expand our powers" Viola assume the Fishmen can be a major power in our new alliance. "I want to keep training" Rebecca and Roxanne tell us, and we all also agree on that.

As they keep talking, I go bring drinks, and when I'm back, and all got a champagne glass, I go on my knee, in front of all of them, while pulling 3 golden-rings, and ask "Hancock, Roxanne, Rebecca, please become officially my wives. Let's stay together forever".

Hancock and Roxanne bring their hands to me, and I put a ring on each, taking time to kiss and hug, and then the other, but Rebecca stay dumb-founded, yet Viola push her forward, and Rebecca finally smile and jump to hug me, whispering "..yes..forever..I'm yours..", and we kiss as I put a ring on her finger.

From there, without even trying, at least not me, a lustful environment created slowly, as clothes fly off, touches run down on my body, and a cosplay party starts on the side, while Robin push us all to the living-room, activate a karaoke-machine, the table full with alcohol and snacks, and very soon my dick slide into a hole.

"OH MY GOD, Doesn't it hurt?!?" Viola asks in loud voice as Hancock take my dick into her ass, bragging to the others how she's the first, and only one, who did this with me from behind. Rebecca and Roxanne are beside us on the sofa, as I think 'They're the Masochistic-trio of my women, hehe', and I shove my hands between their legs, as they push their naked breasts into my face, and Hancock dance with her juicy-ass on my dick.

"AHHH, I'M CLOSE" Hancock almost orgasm, from her ass, but I moan back "IN THE PUSSY, I WANT TO CUM IN YOUR PUSSY", as I'm also close, and she quickly go up, slide it to her other hole, and just as she fall-down, she's already cumming, as I play with her boobs, pinching her nipples, but lost the momentum to cum, so I focus on her.

I look at Roxanne, pleasuring her own nipples with a red-face next to me, and whisper "come to me, wife", and she smile brightly and climb to me as Hancock lie-down where she sat. Roxanne slowly play with my cock on her pussy, slowly slide it in, and I decide to push her lust out, while pushing her body for real, standing up, letting her stand in 90-degree, with her hands on the table, and I grab her tail and fuck her doggy-style, feeling extreme pleasure, moaning freely, how I doggy-style a doggy-woman, 'or is she a wolf, so is it a wolf-style?' I think as I piston harder, grabbing her wiggling boobs, with each push her body raise into the air, and in 5 minutes she already orgasm, leaving me yet to cum.

On the side, while hearing loud music playing, I see Viola dancing in vigor, and Robin learning from her, as their boobs and asses shakes in their sexy dresses, but I move my eyes to Rebecca, who sits on her knees on the sofa, shaking her ass, hinting me what to do, and I do so, tearing her panties and shove my dick slowly from behind, while holding her by her long pony-tail, and *Smack,Smack,SMACK, SLAP,...*, pump into her harder and harder, adding slaps to her bubble-ass, and she scream, moan, and have a wide sexy smile on her face.

For more than 2 hours the sex-party continues on, till they all fell asleep, but I'm still going full-power, and go to the balcony, naked, to breath fresh-air, trying to relax, but the view is too much for me to look at.

Viola stands with her back to me, looking like she's totally wet, and not just sweat, but her hands are between her legs, and soft "Nnnn... Mmm..." goes out of her. I look at her enormous bubble-butt, which filled with muscles, go on my knees behind her, *RIP* her dress, and shove my tongue to her pussy, while holding her thighs to shove it even stronger, and begin eating her.

"AHHHhhhhh... YES YES YES..." Viola shouts in joy, moaning into the stars, as she put her hands on her boobs and play with them. In few minutes she cum into my face, and when I stand up, she crouch down, hold my cock, and swallow it into her mouth. I let her play with it, as she suck with so much lust I'm afraid to stop her, as she just devour it with no rhythm, but she soon gets tired.

She stand up, put a hand on the rail of the balcony, and with the other hand hold her bubbling-butt, who shakes in front of me, as she turn her head, look into my eyes with her pleading eyes and open mouth, letting me know what she want, and I do so, going behind her, and slowly go inside her.

"..You can move now.." Viola weakly says, as blood-stream goes down my dick, and I understand how pure this grown-up-woman is, even though she's the epitome of sex-appeal, with how she move and shake her body. Even now, she shake her body, like she's sex-dancing.

"YESSS" she moan after a minute, finally feeling it, and I keep fucking her while ripping the leftover clothes she has on her, till I can grab her bubbly-boobs, squishing them and cumming in her pussy. I try to relax, while she slowly push me back, walking backward while still connected, and I'm still cumming, and soon my back hit the wall.

"Let me try" Viola tell me with lustful eyes, and start *Pack,Pack,Pack,...*, as she fuck me, pushing her ass to my body, and I hold her hips, helping her soft bubbly ass crush into me, and soon enough her immature back and forth turn to a dance, and she even send a hand between her legs and play with my balls.

In the moment she really get used to it, the dance become like the climax of a wild-song, and she fuck me so good, all I can do is moan, and cum with her in the moment she cum, as she grab my ass and push me deeper into her, hitting her womb, and I grab her breast, as I kiss her neck, cheek, and when she turn her head I finally kiss her plump lips, deeply, lovingly, while she keep shaking her ass, and soon enough round 2 will begin.

I wake up to feel I'm still in the middle of sex, but see it's morning, and also, it's Rebecca riding on top of me. I tell her "Good morning, my love, but if we make love while I'm asleep, at least film it, so I could see it later", and from the side I hear Viola's happy laugh, happier then I ever heard, and when Rebecca cum and leave me, I finally go on my knee before Viola and ask "Will you marry me?", and she cry, jump to hug me, and I get it as 'yes', hugging her back.

After quick breakfast I'm sent with the shopping list and Earth's credit-card to fetch lots of things, way too many things, and for half-a-day I'm on a crazy shopping-spree everywhere, till I finally arrive back to Rusukaina and collapse after putting almost all on the training-room, except heavy and big stuff, and fall asleep on a yoga mattress.

"You can have the speed-boat" I hear Robin tell the girls as I wake up and see them going through the things while wearing yoga-pants and bras, but seems my dick still haven't wake-up, making me worried, as the view is too beautiful to not stand and see it up close.

"What about me?" I ask, and Rebecca come next to me, saying "Big Bad Dragon! Use your wings!", and when I see her close to me my dick gets hard, and I *sigh* in happiness, pull her to fall on me, and laugh while we roll on the floor, crushing into the other women who sits nearby.