
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs


"Robin, beware of the blond-guy, I think he's a traitor... and I heard that 'will of D' nonsense too much, what does that even means? It's a mere family name" I cut into Robin's quiet talk with Dr. Kureha.

"I heard Yuena talked with you about it...", Robin responds, "I'll just tell you this... Fate, fate is like the past, which means that everything that exist has occurrences that will determine the future, like a rolling wheel, but, the will to fight against fate, that's a harsh future, because it can mean you refuse to acknowledge everything that existed, or exist, right now... even if the worlds evolve, and nothing stay the same, the power in the changes is based on the things already existing...".

I just answer "'Will of D', that fate, sounds more like a 'Will of Death', and I ain't having a wish, or will, to Die, nor listening to anyone else will before he Died, or write any will for my Death... Fate is for the weak of heart, for the cowards, for the people who can't evolve, or think on their own", and I drop the subject off, saying "thanks anyway", and go toward Nami and Vivi.

"300,000 SOLDIERS CHANGED SIDE AND JOINED THE REBELS??.." Vivi shouts in panic while reading a newspaper next to Nami.

"Vivi, why do you trust everything the newspaper says?" I ask while walking toward her, "and even if it's true, we're on our way there now, really close, panic won't help you" I say while hugging her from behind, but she keeps panicking, and even her face lose color, so I look over to Robin, making a 'help me' face, and she smile gently and walk over to us.

"If we want to take Nami with us, the best option is to find them a navigator, maybe from the pirates you defeated yesterday. If we want to save Vivi'-country, just eliminating the hidden organization won't be enough, and we need more information, but Vivi must play a vital-role, stabilizing the acting-ruler position, and we need to discuss it in details. If we wish to set sail as a crew, maybe finding a doctor, be it Kureha or her apprentice, is a must at the moment, and soon we'll haft to get someone to control and maintain the ship" Robin speech makes me, Vivi, and Nami organize our thoughts, and Nami mumble "oh, I now get it why we need Robin so much right now", and Vivi finally show color in her face, like she found hope.

"I'll go find a navigator with Nami, and you two check if Kureha wanna come with us" I offer, and we all smile and go our separate ways, leaving the straw-hat-crew standing there like trees in a school-play.

Me and Nami go on the ship of the pirates who were defeated, and I shout "ANY NAVIGATOR ON BOARD?", while looking at their broken crew, lost without leadership, with a few fighting over it, and revealing to us most of them went to live on the island, as most of them came from here in the first place, while some wish for life in sea.

two men walk to us, saying "yeah, we're navigators, need help?", and I say "yeah, please come here for a moment", and I lead them to the straw-hat-ship, which is close-by, and shout "LUFFY, COME HERE", and when he comes I tell him "here, two navigators, good luck", while laughing, grabbing Nami hand, and *Teleport*.

At the mountain-castle, Nami punching me cutely, mumbling "you should do it better! idiot!".

On the side, Robin negotiation seems to fail with Kureha, but there's possibility to let the reindeer join us, so we sit to lunch, and while at it, I see Kureha likes alcohol, so I drop few boxes of them, and she smiles in happiness, enjoying the great taste.

"Okay, we'll leave by night. Chopper, if you'd join us, we would love to have you in our crew as a real friend, and you can always come back here later, but Kureha says it's only if you man up" Robin speaks to all of us, and I discover the reindeer has a name, as he never mention it, or anyone else, before.

Dalton raise his hand, and we look at him, as he start speaking "two of the men who came up told me there's a massage to Luffy, the captain with 30 million bounty on him, from a guy named Ace, who was searching for the pirates who demolished this country, Blackbeard".

"Wait!", I say, but stop, thinking 'there's probably billions of people in the world, even if it's the first time I hear the name Ace in here', but Robin come and pat my head, and I realize I'm stressed out. Robin asks "when was that? what's the massage?", and he tell us "around a week ago, he said to tell Luffy he'll be in Alabasta for 10 days".

"Well, we go there anyway, and we can find more from the Luffy guy?" Robin keep patting me, and I nod in confirmation. "Let's set sail, we will go together with them, at least at start" Robin tell Nami, who also seems stressed about leaving her crew, even though they were together for such a short time.

'...They're really a life-threat to her, like they doesn't give a damn, or just pure idiots, with a kid as captain.. The first time I met them, they just left her, and she also left them.. The second time, she was kidnapped, and they didn't knew, or probably cared.. And with that bug-bite, they actually got in here, so maybe she would have been cured, but who knows, with a time-line of just 5 days till death... Just crazy mix of kids calling themselves pirates...' I think to myself, while they keep on their conversations.

I go pack our leftover stuff, also giving more things for Kureha while thanking her, promising "I'll come visit from time to time, it's close by anyway". I also say 'goodbye' to Dalton, and knowing the women will come with Chopper and Kureha down the mountain, I go to the mountain's cliff and jump off.

'Gliding in the sky is such a great feeling' I think while preparing to land, slowly breaking my speed, and in a desolate spot in the side of the port ask 'Infi, please', and hear <concentrate on the water's location>, and soon, *FLASH*, a huge space-storm appear and disappear, and the super-yacht is now in here, floating. I jump in, connect the yacht's bridge to the land, and go anchor it, while arranging stuff inside, plus dinner.

... "WOW!!!", "AMAZING!", "BEAUTIFUL!", "Well, with that kind of ship even I think to go back to sail the oceans", Chopper, Nami, Vivi, and Kureha enter the yacht's entrance, and Robin walk behind them, all with huge smiles, checking everything around them.

"But how can a ship move without sails??", "And why everything from metal?? It's too heavy!", "How can a ship have glass windows?!? It's dangerous!", Nami, Vivi, and Kureha questioning the yacht nonstop, and while I laugh, Robin sits on the sofa, signaling all to sit, and start explaining about advanced technology, engines, fuels, and such, while I go light it up, open the lights, gentle music, air-condition, and finish preparing dinner, and soon they all join me.

While eating desserts, I see Chopper and Kureha shouting at each other, but I 'see' contrast between their words and true-feelings, so I 'push outside' their energies, and a heated-hated-argument becomes a lovely mother-son-goodbye, and when they relax, I add from the side "it's really easy to return here, so just tell me anytime?".

Robin *hit!* my head from behind, saying "shut up and go inside now, you did enough", as she understood I pushed their energies, manipulating them to reveal their true feelings, so I note to myself 'better hide when I do things like that, or, just shut up, and let them have their true moment'.

"NAMIIIIIIII" we hear Luffy shouts from outside the yacht, and see the piece-of-ship sail close to us. We walk to the 2nd floor balcony, while Kureha says goodbye to us all, and go have a private chat with Chopper, before she go back to the island.

"NAMI!" Luffy shouts when he sees her coming out "YOU CAN'T LEAVE! YOU'RE OUR NAVIGATOR!".

"What the hell, kiddo, she ain't your property, she's a living-being, grow up.. and I see you took a new navigator, so what's the problem?" I answer him instead of the shy-Nami beside me.

"NAMI SWANNNN" the blond-guy shouts, and I shout back "Yo, gay blondie, drop the act like you like woman", and he look at me with anger, but Zoro laugh happily.

"WHO'S GAY?!" Blond-guy shouts, and I tell him "Curly eyebrows.. weird movements.. totally a virgin, even when chasing girls like crazy.. so much, man, but never mind that, let's sail together to Alabasta, it's just a day away".

They continue to talk, and I just go install sling-chairs and sling-beds on the outside deck, even though there's sitting areas and entertainment area nearby, and sit on one. Luffy jumps to the yacht and look at me, so I take out a bucket of KFC and give him, and he sit on a sling-chair next to me, eating happily, like he forgot what he came here to say.

"A guy named Ace left you a massage here" I tell him, and he stop eating, asking "WHEN? WHAT?", and I tell him what Dalton told me, while asking "Can you describe him to me? like general look, age, etc?", and he tells me lots of nonsense about them being brothers, growing-up together, but nothing helpful, so I drop the subject, as I'll see him anyway in few days, hopefully.

The night makes me annoyed, so I shout "LET'S GET GOING!", and just then we hear *BOOM,BOOM,BOOM,...*, cannons-fire nonstop, and look around in wonder, and see it came from the mountain-top, and suddenly, few moments later, a pink-cloudy-powder spread up above, and it paint the whole sky pink, even painting the snow-flakes pink, who rains down, reaching us, and also the sea around the island, and a beautiful scene, like watching an enormous sakura tree, is in front of our eyes.

I hear Chopper finally came out, crying hard, shouting "UOOOHHHH!" toward the pink sky, as pink-snow-flakes flowing around him. I tell Luffy, who looks at him, "let's set sail, we'll talk more on the way", and grab him, throwing him inside his piece-of-ship, and go pull the bridge and anchor, light the engine to full operation.

I shout "HERE WE GO!", while Nami, Vivi, Robin, Chopper, and Karoo, come inside the control-room, standing all around me, watching the huge windows all around us, and even Bing-Bi materialize next to them, jumping to Robin's side, smiling to everybody.

The yacht starts sailing into the water, with the straw-hat-pirate-ship behind us, and while Nami takes the steering-wheel, together with Robin, I go serve drinks to everyone from the bar.

When everyone got a drink in hand I shout "CHEERS!", but Nami stops us, saying "Wait!! What we cheer about? what's the pirate crew name?", and Robin and I laugh.

"We're no criminals! we are FREE! not even a pirate-bullshit can take our freedom! CHEERS TO THE .... FAMILIA!" I say, and while Robin burst laughing, probably by my improvised name, they all shouts back "CHEERS!" and we all drink while looking at each other, smiling, relaxing.

"What about me?" Bing-Bi sits on my lap when I go to the sofa, and I hug her to me, whispering "You're a part of my heart", and she look so cute that I'm sure I hugged her too strongly, but she says nothing, just cuddling on me with her head on my chest, and soon mumble her sarcasm "..I'm more of a part of your brain?", and I laugh, saying "part of my whole body" and kiss her forehead.

"Chopper, come here for a sec" I call him, and when he's near me, I introduce them to each other, saying "Bing-Bi is a beautiful-scorpion-human.. see her tail? but she's mine" and hug her tightly.

He look in wonder, like he doesn't get it and got no sexuality at all, like I suspected from long ago, as there's not a drop of lust in his body, and I hope it will stay like that till he find his own woman. Bing-Bi find him cute, and jumps down, talking with him, and Caroo joins them, as they walk down to the 1st floor living-room.

"You stay here, I'll go show the yacht to everybody" Robin tells me, and I sit there alone, watching the open waters, cruising in a turtle-speed, as the piece-of-ship is so slow, and if there isn't wind they'll just stay in place and not move an inch.

I watch a screen lights up and a movie is playing in front of me, so I just watch it, while glancing at the eternal-pose from time to time, until an hour later finally Robin comes up, saying "oh, it played it here as well" as she watch the screen, telling me "They've got so much wonder about it, and I left them, while watching the movie... It seems they've got no technology like this in this world yet...".

I look back, and see Robin in a black-dress, looking as charmingly beautiful as ever, and I lustfully look at her, pulling her by the hand to sit on my lap, on the captain-chair, as she begin talking to me.

"Let's finish the things in Alabasta quickly, I wish to just drop the top off, and let the country deal with the rest, and then...Rusukaina-island, and from there to Amazon-lily-island, so.. Hancock and Rebecca, ..plus Roxanne and Voila?.. Fishmen-island.. Shyarly.. plus Shirahoshi? If you can turn giant now, I guess that's a whole new world, hehe" Robin talk on and on, while I almost turn giant to show her how 'fun' my partner can be, but then think 'can I enlarge only my dick?', and a whole world start popping in my head, as I smirk evilly, and Robin *SMACK* the top of my head, pouting, like she can read my mind.

"I can, if it float enough, through Infi.. you need to block it if you want it to stop" Robin says, and I look in shock at her, but not really care, and she laugh, "you got living-organisms inside of you, actually, a whole world form inside of you, even if it's not yet a complete one, but, but luckily there's Infi, who's perfect".

I focus only on the last part, as my lust still haywire, questioning "how perfect?", and Robin look mysteriously at me, whispering to my ear "way way perfect, so much, it's maybe unsafe for you to meet her", and my cock harden, while I whisper back "perfection is subjective, and I do love Infi, but I doubt I can rate any woman above you. All my wives are pure perfection", and kiss her neck.

"Wait, give me the information you got in the last day", and I put my forehead on hers, lock eyes, and pass her my memories.

"WOW! The devil-fruits collection getting amazing!" Robin happy about it, and think aloud "We need a much bigger boat, with more rooms, clinic, high ceilings, aquarium for fishes, cannons, maybe even torpedoes, and so much more, mainly crew-mates..", and I listen to her blubber while watching the eternal-pose and movie, as she fall asleep from her own blubber, so I kiss her gently, go down, and lay her down next to everybody, who all now asleep in the living-room huge soft sofas.

I close the screen, dim the lights, and go back up.


"Good morning!" Vivi voice wakes me up, as I shout "I'M NOT SLEEPING", and she burst laughing. "Robin told me to switch places with you, so go eat breakfast" she tell me while kissing my cheek shyly, and I kiss her back, let her sit, and go eat, while she adds "Robin told me the general-plan, so I'll trust you", and I nod in agreement, but have no idea what's Robin plan is.

"Good morning!" I tell everyone, who all doing their thing, from reading books, watching a show, training, etc, and I sit to eat with my eyes gazing at Nami and Robin doing yoga, missing the spoon who aimed to my mouth a few times, as they shake their asses, giggling at me, and I pout, saying "yoga pants should be illegal, outside the yacht of course", and continue eating.

... "Okay, listen up" Robin tells us all as we now all sit on the 2nd-floor deck, "Ayn! You will go first to Alabasta, and if things look normal, you can do whatever, but no big moves yet. We will sail for less than 4 days, so be sure to wait for us there. I think about getting Hancock, but not yet decided, so don't get her involved, and of course not the rest as well. Also, check Dressrosa condition. Plus, leave money in the vault inside, it's empty, we need it there, surely for newspapers daily".

I nod my head, and start saying goodbyes, fill the vault with money, and *Teleport*.


... At Alabasta kingdom, on a busy street, looking like an ordinary man, I hear people gossips, and understand the citizens view Crocodile as a national-hero, who saves them from pirates who come to attack them, and about the two opposing-forces, the country'-army versus the rising-rebels-army.

'Why can't I just disarm them?' I think, and go buy a map of the island, planning to just steal weapons from the rebels, as it seems they're not that well-organized, nor equipped, for war.

I turn invisible, take my shirt and wings off, and fly, reaching a rebel army base. I land nearby it, gather intel, map where the weapons supply located at, and as I hear about another base, I also go there, estimating that I can probably disarm them of half the weapons before escaping untouched.

Next, I fly to the city I heard Crocodile is at, Rainbase, and find the building, a huge pyramid with a golden statue of crocodile on top, but suddenly, I also see a huge lake.

'WHAT THE HELL, SO MUCH WATER, JUST PUMP IT TO OTHER PLACES' I think, imagining this country is really undeveloped, as people in the desert should think about water first thing, and what's more, open waters will just fade, so it's better to protect this water. 'Maybe this country do need a different leadership' I think to myself, and plan talk to Vivi and Robin about it.

I land near by, change my look, and go inside the building, 'Rain dinners', and discover it's a casino-restaurant-hotel, so I go book a room, and right after, go tour this luxurious place.

... I lose some money in the casino, enjoy a meal, and return to my room, just to close the door, but staying outside, invisible, and going back down to map the whole place, wishing to add it to my hit-list.

... 'FUCKING RICH!' I think as I follow the money, who keeps rolling from tables, to a back-room, then counting, and another back-room, just to be carried on an elevator who moves down, and I get into an ultimate secret-base location, as the secret underground basement has huge glass windows who watch the lake-underwater, which look like a real underground-water-secret-palace, that I also wish to have.

'I'll start at the dead-hour, 3AM, as it's always the best...' I decide to myself, and plan to leave, but just then I see few people walk-by, and I hide to hear they're gossiping about yard-shipments, who suppose to arrive soon, and shocked to hear about more than a million weapons on a ship, and another ship caring the 'rain powder', making it two more targets to my future-hit-list.