
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH50: A master of nothing

"I, I saw, in the future, I saw, me, you, together, do... naughty things" Shyarly sentence, from broken-words, makes me confused, but I get the general-picture, asking "like what?".

She shyly look at her smoking-pipe, whispering "me, you, like", and stop, putting her plump-red-lips on the smoke-pipe, and *Inhale*, *Exhale*, and while a cloud cover the eye-sight between us, she blubber "..doing sexual things between us..".

My ecchi mind is put aside, as I ask "IF you see a future, and you do something to change it, does it mean it has never happened, meaning you didn't see the real-future, because what you saw never happened, and so, it also mean, that in the end, you just do whatever you want?".

"NO!! ... Maybe? ... I ..." her answer breaks-down to deep-thinking, and I excuse myself, saying "let's continue this in another day, no rush, good night Shyarly", and exit from the back-room.



I arrive to Rusukaina, sneaking into Rebecca'-bed, finding her in a deep sleep, and spend the night hugging her quietly, dreaming about our day together, as she decided to give me her virginity, in such a way, and I desire to blossom our relationship.

We enjoy a lovely morning, and after a quick breakfast, I say goodbye to her and Viola, and *Teleport*.


In west-city, waking-up Lazuli with soft kisses, watching her cute face as she open her eyes, smiling at me, I'm beaming with joy. I carry her in a princess-carry, going inside the bath. After having some 'fun' inside, we walk out and get dressed.

Suddenly, I see she almost finish put her clothes on, feeling strong arousal, so I go behind her, hug her with one hand, on her still bare fruitful boobs, kiss her neck, and with the other hand rip a hole in her half-transparent black-leggings, move her thong a bit aside, and run my dick forth and back on her pussy-lips, till it wet me good, and *slurp*, push myself deep into her.

"Ahhhh, Big, Bad, Dragon, I'll be, late, again", Lazuli moans to the rhythm of my movement, with her hands on the open-clothes-closet-shelf, her face into a pile of fabric, and I just moan back "Yeah, wifey, I love you, Mmmmm, Ohhh".

*puck, Puck, PUck, PUCk, PUCK, ...*, I piston her from behind in a euphoria for more then 15 minutes. "Cumming!" I moan, and she answers me from her lower-lips, *squirt, Squirt, SQUIRT*, wetting my whole dick, squeezing it to oblivion, and I cum inside her, while kissing her neck, ear, cheek, and turn her head to a deep-kiss.

While she clean herself with a towel, and I'm sitting on the bed, telling her about my worries, she suddenly turn back, saying "I think I know about someone who has a giganticfieng-technique... You know Piccolo? The 'Namekian'? You saw him when we met... I think he use his 'Ki' to make himself bigger".

"OHH, That's amazing! You think I should talk to him straight-forward? Offer him something in return? Can you maybe find more information?" I ask, and Lazuli nods happily, saying "sure, I'll ask, I think people at work know about it", and I smile in a relaxed manner, feeling I can solve this problem soon enough.

"Bye-Bye my love" I tell Lazuli, *chuu*, sweetly kiss her, wave goodbye, and once she leave the house, I *Teleport*.


Back at the Ice-Fire-Pool, in Soul-land, I train alone for few hours, trying to master too many techniques, too many different powers.

(Master of everything, is A master of nothing) Bing-Bi tell me in my mind.

"You know, there's a famous martial-artist where I came from, who said, 'I don't fear a man who practiced 1,000 techniques, I'm afraid of the man who practiced 1 technique 1,000 times' ... but that same martial-artist also said 'Be like water', versatile ... So I guess the point of a Master isn't related to practice at all", I respond to her sentence, while thinking about it myself.

(Then, what a master is?) she asks, and I answer "A master is 'The Winner!', 'The one who's better'... think about it, Who's who master? ALWAYS the one who's better at something then somebody else! Master is the one who can beat the other, and so the other will call him master! IF someone beats that said 'master', then he's now he's his 'master'. SO! It's all nonsense, I just need to win".

(Hehehe... so you're a master now?) she laugh at me, and I say "Nope. A master needs the loser-side to accept the defeat, because it's others who recognize someone as a master, not someone announcing himself as so, but I... I never search acceptance from others, at least not from the losers.. What do you get from making the loser accept his defeat?..".

"What are you talking to yourself like a weirdo?" DuGuBo asks from behind me, cutting my meditation-conversation short, and I turn to him, speaking "Oh, you're a good example. Am I a master of poisons?", and he answer straight away "Yeah", smiling.

'See? he lost, and accepted it, so he can call me some sort of master. Point proven' I talk to Bing-Bi in my head, and she respond (It sounds so wrong, but my logic says you're right, bahhhh), and I imagine her taking her tongue out with a smirk on her lips.

"Here, another bottle of potion, is there any progress with it?" I ask as I give him the bottle.

"YES! I finally reached level 92, you don't know how long I was stuck at level 91!" DuGuBo answers happily.

"Can I try something on you? Harmless technique.." I ask, and he nods 'yeah', ready himself, as I take some distance from him, point my finger, and a light-beam shoot out of it, but not in the speed-of-light, more like a throwing-a-rock-speed, or running-speed, meaning, slow-beam.

The slow-glowing-beam hit DuGuBo body, and I see him still standing, but his movement are slow-motion, so I walk to him, trying to push him down, but he doesn't budge. I try move his body, twist it, and other stuff, but just after around 30 seconds *FSSSSHHHH*, his body fly back, *BOOM*, hit the ground, and we both look shocked at each other.

'I stopped the time for him, around 30 seconds, and all the kinetic-energy accumulate at him, exploding when the time was over ...' I calculate the new power I got from that devil-fruit, my 6th infinity's ring, in joy.

"WHAT THE HELL" DuGuBo yells as he stand up and dust-off his clothes.

"Try hitting me please with something, like that poison-wave" I ask him, and as he aim his hands at me, shooting that green-energy, I aim my finger and shoot the beam. "IT STOPPED!" He yells, but I think 'it slowed down, moving really slow, plus, it isn't canceled, so it's dangerous', and asks him "please cancel it, it can damage things here", and he does so.

"It's my 6th ring" I tell him before he asks, and he look with open-eyes, like he doubts me, or rather, my age, as he already told me I'm way stronger than anyone my age, and even way above the 'cultivation geniuses' in this world, but I'm also still too weak to contest against real powerhouses, like himself, if he use his real powers on me, making me realize he didn't attack me with his full powers when we first met.

I continue training for more than a day, losing track of exact time, as I keep slowing-time, and after a visit from Yuena, who came to check on me, and the garden, also spending some time together, I decide to take a break, and *teleport*.


Outside 'Shrek academy', entering inside to look for Zhuqing, Wu, or Rongrong, I find Grand-master and Tang-San having an intense conversation. I ignore them and continue my search, but I can 'see', and also feel, Tang-San burning-gazes upon me, like he's checking-me-out, suspecting me on something, and I think 'This cunning smart bastard... he's way way more dangerous than I ever thought...'.

"Yo" I say hello to the fatty and the grey-hair-pervert, who sit at a table outside. I pull out a food-bribe, a KFC bucket full of chicken and a ramen-dish, and sit-down, giving each a bowl, and before I can speak the fatty announce "Went to town to window-shopping and have fun!". "HAHA, You're smarter than you let other believe, which make you even smarter! I like you" I tell him with a huge smile, wave goodbye, and leave the academy, going to town.

Landing inside the town, folding my wings, and putting a shirt on, I try to 'watch' the whole town. 'Way too much information!' I shout as a headache attack me, and I begin filter information, like focusing on soul-power, but after more than an hour I give-up, happy about this nice training, but dispirited I couldn't meet them, as I *Teleport*.


"Hey, Hanny, if you really love me, then try kicking me" I tell Hancock as I find her in her bedroom in mid-day, and get hentai thoughts from looking at her tight-purple-dress on her sexy body.

Hancock looks at me with an aloof gaze, as she narrowing-her-eyes, like she's looking down on me, but suddenly her eyes open wide, and she jump at me, raising her leg high, moving fast as her high-heel, on her feet, almost reach me, before I say "Slow slow beam!", shooting the light beam at her, freezing her in place.

*Chuckle*, I smirk evilly, as I approach the slow-mo Hancock'-body, grab her 2 boobs to a squeeze, and quickly move my hands down, slide her thong aside, get naked in my lower-body, shove myself in, and start fucking her for my remaining 20 seconds, ramming her before she returns.

"AHHHHHHAAAAHHHHHH" Hancock's scream echo probably in the whole palace.

*SQUIRT*, her pussy shoot liquid, spasm my dick, and she throw her hands to hug me tightly, smearing her lips onto mine, as we fall down from her strong push to the floor, and she ride on me strongly, passionately, and mostly, lustfully.

"FUCK, WHAT, what it that?! I love it! I love you! YESSSS", she scream while she ride me like a wild bull in a rodeo, and I tear her dress, watching her bouncing huge breast, her flowing-perfect-black-hair, those golden-snake-earrings swinging, and that enchanting face.

Just as she's about to cum for the 3rd time, instead of making her wait for me, I push her up, strongly, into the air, while shooting 'slow-slow-beam' at her, and now Hancock is stuck, flying in the air in slow-mo.

I quickly stand up, as she lie-down in mid-air, push my dick into her, and for 20 seconds fuck her like crazy, before I hold her to a really tight hug, so she won't fly away, and *BOOOM*, the whole energy explode in her.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSS" she scream into the skies, having an extreme orgasm, and I shout and cum with her, as we fly to the wall, and I rotate, *CRASH*, as my back hit the wall, protecting her in my arms.

"My 6th devil-fruit, out of the 7-devil-fruit I already ate, hehe" I tell her before she can asks, but she respond in a worried look, touching my whole body, reminding me Robin's action after she saw me eat the 2nd-devil-fruit and think I'm going to explode. "No, I won't explode, and... I'm the first to succeed in it, so Robin doing a lot of research, and when she'll be ready we'll do experiments, to see if others can do it too". Hancock relax, put her head on my chest while we're still connected, and whispers "I love you, just be safe, okay? I just need you, safe and healthy, okay?". I kiss her forehead, pat her, and carry her to a bath.

"See you later" we say farewell and kiss, after some lovely time together, and I *Teleport*.


At the tree-house, in Paradise, Earth, Mia and Robin sit around the table, with lots of maps portraying the island, and seems to be stuck in thoughts.

"We're still on the security-layer between the sandy-shore and the forest-hill" Mia explains, and Robin just stay deep-in-thoughts. "I'll solve it? I've got an idea.. You trust me?" I ask, and they both gaze at me, looking outside the window and see it's dark, and tell me "the island is empty, Alison went for some interview, but tomorrow morning we got some supplies coming, so do it right now till morning, or next month". "Now" I decide, and jump out of the window.

In the border between the forest and the shore, I begin manipulate the surrounding trees. For one, I make them taller, trying to reach few meters high all around the perimeter. Secondly, I start stretching branches between them, like a complicated network, tying them all together to a wooden-living-wall, who goes up few meters high. Thirdly, I start balancing the other trees inside, so the nature's balance of the island won't break, yet leaving few empty-spaces, like the lake's area, who's still unsolved, opened to intruders, but it's already sunrise, and I return home.

*Chuu,chuu,chuu,...* I rain kisses on Robin's face till she wake-up, and go to Mia's room, doing the same, and after washing-up and eating breakfast we walk out to see the result of my work.

"Pe..Perfect?" Mia smiles. "Except the lake's gap, and also I left the campsite gate, it's few meters height of intrigued-wood-wall" I explain all I did, but I stop, because Robin is crying.

"What?" "Why?" we ask her, group-hugging her. "I'm.. I'm... just happy", she laugh while she cry. I kiss her cheek, whispering "crybaby", and bite her cheek. Mia *giggle*, and we keep joking around till the mood return to normal.

They tell me they'll finish from here, cause it's far from enough, and I say farewell, returning to the tree of the tree-house, wishing to 'feel' it's all good, giving it my energy, and checking it got a good natural balance, before I *Teleport*.


Above 'Nanimonai-island', at Red-line, after flying few hours from Alabasta, I just continue for a few more hours, aiming to my next stop, 'Little-island' eternal-pose' direction, feeling this Nanimonai-island is better be skipped.

I keep flying as fast as I can, while slowing-time, and sometime teleport farther ahead, wishing to reach a place called 'Cactus-island' today before nightfall, and to my endless energy exhumation I succeeded and see mountains who look like cactus, but landing on those mountains, I'm greeted by endless graves on a mountain, making me feel dread.

'I'll go rest a bit in town, I'm too tired, barely got energy to move at the moment' I plan my moves, seeing it's already night, and staying on this mountain-endless-grave-zone is too disgusting.

I arrive to a town, walk the street, to where a loud sounds of music, and people partying heard, walking inside the building. 'Everyone seems drunk' I think as I see a long-nose-kiddo telling a tale about speaking to the sea-kings, and I wonder 'is this the guy they talked about from the past?'.

I walk deeper inside, and hear a guy declare about 'drink competition' with a 100k-berry-prize to a sexy red-head beauty with care-cut-hair, who's looking supremely cute, so I wonder if I should join the fun. By the time I decide to join, she already drank 12 of them, but I can't focus on her, or the competition, cause almost everybody here has such a 'blood-lust', making me realize this is obviously a dangerous place, and I'm alerted, blending into nothingness in here.

The cutey-red-head is on her 15th cup, remaining alone in the competition against a big-muscled-nun, laughing happily, as she win, and fall asleep on the table. Just then, I see everybody who's awake nods quietly to each other, walking out, and I turn invisible, watching the remaining 5 sleeping bunch for a moment, before walking out with everyone, listening to them talk about how they 'fell into their trap', and about how the things they added to their drinks, making me happy I decided not to drink and chat with that red-hair-beauty. 'Seems they're bounty-hunters, and those 5 knocked-out pirates has a captain who worth 30M-berries' I think, wondering if I should stay and enjoy the show, or just go away.

Suddenly, a swordsman stand on the roof, declaring he's up to their plot, calling them 'criminal organization', who catch pirates, and they all surround him. 'He didn't saved his crew-mates, but rather came out to fight?' I think in surprise, as this whole piracy-business in this world seems pure lunatic.

'... And he's a pirate, why are they called criminal organization?..' I wonder while watching him jump into the fray, and when they start shooting him, he moves really fast, making them shoot each other, like unorganized mob idiots. When he put his sword onto the leader's neck, they even try shoot him then, but the leader himself kill a dozen of them, before the swordsman escape, and the others stop in their tracks.

Leaving the place and going into another building, following my 6th-sense, I say "You look like a real pirate" to the red-hair-pirate-crew-member, who woke-up, and went to steal whatever she can, not minding her crew as well.

"AHHHHHHH" she yells, and I jump at her, put my hand on her mouth and whisper "Shhhh! they'll hear you, idiot pirate". She freeze in shock and fear, mumbling "I'm not! I'm not a pirate! I just board their ship for a while!".

"For real? You sail with pirates, stealing from people, but still shocked you've been called a pirate?" I joke with her, smiling, as I release my hand, and go sit on the table beside us.

"What do you want from me?" she asks quietly, and I whisper "maybe a kiss?", smiling. "NOT FUNNY" she answer in anger, asking me "Are you going to capture me??". "Only your heart?" I answer with a smirk, but while her head turn red, a bit shy, she just say again "Not funny!". "Let's go watch the action?" I offer, and she agree, walking before me.

Outside, we see the swordsman won against those dozens of people, but escaping alone, leaving his crew-mates behind, but just then, 2 more people arrive, starting to talk, and it seems the gang'-leader, and a sweet-blue-hair-woman, are actually a princess, Nefartari Vivi, and her guard, who infiltrated to this organization, for whatever reason, and a fight breaks.

... When all seems lost, the guard cry for the swordsman to help them, saying "they're both devil fruits users! I can't stop them! Please protect the princess instead of me!", even though he tried killing him a second ago, but When he offer money, the red-head jumps out, asking "even a billion berries??", and start argue with him, agreeing in the end to a deal, and order the stupid swordsman to go rescue her, as seems she cheated him for a money-loan, as they're cursing each other.

'I guess I should focus on the princess, then this money-grabber-woman' I decide in my head, turn invisible, and fly to the sky. The man and woman chase the princess, catching to her, and the man declare his using a 'bomb-bomb-fruit', and the woman ate a 'kilo-kilo-fruit', making me decide to steal it on the way somehow.

Suddenly, a short-fat-mad-idiot, wearing a straw-hat, comes yelling at the swordsman, complaining he knocked-out the people who fed them, and treated them so good, and I use this diversion to jump to the princess back, who ride a duck like it's a horse, hug her from behind with a hand on her mouth, and a hand on her eyes, turn her invisible too, and fly into the sky.

'Too many things happening, why the hell do I even take part of it?' I question myself in my head.