
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH42: Thousands of miles below the water-level

Finishing filling the empty floating-tubes in the sides of my speed-boat, who's coated with some huge bubble, that Rayleigh said will keep the pressure from making me and the boat explode, I begin preparing my safety measures.

I put on scuba-diving equipment, as well as many security-devices to promise I'll survive this crazy trip, and I'm ready to head down underwater, to find the fish-tribe-hidden-country on the surface of the ocean, thinking 'more then 50% die while trying to get there... I better be ready for anything'.

I remember that book of Jules Verne, '...The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels like stirring on all sides. The sea is the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence...', making me feel like Captain Nemo on the Nautilus, yet, I feel really lonely, unlike his words.

As my speed-boat starts to sink, I remember Rayleigh instructions, 'follow the roots', and for now, I just activate the video-camera installed on the top of the boat, grab a potato-chips snack, a cold drink, and sit with the boat's head open, protected by a transparent thick bubble.

endless life, fishes in all colors, sizes, alone or in groups, swim around me, and the roots of those trees stretch way-down without an end in sight.

After a short while, I feel the temperature gets cold, the darkness getting stronger, and the water-currents becoming slower, but all I can think about is 'underwater sex is on top of my to-do-list!'.

A second later I hear Bing-Bi calling me (PERV!), but she feels like a light-bulb in my head.

"Bing-Bi... I'm... I'm a bit scared and lonely... can you please come out and sit next to me?" I ask her, and she laugh, materializing herself next to me in her human-form.

I look at her, with her long green hair, white-green-dress, black-leggings, white-high-heels-boots, and a golden crown on her head.

"Bingbi, I can't decide... Are you more beautiful or more cute?" I tease her, and she *giggle*, send her hands to me, and steal my potato-chips-snack.

"It's not as good as ice, but water is also nice" Bing-Bi says, and I see her jade-green-scorpion-tail swinging from side to side, as she stand with her back to me, and watch the ocean.

I take out hot-milk-drink for her, with some cookies, and she gobble it like a little girl on a sunday morning.

"You know, I can't believe you suicide into the ocean... They will probably kill you if you don't die here alone..." Bing-Bi nonchalantly say.

"WHAT?? What do you mean??" I ask in panic, and she laugh, telling me "You got almost no knowledge in ocean-currents, sea-monsters, not even a map, nor any idea how to get there safely. Suicide, that's what it is ... BUT... I'm here!, so it's okay!".

I smile, but tease her back "You're not from this lands, are you sure about it?", and now it's her turn to panic, as her eyes open wide, and she mumble "..yes..maybe...no..I don't know...what should we do, what to do...".

I burst laughing, telling her "everything is goona be alright", pat her head, and relax back at my seat, enjoying the view.

"THERE! THERE" Bing-Bi panic, pointing to a huge water-current, who looks like an underwater waterfall ahead of us.

The current starts to carry us into it, moving the boat in a rising speed, pulling us without our control, and we start holding the drinks and snacks, putting them aside, and focus on what's happening.

I grab the steering-wheel, not yet activating the engine, and aim to the falling current, planning to dive with it downward.

"TO THE RIGHT" Bing-Bi shout, and I do so.

"NO, MORE LEFT" she yell again commands into me ear, and I obey.

"MOVE, LET ME" she try to grab the steering-wheel, but it's hard to move it from the side, so she moves, sitting on my lap, while I wear the seat-belt on us, rapping her and me in the driver-seat together.

I try to help her move the wheel, as she orders "to the center! center of the stream!", and for a few minutes the speeds is so fast we just try to ride in the middle of it, like surfing on a wave.

"WOOO" she yells like it's a roller-coaster, "WHOOHOO", enjoying it like a kid, so I join the fun, screaming with her "WHOOOO", and we keep on the crazy-stream for some time, till it settle-down, slowing into almost nothing.

The boat gently keep sinking down, but now we're almost in a complete darkness.

Few glows, like the eyes of wild beasts in a dark night in the forest, gaze upon us.

I activate the engine, and open the lights, and hug Bing-Bi harder to my lap.

"HEY! Let me go!" Bing-Bi notice she's on my lap only now.

"NO WAY! Move us to safety! Look at those huge jellyfishes!" I talk back at her.

"Hahaha! Maybe you're not a dragon, but a chicken?" she laugh at me, so I tickle her armpit, and she laugh harder, but a giant fish-worm swim to us, so I press the gas, she grab the wheel, and we start escaping down.

'Rayleigh claim he's the best in coating boats, I hope it'll really be alright' I think as we drive in a high-speed down.

I massage Bing-Bi shoulders, saying "GO GO GO! To fish paradise!", keeping our vibes happy against all that grim darkness around us, but after some time there's light under us, and I feel hot.

"Ahhh, so hot!" Bing-Bi complains, putting her hand on her dress-top, and wave it, like she's trying to let air touch her body, and I can see her cute green-bra.

"Probably a volcano" she says, and I respond "yeah, most volcano are underwater, and with the heat and light it's sure is".

"Then," she says, "It means we're on the ocean's floor, just need to find the entrance", and we both look at the log-pose pointing to our side, and steer to where it points to, while I add "it's still a mountain, who knows how high it is..".

We arrive to a giant trench, in a total darkness, and keep diving down in it, as the log-pose says, and after some time we see light, like the sun is shining here, at the trench floor.

We also see the giant roots of the tree, just like Rayleigh said, and in the middle of them an enormous bubble.

"The island is in that bubble" I tell Bing-Bi smiling, and she smile back, with tears of joy, whispering "it's so beautiful, like a fairy tail".

I hug her, while taking off the seat-belt, but she stay on me, driving us slowly, making the boat swim with a pack of whales, and burst laughing in joy.

'There's a bubble on the bubble? and guards at the tube-entrance?' I think about the overall situation, afraid about an unwelcoming greeting, and decide to turn the boat invisible, while Bing-Bi having fun swimming the boat with fish packs.

"LOOK! Sea-elephant! Sea-lion! Sea-giraffe! Sea-Gorilla!..." Bing-Bi go crazy looking at a pack of giant monsters, who looks the same as on land, totally weird, except their tails, but seeing sea-people ride on their back give me chills, and I close the boat's roof, so no sound will get outside.

She sail to the entrance, and I tell her "we're invisible, so wait for opportunity to follow someone", and soon the tunnel opens, and we sneak after few merman who swims inside on the back of a giant turtle.

Inside, we're shocked, cause there's a sky, and air we can breath, not understanding why.

We quickly open the side's-tubes valve, to release water and insert air, while driving fast, so we won't sink, till we reach the shore, and I store the boat back to the space-storage.

"You want to return to the spirit-soul-space or go for a date?" I ask Bing-Bi, and she *chuckle*, saying "I'll go for a walk, you can go for a date with yourself", but I still hold her hand, telling her "Touch me, we got to be invisible till we know all is safe here".

She shake my hands off, yet jump on my shoulders, riding me like I'm her papa, and she navigate my steps by pulling my hair as a steering wheel.

"At least talk quietly?" I ask her, and she laugh, (I can talk into your mind).

'WOW, You can hear me even when you're out?' I try talking to her by thinking, and hear her respond (HAHA, yeah, relax ... It's so colorful here! I love it!).

'Mermaids, real living mermaids'.

(HAHA, like a fairy-tail, but bad luck for you, you're not a prince).

'Even better, I got myself an Empress'.


'I love you too, cutey'.

(Bahh! GO THERE! THERE!), she change subject and point at a flying fish, who land on a flying water-tunnel in the sky, and swim on it.


I open my wings, hold her knees, and fly on top of it, riding it deep inside the city.

Seeing a shopping district, I jump down, and relax as I see lots of fish-people, merman, mermaids, and also humans, all around us, so I cancel the invisibility, and we start touring shops.

The lively atmosphere keeps our spirits up, and together with the colorful city, the amount of diverse people, and unique products, we excitedly bounce from store to store.

"I want to taste this!" Bing-Bi pull me to a food-stall with sea-food made of mainly weeds.

"I want a dress like that!" she announce in the moment she finish eating and see a unique clothing store.

"Buy me that pearl necklace!" I'm sent to a jewelry store.

Like that, we keep our 'date', plus, I buy lots of extra for the other girls, sure they'll love all of those things she also wants.

"Say," I talk to a seller who got small-corals in his shop, "Why would it cost so much to buy a coral?".

He smiles at me, saying "You're new here, huh? It's how you make a bubble in here, a-must-have-item in here", and I happily buy a few, and continue on, walking to find a place to rest after all that voyage, and now this shopping spree, that made me kinda tired.

"SHARK! Sharkkk! I wanna ride it!!", just as I thought to relax in a cafe-shop, Bing-Bi sees a black-and-white shark, who wears clothes, with a smile on his face, singing "shark... shark...".

She demands to ride it, so I fly to him, with Bing-Bi still on my shoulders, and while next to it I say "Hi? How are you? I'm Ayn, and this girl is the ice-empress Bing Bing", hoping he understands me.

"shark ... shark ..." the shark says.

'I can't fathom this idiotic conversation' I think, but luckily Bing-Bi seems to comprehend what he says, saying to him "Please? Pretty please?", and he smile and say "shark", as she says "thank you", like he agreed to her request, and I land on his back.

The shark fly, or rather swim, into the sky, as we sit on his back, amazed there's lots of small bubbles floating in the sky, and inside them there's houses with people living in them.

He keep swimming up, using the bubble on his back to float, till he reach the most upper bubble, but I see the guards at a special entrance near it, like the one in the entrance to the island itself, so I think 'Bing-Bi! It's some special place! Talk in my mind, and hold tight to me, let's go invisible!'.

(Okay) she reply, and she sit on my lap.

A tunnel appears from the entrance, and the shark swim inside, so we quickly get inside the bubble on his back, and soon enough arrive in front of a huge underwater castle, and see that above it, there's a massive golden statue of a dragon.

'Look, they got a statue of me' I joke with BingBi.

(He look like Er-Ming!).

'Oh! you're right!'.

... As we keep talking between us, we arrive to a huge corridor, filled with air, and the shark swim inside a room with a giant metal-doors, through the small opening.

Inside, on a giant bed, a giant mermaid sits, and the shark happily swims around her, as she also smile at him.

Just then, I feel my senses lights-up, like danger arrives, so I jump off the shark's back, while Bing-Bi return to her Spirit-ring, and I gather energy, coat my body with haki, and a second later I see a giant sword flying in my direction, or more like the mermaid direction.

I instinctively pull-out my sword, take a pose as I stand at the edge of the mermaid's bed, and once it's close-by, I jump to negate it, *CHING ggggg...*, blocking it, changing it direction to the side, pushing with all I got, till it finally do so, flying to a wall nearby, stab it, and get stuck in it, but I didn't notice that without focusing on my invisibility it worn off.

"What the hell!! It almost killed me!!" I shout from frustration.

I 'see' people rush our way, and realize I exposed myself, thinking to turn invisible, but the giant mermaid capture me in her hand.

I almost try to escape, yet there's no malice in her action, so I wait a second to see what's going on.

"PRINCESS!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT??" Few guards who rush in shout in unison, "WHY'S THE DOOR IS OPEN??" The main guard question in a scream, and the shark swim, while the guard point at him, saying "Megalo came in a second ago".

"Close the door!! Protect the princess!!" the main guard shouts, and all the guards follow him outside, closing the door behind them.

From all that happen, only now I understand I'm on something extremely soft, so I try to move my hand and see what it is, and my hands catch a huge, rough, yet soft, bump on it.

"Mmmmm", the mermaid make a noise, "Don't!", and I stop moving, as she take me with the palm of her hand, and I slowly see the softness was her massive bosom, and I just grabbed her nipple, probably.

"Sorry, I came uninvited, Mr. shark gave me a ride, and that's how I came here" I tell her when our eyes meet.

I look at her blue eyes, each eyeball is almost in the size of my whole body, yet she's really gentle, caring me with both her palms open, and a worried look on her face, as she says "Thank you very much! You saved my life! Who are you?".

I answer her question with a frown, saying "I'm Ayn, but, it's more polite to introduce yourself before asking me who I am, Miss mermaid princess".

"I'm...I'm... Shirahoshi. How did you come in here? Are you a human? Why did you save me?" she sweetly asks, looking a bit afraid, on the verge of tears.

"Relax," I tell her, "I can make people not see me if I want to. I'm half human half dragon? probably, and, I saved you cause... You're beautiful? Yeah, such a waste to see you hurt, but, who try to kill you right now?".

Her tears start to flow out, each tear can drown me in them, and she mumble "..a cursed man, who, who, *sob*, marked me, and everything he throw fly to me, so I'm locked in here for almost 10 years" *sobbb*, she cry nonstop.

"Okay, okay, I'll try to help you, just relax, you're safe" I speak to her as I open my wings, fly to her shoulder, and pat her cheek.

'Damn, she's so beautiful, why every pink-haired-women in this world is so beautiful and got giant tits? actually, it's like every women in this world got giant tits... but a giant mermaid, adding to that giant tits, it's a legendary boob-mountain!' My ero-mind goes off-script, so I close my eyes, relax, and asks "Why not find him and take him down?".

She begin telling me he's a really strong pirate, and narrate her tale of the past.

The story was too long, I was too tired, and she mumble a lot, so without noticing, I fell asleep.

Waking-up, I feel I'm on the softest bed I ever slept on, so I roll on it with joy, snuggling on the bed.

"MMMM", a moan wake me up completely, and I realize I'm on Shirahoshi, rolling on her boobs, as she also fell asleep, with me on top of her.

"Good morning. Wow, that was a great sleep, sorry, I was so tired from the journey to this island from above the sea" I speak as I keep sleeping between her boobs-mountains, not planning to leave that sacred spot anytime soon.

"Good morning!", she responds happily, "Me too! I had a wonderful dream! I saw the sun! Have you ever seen the sun? And I saw the stars in the night sky! Have you ever seen the stars in the sky? And, And, I saw flowers! And Animals!".

"Wait Wait Wait, what's with those weird questions? It's like everyday view in this world" I stop her, confused, but then remember about her story being locked in here for almost 10 years.

'She suppose to have memories from before, totally weird, and why not escort her out once in a while?' I doubt what's going on with this princess.

"You're weird, actually, this whole thing is weird, are you too innocent or just..hmm..not really the smartest?" I ask in half-mocking-half-worried tone.

"AAAAA", *SOB*, *SOB*, Her tears burst like a river, flowing everywhere, and I climb her boob-mountain before it wash me.

"Sorry, sorry, please don't cry, I mean it in a good way, okay? I know! Let's do something fun together!" I try to consult her.

"Then let's go out!" she scream in happiness, like the whole cry was an act, and she won what she wanted, but I just *sigh*, nod, and say "Sure, let's go".

"WHAT?!?! But!, No!, I mean!,.." she argues back on her own suggestion.

"What's wrong now? Let's go, I'll make us disappear, and if you'll want to return here, I'll take us back in a moment, no worries" I cut her words and tell her.

I think in my head 'INFI, Infi, say, can I teleport with her? Is size is an issue? I just want to move inside this island with her'.

<It is possible, yet more than a few space-jump with her underwater can exhaust your energy completely, I presume>.

"Okay! No talking! Shhhh!" I tell Shirahoshi, "I will take us out, BUT, you must hold me close to your heart, never let go, and never speak aloud if there's anyone near us. PLUS! If another flying weapon arrives, you hide behind me, or we return here immediately. Do you agree?"