
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH40: InSecCure

"I think I'm insecure, probably jealous, and for a really good reasons..." I tell the 3 after we got into a private room in a restaurant.

"...How That creepy-Tang used the battle to touch Wu ...How Zhuqing have some weird connection and contact with her whore-fiance ...It pretty much broke something in me to see all of that" I talk to them slowly about my emotions.

Rongrong speaks first, saying "When you say it like that, it's really creepy he put Wu on his lap, whispering to her, in the middle of the fight, just to command Arthur to heal her after that".

Wu look in surprise, realizing something, but I cut her thoughts, asking "What did he tell you in that moment?".

Wu looks down, replying "nothing, just that I will be stronger in the future, and to endure", but we look at her in doubt, cause they were hugging way-too-long, and she should shake him off in the second he touched her, as she left the fight anyway, so the whole farce was disgusting.

"Wu, ahhh", I say weakly, *SIGH*, "You left the fight in that moment, but he touched you, why? And I know you were knocked-out, but it's also your responsibility, as this creep keep getting close to you by calling yourself as brother and sister ..." I tell Wu.

"You know what Wu, never mind all I said ... Zhuqing?" I tell Wu and turn to ask Zhuqing, feeling the last straw broke with Wu, and no words will help me now, 'but Zhuqing is different?', I assume.

"I... I did it to win. I don't care about him, but I wanted to win, and so I did it. It's not even him who suggested it, it was me!" Zhuqing declare.

I just make a disappointed-face, closing my eyes, and breath heavily.

I open my eyes, looking at Rongrong, 'maybe she can help me somehow', but she does nothing.

"What did you even won in this crappy battle?? AHH, Never mind you too..." I say in frustration, understanding I'm not getting anywhere here.

I gather energy to teleport away, suffering from a headache, or more like a heartache.

Just when I convert my energy to space, 4 hands rap around me, and I stop my momentum, not wishing to harm them.

I watch Wu and Zhuqing rubbing their faces on my chest while hugging me tightly.

"DON'T!" they both yell together, like they decided before to yell the same word.

Rongrong look at my eyes, and seeing my depression, she come and join the hug, and I decide to stay a bit, at least give them the chance to respond, and confront the situation head-on, like a man.

I take a seat on a sofa, that I pull out of my space-pocket, with my head back and eyes closed, and all 3 girls fall on me together.

"It's hard, you know" I let my frustrated tone appear while speaking, "this feelings, I can't, I, I...", but I can't find the words to express myself.

"Idiot", "Stupid", "Baka", the 3 sync-cursing at me with their mouth, and in the next moment those mouths kiss me in the cheek, neck, and chest.

"Why?? Please stop with those plays, I wish for something serious" I say in anger.


"I..." Zhuqing mumble quietly, "Never meant to hurt you, it's just a fight, putting our life on the line, who knows what can happen inside the arena... I was poisoned, angry, and just wished to win... I get what you mean, about him, and I'm sorry I hurt you, but it's just that our hands touched, nothing more, not even a word exchange between us, we fought, lost, and got knocked out".

"You're got your points, but I can't trust words... And even if you promise a different future... What do I do with all those negatives? Those fears? Are you seriously telling me to forget the creep who sexual harass you, while being next to you? That fiance who just wish to fuck you like a doll? That weirdo who have fantasy while he try to fuck a pole in the middle of the pub?" I tell them off, not wishing to continue this, pushing them away nicely.

The 3 burst laughing, and one after the other turn to *SIGHS*.

"What you're getting from that academy? competition? NOTHING, really ... If you want money, go get money.... Want spirit-bones? so go get it... Power? so train hard... Academy? Garbage" I try to explain my disgust toward this education system.

I see they think the same, but never pronounce it.

"I'm here for the friends really" Wu says.

"I came to be exposed to the outside world" Rongrong tell us.

"I was forced to, but also thought I can find the solution here, for better or worse" Zhuqing reveal to us her reason to be here.

I hug the 3 back, Wu and Zhuqing sitting on my legs, and Rongrong sitting on their legs, into my chest, and kiss their 3 foreheads.

"Perv" the 3 *giggle* at me, and I respond "Well, it's a goodbye kiss".

They look at me in anger.

Before they can say anything, I 'see' a waiter coming to our room, so I shout "NOT NOW", but he doesn't leave, rather stand outside the door, and yell back "Excuse me, customers, a group is looking for you outside".

I 'see' the entrance, and notice their 'friends' and teachers outside, telling them about it, and they force a smile.

"Well, let's finish this here? I don't think there's anything more to say?" I tell them.

Rongrong kiss my cheek, whispering "relax and come back later, okay?", and jump off me.

Wu turn to stand, but then turn around, and peck my lips, shouting "you better be here tomorrow!", before running to Rongrong's side.

Zhuqing hold my cheeks with her hands, and kiss me, not stopping, inserting her tongue, bite my lower lip a bit, and then slowly let go, saying "NO! There's a lot to say!".

The 3 wave goodbye, leaving the room, and I take back the sofa, and *Teleport*.


"I feel the more powerful I am, the angrier I am ... and the more I possess, the more I am afraid to lose it" I tell Yuena, as we lie-down together on the nest-bed in her space-domain.

She ponder to herself, with a look like she understood something, and tell me "I feel the same".

I *sigh*, kiss her cheek, and tell her "it's still better to have something and have fear of losing it, then have nothing at all".

"And anger?" she asks.

We both ponder upon it, till I say "Power is influence, upon others, cause you're stronger than others as comparison, so... Anger is seeing the way the world works, feeling you wish for it to be different than that, and knowing you can influence it, so the 'drive to changes' is maybe anger?".

"That's some dime-store-philosophy" she smile to me.

I roll over her body and bite her ear, while licking inside it.

She roll me over, her on top, lock my two hands with her hands, and look at me.

I tell her "I think I fell in love with you, probably started when I first saw you".

Her hold on me weaken, so I roll over, as we both lay to the side, face-to-face, and I give her a quick kiss, and say "you don't need to think so much, I prefer your feelings", and kiss her again, and now she return the kiss, and we make-out for some time, till we just hug and fall asleep.

... After breakfast, I tell Yuena goodbye, and *Teleport*.


"...And that's all that happened" I finish telling Robin and Mia all that happened yesterday, as we sit in the tree-house, and all around us yesterday's loot.

We pile it, but it's just too much small-cash, making it a 'Sisyphus-work', that we're too lazy to do, so we focus on big-bills, and soon enough we got more than 70 million berry, plus a huge cash-pile to the side.

"Go for Dressrosa.. Don't fly! Don't make big hits! But focus on devil-fruits now, I think that's for the better, and remember to change your look, and remain invisible as long as you can" Robin advise me about future plans, and I kiss them both, run to Alison to have a bit time together also, and *Teleport*.


At Dressrosa, Don-Flamingo territory, I stroll the streets, eat from stools, buy small-souvenirs, and stop in front of a street performance, after hearing a talented guitar tune play.

Looking over, my eyes open wide, as an attractive woman doing a seductive flamenco dance.

'Flamingo.. Flamenco..' I'm thinking to myself while watching the show, and enjoy it a lot, as I hear 2 singers, who also clap, together with the dancer shoes steps-beat, and that beauty captivate my heart.

'She looks... amazing, wow' I blank of words by her sexy body dancing in that tight dress, a flower in her mouth, and eyes that can stab a man to mental-death.

Without noticing, I got closer to the stage than where I was before, looking at her sweat flying off of her, hearing her hard breathing, and suddenly she pose, and the song stops.

Right then, she run around the crowd, but her eyes stop at me, and she take the flower out of her mouth, throwing it into my chest like a bullet, and then wink at me.

'DEFIANTLY A TRAP' my mind scream at my heart.

The show over and I walk away.

Few minutes later, as I walk in a street kinda far away, she runs to me from an alley, saying aloud "Hi! It's you who looked at me before, right?! PLEASE, Hold me in your arms!", and hold my hand, raising it near her chest.

"WHAT?!?" I try to understand what's what, but she put her hands around my head, pulling me to a lover hug, almost kissing me, and I hear behind me a bunch of people run around, screaming "Where is she??", and "she must still be around here!!", but I sense no ill-intent from them, making the situation even more suspicious, thinking 'what's this conspiracy is about'.

"Thank you. You saved me" she tells me.

"It's dangerous for a woman to act like that to a man, I could easily lose control from your beauty" I tell her.

She quickly responds "you better not look at me like that!" in a sad face, "I escape from the police... I... I stabbed my lover...".

By now, obviously, I think 'she's or, 1, a retard who tell her criminal record to a passer-by, or 2, a criminal who tell lies to find retards. I better play along for a bit, it seems fun'.

"So what?! You did nothing wrong!" I try to take my part in the act.

"REALLY? *sob*, *sob*, You can't forgive me like that! OR.. OR... I might fall in love with you" and she turn her head, looking shy, as she end her play.

'Should I clap my hands?' I laugh in my head, but quickly reset my mind, seeing her *SOB,SOB* on the floor, so I go hug her, patting her head, whispering "Don't worry, whatever you need, I'll help you, but first, let's go somewhere safe".

"My name is Violet" she tell me while walking, "I haft to get to the near town... and... and kill that man! Please help me!" she asks of me.

I'm thinking in my head 'damn, maybe it's not a trap, she's just a psycho retard, who ask random passer-by to murder someone', but also think 'wow she's so beautiful', conflicted if maybe I'm also a retard, playing with her.

After close to an hour of walk, as she keep hugging my arm with her hands together with her magnificent boobs, talking nonsense, like "I feel like I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you" to her, winning her fake giggles and crock-smile, I 'see' suspicious people follow us, and even a sniper aim us.

I quickly pull her to a princess-carry and run away, while she's hugging me, whispering "So reliable", but I think to stop this now, as it getting too much.

Just after we get away, we get to a deserted place, as she point to me where to run to, and suddenly, she begin her act, again, saying "It was a bad idea! You should go back! I must be crazy asking you to kill someone".

I nod my head, and turn to leave, but she start crying, so I turn back to her, saying "I'm joking, I'll go inside, stop worrying so much".

I can 'see' a gang of criminals wait in ambush, so as soon as I open the door she points to, I turn invisible, and walk inside quietly.

'...They're all weaklings, I can hide to see what's coming next...' I think as I walk inside, sit on a chair at the back of the huge-hanger, and look at everything from above.

10 minutes later, she pop her head through the door.

*BANG, BANG, BANG, ...*, the ambush shoot at her, almost killing her, but she jumps back, yet gets a bullet to her leg.

"IDIOTS, WHY'RE YOU SHOOTING AT ME?!" she snaps at them, "WHERE IS HE?!" she keeps yelling, but a fishy-guy come to her, saying "we haven't seen anyone enter".

She start screaming "SEARCH INSIDE! I SAW HIM GET IN HERE!..".

They all start searching, and suddenly I look at her do a stupid pose, like her fingers are goggles, but when she look my way, it's like she can see me, and when she yell "THERE!", pointing at me, I understand she got some ability, probably a 'devil fruit'.

I run away far from her, inside the hangar, as she keep screaming, and once all follow me, I *teleport* behind her, knock her out with a *chop*, grab her, and run out.

'FUCK! Those devil-fruits are a land-mine in every risky move I do' my mind yell at my heart as I fly, then land, cause I can't fly in this dangerous island, and keep running in invisible-mode.

I find a quiet dark room in an abandoned factory, put her on a chair, tie her up, and cover her face.

I relax, before starting to use the 'Yami-no-mi', trying to break the connection between her and the devil-fruit, but I somehow fail, and after 40 minutes she wake up.

"WHERE AM I?! WHO IS THIS?!" she yell, and I can feel her powers activate, like she can see me, not just through the invisibility, even the real me, and not the fake man I change my looks into.

It was like she even opened a door to read my memories.

As soon as she I felt that, I use 'mental shock attack' on her, full force, and she begin spasm, totally knocked out, with foam going out of her mouth, and I can see she suffer greatly.

I use the moment to fully use my power to disconnect her from her devil-fruit, and succeeded easily, like her body reject it away at the moment, and I now got a devil-fruit in my hand.

'AH! AWESOME! but she's pretty, but she's evil, what should I do? maybe she even saw me? I don't know...' my mind in a loop pondering what to do now.

'Infi, Bing-Bi, Bro-Ge, everybody, please help me decide if I can use this fruit as my 3rd-spirit-ring to my eyes? Can it work like with Infinity? Or is it too dangerous?' I ask in my mind, as I have a certain fear giving my 2nd spirit a devil fruit, as I only assimilate creatures' souls up to now.

<I assess 80% success, and offer a 100% possibility> Infi gives an assuring estimation.

(We think that if the fruit really has a soul, then it's 90% success, as it is mental-attribute, like your soul-spirit, promising compatibility) Bing-Bi says.

I decide to try, and just eat it.

Sitting in the dark room, I bite the devil-fruit, assimilating it, and before the taste hits me, I get into meditation-state, feeling a force 'sucked' into my body, flowing to my mind-eyes, and start decompose in it.

After 30 minutes I can feel it succeeded, and the disgusting taste hit my mouth, feeling like eating bad-thoughts, and I wash my mouth with alcohol, and eat something sweet, trying to make it pass.

A moment later, I try to do the same pose Violet did when she saw me, to stimulate the power, and sense the energy flow into my eyes, the blood in my brain boils, and it's like I got X-ray vision, I can even see through walls.

I get how it works, and I look at Violet, while running energy to my eyes.

I can now see under her clothes, her supreme body, but shake my head to get out of it, and again focus on her, but nothing more happens, like I thought I'll find more in this power.

I try to focus on her head, and then open her eyes forcibly, look into them, and *FLASH*, I can see her mind, her memories, her desires, her dreams, washed into her mind.

'WHAT THE' I shout to myself, as I discover so much from her, my brain can't even cope.

'Don-flamingo is an emperor of the sea! He's the king, but who's the former one, her father?! She's a former princess! Her big sister was murdered! Her niece is somewhere here! She chose to betray her family! There's a tiny-humans-thieves tribe hidden in here?! UNDERGROUND MARKET!! THEY CAN PRODUCE DEVIL FRUITS IN A FACTORY?!?!'...

After discovering so much, I decide I haft to kidnap her.

'For one, information, second, protect her, but I must get her niece as well' I think, and change my appearance to an old-man, take out a bicycle, put her on the basket on the bicycle, while fully tied up, while keeping my touch on her so she will be invisible, and start riding to her niece, Rebecca.

In the slums of town I find the house she has in her memories.

I hide Viola at the back of the house, enter inside, and see everything is broken, when suddenly I hear "WHO ARE YOU".

Looking at the door, I see a moving toy-soldier, standing on 1 leg, with roller-skate on it.

"I'm... here to meet Rebecca. What happened? Where is she?" I ask him, and he look down, thinking, before answering in a sad tone "she was kidnapped, and held in the stadium, forced to fight there".

"Hmm, are you her friend?" I ask, and he answer "yes!", so I tell him "well, I got to go, let's meet here later tonight", thinking 'he seems so different from every other puppet here...', and he agree.

I go outside, quickly hiding Viola, and ride toward the stadium.

I hide Viola again in a box, making sure she's hidden and tied-up, and go to the stadium.

When I see a guard in the gate enter inside, I follow him, still invisible, and when he walk inside the bathroom, I knock him out, tie him, take his keys, and change my look to his.

Right after, I turn invisible, and start searching the place, till I get to the underground prison, and find a huge cells filled with prisoners, and find the girl I was looking for.

'She looks... She wear this clothes in a cell full of men?!?' I think as I see her braided-long-pink-hair, wearing only a golden-bikini, with a golden-high-heels-boots, and a blue-cape.

I quietly steal the keys from a guard nearby, but when I open the cell, everyone inside get alerted, but I'm already inside, leaving the key on the door.

I throw a fireball on the wall, as diversion, and then try to knock her out, but she evade me, so I use mental-attack, who take her off balance, and knock her out, while turning her invisible, carry her in my arms, and run all the way to the gate.

I use the guard keys and open the stadium gate, running outside, and soon I arrive next to Viola.

As I carry both of them in my arms, knocked-out and tied, I arrive to a deserted shore, take my speed-boat out, shove them in, and sail away in the invisible boat.

'I have no idea where I'm sailing to, that was a stupid move by me' I think, but after only a few hours of fast-ride through the sea I see the weather change and snow fall, and then I see an island, or rather, I see a giant-apple on an island, with other apples stuck on him, 'Whatever, weird islands everywhere here'.