
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH25: A dragon who born in generation-Z

"Gravity is 10 times stronger, so be ready. The Weather goes from extreme cold to extreme heat, so be prepared. There's a bedroom, public kitchen, showers, and other utility, so you can use them while you're inside" Mr. Popo continue lecture me nonstop.

We arrive at a huge floating island somewhere in the sky through a tower, like a different dimension, and we're in front of a weird-looking building.

"The space inside is endless, so if you lose sight of the building, you'll probably be lost forever, so never step too far" he warns me again, as we end the tour outside.

'One thing is certain, I can finally sense the principals of space and time in a clear description, especially near the 2 giant sand-clocks in the side of the building' I ponder about this whole place, but enjoy the benefits.

"I'm the attendant here, the kid over there is the future kami-sama ('god'), and those bunch are warriors who soon will have a martial-competition, fighting to save their Earth from a dangerous villain" he points to people standing near the building entrance, who seems amazingly strong, flowing with power and spirit.

"The maximum time you can be in there is 48 hours, you must leave before that" Mr. Popo tells me as we reach the stairways to the entrance.

One of the bunch outside asks "hey, you look strong, mind joining the martial-competition?", and I think 'Infi, can I teleport there?'.

<You may be able to if you power up enough, and acquire a connection to their land, it may be a power originated there or an item unique to them who ooze with force>.

"Sure, I at least would like to watch, but I'm from a different land, and can't reach that land without learning your powers, or have a powerful item unique to your land" I tell them the truth.

They nod to me, when suddenly a short-blue-man with 2 black antennae on his head gets behind us, saying "King-Kai here! I sense a great danger, so I came and heard you talking. I'm willing to give you a technique I invented, IF, you can make me laugh".

"Pssst, listen, his sense of humor... pretty low and weird, so make it as stupid as you can" someone whisper to me from the side.

I remember 1, so I go and asks King-Kai "what's brown and sticky?" ... no one answers ... "A Stick!".

He giggle, block his mouth, but doesn't laugh, so I try something stupider, "I, you know, I chained my clocks to my belt, it was a waist('waste') of time".

"BAHAHAHAHAHA" he hysterically laugh, blowing a gasket, and after a minute get out of spoon-condition, saying "okay, you pass", and throw me a book, named 'Kaio-ken'.

He warns me "it doubles strength, but also double the energy costs", and add "And you better not intervene till the last moment in their fight!", I nod 'yes', say "thank you", and walk inside the chamber-building.

Inside, it looks like a normal training-facility, but when I step through the exit door, I see a white endless space, and remember all the warnings I got.

I get ready, and from here on I know I've got 2 years to make the most out of it.


---- {{{2 years time-skip in the hyperbolic time chamber = 2 days outside time-skip }}} ----


'Am I still 14 years old, or am I 16 years old now?' I wonder as I start exiting the place.

In my last 2 years, living alone in this endless white space, I did what I could never do ever since I got all those powers I have now, focus solely on my training.

From control, to power bursts, using my many powers, understanding concepts of energy, meditating, all the way to simple cooking.

I did everything inside, not wasting a moment.

The biggest new gains, except the obvious power-ups and power-usage, was the 'concept of time', as I got to sense and use it a bit in a small domain, but not as good as 1x365, probably 1x2-3 max, which Infi said it's always the hardest, 'opening the door', which I did.

I also got the 'concept of space' to a higher degree, and the 3rd biggest gain is me being a dragon.

I'm actually feeling how I'm more than half-a-dragon-king in my active-energy form, using all my new bones, but I yet learnt to fly, just glide, from the gravity inside.

As for the 'Kaio-ken', I discovered new energy, 'Ki', and with the 'Ki-Ki-No-Mi' fruit I ate, it was as a hand to a glove, easily acquired, going as far as empowering myself for 5 times for a short time with almost no backlash, but never tested it in a fight, like most my power-ups.

Now, stepping outside, I first feel how the gravity was like a weight on my whole body, making me feel I fly instead of walking, thinking 'isn't that how superman became powerful? living in a different environment?'.

Seeing a mirror at the entrance I check my look, and see a long-bluish-hair young-man, with purplish-grey eyes, reaching 191cm height, and ooze of maturity, as all my childish features faded away, replaced with elastic muscle, yet not buffed, and covered with linings of fading tattoos allover my body.

'I feel like I reincarnated as a dragon' I laugh at my own appearance after opening my dragon wings, plus a dragon tail and horns, and can feel that soon I could cover my body in dragon-scales.

'I look like a true humanoid-dragon'.

Looking around, I see Mr. Popo watering flowers, and walking to him, I say "thanks for everything, and by the way, do you think I'll be alright in that land?".

Mr. popo answers to me "Strength is knowing thou-self, and thou-enemy. Once you go there, all will be clear. Just stand aside, feel, look, sense, and know-thou-self and thou-others".

"Have they start fighting?" I ask, and he says "yeah. You should sense it".

I try spreading my 6th sense, and can somehow sense, not 'see', lots of explosive 'Ki' from below.

"Thanks for everything, I'll be going now, hope to see ya soon" I say my farewell, and think 'Infi, think we can reach near that Ki-fighting-location?'.

<Go by yourself. I already wasted 2 years tutoring you, 'Mr. I am a man now not a child'>.

'Hey, Infi, hearing my thoughts is one thing, but since when you got that sense of humor?' I laugh at Infi, and how that personality came to exist since we started talking.

I focus on the 'Ki-signatures', and *teleport*.


I stand next to a few people on a mountain, and in the air, in the distance, 2 people fight, while a short-bald-man yells "Way to go, Guko!...".

I say "Hi", as some turn and nod back 'hi', and quickly return to watch the fight.

Ki keeps flying and exploding, but soon the blond-guy, Guko, yell "I give up, I lose", and then says "You're up next, Gohan", speaking to a blond-child next to me, making everybody shocked.

He come and talks to him, and he accept, but then that Guko help heal that beetle-enemy-guy, which seems plain stupid, making me sure he's got some mental-issue.

The blond-kid, Gohan, takes one-sided-beating.

Totally humiliating, but all stand and watch, doing nothing, just talking, till someone jump in, but he dies quickly, and I see he was a cyborg.

Now, out of nowhere, lots of little beetle-creatures arrive and attack everyone, so I *teleport* behind a camera-man crew near by, watching the fight.

They all lost, till the lil' kid, Gohan, explode with powers, defeat all the little creatures, and 1v1 epic battle erupt, with Gohan win kinda easily, making the fight awesome, as I really enjoy the kid getting revenge, till something weird happens.

The beetle guy got hit, and throw-up, from his mouth, a beautiful charming blond woman.

When the fight move away from her, I quickly pick her up, wondering what just happened, but soon see the beetle lost, and he's getting bigger and bigger, like a massive energy balloon, planning to self-destruct himself by the way he talk and act.

The father, Guko, jumps next to him, saying "goodbye" to his child, and I sense he's gathering space-energy.

I jump next to him, yelling "WAIT".

I put my hand on the beetle-dude, starting to 'suck', withdrawing the energy he keeps gathering.

It is too much for me.

I feel full.

My body shout at me to stop, as my veins, blood, and energy-channels go haywire, so I transform to my half-complete dragon-form, but it's still not enough, even though his body can't keep extending, and he try to keep gathering energy.



He show me an example, as I sense how his energy move in his body, and in pure luck, instinct, or overload of energy, I quickly succeed, shouting "KA ME HA ME HA", aim my hand to the sky in 90 degree, and a huge laser beam shot through my palm, non-stop, as the beetle-balloon start depleting.

"FINISH HIM!" I yell at Guko as I feel there will be no explosion if he drop now, turning smaller than he even was before.

Guko chop his head, limbs, and whole body apart, finishing him off, when suddenly King-Kai teleport next to us, yelling "YOU PLANNED TO KILL ME?? I'M KAIO! THE GREATEST BEING IN THIS WORLD!".

Guko smilingly says "sorry, sorry, no bad intention", and they start fighting, but I leave their side, and arrive back to the blond-women that was spitted out.

The bald-short-guy comes near me, looking at her, and I ask "you know her?".

He answers "yeah, she's No.18, she's not bad", but before we can continue talking, we hear screams, look back, and someone died, by the beetle, discovering he's apparently a slime, and Guko didn't destroy it nucleus, and a battle erupt again.

Soon, one is badly hurt, the rest cower, the kiddo-Gohan got his hand broken, and suddenly, Guko dies.

They finally all attack together, in a one united struggle, making me wonder 'is it warrior spirit to 1v1, or plain stupidity, dying for nothing'.

Now, they have totally changed strategy, and even the badly hurt guy, who acted like he's 'honor-warrior-1v1-blablabla', jump up and makes a sneak attack, making an opening to Gohan, who finishes him off, evaporating him.

The battle is done for sure this time, as I check for energies carefully.

'Well...' I think to myself, 'I guess seeing their own family and friends finally dying they wake up to reality? cause they sure took it easy when other humans died everywhere here'.

Just after the fight, they all start planning to go away from the place, and the bald-guy try to take the blond-women, looking at me, saying "I'll take her", but I gaze back at him, saying "it's okay, I'll treat her, you can go with your friends".

He nods, flying away with them, while keep gazing back at her.

In my head I think 'such a beta, better not let him take her, and why was he even here, what did he mean 'she's not bad?', as others see her as so?'.

I pick her up, open my dragon wings, and fly after them to the floating island, as it seems they all go there right now.

When I get there, an enormous green chinese-dragon is talking to them, and they ask him to return all the people to life, and he agree to do so, saying "you've got 1 more wish".

'Oh, wow, that's awesome, sure they won't mind all the people dying there' I think, but I discover it's a 1-time-deal, and Guko was revived in the past, no chance to return back.

'so it seems logical they finally attacked seriously only in the end?' I think now.

They all talk, and even Guko, from his after-life, somehow talks with them, but they get nowhere, and the dragon seems in a hurry.

They laugh, not knowing what to do, and then look at me, asking "you took part and helped us a lot, got anything you want?".

"Is there a way to train my dragon powers?" I ask as I transform to my dragon-form, "I never got education on how to use my dragon power, so I will love to have this dragon's technique".

The dragon looks at me and says "That would be possible. I have the power to influence fate and time, allowing you to fulfill your wishes. I will pass you my teachings, and how far you can reach is up to you".

*FLASH*, An awful lot of information pop in my head, like I memorized an entire library, and I hear "Well then, Farewell", as the dragon fly to the sky, explode like fireworks, and the sky turn from black to day again.

They again say farewell to each, leaving behind Mr. Popo, the future-kami, and a green-man who was fighting.

The future-kami comes toward me and asks if I want to heal the women, but the green-man stops him, saying "she's an enemy!". I ask/tell him "but the short-bold-guy said she's good?", and he *sigh*, saying "infatuation can make humans do stupid things".

"I'll take responsibility to whatever happens" I declare, and future-kami steps forward and heal her, before they leave me and talk between themselves.

*COUGH*, *Cough*, *cough*, the blond beauty waking up, while I hold her in my lap in a princess carry. When she open her eyes, I stare at her 2 charming Turquoise eyes, thinking 'she's too pretty, what's with that devil charm??'.

She try to get away from me, but I just hug her as I sit down, 'suck' her energies out of her, and she now sit on me, at the edge of the floating island, but she keeps trying to get away, like she got endless energy.

After few minutes, she finally speaks, or rather yell, demanding "Leave me alone!", but I don't move, and answer with a hug, whispering "I got too many questions, but I think you're better with me, cause it seems you got strong enemies eyeing you".

"LET ME GO!" she yells again, and explode with energy, moving her whole body, and I dunno how to react.

"I will, if you promise to sit next to me, not escape, and talk to me" I tell her my demands, but she keeps fighting against me, so I say "I took responsibility for you, so please calm-down, I wanna find a solution who's good here".

"OKAY, OKAY, LET ME GO, I'LL TALK TO YOU FOR A BIT" she screams into my ear, and I let her go, as she sits in front of me, but bit far away.

"Hi, I'm Ayn, Ayn Adelard, and you?" I open our chat.

"Number 18" she says, but I react, saying "no no no, your name, birth name", and she looks angry at me, but spit out "before I was murdered and became an android I was called Lazuli".

She keeps narrowing her slanted-eyes, and pouting, just making her charm raise a few levels higher, and with her torn-up clothes who showed skin everywhere, plus how tight they are, showing her curvy body, my lust keeps pumping my brain to a different location then I intend to, maybe from the first moment I saw her.

"Hi Lazuli. Before talking about you being dangerous, I just wanna ask, what powers do you have? you've got some 'Charm magic'? cause everything about you makes me fall deeper in love with you".

She narrow her eyes again, spitting out "lame. I'm an android with endless energy engine".

"But I can 'see' and 'sense' your body. Your human, maybe you got some mechanical parts, but your human, I'm sure we can have babies together" I tell her, and she opens her eyes wide, spitting question words with no substance, " why ? how ? what ? ".

"Anyway, I'm a dragon, but I was human, and still human, so I get how you feel, but I can assure you I'm 100% capable, and so are you" I try to convince her farther, even saying "I bet any normal doctor or medical scans can confirm it, so be relaxed. You are beautiful human being, even more with you being partly a cyborg".

She finally blush a little, but in my mind I think 'a classical tsundere, just need to break her walls before she escape my grasp', because she goes straight to yelling, "THAT'S ALL YOU GOT TO SAY? I'LL TAKE MY LEAVE NOW".

I scream back "No no no, wait, danger, yeah, why they think you're dangerous? an enemy?", and she spit out right back "because I tried to kill them, and terrorize lots of people".

"WHAT? why? a lady shouldn't act like that" I talk to her with a gentle smile, but she gives me back a snare.

"Okay, if you were me, what would you do with you?" I try making her look from my point of view, but I get the classical answer "kill myself! die!".

'ahhh, my first tsundere, and I'm so tired from the fight, even if it was so short... and stuck with breaking her walls...' I think while I make a sad, frustrated, face, but it somehow makes her react, so I finally learn the secret to the tsundere, what I've been searching for.

'She feels comfortable when I'm depressed, sad, lonely, and she gives me motherly-warmth!' I hypothesize, but then another thought comes to me 'Just like Robin!!'.

I quickly remember the days I had such feelings 1 year ago, or maybe 3 if I count the time in the chamber, and I change my act, inside and outside.

For the first time since acquiring that 'energies power', instead of influencing, or being influenced, I 'share'.

I share mine, and share hers, like an endless stream who move between us, making us feel each other true side, without all that fake covers people put on themselves.

"I ... I ...", I'm stuck, can barely start a sentence, looking at her with a confused sad face.

"I think I know what you wanna say" she tells me.

"and?" I ask shyly, afraid of rejection, and she asks in return "do you know what I feel like?".

I answer her "I think I know ... you're looking for a purpose..."