
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH210: Interest(ing)

"RAWRRRR" I *BITE* Erina'-finger, as she poke my cheek, and right after Alice grapple my neck, so I put my hands on her waist, pressing in a sensitive-spot, and she burst laughing, and a moment later do the same to Erina, tickling her till she have tears in her eyes.

"You're fun!" Alice declare in full-confidence, and I look at Erina, hinting her to join me, as I hold Alice down, beginning to tickle her to tears as well, as she just shouts "I surrender! I surrender!", and we both stop.

As the two begin chatting, while the car begin driving toward their house, which is also in Tokyo, like the academy, I pour us apple-cider, and Alice pout, complaining "Not fair! What is with this apples! And that snack! What the hell was that delicious ingredients inside!", and Erina smirk at her, acting smug, so I gaze at Alice, hinting her, and we both jump at Erina, tickling her, till she finally shout "I surrender!", but she's more than just 'surrendering', she's now sitting on my lap, cuddling, while keeping to chat with Alice, acting like it's the most natural place for her to be at.

"Are you really married?" Alice question her as they chat, and before she can answer I 'sneak' a ring onto her finger, as her hand is under mine, and she raise her hand, staring at the ring, with a tear sliding down her cheek, beaming such a happy smile I can even feel jealousy from Alice, but I got to know her just now I don't know how to respond to such an emotion, calm it, or how to respond to it.

"You know, Alice.." Erina suddenly show a relaxed vibe, like she instantly took off few layers off of her, maturing in a mere moment, "... I always loved you. I'm happy to have you as my cousin. As my friend. When I had bad times I always thought about you, and that made me happier".

Erina' words make Alice turn mushy as well, jumping at her for a hug, but as she sit on me she actually wrapping her hands around my neck, sandwiching Erina.

... "See you soon" Erina say goodbye to Alice, as we came back to the academy, realizing she never meant to go home, so we just enjoyed the time driving around, and Alice quickly kiss Erina' and my' cheeks, beam a smile, and jump off the car, declaring "I'll come visit really, but really, really, soon!", and run inside, leaving us alone.

"I really more than love you.." Erina say as she turn aside, still sitting on my lap, with her face so close to me that all I can see is her face, her purplish-eyes, her redden-cheeks, her smiling lips, blond hair bundles that flow down from her head in a beautiful mess, and her wet pink tongue, and I *hug* her to me, as we're drown to each other, *kissing*.

... Sitting in USA'-house, cuddling with Erina under a blanket, while watching the rainfall outside the window, after Umi and Beau asked to go there, wishing to continue with their latest project here, and I wished to have more moments alone with Erina, I enjoy *hugging* her, feeling some sort of enticing serenity, kind of tranquility, like I can 'feel' a 'warm-gap' between us, like I'm ready to have a baby-Erina.

"What are you thinking about?" Erina asks me in between short-sips of a hot-apple-cider, the new drink she's working on, test-tasting it, and I put my forehead on hers, whispering in determination "I more than love you..", and she beam a smile, putting aside the cup, and open up her clothes, starting with releasing the zipper of her skirt, opening the button of her white-shirt, and pull the string of her thong, holding it with her hand, while giving me a teasing-face, taking her tongue sideways.

"Love me. Ride me. Fuck me. Tame me. Make me yours" I mumble while staring at her taking her clothes off, cutely stripteasing in front of me, staying only with her thong on, and stop, crossing her hands on her chest, hiding her juicy bosom, like she expect me to do the same, and I put my hands behind my head, chilling, smiling, and she cutely break her act apart, 'stealing' the blanket, as she cover herself completely, but *Rip!* apart my pants, and I gasp, moan, trying not to shout, while thinking 'She ain't called god'-tongue for nothing...', and feeling so much pleasure I explode, releasing my love into her sweet wet mouth, moaning "mmmmmMM", and the moment I feel like she cleaned me up she raise her head from under the blanket, beaming such a happy smile, sweating, drooling, yet say in a complete redden-loving-face "Tasty!", and my dick rise up fully, turning 'diamond' from this ethereal scene.

... "Ayn Ayn Ayn Ayn Ayn Ayn" Erina moan my name in repeat, and I'm under the blanket, tasting her juicy-pussy, enjoying the 'music', as I make her sing in joy, and feeling naughty I go for the grand-'break', shoving my tongue deeply, vibrating my whole face, massaging her body with my two hands, and softly scratch her clit with my teeth. "A HHH YYYYYYY NNNNNNNNN !!!!" Erina shouts and jump up from the sofa, jumping into the air, throwing the blanket off, cumming a bucket, raining her love at me, as I burst *laughing*, catching her, making her land on my arms.

... Sitting in the indoor-pool I look at Erina chilling in a bliss, with her eyes closed, yet cheeks reddened, like she's expecting me to do something, but doing nothing she seems irritated, suddenly going outside of the water, walking outside, and I quickly follow her, seeing she's going toward the Jacuzzi, and luckily the rain stop for a moment, so I quickly jump in, heating it up to the maximum, while she on the edge, open her mouth, yet say nothing, but make a daring-pose, as she open her legs wide, and even with a towel over her body I can fully see her whole body, and can already imagine her drooling face in craze love.

"Someone look ready" I tease her as I stand between her legs, with half my body inside the water, slowly kissing her up her leg, and she fidget in joy, yet open her legs even wider while playing with my hair, and she nod, yet stand up, going inside, saying shyly "come inside in, hmm, half an hour!", and run away.

After only around 15 minutes I feel like I can't wait any longer, going inside the master-bedroom, finding Erina in the middle of wearing a white-lingerie, putting on white-high-heels, pulling up her white-over-the-knees-white-socks, and seeing me coming in, she shake her ass, showing me her garter-belt, and I go behind her, beginning to *kiss* her shoulder, with my hands roaming her enchanting body.

Dropping down the towel who cover my body, with one hand hugging her chest, the other hand on her cheek, turning her head aside till I can *kiss* her lips, I lower my body, letting my erection go between her legs, rubbing against her thin, almost invisible, thong, and she put her two hands on it, rubbing it against herself, like she's jerking herself using it, and suddenly move aside her thong and drop down, taking just enough inside of her to feel a sharp-pain, biting my lips.

I quickly raise her up, taking her toward the bed, caressing her body, while not getting out of her, and just before reaching the bed she turn her body aside, with her hands around my neck, grabbing me tightly, and in one strong push take my dick into her, ripping her virginity, raining soft drops of blood onto the carpet, while biting and kissing my face and neck.

... Sitting in the bath, still connected to Erina, who slowly 'ride' on top of me, I 'just' enjoy the 'show', wishing to prolong this as much as possible, as we keep moving around, like a wave at sea, carried away by the flow of love, affection, and lust, and she sees me staring nonstop at her bouncing boobs, putting her hands on top of them, like hiding them from me, and we both burst laughing.

"Ahhhhhh" Erina moan as I raise the pace, moving in and out of her, and she fall onto my chest, biting her own finger, like she's trying to hold her moans, and I decide to go for the 'finnale', standing up, with her in my arms, keep raising the pace, movement, and as I 'push' her against the bathroom-wall she's fidgeting in a craze, dancing around, shouting her moans with her full mouth open wide, and the moment I *Grab* both her nipples, *pinching* them, while piston all the way in, she 'breaks', pouring, purring, puffing her breaths, having an ethereal orgasm, while her eyes locked into mine.

... "Will you marry me?" I ask Erina, who sit in bed, wearing a silky-white-gown, covered with blankets, and as she give me her hand, at the same place the previous ring I put on her is at, I put another ring on, a purplish-one, who reminds me of her enchanting eyes, who look deeply at me right now, gasping in happiness, and I truly feel the epitome of motherly-charm in her, thinking 'Is that what's more than love is? This feeling? Like seeing the future life, aspiring for it?...'.

Leaving Erina in the bed, as she fell-asleep kinda quickly, showing her first sexual-experience was really tiring, no matter if she's already a cultivator, and after having that much experience with virgins I can sense there's a delicate balance between the excitement, the adrenaline, yet the 'instant crash' right after, and the tiredness in the whole following day.

Going to one of the guest-rooms, where I left Maree, I ponder 'Why does being around her bother me so much? I don't want it, yet I desire it? What is this feeling? Do I feel like she's a 'wild beast', wishing to tame it?.. Is it the contrast between her overflowing femininity versus her obvious masculinity?.. Maybe it's just her 'tomboy'-spirit?.. Or just the feeling she'll tell me her thoughts, responding to me, without holding back or acting ignorant?... Honestly it's weird Iv'e got so many women, yet the most dark-brown-skinned women is probably Viola, with her 'Latin'-skin, so maybe, even if I can't call her dark-brown, more like deeper-brown, it enchant me? Eyes are such a shallow thing...'.

Stopping in front of the bed, looking at her in a daze, deep in thoughts, I shake myself off of it, thinking 'Imagination without reality-confrontation is like an abyss...', and decide to just chat with her, discovering myself through her, but before that I softly-'brain-wash' her, making a story we drove to the airport, and she fell asleep in the way, as we needed to take a flight back because of airplane-schedule.

"Good night" I wake Maree gently, *poking* her cheek after going to turn one of the lights in the room, and she finally open her eyes, stretching cutely, before jumping up in a surprise, gasping "Where are we??", but she lose balance on the blanket, falling down at me, using my body as cushion, and I *smile* gently, saying "In USA, back at my house. Had a good sleep?".

"Did you do something to me??" she ask a stupid question, standing up, going to her phone, and I *laugh*, asking "Really? You think I'm the kind of man who need to do some slimy thing? Wait, are you thinking something bad on me?", and she act cocky, hugging herself in a provocative-way, like she's teasing me, responding "Maybe...", and *click*, I hear her taking a picture of me in her phone, not understanding what's going with her.

'Reading' her mind I see she's wholly concentrated on herself, wishing to take a shower right now, and I tell her "I'm going to eat something, so your welcome to join me once you're ready" and go outside, leaving her be, waiting patiently to comprehend myself, thinking funny thoughts while cooking to myself in the kitchen, having a 1-man-party, singing to myself.

""If Interesting is something with attention, excitement, engagement... Arousing my curiosity, for whatever reasons... But 'Interest' is money, you borrow so you more than owe it... Is there correlation in between here? Like saying I gave it my mind, and when the answers will come - There will be some additional perception attached? / Like some ideal, or a peace-of-mind... crooked-thoughts finding a path to align?.. Redesign, reading signs, ridding sighs, riddling mind, rhythmic style, to redefine... The one who seek - shall find... Fight or Flight... Courage or Fright... It's awfully fine to cut-the-line, truth against lies, from the ground to the skies, a gest to glide till I land an answer to the question who run around my my""

"Why did you stop?" Maree gaze at me with a huge teasing smile, sitting behind the kitchen'-counter, and I *smile* back, *putting* a plate with half the food I made, saying "Cause it's a duet, it's your turn to sing your lines now", and she giggle cutely, and looking at the plate her eyes open wide, asking "You don't expect me to eat all of this, are you?".

"Don't worry, Iv'e got place in my stomach for it all, plus extra space for a little teasing girl" I respond, while looking at her, licking my lips, teasing her, and she giggle, asking "You're weird...", and seeing my fake-pout she burst laughing, asking "Aren't you vegan?", and I answer "I can break my vegan streak if I could eat you up", joking with her as I sit in front of her, pouring us both apple-juice, beginning to eat.

... "Maybe you just fell in love with me?" Maree answer as I discuss with her about my interest about interest, and why do we feel interested in certain things, yet not in others, at our life, a question who popped in me because of her.

"Is that your answer for everything? Wait. Honestly, that's a lovely answer... Love... You're 'Raison D'être' is really lovely" I think-out-loud as I think of her 'automatic' response to everything I asked her today got the same answer. "Raison detre?" she repeat my words, and I correct myself, saying "Basic reason, hmm, 'Reason to be' in french I think, like, why do we exist?".

"Why do you exist?" she asks me a weird question, and I answer "Because I was born", giving her the best answer I can find, and return to eat, dropping off this subject, and she do the same, while humming the song I just sang, but in a broken-way, making me *chuckle*.

"It's really interesting, this word, 'Interest', and why is it used for money as well" Maree tell me, and I *nod* in agreement, saying "Now you need to pay me back for this thought with interest", making her giggle, shaking her head with a pout, responding "I didn't signed no paper", and we continue chatting while eating.

... "See ya" I say goodbye to Maree, who got a call from an assistance that come pick her up, rushing to some business she got, and she give me a deep-gaze, reminding me 'Somehow I stopped 'reading' people mind, like it's not interesting, or rather.. It just their shallow-floating-thoughts, not what's going deep inside them..', and my thought break apart as she asks me "When?".

"Let's be friends" I suggest, and she burst laughing, asking "Are you for real??", pinching my cheeks, as she stretch her hands up, standing close to me, and I *smile*, *nodding*.

"You're like peter-pan" Maree 'sting' me, reminding me that's just how Alison called me when we got to know each other, responding "Does it make you Wendy Darling? I kinda hate that book, actually, all those 'Modern fairy-tales'... Why they haft to shove bad things? Why can't stories have just happiness and joy?".

"Totally Peter-Pan!" she cutely say while giggling, and I respond "The stories of that era, where wars, destruction, and so much bad things happening... It's just weird no new stories evolved since then... But maybe I am afraid to 'grow up'?", but she shake her head, telling me "Nah, not worth it, being an adult sucks, but..", *BEEP, BEEP*, an annoying car beeping from the gate cut her words short, seemingly annoyed of waiting, and before I can protest and ask for the end of the sentence she jump at me, wrapping her hands around my neck, kiss my cheek, and run away.

Going back inside the house I find my sleeping beauty, Erina, as she wake-up the moment I kiss her cheek, lying-down next to her from above the blanket, and she cutely ask "Why are you outside the blanket?", and I *point* at my stomach, making her laugh "Big Fat Dragon", making me laugh as well, as I begin *biting* her, playing, rolling around the bed, having fun.

... "Let's go back to Japan?" Erina asks after a while, as I *Yawn*, feeling my thoughts drown me to sleepiness, and I look in puzzlement at her, thinking 'Does she want to be with the girls right now?', and *Yawning* again, I just *nod*, *Hug* her, and *teleport*.


"Ayn", "Ayn?", "Ayn!", arriving to the living-room in Kouh-hidden-house I find myself in between all the girls, who turn their heads in wonder, suddenly noticing me here, and I act chilled, like they just didn't notice me coming inside, and luckily the girls help cover me up, as they giggle, asking/teasing "How concentrated are you in the movie that you didn't notice him coming in?".

"Erina?" Akeno asks in wonder, narrowing her eyes at her, and she shyly stand up, leaving my lap, nodding her head, and the girls circle around her, dragging her aside, while stopping the movie, and half the girls who stayed circle me, asking "What's that about?", "Did something happened?", but I make an 'I don't know' face, snatching the popcorn-bowl from Marie'-hand, while laying my head on Asia'-shoulder, who sit right next to me, and while *Yawning* again Shirone jump on my lap, together with Ella, Kuroka hug me from the side, and Ravel, plus Marie, sit right in front of me, on the table, staring at me.

*Rubbing* my eyes, feeling sleepy, I stretch my two hands to put the popcorn-bowl on the table, and *Grab* Ravel' and Marie' hands, *pulling* them to me, while falling back on the deep-sofa, *dragging* my body, together with everyone with me, to lie-down together, creating a huge human-pile.

"Ayn..." the girls come back from the side, calling me over, but noticing the condition here right now, while I once again *Yawn*, with my eyes closing, I just let my eyes remain close, saying "Good night...", and just snuggle, falling asleep, not wishing to do anything more for today.