
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH198: 'The distance between heaven and hell - is Earth'

"How do I look?" Ella asks me as I arrive to the USA' house, modeling to me in a black outfit, with no shirt, just a bra, and I tell her "Tasty" with a smile, "But.. It's always weird to see clothes-commercials with unconventional-outfits.. How many people can want such clothes?" I ask, and her friend/business-partner, Rose, answer laughingly from the side "People who want something tasty".

Ella, sitting on a chair, asks me "Are you against me being a model?", seeing my underlining-thoughts, asking in retort "Do you want to be a model?", and she answer "Already am", so I ask again "Do you want to be a model?", crouching next to her, looking at her up close, face-to-face, as she think to herself, mumbling "..it's not like it's my dream ..it's my job ..do I want to?..", and from the side Rose comments "What's so wrong with being a model?", and I ignore her, focusing on Ella, waiting for an answer.

She finally raise her head, looking at me, looking marvelous, yet make a doubting face, asking "What do you think I should do?", and I *smile*, saying "Whatever you want. That's why I asked what you want, not what I want. I wish you'd do what you love", and she smile, jumping at me, hugging me, yet not answer my question, and from the side we hear Rose smirking "Get a room", and I go to her, together with Ella in my arms, saying "This is a room, do we need another one?", and she avert her gaze aside, yet we can see she's smiling.

"She fought with her boyfriend" Ella tell me as we hug, sitting beside Rose, and she retort "Like you never fought before". "I do not fight" I answer, and Ella ask in shock "What?", so I tell her "What's the point in fighting? We can talk, argue, have disagreement, but fighting, why would we? It gives nothing, just creating cracks in our relationship, breaking us apart", and they both nod, but make a disagreement face, and I *chuckle*, "See? You didn't agree fully. Do we need to fight about it?".

*punch, punch, punch,...* Ella hits me, trying to annoy me, but it just make me *smile*, while she's making an angry-face, complaining "Ouchy! It hurts! Why are you smiling!", and Rose start laughing, *punch, punch* me, and right after complains as well "Ouch! That's not fair!", and I can barely hold my smile.

Rose, making a serious-face, asks me with a straight look "What's the punchline? You're super rich, smart, nice, too good looking, strong, sexy,..", "Hey Hey Hey! Where is it even going?" Ella cut in, and she asks "If it's too good to be real - then it ain't!", and Ella nod in agreement, while I think a bit, saying "Iv'e got so many wives, 50 wives, so, maybe some see it as unattractive?".

"You know, I see you everyday, for hours, then, where are those 50 women you blubber about? Are you planning to abandon me soon?" Ella asks, and I pout, answering "I plan to be with you forever, girl, and... Hmm... In our kingdom.. Wanna go there soon? Oh, some in Japan, wanna come?".

"I get that I'll haft to share you.." Ella say with a sad-happy-face, hugging me tight, "But..", "Wait! 50! Are you joking me??" Rose cut in, "It's illegal! Wait! Kingdom?? Are you a prince of somewhere??", and I answer "A king?", and she narrow her eyes, doubting me, but not minding her, massaging Ella, focusing on her, wishing for her to pronounce her thoughts and feelings, she mumble into my neck.

"..You're a player? ..But you're not a player?.. You want me?.. But you got so many women?.. What am I even doing here?.. Why do I even love you?.. I love you..", and I whisper back "I love you", feeling her snuggling into me, like a kitten, but Rose break the vibe, saying/asking "Are you really okay with it?".

"Do you feel unloved? Ignored? Disrespected? Dishonesty?" I ask Ella, who shake her head, yet say "Till now no", and I add "So as long as it's the same, we're good?", and she nod. Smiling, I ask her "Then if it will be even more?", and she *giggle*, but Rose comments "Idiots", and looking at her I can see her feelings are in turmoil.

"How did you brainwashed her?" Rose sting me, and I *smile gently* to her, as she keep throwing comments, "..What's so wrong with monogamy?? ..Why are men so.." and I put my hand around her, pulling her into Ella, triple-hugging, and she mumble-cry "He.. He.. I earn more than him!.. I even made those provocative photography to earn more!.. Now I'm held by all the videos he made!.. I hate this feeling!.. How did I even end up like this!.. Why men are so abusive!..", and I shiver, asking in shock "What do you mean videos he made?".

"Ayn, Rose is, hmm, a gravure idol.. Or a bit more?" Ella tell me, and seeing her thoughts, I try not to act shocked, searching for words to ask if she meant a porn model, but Rose start speaking, "I... I... You're the same!", and as I avert my gaze to Ella, she retort "Am not!", and seeing my face she asks "Ayn??", and a second later say "Look".

Ella stand, sitting in front of me, taking off her bra, hugging her legs, with her breast hiding, exposing only her boob-side, looking at me, and I tell her "It's not I'm against modeling, it's just... I want to be the only one who ever see my wife like this...", "What is it different from doing this?" Rose cut my talk, and looking at her, she's with only her panties on, hiding only her nipples with her fingers. but avert her gaze from me.

"You're beautiful, it's just, why would I want that someone other than me to see my wife like this?.. The thought of another man seeing you like this..." I talk to Rose, but change my words to Ella, who smile shyly, commenting "She's lying, she do it bare naked!", trying to change the subject.

"Here, happy?" Rose take her panties off, standing with her back to us, and I avert my gaze back to Ella, thinking to give-up, 'read' her mind, know the hidden-truth, asking in doubt "Is.. That what you want to do?", and she respond "If I could, and we really got married, then, I'll delete it all", but my focus gets back to Rose, who *poke,poke* my cheek with her finger, asking in annoyance "Why aren't you commenting on me?", and the moment I turn my head aside, she's sitting right next to me, bare naked, covering her sensitive parts with a cup between her legs, and her two hands on her breast, yet, not looking at me.

"He won't..." Ella say, and looking back at her, she stand, putting her bra on, yet start dancing, now slowly taking her clothes off, saying "Honestly.. I did once took photos with white shirt in sea... And also... Like this...", and she sit bare naked in front of me, on the floor, but with her legs up, hiding everything from me, as she hug her legs, and from her gaze I know she's awaiting a response from me.

'Wow, how can a normal human even survive something like this? It's like a living-torture.. The mere imagination what she's been through make my blood boil, and the worst thing, I prefer not knowing a thing, it's like, wow, normal life sucks, wait, my situation sucks..' I think, and can feel the girls in Infinity looking at all of this, hearing all of this, but not comment on a single thing, and I feel like they've won, showing me just how much value women like them have, something that probably nonexistent in this Earthly reality this days, or more like, not in the 'Modern' part of it.

"What do you even got to think about?" Rose asks as she stand between me and Ella, finally looking at me, but give me a strange gaze, "And Ella, what are you acting so modest, we both know you did more than that", "Said the P star of 'Only Fans'!", "Like you don't got one!", "I don't!", "Then Twiter, What's even the difference!", "GIRLS! Stop, please, direct it to me, you should be at peace with each other, like, just blame me... And... how much?" I cut their fight off, and Ella comes to me, face-to-face, asking "How much what?", and I ask "How much to buy all your modeling career? Past and future", and I put a shirt over her body, not wishing for any sexual-content with such vibes, such thoughts, such questions about her, myself, and us as a whole.

Sitting in front of me, with her head lying on her hand, smiling gently, I can feel I can see reality clearer than ever, thinking '..The distance between heaven and hell - Is Earth..', and as we gaze at each other, the moment break apart once again by Rose, who lie-down next to me, from the other side, asking/saying "Ten Million Dollars", and I respond "Sold", teasing her, as it was aimed for Ella anyway, and looking at her, she's bare naked, but focusing on her enchanting beauty, her mesmerizing face, shake me up, but my attention divert to Ella, who open the zipper of my pants.

Ella, climbing on my lap, dancing cutely for me, on me, slowly connecting our bodies, tell me cutely "I just want you.. To be yours...", and as I get in the mood, I tell/ask her "I'll erase it all, take it all, are you sure about it? Words for me is more than any contract, so please be sure in your answer", and hearing Ella moaning in joy "I love you... Yes.. Yes...", I look over at Rose, who say in a determent voice, with a serious face "Ayn. I want out, Yes, I agree. If you can, please do it, and please take away everything, anything.. Please make it all disappear".

"Done" I say, *smiling*, and in a mere moment, releasing my 'rage' at Ella, who spasm, spilling her love, squirting all over the bed, and in less than one more minute she's already on the verge of another one, and I gently put her on the bed, *kiss* her, and say "See ya later, please take care of her", and go out, wishing to swiftly do it, while asking 'Girls? Beau, Umi, Bulma, I need help', and they let me know they're ready for action, already done preparing it all, as we already got our systems ready to influence this Earthly-technology in a press of a button.


"Oh, wow, that was quick, will this program will solve any future issue?" I ask Umi and Beau, as we arrive to Japan, after 'visiting' the two guys, and they show me the program running on a tablet-screen, but I get nothing from it, just seeing results popping-out, trying to comprehend the coding they've made.

<Ayn, we need a new yacht, and I see here a nice one> Robin tell me from Infinity, as on the tablet'-screen pop a yacht-post, and I tell her 'Whatever you want, but why this one? It kinda look like the one we have', but Umi and Beau laugh shyly, while Bulma tell me <Go visit USA' Underground basement if you wanna get what's going on>, reminding me that the yacht was gone long ago, probably in parts now, asking 'So should I buy it? Maybe you can go out already?'.

... 'I hope Ella and Rose won't be mad about the way I handled the things. Maybe I went way overboard with it, but, whatever' I think while flying through Europe, mapping it on the way, traveling to the yacht location, who's on a boat-show right now, shocked Robin already closing up the deal from Infinity, haggling the price to the 20 M/usd.

'You got reception in Infinity?' I ask, and Bulma retort 'It's weird you don't got reception in your brain', and I *laugh*, thinking, in a way she clearly hear me, 'Can't wait for the moment Bulma is out of there, I better go buy the needed tools in a hardware-store', hearing the girls laughing, asking <Why? ; What is it? ; Yeah, what's the plan?>, and I laugh, 'Luckily you can't see my imagination, or she won't dare to go outside again', and she tease me <Maybe I won't>, making me remind her 'If you won't come out, then, I'll come in?', but stop flirting, landing down, seeing the super-yacht.

... 'Remind me again, why do we need another yacht?' I ask as we travel across the sea, toward the ocean direction, planning to just move it into Infinity soon, but for now enjoy the spirit-ring-girls company, touring the yacht, checking out it's max speed.

<Because> the girls say and laugh, and I think 'whatever', focusing on Snowy, who watch the view, and I whisper behind her "I love you" the moment she turn around, admiring her ethereal beauty, and she retort back, with a lovable smile, "No. I love you", and as we begin making-out, moving-around, arriving to the living-room, finding Siege here, we both fall on top of her, giving her attention, remembering that any good threesome always demand everybody to feel 'in it', and Snowy gets me, starting by playing with her tail, joining the fun.

... "Eheheh, Iv'e got it all on video, now you'll be an idol" Junko giggle, coming inside, with her phone raised up, and I *jump* at her, making her clothes disappear, looking at her purple-bikini, before I stick her to the wall, saying "If you can stand straight by the time we're done, you can do whatever", and before she can complain I'm already inside of her, 'dragging' her into the 'fun'.

... By the time all the spirit-ring-girls 'raise a white flag' I can see we're already in the ocean, on auto-cruise probably, and thinking about taking the yacht back, sending the girls back, suddenly some of the girls decide to come out, and I let them do so, hearing them "We can stay for a night like this, right?", "I think it's good for you", "Yeah, bad thoughts are just bad thoughts", "Purity doesn't always mean clarity", "WHAT?", "I mean, maybe I love Ayn more because I know there's nothing outside who's come even close to him", "AND I ONLY KNOW AYN!", "GIRLS...", "Really, you, we planned to do the opposite of that", "sorry","sorry".

Listening to the girls, I get that the impact of this issue, and with it the thoughts that come along, traveled deep into all of us and our relationships, and I *laugh melancholy*, saying "Leave the past in the past, and let's live in the present, looking at the future", and they all nod, kiss me, and begin running around, touring the yacht.


Moving across messy environments, from the kitchen, to the living-room, and balconies, between the peaceful lively moments I also find moments of mad-peace, making love with the girls, and the yacht parties make the place so much smaller than it actually is, only calming-down around midnight, as we cultivate in the balcony, with the girls 'hiding', covered in blankets, chilling all together there, watching the calm ocean water, that endless darkness surface, with the sky filled with starry lights from above, and a whole new party starts, inside Infinity, as I go meet the girls there, amazed how it keep evolving, like a natural paradise, as the plantation takes most of the space here.


"Yeah, as long as we've got this, you can find your way to the yacht again", "It's okay, we wanna enjoy the open ocean for a bit", "Cool, vacation time!", "Show me that movie you talked about!", "Ayn! Food! Drinks! Fill the place up!", "Erina?", I see the girls adamant on staying here, using this time to do whatever, and I call Erina aside.

"I plan to go meet your family after my father will answer the massage I sent him... Can you give me the address? Something I should know?..." I talk to her calmly, and she look conflicted, even scared, so I *chuckle politely*, saying "Girl, you're already a cultivator. We're already in a path out of this Earth, maybe it's time you change your mindset?". Erina nod cutely, showing a determent gaze, and just put her forehead on mine, like she want me to 'read' her, so I do so, finding out so much, just *Hugging* her, as I see many scenes of her childhood, amazed by how unique her life was, and is.

"I love you, for who you are, for who you will be, and I won't change a thing - if it might mean it would lead to a path where we haven't met" I tell her quietly, massaging her, as she sit on my lap, snuggling, trying to massage me too, but barely tickle my muscles.

"I love you, because, I love you" Erina tell me, and I respond "..Because feelings are different from thoughts.. huh.. my blubber is my failed try to comfort you.. hmm.. I love you. I'm here for you, my love", and she giggle, kiss me, and go off my lap, going to join the girls, and I *smile*, *breath in a relaxing manner*, and *teleport*.


<Ayn, we can get out already, so..> the girls in Infinity seems to want to go already, and instead of what Iv'e planned, I *Teleport* to West-city.


"I forgot how much I like this house" I say as we're in the house, and Bulma, Lazuli, and Chi-Chi come out, with everything, including their suitcases, and few more boxes, probably lots of gifts, plus Bulma'-baby, who I *hug* close, trying not to dive into the questions afloat in my mind, asking "Money? Gold? Got enough? We do need more things, from Infinity to the islands, I'm sure you can find a lot of important things here that we can't find anywhere else", and they nod happily, so I pull out a space-ring, which ain't that big, but enough to contain lots and lots of gold, giving it to them.

Bulma, laughing, show me a ring on her finger, saying "Our new invention! Soon it will be ready! The space in here is amazing! But.. There's still problems with it, like, we need to take everything out every time, so..", "You're amazing, and it's already amazing, so, keep going, my love", and she kiss me, together with the rest, beginning to move around, as we end our goodbye, and I *Teleport*.


"I'm probably one of the strongest in this world right now. Haha" Tashigi smirks, and I *spank* her ass, telling her "The real powerful existences never pop out their head. You won't even know who took you down. Beware of your Pride. Pride is the worst poison, and this world is poisoned with it".

"Sorry.. I love you.. thanks.. Iv'e got the phone on me, so, don't worry, I'll be safe.. Please come visit me a lot.." she says and show me a watch-phone on her hand, the latest thing we all got on now, as the girls keep implementing technologies into our life nonstop, and we *kiss*, say goodbye, and I *teleport*.




"Can you come to England?" I ask Robin on the phone, standing in front of the building Erina'-mother suppose to be at, in London, hearing her answer "We'll stop at Weymouth Harbour. I'll call you when we're there", and soon we finish the call, but suddenly my father call me.

"Ayn, I saw your massage, but, you probably need to talk to her grandfather. The story is complicated, but anyway, she's under him legally, at least for now", and telling him where I'm at, he laugh, saying "I'll get you in. Go wait in the lobby. Good luck, and visit your mother more!", and hang-up, while I go into the building.