
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH196: Soulization

"Did you go meet that guy?" the white-hair-guy asks Kuroka, as he, together with few others, come meet her the moment she enter an isolated building, inside a quiet alley. "No, and yes, I went to meet my sister. They asked me to join them, and stop being a stray-devil" she responds, sitting down near them, around a wooden-table, and one of the man tease her, saying "Oh, great, Iv'e got enough of you", and she laugh, teasing him back, "You're the main reason I'm thinking to accept it, not seeing your ugly face anymore".

"Who are they?" the white-hair-leader question her, and she comments "No idea, but, I don't think Ophis will come back to Chaos brigade", and he think-out-loud "..we did it secretly, if someone will find out we made them meet we'll have a backlash from it.. I hope we haven't left trails... Say, Kuroka, what exactly did they offered you?".

"What backlash? They just want me to stop being a criminal, and you know, I want to reunite with my sister, plus, Ayn, I...", "Oh my, look at her face, the girl look in love" the annoying man tease her again, breaking her words, but the leader is focused on the information, seems to be tempted to stop being a criminal himself, asking "Can we go meet them?", and she answer "Let me call him and see".

'Ah, the phone is on me!' I think and *teleport* quickly outside, hearing the phone ring, and answering, I hear Kuroka "Hey, Ayn, say, can we come meet you all? My team-leader wants to talk to you", and I answer "Sure, I'll come over to you in a moment", and hung-up.

Waiting a minute, I *knock, knock* on their building'-door, and just go inside, as they all jump-up, in tension, and I *Chuckle*, saying "I came to talk, not to fight, so take your blood lust down please", and sit next to Kuroka, with Shirone on my lap, and she poke her sister'-cheek.

"Talk" I say to the white-hair-guy, and he sits in front of me, asking "From what force are you?", and thinking about it, I answer "Mine. Not involved with anyone specific, but you can say I'm ally with the Satan? I mean, Serafall of course, Gremory'-clan, Sitri'-clan, maybe Phenex'-clan soon enough...", and he think quietly before asking "Not with fallen-angels? Angels?", and I answer "Nope. You can say I'm a leader of beast-kin, from everywhere, who're ruled mostly by us, dragons".

His eyes open wide, asking "Are you a dragon?", and I tell him "Not pure, but also not artificial, like you, so let's just say yes", and thinking again for few seconds, he finally say "Can we be part of that force?", questioning me in a path I didn't saw before, not sure how to answer for it, and a plan form itself in my head, answering "You may, but there's a trial, are you up to it?", seeing him nodding, while shushing his team, who seems not certain about the situation.

"Then I'll be calling you. Please keep on what you're doing, like we've never talked" I say, then stand up, wave 'goodbye', and go outside, *teleport* back home.


"What a delicious smell..." I say out loud, going toward the kitchen, and call over 'Serafall, all devil-girls, please come to the kitchen', while sitting near the counter, looking at Erina and the girls cooking.

As the girls arrive, I pass them the memory of what just happened, and Serafall smile, telling me "You should know something..", putting her forehead on mine, and 'reading' her thoughts I can 'see' there's secret-conversations developing, trying to create peace between all the different groups and races, as the terrorist-organization gave the 'perfect grounds' to form peace, fighting against mutual enemy, but in that, I can 'see' that the fallen-angels-leader has interest in that Vali, the white-hair-guy.

"Can I leave it up to you now? He's a rebel-type, cocky, power-hungry, but also Kuroka'-friend, so..." I ask Serafall, who pout, but nod, showing a smile, saluting me, like she's in the army, taking out her wings, like she plan to do it right now, and before she can disappear I *grab* her and *teleport*, to the bedroom, whispering "Before you disappear...".


"Can't control yourself around me?" Serafall tease me, as she make sexy poses, and I honestly can't, too aroused from her white-and-gold lingerie-costume, and as I take it all off of her, I ask "Does it seems like I can?".

"I love you, Ayn, I love you..." Serafall moans beautifully as I go inside her, looking so pure, as she lie underneath me, with a hand running on my chest, and the other grabbing the pillow behind her head, and seeing her shining eyes all I can say is "..I love you..", as I begin moving, doing love, instead of talking love, showing it to her in various poses and ways.

... "Dinner is ready" we hear Chi-Chi calling for us, as I'm in the bathroom, together with Rossweisse, who's busy licking and sucking, while Shakky soap my face, 'washing' me with her boobs, and I 'see' Lana tell her "Be right there", soaping herself, before coming toward me, smile to Rossweisse, and jump on me, 'soaping' me up.

... "Delicious, so delicious that I'll probably end up fat. It's like the holy-trinity in cooking, the Triple-T!" I say happily, rubbing my belly, after dinner, and the girls chuckle, while Erina asks "What's that 'Triple-T'?". "Oh, it's how I evaluate food... It's the three-phases food goes through... First, it's the Texture, from sight, to bite, and all the way down into my body... Secondly, Taste, from meeting my lips, tongue, and what taste left in the end... Thirdly, the Transformation, or Transmission, which is sort of 1+1 is bigger than 2, like, if you take two ingredients, making a dish from it, it must be worth more than the two of them apart, bigger than 1+1, because if not, then just give me each of them alone, don't mix them up".

"OH, cool! Taste, Texture, Transformation! But.. What about... Taste preference? cost? availability? convenience? cognitive restraint? cultural familiarity?..", and I cut her blubber, answering "Nonsense, like, cost is a variant who got nothing to do with the food itself, cognitive is varied between humans, just like culture, and availability is also 'pre-food'... All of your criteria are 'pre-food', not 'food', which is a weird-view, who ignore the food as it own self".

"But..", "Erina, you know, I call 'Food' as... The most short-lived-art... Imagine that... In the same time as doing any kind of art possible, 'Food' is an 'Art', created by materials, which differ from say dancing, which is just moving body, and in it, those materials created, are the shortest living art that exist.. Truly an unrewarding art, which led to the lack of appreciation for it" I expose to her what I feel about her art.

"I'm an artist?" Erina asks in a beaming smile, and all the girls nod, confirming my words, letting her and the others know we really appreciate them, as we could just eat take-away, or cook briefly, but they always make a masterpiece out of our meals.

"My father is the complete opposite, just so you know, he think food is a product, like a factory-line, like a recipe is all that needed, maybe even replaced with machines" Erina tell me, and I *Laugh*, almost chocking from it, telling her "Well, it's weird, like the fact that two bakers who got the same dough can make a whole different bread from it.. Creatures without Soulization can't 'see' food as more than 'food'".

"What's Soulization?" the girls question me, and Alison smilingly say "Soul realization? Like 'seeing' the 'Soul' behind the art, realizing it? Oh, I love that idea, people lack Soulization, thinking art is a product", and I add "It's a real thing, you know. A real art piece pursuit the ideal of...", and I stop, grab my drink, and signal them to come with me to the living-room, continuing the talk there, chilling, relaxing together.

"One of my favorite books is Illusions, by Richard Bach, and he said there something about 'No matter what page or line you open in a book - You read in it exactly what 'the existence' meant for you to read', but I find the concept of art different, as not every book can give you this. Not every book, art, is a wholesome, and each art carry it own soul, it own vibe, it own path, to your 'existence'".

"Oh, I saw that book in your library, it said something about 'In our way to happiness we will find the knowledge which we chose our life for" Sona say, and a lively-lovely-chat opens up, like a book-club, as each tell quotes and things we found in books.

"Ayn, what's so good about this Richard Bach?" the girls question me, as I'm just sitting quietly, listening to them, and I answer "Firstly, the humility, and secondly, perception, like... When a young seagull asks his elder if heaven exist, and the elder answers him in a riddle, saying in it 'Perfection has no limits', meaning Infinite, and derive from it 'Perfection is existing'... But now days I do not find him proliferating as before, so just read this two of him".

"Then, what is the most shocking thing you ever read?" they ask, and I respond "When Diane Ackerman wrote in the 'Natural history of the senses' that human think because they smell - Smell is our first sense, and it was so successful, that the origin of a brain is the smell sensors".

"Oh", "Wow", "I like it", "Why do we even have a nose?", "Everybody got a nose", "Because of cold and dry environment", "I can see why this theory can be true", "Yeah, like how the nose came out from our body", "If the mouth and nose develop first in the womb, then that groove, 'The philtrum', is maybe the real source of brain development", "The love charm?", "Oh, the love potion", Ayn, touch it, I wanna see if it's really one of the body's most erogenous spots".

The girls shove their faces at me, making some kinky faces, asking me to touch the groove between their nose and lips, and I watch as each of them have different reaction from it, but it end up with Sayuki 'dry riding' me, igniting some weird fight in between the girls, in between a tease and a fight, as it get heated, and soon they suddenly start tying each other.

"I guess it's just a matter of time" I laugh happily, looking at Sayuki, tied-up, gagged, on the carpet, next to me, and use time-manipulation like never before, using the connection Iv'e got with the girls, 'sucking' energies from them, but only to myself, starting with Sayuki, *Ripping* her clothes, making love with her, in at least 200 to 1 time, and by the moment I cum, letting her go, she spasm crazily, falling on the sofa, and I find my next target, Alison, tied, looking with shy worry at me, and I *smirk*, use time-manipulation, and go 'lift' her up.

... Looking at Pashia, who turn her head back in slow-motion, as we're making love, or more like, I piston on into her, and by the time she moan, I can already feel she's on the edge, having a harsh orgasm, and I carry her to the rest of the girls I made love to, searching for the rest, when suddenly I 'see' a funny sight, opening a big card-box, finding Lana tied and gagged in it, looking delicious, making me smile happily, and start 'eating' her up.

... From finding out some just tied themselves, like Tsubaki, awaiting her 'fun' without panties on, to girls tied in bizarre sexy ways, with various outfits, truly a masterpiece of enticing beauties, having the time of our life, as we found two new games in the same time, enjoying ourselves all over the house, while luckily Aisa, together with the fallen-angels and Ophis, returned into Infinity, letting me relax about those issues for now.

Finding Shirone, tied with lots of chain, onto a bed, while Akeno tickle her feet in joy, 'torturing' her, I grow tree-branches, tying Akeno up, and as they're the only two left, I decide to release Shirone, asking "Join me?", and she beam a smile, as we walk toward Akeno, who shyly struggle, yet we can see how excited she is, with her erected nipples, and dripping pussy, breathing rapidly from the mere thought of what's coming her way.

"Ehehehehe" Shirone *laugh* cutely, tying up Akeno, who look at me in worry, yet can't speak, as she also tied up her mouth, even hanging her up from the ceiling, and I *Laugh evilly*, creating tentacles, grabbing Shirone up the air, as I hear Akeno 'I'll be a good kitty, Meow', and as I put a leash on her, I go toward Shirone, who struggle shyly, telling her "my love, Bonn appetite", and *slurp* her down, as her underwear fall down, while feeling Akeno *slurping* my dick from below.


'That was... AWESOME!' I think in joy, looking at the messy house we've left after our games, and as I put the girls up to beds, with some fake-sleep, I just let them do whatever, caring them lovingly, while the shadow-maids clean up the mess, and done with that, looking one last time at their happy-silly-cute-smiles, feeling fulfillment, I *Teleport*.


At Earth, after a short tour around Paradise, enforcing the barrier, 'seeing' everything is alright, I *teleport* to the USA, to 'the one' house, not finding Ella here, searching for her in the other house, which she ain't there as well, and call her, hearing she's in a busty place, and she send me a text-massage with an address, so I *fly* there.

"Wifey" I call her as I enter the restaurant, and her eyes open wide, responding "who's your wifey??", but as I sit next to her, hugging her with a hand, kissing her hair, she cutely cuddle to me, and I focus on who's in front of us, saying "Greeting. I'm Ayn, pleasure meeting Ella' friend, as always", and Ella corrects me, saying "Business partner. She's...", "Rose. Nice to meet you", Rose says, and I greet her back "Pleasure all mine. What are you up to? Am I interrupting? I just missed you..".

*Pinch*, she grab my side, and I act accordingly, pouting "ouch ouch ouch", and the both of them giggle, as Ella complain "at least fake pain better", and Rose nod cutely, as her whole hair nod with her. "Ayn, what do you think I, we, should do with our brand?" Ella question me, and I *scratch* my head, thinking of a quick retort, and answer "Number one rule is always Passive. Lazy people rule the universe. We create a machine, sit next to it, and let the money flow... So... Better than thinking what 'You' can do - Think what you can make 'Others' do, or more like, once you build it, how easily you can let others take the rein, yet, never lose the hold on it".

"What businesses do you have?" Rose question me, and I tell her "I'm... Holding lots of territories, so sort of a king, or kings? colonialism? never mind that, most of my money is 'buy cheap - sell expensive', but.. I'm on the point of thinking 'How can I protect my wealth' more than 'Making wealth', so my set-of-mind right now won't fit you... Oh, wanna try fashion? Iv'e got few routes, clean, not like those companies who're on the verge of slavery here. They produce ton of clothes, but I never went into it. Ella, you saw them in home, right?".

"Isn't it super expensive?" she asks, and I *smile*, telling her "Super super expensive, but, I don't pay with money, I pay with things that that country lack, and without much to buy there - I just buy gold, metals, or nonsense like that, because money is meaningless".

"I...", "Money is meaningless?" Rose asks, but Ella just *sigh*, kinda shaking, and I *hug* her, thinking 'I said too much', and say "I meant less important than making my women happy", and while Ella hug my arm tight into her, Rose laugh dryly, asking "Why do you even need to work?", and I correct her, saying "Work has more than one meaning. Volunteering is work. Pursuing your dreams is work. You can say any 'Force' applied through 'Distance' is work".

"Well.. Your argument 'Works' on me" Rose cutely say, and I nod happily, liking her character. *Ring..Ring..*, both their phones ring, and they seems to have made plans to meet with friends, and Ella tell me "We said we'll meet few more friends. Let's go. You'll be our bodyguard!", and wondering 'Why do they even need a bodyguard?', I decide to 'read' her mind, finding out they planned to go for a party, and they don't feel safe from that environment, thinking to just not go.

"Sure" I respond, quickly paying the bill, and we three walk the street, while they keep chatting, deciding to go to our house, look at the clothing-lines there, and decide from it, already excited to create a clothing-brand, only stopping their discussion as we stand outside a noisy building, with huge line outside.

'We are VIP' I brainwash the guard, who nod to us, opening the side-gate, and the two look at me in wonder, but I just *smile* and walk in.

... In the night club, with their friends, drinking, dancing, getting loose, I focus myself around Ella, making sure she's got her space, mostly from the 'sharks', those men who 'swim' around here, looking for 'prey'.

Looking at Ella, I can 'feel' a 'call for help', and turning around, I notice I was probably a bad 'bodyguard', quickly pulling out a jacket, putting it around Rose, and *pull* her to me, *hugging* her up, asking "Did they do something?", looking at her in worry, and as she shake her head, I just glare at the 'sharks', sending them off with that, but notice that except of having 'a moment' with her, she wish to leave, as so am I, probably from the moment I stepped inside, if not before that, and go *hug* Ella, taking her with me, as I walk to the entrance.

... On the way back, driving the car, while the two, plus another friend, in the back-seat, with another car of their friends following us, we stop in a supermarket, and the girls run around, having fun, messing the whole place, and I just smile to the clerks, saying "I'll pay extra, plus for everything they touch, so, just let them be, I'll tip a lot", making them laugh shyly and just nod. "Get me all of it, wait, it won't get in the car, Rose?" I ask as she daze in front of a candy-wall, and she look at me in surprise, not sure how to respond.

"I...", "Just shove a box of each in the car" I tell the clerks, giving them tips already, too lazy to work myself, and she stand there speechless, mumbling "..I didn't even planned to eat from it..", but knowing Iv'e got so many places to drop it off, I can't see it as a waste, telling her "Iv'e got so many volunteering companies, so, every candy you won't eat - a child without candies will have one more", and she cutely laugh, nodding happily.

Listening to her thought, I laugh with her, as it seems she made it as a sort of a new slogan in her head, 'Every candy I got and won't eat - I can give it to a child without candies!'.