
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH189: Balance breaker

Spending the night in the bliss of my life, not in a sexual way, rather, getting to know so many of the girls, as the beast-kin-girls open up to me more than ever, getting to know some snake-girls, a serious horse-girl, a cute cat-girls, a ferocious bunny-girl, a petite-shy-fox-girl, tiger-girl, lion-girl, and even goat-girls.

The mermaid-girls acted kinda shy, even though they're extremely friendly with the girls, just not with me, and wondering why, I've found out they just never met a man all their lives, to the point there's a lesbian relations between them all now, even though they show curiosity toward me, leaded by the mermaid-queen joining me throughout the night, from time to time, as I traveled along the party.

At morning, I *teleport* back and forth to USA, moving half of the girls there, with the rest wishing to just be in Paradise for now, and ask me to come pick them up before sunset, while some ask to go to other places, mostly Robin and Mia, who create 'teams', planning to go get lots of stuff, yet leaving me 'free' for few hours in between, leaving my schedule almost full already with things for today.

Having a free hour now, I decide to check up on Ella, somehow getting 'addicted' to her simplicity, how 'out of the world', or more like, 'in the world', she is, with that 'normality' that I never had, or never wanted, yet wished so much to comprehend, and *teleport* to the new house in LA we've bought, for the purpose of her family.


'Seeing' her in the pool, I go there, seeing her with white-clothes and golden jewelries, standing on the pool'-lever, with half her body in the water, and a camera in front of her, taking photos, and I sit behind the camera, smiling happily, and change it to video, while she give me a meaningful gaze, and 'fall' into the water, with her white-belly-shirt not wet yet, but without a bra, in the cold-water, so her nipples already getting stiff, and as she brush her hair, saying in a fake sexy way "oh no, I fell in the water", moving sexually, making poses that let me see what's under her shirt, I smile happily, and come inside.

"Oh no, I also 'fell' in the water" I say with a fake pout, and *pull* her to me, *hug* her, clinging on her body, whining "..Oh no, I don't know how to swim", and she smirk, asking "Are You sure?.. Because I thought we can do something 'Fun' in the water..", and I shut her mouth with mine, letting my hands roam her body, while hers roaming mine, already moving around our sensitive parts, and without taking a single piece of cloth off, we're already connected, smashing our bodies together.

... "Why is it so fucking good?" she asks as she ride on top of me, as I sit on a sun-bed outside the pool, enjoying this so much that I start thinking 'I feel like making love should be 90% of my day..', and answer her "Because..", and I lift her up for a princess-carry, beginning to piston, "..We're fucking perfect together", and I *slam,slam,slam,...* into her in a pace where her boobs jump all the way, that it even hurt her, and she hold them with her hands, which just ignite me even more, fucking the fuck with her, releasing my whole night tension, but suddenly stop, feeling I'm 'breaking' her.

*kiss... kiss...*, I carry her to bed while caring for her, loving her, drying her up, slowly massaging her, as she's half-asleep already, and just before she close her eyes, falling asleep, as I cover her in a blanket, she grab my arm weakly, whispering "..i think i fell in .. love with you ..", and go into dreamland, while I clean after us, saving the videos we made to myself, check that everything is fine here, and *teleport*.


"Who's the friend?" I ask Grayfia and Tsubaki as I find them at 'The one', the LA-house, outside the pool, and they come happily to me with their cat-friend, which I can already recognize as Koneko'-sister, who somehow found her way to us, and not only that, she seems way too friendly, way too open, and after kissing them both, I wave 'Hi' to her, 'look' inside the house, and *Jump* into the balcony, outside the room Koneko is in, finding her raising the blanket to see who's coming, giving me a shy-sad-glare.

"My beautiful princess, your sister is here?" I say with a smile as I sit next to her, and she jump to my lap, cuddling cutely, hiding under my shirt, while I can 'see' the three girls coming inside, jumping into the balcony right after me.

"I don't have a sister" she reply weakly, and instead of arguing, just pat her through the shirt, and signal the incoming girls to leave me, Koneko, and Kuroka, alone for now, after 'reading' their thoughts a bit, knowing how did it even came to this situation, as we had no information about where she is.

'They started investigating the terrorist-group I attacked and took powers from, discovering that Kuroka, Koneko'-sister, is part of them, and luckily they've got a chance to fetch her for a short talk, but now they've brought the mess in here, as there's few of her group awaiting near-by...', and I stop thinking about the future entanglement, and return to focus on the issue on hand.

"Kuroka, nice meeting you, I'm Ayn, Koneko'-fiance" I say as I stretch my hand to her, while she stretch her body, exposing her whole vulturous-body, and suddenly change her outfit for a devilish-sexy-lingerie, like all those devil-girls usually do, before sitting on a chair next to the bed, right in front of us, the other way around.

"I heard about you, Nya" she say in a tease, sitting in a proactive way, squishing her bosom on the chair'-top-rail, while I try to activate the 'Heart-Room', but I just can't get into her, discovering that without an open, willing, heart, this 'skill' ain't useful.

"Shirone, you better come with me, this place ain't fitting for us" Kuroka talk to Koneko, who seemingly changed her name from the past, but I respond "Are you trying to steal my wife from me?", when suddenly *Rip,Rip,Rip*, my clothes tear-apart, as Koneko becomes larger, plus changing to her cat-'true'-form, yet, she look even cuter than ever, as she just keep on sitting on my lap, beaming a smile, as she cuddle bare-naked under my upper-shirt, who 'survived' her changing to her bigger/'original' form, and I just give her my whole shirt.

"Shirone!" Kuroka exhale in anger, yet smile evilly, and Koneko doesn't even turn her head toward her, just whisper to me "Catch her before she do something stupid", and I smile, somehow stuck with those two childish-sisters, where the younger-one, Koneko, is kinda the mature-one.

Putting Koneko on the bed, thinking 'She's so damn hot, if she would stay in this form, I'll probably would've 'eaten' her up already..', as she just threw my shirt away, but I focus on Kuroka, who fly up, acting like she's having fun, gathering energies, but instead of wasting time, I just *step, step, jump*, moving really quickly, then bounce, and grab her from behind.

Not sure what I should even do right now, I just 'suck' out her energies, while enhancing her 'blue'-energies, and in a mere seconds she already *YAWN!*, and on the verge of falling asleep, in my arms, as I land on the floor with her, caring her to the bed, putting her next to Koneko, while waiting for her, to hear what she got to say.

"I know..." Koneko whisper silently, but suddenly I feel there's this sense of familiarity, and I right away 'ride' that feeling, 'taking' me, Koneko, and Kuroka, into the 'Heart-Room', which feel at start like we're infiltrating Kuroka'-dream, in some disgusting lab, but in a mere second, we're already in just an empty space, inside the nothingness, looking around in shock, 'looking' at each other' hearts, till suddenly Koneko burst laughing in joy.

"Sis-con!! Sis-con!! Sis-con!!" Koneko burst laughing as she and Kuroka sit next to each other, in front of me, and Kuroka look in shock all around, but then just focus on Koneko, and I'm a bit puzzled, shocked, surprised, as I can see on Kuroka'-finger a ring, just like the ring on Koneko'-finger, the wedding-ring I gave her, trying to digest what exactly is this place, how can such a weird thing happen, and what it implies, but shake it all off and just focus on the scenes around us, as so much is revealed in a mere moments inside here.

'She's loving Koneko like crazy, huh, Koneko is the most important thing in her life... Their father was a mad-scientist, who died in experiment.. He never acknowledged them.. Treated their mother as nothing.. Their master was a cruel person, but, wow, Kuroka killed their master with the emotion she's saving Koneko, not herself... She's more sis-con than even Serafall and Sona, but I better not check who's crazier, hehe...'.

"WHY?..? Why do you ever think not telling me all of this?.. For my own 'good'..?" Koneko say/ask in mixed-emotions to Kuroka, knowing the answer already, yet still ask, and the only reason it seems not to 'break' her is the fact I'm already behind her, *hugging* her from behind, and she let herself 'break free from her inside shells'.

"Love is selfishness...Because it's you who feel it..." I think-out-loud, "...and ...Love lead to such decisions, who can confront the pure-social-emotion, Honesty... Like choosing, in the 'name of love' to hide a truth about the other, letting him live a life without this information.. which confront the basis of 'Knowledge is pain, knowing is worrying'...".

"What?", "Honesty is the opposite of love?", Koneko and Kuroka remark on my floating thoughts, so I try to arrange my mind, saying "No, I was wrong, Kuroka is honest with herself, as she knew the truth, and didn't deceived herself... But she wasn't honest with Koneko, or others, deceiving society... So... There's a different, a-human-to-himself versus a-human-to-society kind of personalities... And... I think... Honesty is an act, not a feeling... So.. Why does a positive-feeling, like love, lead to dishonesty.. A wish to not let the other have negative-feeling?... But... You wish to control, to own, her? Ohhh... That's why you show possessiveness toward Koneko?".

"She's my sister!" Kuroka exhale and jump on Koneko, hugging her from the front, while I hug her from behind, responding "She's my wife!", and Koneko now take the role of the matured one, laughing gently, patting both of our heads, and after a minute of silence, *poof*, we're back in reality, in kinda the same position, just on the bed, laying-down, hugging together, with Koneko in the middle of us.

"I'll give you credit for letting Shirone feel comfortable with herself.. She doesn't seem to hate being a Nekomata anymore.." Kuroka say quietly, and I say in response "I'll give you credit for keeping her safe from the shadows, no matter what feeling it arose from her, you were a really good sister to her..".

"Ayn!.." Rias suddenly enter the room, looking angry, "..There's a problem outside, and I think in less then a minute those freaky weirdos terrorists will try to infiltrate this barrier. They demand to have that girl back..", she say in annoyed tone as she *point* at Kuroka, "..and we know you want to keep this place quiet and peaceful, BUT.. we're ready to go make them all disappear if they won't do so by themselves".

Standing up, I *hug* her, *kiss* her cheek, and go outside, while reading Kuroka'-thoughts, knowing she came with some white-dragon, but knowing about that red-dragon-powers, which I already stole from the stupid-horny-kid, who didn't even know I did so, I think to do the same, even though he already seems conscious of his powers, but probably not to the point he can use them properly.

... "Please don't" Kuroka, followed by Koneko from behind, arrive at the mansion'-side-gate, as I'm standing in front of three males, who somehow create some sort of a barrier, or more like a different-dimension, based on the dimension we were originally at, and I'm not sure who's she talking to, but can already guess by the blood-lust those three males show.

"Let me just check it out" a white hair man say with a huge smile, *Open white wings*, *Jumps*, and fly toward me, with his hands already in a fist-form, but before he can even do a single thing, I release my Haki, and *Crash!*, he fall on the ground.

"BALANCE BREAKER!" he stand up while shouting this stupid words and smile in a creepy happiness, releasing energies, creating a white dragon suit around his body, and I let him do so, feeling this experiment is needed, to know if we need those powers, wondering how powerful they are, and more than that, how to even use them, as we already got one of those things, but never thought to use it, me thinking it's just 'junk', not worth weighting down on us, but the girls praising this power a lot, even showing 'fear' about having them.

"Next attack will be a formal declaration of war against me" I tell the other two, who sneak gazes between us, and while the black-hair-man seems as stupid as a monkey, the blond-hair-man give me an intellectual-gaze, slightly nod, and call out "Vali, ...blablabla...", and while they talk and bicker between themselves, I go to Kuroka, who's standing next to Koneko.

"That was nice of you" Koneko say in giggles, *jumping* on me, while Kuroka give us an envious look, with small teases, but turn serious, offering "Wanna join us?", and I immediately answer "No". "But..", "No", "We're..", "No", ..., I cut every sentence she starts, not wishing to even know what stupid suggestion this bunch of idiots got, except extracting intel about the places or world they're from.

"Can I come visit again?" Kuroka asks openly, and I ask back "Who said you're allowed to leave?", but Koneko *pinch* my cheek, look at her sister, and tell her "We're usually in Japan, so, here..", and she throw her a phone, which manifest itself from Infinity, thanks to the girls helping her out, and as she catch it, I *sigh*, *breath deeply*, and tell her, aiming to all of them, "I would like to meet your leader, the highest one possible in this organization you're at, so please try to come with him".

"Her" Kuroka corrects me, and I smile, saying "Even better", and *release energy*, that *break* the space they've created.

"Don't come here again, or, I'll see it as a war declaration, BUT, Kuroka, you can call me anytime" I say as I start walking into the mansion, finding all the girls inside the space, who's blocked for anyone outside, but we're watching those four talking between themselves outside the mansion, before they teleport away.

"Ayn..." Rias come forward, chosen by everyone to confront the situation, and I just pass her the memories of what happened, from Koneko and Kuroka, to what I extracted from those bunch, and as she digest the information, I do the same with the other girls, before I begin *teleport* around the world, gathering all the girls here, plus pick up into Infinity and my space-pockets lots of things.


After a fulfilling dinner, the devil-girls circle me, but my focus is already on the hot-spring, outside the house, where the girls all jumps into, and I 'escape' toward Koneko, who's next to Asia, seemingly becoming close-friends, and soon all the devil-girls follow us here, beginning to discuss the issues who still awaits us, centered around this organization, followed by the tension in the super-natural-world/s, and finally at Rias'-problem, the promise her father made to engage her to some devil.

... "I don't like waiting. Let's get it over with already!" Rias cutely pout, as I decide to postpone it all, still missing too much information, plus, we planned to go visit the underworld now anyway, so it can solve most of the issues, if not all of them, so I just *pull* her to my lap, 'massaging' her whole body, and a moment later Akeno come besides us, with a shy-lustful-face, covered with a mere wet-towel, who hides almost nothing, exposing her sexy body fully, and I *pull* her over as well, 'announcing' by it the stop of this conversation, and the start of a fucking party, as the girls swim toward us, joining the fucking fun.


"See you tomorrow" I tell the girls, as they go inside Infinity, planning to go to the underworld tomorrow, but as it seems we can't just teleport there, we plan to just take me, while the rest will wait in Infinity, and come out once we're there.

Left together with just Serafall, Lana, and Grayfia, who also say 'goodbye', going through the 'back-channels' to the underworld, to prepare everything, planning to meet here tomorrow evening, I'm left all alone in the house, when suddenly I feel a presence enter the barrier, smiling to myself, like fate play a beautiful game with me.

"You just missed them" I tell Ella as we meet in the garage, entering her car, and she *giggle* cutely "Your imaginary wives?", making me *laugh* plus *sigh* in the same time, kinda preferring to keep her away from them for now anyway, and just move my hand toward her pink-coat, wondering what's under it, but she *push* my hand away, exhaling "Heyyyy", but then open up her coat, showing she's got a mere pink-bikini, with a mini-loose-white-skirt under, and together with her pink-high-heels-boots she look like a pink-bomb-shell heading my way.

"I want to go to a party!" she declare as she look at my 'hungry' look, making me *laugh* in resignation, and just nod, accepting this 'normality' of hers, while beginning to feel the need to read her mind more often, conflicted from inside, mostly from not liking this openness, feeling like I'm just what those children in school used to call me, an 'introvert', or rather, I just see myself as a man with privacy, with no need for that social-brainwashing-norms, not feeling like there's something out there who worth more than what Iv'e already got, or can get on my own, even without those social-weird-gathering, with their pagan rituals.

"Cool! Let's go!", *UHM!*, "Wanna change clothes?" I cut her words, not liking her going outside like that, and she smirk, *pointing* to the back-seat, and instead, I *point* to another car outside, in the garage, preferring that both of us won't drive, seeing her nodding happily to that idea.

... "You did something, didn't you?" she say with a pout, but can't hold it in, starting to *Laugh* happily, as we stand in the middle of an empty club, near an empty bar, and I smile to her, saying "Already got the hottest girl in the club, and am Not planning to share you in this life..".

Instead of answering, or showing any kind of response, she begin dancing happily, openly, all around the club, getting me in the mood, and soon she come toward me, saying "Just make sure my friends can come in", grab my arm, and begin dancing again, pulling me with her, as we dance all around the place.

'She didn't say which friends, so, I guess the males can stay outside' I smirk to myself, and just enjoy the moment, loving this feeling, as I 'see' her mind is empty, like she's in meditation, like I do everyday, trying to 'soak' in this heavenly 'nothingness', and I join her, exploring this new path I never been on.