
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH187: Blank sheet of paper

"Wanna go join the others for dinner?" Alba asks me as we chill on the bed, not wishing to 'push her' to her limit, as it's her first-time, and I also do not want her to just pleasure me right now if she ain't part of this joy, deciding we should just have a loving relaxing time together right now.

Looking at her ethereal beauty, I *breath deeply*, and answer "My love, whatever you wish to". She jump at me, *hugging* me tightly, with her breast squished onto me, saying in the cutest way possible "Join them! I love them! I want to share you with them!", and I can see she's already in the harem 'mentality', as the girls have a strong sense of sharing, truly a bliss for me, as I do all I can to keep it so.

Raising her up, going to wear clothes, I help her wear a white dress on her gorgeous body, when she quietly ask me in an 'empty' expression, while patting her own stomach, making it inflate, "Do you think I can...", and I put my hand on hers, touching her stomach, while brushing her hair with my other, and tell her "Yes, maybe not yet, but yes, we're close to the next realm, so I think a whole new existence await to us, so please focus on the 'Now', me and you, 'Now', our love, right now...", and her face turn to a gentle lovely smile, somewhere in between her 'crazy vibes' to her 'lonely self', an expression I wish I have as well, as it feels like everything+nothing pass through her, like seeing 'the complete picture', but not float into dreams, rather, stay focus on reality.

... Sitting around the huge table, enjoying a busty busy dinner, with all the girls, including Asia and Rossweisse, who're busy guiding the girls around, as they live here the most, but showing a clear-desire to chat privately with me, not getting a moment to do so, I just smile happily at them, nodding, like saying 'not now, but soon', and they relax, getting back to chatting with the girls, telling them about this country, even though they almost know none about it.

"Ayn, are you sure about that plan?" Robin show fear about my latest request from them, mainly from the science-girls, planning to 'take control' over our future in Earth, or just have enough 'power' to shift whatever can come our way, and maybe a bit fearful from the lack of influence I have here, arising from Ella'-existence, and I nod.

"Yes. Continue in full. I want the power to create identities. The power to get governmental approvals without asking no one. The possibility to influence the whole market in a press of a button. This world technology is still too low, yet turned to control it all, which means someone is controlling it already, doing whatever they want, and soon they'll use it - My analyze show 'Slavery' is going to become a permanent thing in this planet.. Are you going to sit aside and watch it happen?" I talk longingly, and only stop by pressing the most important issue I see in this Earth.

"No..", "But...", "There's LAWS!", and I burst laughing from their comments, and decide to shove food quickly, filling myself up, while they negate and argue about my 'unconventional thinking', move Alba, who sit on my lap, aside, and begin talking right after.

*Cough!*, I grab the attention from everyone, "Laws... Laws have two major flaws, who could never be negotiated down - One: Written Laws are human-made, which mean they are changeable, spoken in general-manners, able to be easily twisted, not recognizing the changes happening in the world, and next, they exist by 'Power', not by righteousness. Rules are the strong force the weak, it's... Two: Rules exist only in 'Power-systems', they exist when someone force the weaker ones. This 'Laws' are a failed system, always was, always will be, by those two principles".

"No!", "Then...", "Wait, wait, I know..." I stop them before they'll say more, "Something is better than nothing, of course, it's better to have some system than just chaos, so... Okay... 'Laws' are a negative-existence. They always pronounced as 'What you're not allowed to do', never what 'You're allowed to do', and yeah, SEMANTICS! Semantics-curse, is the worst, like, human-right against slavery, yet never say what 'Slavery' is.. They say all humans born free, equal, blablabla, BUT, never say what does it even means! It's the worst play of semantics! Doomed to begin with...".

"Then..", "Wait" *Huff*, "I'm talking just because it's you, so, just ask later if you do not get anything, but, I ain't a 'sharing person', so, don't think I'm trying to change the world or anything like this, I am enough for myself, I chase self-fulfillment, not society-fulfillment in my life..." I break them as I try to breath, and find what exactly I wish to pass to them.

"Relations between the reality, the things we do, and between the theory, the things we say... If 'All people are free', then no country shall exist? Funny, but wrong, if there's laws, we already know we ain't free, right?... So... 'Humans are equal', but, is a rich and poor are equal? Of course not. Never. The mere saying of this is disgusting, and the only reason 'Monetary possessions' exist is by countries, so, they are the reason equality can never exist, like in 'Nature-condition'... BUT... Now countries, who wish to follow 'Nature-rules' go against it, like in the name of equality make humans act the opposite... Is scholar, who wish to reach a higher-self, is the same as a street-dweller, who live by in crime? Nope. Never".

"NOW!", I go for the finish, making a loud declaration to not let them speak yet, "Promising an equal future, in separation of an unequal present, or more accurate ... Equal opportunities! Give humans the chance to, not the right to... Give them the possibility, not the absolute... Let them do it for themselves, not make it for them... Only what you do for yourself should be yours... If anything, the only thing countries should give humans are 3 things, and those are the 3 things they never give them: One: Freedom-to-be, but humans 'owe' the countries just for existing, paying for i.d, paying to build a house for themselves, etc. Two: Drink. countries manipulate the water and resources. Three: Food. The country took the land, who gave humans food, yet never 'pay back', saying it's theirs?.. Why not give humans those 3 realities, those 3 absolute real things, instead of empty words?...".

"Then humans use fake-words to 'steal' the reality out of the whole population?" Erina, for some reason, asks that, as most just let it pass-by, or not going into the depth in that, not minding it, focusing on their own paths, not in society-fulfillment, which I though she'd be the same, yet not, and Robin, who I expected to, speaks right after, saying "Yeah, I already agreed with your three basic rights, that you call realities, but... Yeah, I agree, rules should promise 'future', not 'present', OHH! Then it will leave the laws 'translations' into a game of 'time', and promising it won't be prominent, closing the 'changing world gaps', and it will let ideals be rules by it, and government control the flaw of how to pursuit it, and what first, .... blablabla ...".

Letting Robin open a monologue, but honestly, she's just talking to herself, realizing whatever, and I just smile, returning to eat, while Erina find her answers from Robin, chatting with her, and also few more, while some already move to the living-room, grabbing drinks and desserts on hand, starting small parties, and I go join them.

"Is there something you want to do right now?" Bulma asks me, as she *pull* me to sit with her, and I answer "Nope, nothing really, but I do plan a strike, but no, even then, I don't need it, but I want it", and she *giggle*, together with Umi, Beau, and the others, beginning a drinking competition, who quickly turn naughty, sexual, and hotter, every passing second.


After meditating in the sunrise, I go back inside the house, going through the living-rooms, bedrooms, balconies, seeing all the girls are deep-asleep, after a wild-night, probably not planning to wake-up in the next hours, and I can barely take back the soul-ring-girls back, as they snuggled in between the others, and finally taking the last one, Alba, who's used as a pillow by Yuena, Bibi, and few others, humming in annoyance, yet 'lose' her, I can finally start my day, and *teleport*, traveling quickly, buying lots of fresh bakeries and drinks from around the world, and after leaving most of it in the kitchen, I *teleport* to LA, wondering about Ella.


"Good morning" she welcome me as I enter the door, caring fresh bakery from France, with coffee from Italy, and as she plan to question me, I just *kiss* her delicious lips, giving it to her, and just say "Good morning dear" as I take off her sweater, finding she's already after a shower, after her early-morning-training, in a skimpy-black-nightgown, happy to find her regime is that healthy, and also feeling inspired to explore the world through her, deciding to carry her up, going to take the car, travel around town.

"Where are we going?" she asks me as we sit in the back-seat of a fancy-van, letting a shadow-soldier, disguised as a human, drive the car, while I focus on her, massaging her feet, and she slowly change her pose, alluring me, running her fingers through her whole body till reaching my hand, *pulling* my hand up her body, as we close the windows-curtains, flirting, mingling, and soon, making sweet love.

... "Nooo, stoppp tearing it aparttt" Ella cutely 'complain', in a teasing voice, as I almost tear off the new dress she just put on, once again, as we're doing 'fun' in a fancy-clothing-shop, and she *push* me sweetly aside, saying "Wait outside!", making me leave before I'll start pushing my love into her again, and I smile, nod, and do so, waiting for her in the street, till she come out, in a tight white dress, and I sneak behind her.

*Hug!*, "Mine!", *Kissing* her neck, running my hands on her body, and she fidget shyly, yet snuggle closer to me, enjoying the hug, as she put her hands on mine, 'helping' me roam her body, not minding it, as I have enough tact to know she won't like it if it move through her sensitive-parts.

... "Take few days, get this house ready for making it ready, even though it's pretty ready, you should make it perfect for what you imagined... Call Robin, she could help you if you find any obstacle, she's the best, and will help with the lawyers, accountants, investment, etc... I'll come here tomorrow'-morning in the latest" I say my goodbye from Ella after we bought a house close by for a few millions, signing it under the same company they put the other one, in hope she can migrate her family here, by creating a company in USA, by foreign-money-flow, and with a shadow-soldier bringing her car here, plus using our new 'cheat-system-hack', we register all the cars easily, making it usable, and giving her one last look, tempted to make love to this cutie one more time, I hold myself back, gaze at her sexy body in that tight pink-dress, kiss, hug, and escape while smiling, going outside, and *teleport*.


*Ring.. Ring..* the moment I go inside the hidden-house in Kouh-city, Japan, Robin'-phone rings, and before she answer I pass her my memories, seeing her beaming a smile, going aside to talk to her, while I say aloud "My loves, where do you wanna go now? USA'-house? Or somewhere else?", and Roxanne come with a cute smile, like she got the answer for me.

"Paradise!" she tell me, and behind her the girls start coming forward, seemingly ready, after, or almost finished, with breakfast, even though it's closer to lunch, and when Wu comes, beaming a huge smile, I understand it's her influence, probably having wonderful memories after her time there, and I begin *teleport* them there.

"Where's everybody?" Robin asks as she come back from the balcony, after having a long-talk with Ella, putting her forehead on mine, and I get the hint, read her mind, happy how well she managed it all, passing it through the channels she already got, different companies and personal who can manage it, and in return, pass her my thoughts.

*Smile*, Robin show me her 'signature smiling face', as she dance in a circle, walking toward the living-room, while leaving a trail of her upper clothing, sitting on the sofa, with her back to me, in black-lingerie, saying peacefully "I love this house... Tree houses... It's like how I wish creatures would live by...", and while she's talking, I walk behind her, roaming my hands on her, massaging her body, as I take the last pieces of fabric off of her, slowly beginning making love.


At the beach of Paradise, sitting together with Shyarly and Shirahoshi, they tell me the tale of them going underwater, while another mermaid is sitting on the sand before us, a bit far away, so we could talk privately, and realizing Paradise-population 'doubled-in-size', as a women-sea-creatures-tribe moved to the tree-root, underwater, just like in Red-line, yet without a kingdom, I decide "Okay, I'll agree to all you said, we'll let them live here, having their part here, build them the place they wish to, but my conditions are... You are their queens. I want to meet them all, see it with my own eyes. Begin integrating them slowly into our kingdom. I agree to give them the secret-cave under the camp, like they wish to, but, let them build their houses in the sea-water-lake who goes into the island, or something like that, so they'll be an active part here, so.. we'll dig it deeper, and also higher, so they'll have both worlds, plus, be part of us all".

"Cool", "Awesome", Shyarly and Shirahoshi say in joy, pushing me up, so I smile, and go to the girl, who 'ran away', just to come back with her whole tribe, plus her twin-sister, who come sit beside her, as she come out of the water, both in a golden-chest-plates, looking beautiful, with their brown-hair, yellow-eyes, and beaming smile, but I shake myself to focus on the issue, telling them my demands, and they suddenly look conflicted, asking me to follow them into the water.

Arriving to an underwater'-cave, passing through few guards, mermaids with tridents, who just let us pass through, a purplish-blue mermaid, with a pink-lower-body, is sitting on a rock, bare naked, except jewelries all over her body, like all the mermaids here, except the ones wearing armors, and sitting next to her I suddenly hear her, talking in telepathy into my head.

'Greetings, King, have you come to a conclusion?' she asks, gazing at me up and down, and I nod, responding 'Yeah...', and we begin negotiating, with the weirdest thing is the mere story about their tribe, and why there's only women in it.

After a short conversation, as she just automatically agreed whatever I offered, seemingly really honest, as she's got no better choice, already finding the peace in this island as a real Paradise, I smile, going up, and begin construction, from creating a deeper lake in Paradise, building caves, turning them to houses, who go one-floor above-ground, and finish with changing the 'secret cave' under the camp, my 'secret cave' here, as a whole new zone, also adding entrance through the water, and while doing it all, I keep arranging my thoughts.

'A whole life exist underwater, but... It's hard to travel above, as the composition of creatures underwater is more than just breathing air, like nitrogen-composition in their body ... They used to go on land, procreating with human-males, only able to create females in their pregnancies ... but as humanity now has technology, their kingdom had to dive deeper, being hunted from up, by humans, starting a war against them, while being used, hunted, and even eaten, used as slaves, by deeper-water-intelligent-creatures, leaving them 'in between the hammer and the anvil'.. They just lived in solitude, all of them, since birth, with the elders, who told them the old-stories, already passed away ... '.

discovering the depth of the marine-life in Earth, the unknown world who hide down below, and the most shocking truth is the relations between humans and those deep-sea-creatures, to the point it even create weird-ideas in my mind, like humans are their 'slaves', doing their bidding, or the real reason why humans have no idea what exist underwater, never diving down, never exploring it fully, shocking myself, even if I just know pieces of information now, and there's a large chance a lot of it is false, as this tribe suffer and 'run away' for more than one generation already.

'Is that why humans try to fly away to space, never exploring underwater fully, never invest in sea-searches, just space, unaware of what's going inside the oceans and seas, yet already searching for new planets... WAIT! Is that why the 'Space-exploration' of humans always search for presence of water and oceans in other planets??... Oh... I can see a whole new 'picture' from this... I wonder how much my father know, or even involved, with it...'.

Finishing the whole project, as I also enforced the barriers around the island to another level, spilling all my energies into it, and together with the tree, who turn so big, it's like the whole island is ruled by a gigantic-tree, I decide to look one more time on this tribe, as I also use this opportunity to call them, showing what Iv'e prepared for them, and also 'scan' them, to know they're safe, what exactly are they, getting as much information as I can for now.

Meeting more and more mermaids, I'm in between a blissful happiness, finding those wonderful creatures like a dream come true, pure innocence and joy, to also being in the verge of breaking down and just cry, from seeing a horrible memories, a life filled with fear, torture, being hunted any moment of their life, and one thing is clear - Shirahoshi and Shyarly ain't their queens, they're their saints, their saviors, the only other mermaids they ever met, except remembering their tribe'-history, hearing the spoken-stories between themselves about the past, and abiding those 'rules', as it's why they survived till today, except those who kept disappearing sometimes, caught by some weird technology, like a submarine/creature, some metallic thing who look like an octopus.

Guiding them to enter the island, through the sea-river we've dug here, in the past, who's now blocked, creating a stone-wall, only letting water pass through, not any boat, they climb up to land, greeting me, and jump back into water, swimming up the river, into the island'-lake-new-village.

Putting my forehead on Shirahoshi', passing her the memories, thoughts, and all the work Iv'e done, plus what those mermaids think of her, her energies 'explode', but instead of crying, her eyes show a clear-glare, a determination, like I never saw from her, and I could feel a strong pulse, who spread across the water and sky, like a sonar-call, and together with it, the mermaids, who already travel into the land, some of them for the first time, even though they can change their form to 'human-like', walking around the island, they suddenly burst crying, but not in a sad-manner, more like joy, like the invisible-chains who held them down broke off, melt away, and a relaxation vibe being created, probably result of Shirahoshi'-power-burst.

"My king..." Shirahoshi look at me with her clear giant eyes, kinda in madness, as she return to her original size, and I smile, turn more giant than she is, fully dragon mode, and *ROAR!*, shaking the whole island, and declare to her shocked cute face "My queen, this kingdom, Paradise, and me, plus my powers, is at your service.. This world... This universe... Is like a blank sheet of paper, and whatever we want - Shall become painted!".

End of Vol.06.

Die_Jobbcreators' thoughts