
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH176: . Go__

"Say, Ayn, why don't you gather more spirit-rings to your heart? You already got 9 rings in your spirit-eyes and 8 in Infinity, so, why only Umi and Beau?" the girls ask me during breakfast, while discussing their own plan for themselves, as they keep learning of all the possibilities and paths ahead of them.

"Not knowing, feeling, it needs to be on hold for now... I think it's my fault, honestly, because my greed, or just my stupid ignorance, but I'm happy for what I got, I love my decisions..." I say but stop talking, as Beau and Umi jump up, going from their chairs to hug me closely, whispering "We know, we love you, we're also afraid" in sync, while Junko sneak under the table, sitting on my lap, hugging me quietly.

"What does that mean?" the girls look puzzled, and I *Breath deeply*, before saying "I, we, separated the two, but, it is just one soul, and every solution now is a life threatening, for me, for them, for us. The only plan we found till now is insanely dangerous, and I prefer to just stay like this, with a complete heart, then take the risks of losing any of you, or myself, and everything with it".

"What does it mean?" they look at me puzzled, and I look at Junko, nodding, as she tell everyone "The only plan we found is letting me become a spirit-ring in his heart, dying, going through rebirth, and also Ayn'-heart, disappearing, going through rebirth as well, while Umi and Beau soul becoming one again... Ayn will consume a power similar to mine to allow him to fill the gap, but, we risk the disappearance of our souls in this whole process, or failing somewhere in the middle of it all".

"Oh", "Wow", "Crazy", "Insane", "I don't like this", "Yeah, it sounds absurd", "I don't know much about souls and powers, but this plan seems like a suicide", ... , the girls show clear protest against it, just like we do, even though it's the only path we found for the trouble with my heart.

"There's always the other plans..." I tell them to break the melancholy, "..A power who uses soul.. or a power who can heal my heart.. But.. we haven't seen any powers who can do so until today, or know of any rumors about one who can".

"Oh", "Awesome", "So there's still a chance, no need to suicide", "Yeah!", ... , *Cough*, Junko grab the attention again, telling all "It's probably something we'll haft to do anyway, going through rebirth... I think I will do it, I will take the risk, and leave Infinity, to become part of Ayn'-heart, existing as one with him...", <Yeah, I do advice to do so, it worth the risk> Infi talk aloud, showing support for it, and I do as well, as I know Infinity is an unstable existence, or rather, is a risk for Junko'-soul, and I prefer taking measures against it, but haft to fill this gap somehow, with some other powers, who are the same as hers, plus gain some insurance, a power to influence souls, to protect us in the process of it all.

"Girls, just know, your actions are not absolute. Nothing is absolute, BUT!!, contain a lot of risks and dangers, so be wise, learn, plan ahead, each new power in the end combine into you, and must have a coherent existence, as one, with you ..." I lecture the girls, wishing they'll take a wise decisions about their powers, and seeing breakfast is over, I wave goodbye, as we separate, to begin our day, and I *teleport*.


<..sorry..> Infi quietly say, sounding sorrowful, and I right away respond 'Unneeded. I'm a man, and I made my decisions, taking responsibilities for it all. I love you, and just like you said, it can be a really good thing for you if it succeeded, so it's better keep looking ahead, then have regrets of the past. We did our best, and will continue to do so', and I can hear her sobbing, mumbling <..i love you.. i truly do..>, and hear Bi-Bi [I'm sure it's for the better, don't forget, Ayn is a lucky bastard anyway! And I won't allow my husband to die! You're forbidden!], making us all laugh from her cute ramble.

Thinking privately to myself 'First I find out that I never saw her, only somewhat imagined her, Secondly been told we can't even meet like that, and Thirdly, discover she's in an unstable condition... And I can't even say anything is wrong, rather, it's the complete opposite... Is she really just revealing new things herself now? Is this just mental breakdown, or past memories hunting her, or maybe something real?.. How can I even dive into it, without knowing what I even confront, or how to even confront it?', I shake myself as time has arrived.

'Time to focus!!' I say to myself as I walk the street, who begin to wake-up, with people starting to flow through it, and looking at my phone, I can see the drone'-camera, who fly above the palace, show the 'prince', wearing a disguise, already on 'his' way here.

'No sign for the two guards around him, but they're really good at being covert, so, who knows..' I remind myself as I hide in a corner nearby, ready for action, and the moment the fake 'crown prince' step into the designated route, the only road he can go through to reach the destination I commanded him to go to, and I *breath deeply*, *hold my breath*, and start.

*Wrap space!* I create an enclosed-space, locking me and the 'prince' inside of it, and the first thing I do is break the mask of 'Xue Qinghe', the fake crown-prince, and right in front of my eyes a rather beautiful person, with a cold and indifferent face, with her snow white skin, her slightly slender phoenix eyes, and a face with somewhat stateliness, stare at me in shock and disbelief.

*Fwoosh!*, sparkling energy specks float around her, and a second later, from her back, six golden wings form, looking like they're on fire, and a huge sword appear in her hand, ready to attack, even though she can not see me, or anything inside the empty black space, which lighten by her energy, yet is just an empty space, having nothing in it anyway, as I'm invisible.

'Oh, wow, so she is a seraphim, right? She got the wings, just like you said she would, plus, her spirit-domain who radiate from her body.. But she's barely level 40.. I can't see what was the worries about..' I think in joy, deciding to play with her a bit, to 'test the water'.

Holding a flower, while sneaking behind her, seeing she ain't seeing me, or it, not noticing a thing, I make the flower appear in front of her face, and she go on a rampage, slicing the flower in a craze, but with her losing the usual calm, composed, intelligent, vibes of her, she even cut herself in mistake, stopping to move, as she float in the air, looking shocked.

Gathering the needed energies, I move to stand right before her, next to her raised hand, and feeling ready, I *Pull* her hand, close to me, and appear before her eyes, staring at each other eye-to-eye, as I release my powers upon her, placing the seal upon her, and in a mere moment she just gaze at me, in empty expression, not moving, not saying a thing, seemingly already 'under control'.

... For some time all I do is scan her mind, interrogating her, trying to find as much intel as possible, taking out any piece of information who can help our plans, but more than all, there's deep sorrow in me now, realizing she's kinda 'broken', knowing no love in her life, having only a mother, who conceived her while being young, having intercourse with her master, the previous-supreme-pontiff, and her mother is a cold-hearted woman, while her father, who was the former-leader of the Spirit-hall, already dead, after scumming for injuries from a fight, replaced by her mother, as she became the supreme-pontiff.

'Except the slow poisoning of the emperor, I can't see her as a bad person.. And that emperor ain't a good person anyway.. I wonder what's the deal with her mother, the recent leader of Spirit-hall.. She seems 'broken' just as she is.. Her father, her mother'-master, seems suspicious.. He died because of injuries, not from a fight, which is too weird for the strongest force in this worlds... From the spirit-hall typical-acts now the most logical explanation is poisoning him, just like she does now to the emperor here...', <Just be true to yourself> the girls in Infinity break my thought process, telling me so.

'Yeah...', "Qian Renxue..." I begin talking, after imprinting a seal on her abdomen, and slowly release the brain-wash, wishing to have a conversation with her, "... I'll advice you not to oppose me, as it will just activate the hold Iv'e put on you. You're too weak to do so. My only commands are to say nothing about me, or us meeting, and to come to the designated place I set up once a day, after sun-fall, and wait for me".

"What do you plan to do with me? Who are you? Why are you doing this? How did you find me out? Who sent you? What power are you from? What did you do to me?", "Stop stop stop...", I stop her from firing questions nonstop, "Any plan is canceled, at least for now, as I discovered you're different from what I thought.. I'm from an outside power, a different continent.. I'm doing it to find intel.. Your magic ain't fooling me.. And, what power? Hmm, my own? I'm a king from that land, so, just finding out about this continent for now..".

"Oh..." she relax, feeling the restraint on her getting loose, moving again, and hearing my answers, she's showing a deep-thinking, a smile, and a wondering ponder. Reading her mind, it seems other continent ain't out of the possibilities for her, accepting it as real, and even wishes to build some rapport with me now.

"We'll meet daily, at least for now, and I won't demand, or ask a thing, just wishing to realize the state of this continent. I won't harm a beauty like you, and honestly, I'm quite dejected by your weird plot, and you even agreeing to play along with it this far, but I can't say I support that emperor, or any emperor.. Say, how did he not notice you're not his son? You're a woman, how can he even not find it out?" I talk, wishing to break it apart, but feel interested about that question.

"Well, you already said it, he ain't a good person to begin with. I even think he prefer me, acting, then his real son, just like the other one, who's a disgusting man-child, and I bet the one I impersonating as would be the same, if it wasn't for me.. Won't my guards find out about you?" she says, as I make the whole space shatter, leaving us back in the street, and *teleport*, arriving to the place Rongrong'-father and grandpas are, looking at her, standing there, quickly pulling the mask on, and hide in the alley I left her in.

"I believed you, but now I know it for myself.." Fengzhi say in melancholy, feeling sad about being fooled, and I smile, telling him "Not worth it, she's probably a better prince than the real one", and he *sigh*, responding "you're sadly right about it, the other prince is a real let-down...".

"Did the two guards arrived?" I ask, and the grandpas beam a smile, saying "Yeah, we've said 'hello', but they took their tails and ran away", "They were scanning the area nonstop, but got no success, and kept running farther and farther away from here. No worries about them".

"How's Tashigi?" I ask Chen Xin, and he beam a smile, telling me "she's a natural, we found her a suitable spirit-ring, plus training, but she already got a lot of it, and that Haki-technique..", "Yeah, I'll give you the full-version of it, no worries, but it is sacred, and depend on will-power, not soul-power, so be ready mentally" I cut his talk with a nod and a smile.

... Leaving the clan'-castle, with Tashigi, while Rongrong asked to stay till tomorrow here, I decide to use this time for a date, holding her hand in mine, and *teleport* into Spirit-city, right next to a clothing-store, wishing to start with it, signaling her we're going to have some time for ourselves, as the plan went so well, Iv'e got lots of free time now.


*Push*, Tashigi push my back against a wall, at the moment we arrive, and somehow sit on my lap, sticking to the wall, and smile to me, showing me her power, as Yuena gifted the girls with spirit-bones, and Tashigi got a torso-bone, in the same class as my spirit-bones, of Mountain-dragon-king, giving her the ability to control gravity, and she show it to me in the best way I can think of.

"Sexy" I say as I *pull* her up, kissing her delicious lips, and she look at me up close, saying "Iv'e got so much stronger now. This world is so amazing. You are so amazing", and I fake a pout, asking "You prefer powers than me?", and she grab me for a hug, kissing me, telling me "I would have been yours, with or without this powers, worlds, or whatever..", and she slowly grind on me, while whispering "..I think you're the best man in the whole universe.. Beautiful.. Smart.. Sexy.. Kind.. Loving..", and I flip her over, sticking her to the wall, as we begin to make-out.

... 'Helping' Tashigi put high-heels on, inside the clothing-store, I begin kissing her higher and higher, running my lips on her black leggings, admiring her beauty, whispering "..We're invisible right now..", and *lick..bite..* her under the skirt, excited to see she's got no panties on, 'eating' her up, while she try hopelessly to block her overgrowing moans, as she's having orgasm.

... "You look happy" Tashigi say happily, while she paizuri me in the dressing-room, and I smile, telling her teasingly "Almost", as I take off her glasses, and put my hand on her head, *Slurp*, she push her head forward, taking my dick into her mouth, trying lovingly to pleasure me, even though she got close to no sexual experience, yet the pleasure I'm feeling is enormous, as she's a woman I love, finding her sexy, cute, charming, and right now, she do all she can to bring me pleasure.

... Touring around the city, for a really long time, as I use time-manipulation to make it as long as I can, I feel joy in our romantic adventure, and how this tomboy girl show more and more of her womanly side to me, from wearing a beautiful summer white dress, to letting her hair flow freely, and even put some jewelries on, yet stay natural, which is truly my kink, loving nature to a fault, and with it, the natural look, without all those makeups and masks, just purely her, like a flower girl.

Finishing a short boat sailing in a lake, walking and chatting in a beautiful street, sorrunded by flowery trees, I feel like this is the moment I was waiting for, and go on my knee, take out a ring, and ask her "Tashigi, will you marry me? Will we be together? forever?...", and I keep talking, loving the way she's crying, yet laughing, from overjoy, while trying to hide her tears, but they flow nonstop, and she give me her hand, saying "Yes!", and as I put the ring on her finger, standing up to kiss her, she take out her tongue, acting cocky, even though she's such a cry-baby, and *Kiss* her the moment she take off her glasses.

... "Are we goona..." Tashigi asks shyly, as we chill in the balcony, at the Shrek-academy-tree-house, who's now empty, as all the girls in Yuena'-space, and I tell her "If you want to, and ready to, I won't push you to do anything", and she jump up, going into the bathroom, and a few minutes later she *Cough cough*, as I wait in the bedroom, hearing her coming in, while grabbing my full-attention, and the moment I see her, I realize she's wishing for it as much as I am.

Entering the bedroom, in a thin pink night dress, she gaze at me for a moment, and instead of coming over, she begin dancing around the whole room, sexually, slowly ripping her dress off of her, revealing a sexy pink lingerie, who spark my lust endlessly.

"Wait.. Okay.. I want to see you.." Tashigi quietly say as she lie-down on the bed, purely naked, and put on her glasses, while I slowly kiss all over her body before lying above her, kissing, flirting, and as we somehow say "I love you" in the same moment, smiling from this lovely thing, I push forward, breaking the last barrier of her womanly body, taking away her sacred virginity, making her truly my woman, while a soft tear slide down her cheek, yet she look right at me, not averting her eyes.

In few minutes, Tashigi already moan in joy, signaling me that I can go rougher, and do so, starting to move faster, gazing at her bouncing breasts, who dance in front of my eyes, hypnotizing me, going harder, doing all I can to make sure she'll have a fucking great first time, and after a few more minutes, I raise her up, feeling she's on the verge of, just like me, caring her to the air, and just then, she shout "AYN!", with her whole face turning red, her eyes shut tight, her mouth open wide, and her pussy spasm, splashing love, making me splash it as well, shooting our love juices.

"Am I doing it right?" Tashigi ask a cute question, as she ride on top of me, while I sit on a couch in the balcony, with her sitting on top of me, wearing a mere transparent fabric, who hides nothing, and I *Chuckle*, answering "There's no right way, there's just you, and your way, my love", and as I raise my head to kiss her, she turn around, looking as beautiful as an artistic painting in the best museum in the galaxy, captivating me, enchanting me, making me fuck the fuck out of her, yet gently, knowing it's still too early to 'go wild' with her.

... "Should we go back now?" Tashigi asks as we come back from the bath, sitting on the bed with her usual sport-style, a white sport lingerie, drinking water, but she has a stare on her face, probably the same face I am making right now, looking at this sexy wife of mine, and pretty soon we're back to do the best 'sport' there is, the best fucking 'exercise' there is, making love, pouring our love, and 'love', onto each other.