
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH172: The worst enemy & The best friend

"Sure!" a girl I think I recognize, probably another celebrity from some movies, say, jumping up from the sofa, as I just asked if they want to play a game, and from the huge-window-wall, in the corridor bedroom, I can see naked girls playing tennis, shake my head, and focus back on the girl.

"Why's this house got no employees?" a girl complains from the side, and I tell her "Just bought it today, never meant for this rave, but you can leave a complaint-letter in the box at the entrance", and *chuckle*, finding out this girls are spoiled bunch.

I quickly go to the bar area, pulling lots of bottles and snacks from my space-pocket, going back, piling it all in a mess, and go to the girl, asking "You're a good actresses, right?", and she look right and left before gazing back at me, nodding, and I say "All you need to do is not smile, and you win".

"What do I win?" she asks, and I answer "Hmm, this house, is that enough for our bet?", and she immediately asks "then what do I lose?", and I *Sigh*, smile, and tell her "Nothing, it's or you win a smile, or you get a house, win-win, right?", and she smile, but quickly cover her face with her hands, asking shyly "Did I lose?", making us all laugh.

"Nope, but you do got a beautiful smile, so, I'll win for sure!" I tell her, as she shake her head, and make a serious look, but right away burst laughing again, without me doing a thing, planning to try influence her energies, or quick-brain-wash, but she's just too cheerful for this game, and she pout cutely, sitting down, not playing with me.

"Me! Me!" a girl raise her hand, and I laugh, saying "A good student should raise her hand, no need for talking in my class!", and she pout, and right away stand up, smiling as she come over, asking "I want to choose the game!".

"Sure, but, keep it moderate? I ain't going to compare boob-size, got none, or something too long", and she *blurgh*, make a face, but suddenly she look familiar to me, thinking-out-loud "You were in that movie, french movie? No, wait, clock-tower? Cinema? Hugo?..", and they all look at me weirdly, while the previous girl asks me "Do you know who I am?", and I smile shyly, looking straight into her eyes, and raise my eyebrows, signaling her I do not, and looking around the girls, I do not recognize a single one.

"He didn't even recognize me!" Alison come inside, looking tipsy-cute, falling into my arms, and I raise her to sit on my arm, caring her, letting her rest her head on my shoulder, understanding she did all she wished for in this party.

"Jean!" the first girl say, and I respond "Pleasure meeting you Jean, I'm Ayn", and soon all the girls throw their names, but reading their minds, half are lies, half are their middle names, without a single one saying her public name, and I just play with it, greeting them politely, while offering them drink and snacks, after putting Alison on a sofa, next to shyly smiling Marie.

"I don't get it, you're super rich, super sexy, super successful, got ton of women, but still way too nice, where's the catch? AH, never mind, OKAY, The game is.. Tam Tam Tam!! A...", she pause for dramatic effect while I sit on a stool in front of her, as she's too short, at least for my height, but seeing her face up close, she's truly one of a kind beauty, "First hit wins!", and *Punch!*, throw her hand in a fist toward my chest.

*clash*, I block her fist, using my pinky finger, and she screams "OUCH!", and begin a barrage of fists at me, but I don't block, nor move, just letting her hit me freely, before she gets tired, and I laugh happily, patting her hair, saying "You're cute", and she blush cutely, pout, saying "Am not!", and make a micro-expression, a face who make my dick twitch, playing with her tongue, while sneaking a glance down, toward my shaft.

"You're the first girl today who lighten me up" I whisper into her ear, and she lick her lips again, letting me see her naughty smile, but escape back to the sofa.

"Oh! Iv'e got a game!", Noel, Ohara'-sister, sitting with her five sisters pack, says, "Who's got more! I'll start!", and reading her mind, I find out how clever this women are, planning to use this opportunity to find everything they can, but the game seems fun, as she says "Iv'e got 4 pets! 3 dogs and a lizard!", and I respond "Got a wild-life-sanctuary", and Alison shout "Roo!" cutely, telling them about some animals there. "Iv'e got 15 cars!" her sister, Christian, says, and I think aloud, counting, but after 20 it seems wasted. The game keep going, but it seems a waste, as I just got too much, and they can't land on a thing I'll lose on after few minutes, making it boring, and I fill their cups, hinting them to stop.

"Are you going to live here now?" they asks me, while planning to leave the premise, even before I came, and I tell them "Living now in Japan, but I travel a lot, so I guess I'll come.. We can have another party in a week, when we return" I offer politely, but it seems they're already in, greeting me goodbye.

Getting kissed, on the cheek, yet, way too close to my lips, by one after the other, getting offers and notes with phone-numbers shoved into my pockets, hands, sleeves, shirt, I act chill, greeting them politely, telling them to ask Alba outside to take care of them, as she'll get it done easily, and they leave as a group, with Grace giving me another deep stare, as I do as well, somehow captivated by her, saying our goodbye last, as she whispers to me "I love Japan as well", and I'm left with Alison and Marie, who're hugging closely on the sofa.

"Huff... I'll go break the thing apart, I think it's about time..." I tell them, and firstly go to the basement, taking out the male-intruders, brain-washing them to forget even coming here, tie them with a rope, fly to the desert, and leave them there, bare naked, without a thing on them, before going back, beginning to softly brain-wash girls, making them leave the premise, and like a wave, they slowly fade, till I find my women, hinting them to shut it all down, and for an hour we just make most leave, leaving the drunk ones, or tired, to sleep here, in the lower-floor, which is the only place 'open for public', letting the shadow-soldiers, in full-cloth-costumes, stand guard, yet hidden, and go back upstairs.

... "See ya soon" I tell the girls, sending them all back into Infinity, and finally go to the master-bedroom, yet find Alison and Marie lying-down together, chatting, hearing them talk about me, so I fake a *COUGH*, and go inside.

"Ayn is such a bastard!" Alison laugh cutely, totally faking it, as I already heard her saying such sweet words, my heart missed a beat from happiness when I was changing clothes to a classic dragon pajama costume.

*Giggle*, "Yeah, too good to be true, is always a scam!" Marie stab me with her words, as I fall down on the bed side, but soon Alison crawl to me, rolling on the bed, till she's on top of me, signaling Marie to join in, and she does, using my hand as a pillow.

"Does everything peaceful now?" I ask Alison, knowing she did it all to take some things out of her, and she quietly nod, whispering "Good night", pull my shirt up, crawl underneath it, and act asleep, while Marie asks right after "Are you bothered by all the girls around him?".

"Nah.." she say from under the shirt, "He never let go of any women he made love to, no way he'll go around doing nonsense", and I smile, saying "A betrayal is not just to others, it's on yourself first and foremost. Cheaters are doomed to corrupt their soul, to stain their love feelings, like cheating on their own love, scarring themselves... But me, hmm, maybe I believe that losing a love one is like losing love, now having less love in me? I mean, it's you who love, it's always your love, always be your love, but losing a loved one, that's a scar".

"Am I doomed?" Marie asks quietly, gazing into my eyes, and I look at her, saying "Nope. If you question it, then there's hope. If you listen, like you do now, then there's a chance. If you think about my words, then there's a future-path ahead, even if a dead-end, it's still a path. If you can find the rhythm of movement within that thoughts, then you won, and can even create your own path now, saving yourself".

"Save myself?" she question me, closing her eyes, seemingly thinking about it, and I tell her "We are our own worst enemy, yet also our own best friend...", and Alison start to sing this line quietly, so when she's done, I continue, "Let the best friend in you stretch a hand to the worst enemy inside of you, make them together find a way...", and she do the same, together with Marie, making me *Yawn*, finding a momentary-perfection right now, kiss both their foreheads, close my eyes, and fall asleep.


Watching the sunrise, while sitting on the bed, and my hands patting Alison' and Marie' flowing hair, I hear my phone vibrating, and the moment the sun is up, I go check on it, as there's barely anyone who know my number.

"Hello" I answer to my father, who right away make an angry laugh, and luckily he ain't near me, making me remember it's the sound who come before a good smack, but he tells me "Nice house you've got there", sending me shivers, yet laugh shyly, asking "Are you stalking me now?".

"The whole world stalking you now! Why would I even know what you're doing? HAHA, snotty kid, ya better open some website, watch the news, or just see what you just did, because you're the number 1 searched result already, and the day barely began! HAHAH, Nice house! Is your ass so big you need few acres to fit it now? Say, why Robin ain't answering, she ain't the type to disappears, not when you do so much.." he blubber nonstop, and I respond "Went for a few days, anything urgent?", and he right away mumble "You better join with her for a week, disappearing from the radar. Ayn, serious for a moment, remember to have public-rapport, but never public-attention, you crossed a line, so, good luck to you. See ya soon", and he hang-up before I can say anything.

"Well, that's a headache..." I think out loud, but hear a response from inside the room, "Yep, you just went viral...", "How can it even happen?", "They just re-post things uploaded years ago", "Oh, they already assume it's you who did it, but it was you who did it, so why the attention on Ayn?", and see Alison and Marie scrolling their phones, frowning cutely.

... Half an hour later, after calling a security-company, who promise to guard the place, get it cleaned, and get rid of any people who're here at the moment, we sign a contract through mails, I send them a down-payment, and relax, as they seems to be the leading company around here.

"Breakfast!" Alison calls me over, and I find her and Marie in cute aprons, serving dishes to the kitchen-counter, so I get the drinks, and soon we begin eating, while the television next to us play videos, interviews, and even narrations of what went down here last night, 'A WOMEN ONLY RAVE: YOUNG MULTI-BILLIONAIRE SHAKE ON CALIFORNIA!', making us laugh from how stupid it became.

"At least you've got videos, just that will already be way too viral" Marie comfort Alison, and I understand I missed a major event, Alison and Serafall singing together, in front of all those women, plus, I'm a cause of problem, cause it should be her in the head-lines, not me.

"Ahhhh... He wasn't even there, why would they even focus the whole stories on him??" Alison mumble between bites, "and not even knowing who made it so", and I can 'see' she's only got suspicions on the VIP girls, or even her friends.

"Don't jump to conclusions, just learn from this mishaps, which is a positive thing, except this Hugh Hefner, who's he? Why am I the new him? Is he dead?" I say/ask, and Marie burst laughing, opening up her phone, showing me it's a famous man from the sex-industry, realizing how disgusting the media is, but then again, there were only women here, so how come my name popped like so.

"Whatever, Hmm, Marie, where do you live?" I smile, planning to leave already, and she go to the window, pointing while smiling to me, while Alison give me her phone, with a map opened, wink, and go hug Marie, kiss her cheek, and go aside, calling me over, asking to go into Infinity, and I do so.

"How are we.." Marie begin talking, but I hypnotize her, making sure the barrier around this mansion is stable, hidden, and kinda off, before princess-carry her, turn invisible, flying to her house in a high-speed, while protecting her carefully, soon arriving there, and put her down, yet feel interested, deciding to check out her house.

Waking her up, she end her sentence, "..Going to get out of here...", she look right and left in shock, then gaze at me without speaking, yet mouth wide open, and I smile, messing her hair, saying "Mind showing me where you live? It look interesting", and her shocked-face remains, but somehow change color, revealing shyness, and from her mind I can see she's living with friends and few family members, so I nod quietly, smile, saying "Next time", kiss her cheek, wave goodbye, and quickly get out from the mansion, before she can say a thing, and *teleport*.


Finding no one in Kouh, as the devil-girls still in the underworld, I decide to go to Soul-land, but finding no one is here, I think about training, yet feeling kinda bothered after last night, feeling unstable from inside, unable to concentrate, too filled up with thoughts, going for a fight-session in the lake-tree-house, in the forest, with the Ming'-brothers, till they just escape me, telling me I better just rest and balance my state, and I go toward Bi-Ji'-clinic to say hi.

"Hi" I call Bi-Ji, finding her sitting in the middle of a flower-field, and she stand up, coming toward me, waving 'hello' with her hand. "You look different" she say with a light blush on her face, poking my chest with her finger gently, like she's trying to find out what make her feel this way.

*Growl* my stomach demands food, and she beam a smile, telling me "I got some food ready, want some?", and I nod, saying "Sure", following her toward her tree-house, while saying "Iv'e never eaten a swan meat before, I hope it's tasty", and before she can respond to my tease, few children run around her, grabbing both her hands, and she give me a silent smirk, not even responding to me, just playing with them.

By the time we arrive to her house, she serve me bread, soup, fruits, and all in all, a kinda natural greenery forest meal, and I tell her "Thanks. I don't know if I'm too hungry, or this food is that good, but it's so appetizing", while devouring one plate after another, and she just sit there, serving me, beaming a happy smile.

"I think it's about time you step into a higher platform..." I tell her as I relax in the chair, patting my stomach, full to the brim, "..Be a queen, or a secretary, in this growing-community. I need you, or rather, want you".

"I'm just a normal citizen, a villager, nothing more, except working on healing people" Bi-Ji retort back, denying the fact she's so much more than that, truly the symbol of this place, and even if she ain't fighting, she's the strongest creature here, except the black-dragon-guy, but he's rarely here, probably cultivating alone somewhere.

"You're the best thing that happened in this place since I created it. Please think about it" I say as I stand up to go, seeing her nodding quietly, "And please move to the main-tree-house, it's empty, just gathering dust, but it's still the main-location here, so at least do that", and she answer quietly "okay..", probably noticing this problem as well, and wave goodbye, as I go out, waving as well, and right after stepping out, *teleport*.


Traveling around between the secret-intel-gathering-locations, enhancing the shadows, discovering I lost most of them, except the major ones, as their existence-span is pretty-low, and I need to pour much more energies, or better commands, if I wish for more, I just gather the information, create the same routine, with some changes, and finally *teleport* for my last location.


"Yuena" I call as I enter her space, missing my dragon queen, wondering if she's up, or sleeping, as she sleep a lot here, consuming life-energy from something, but find out she's coming toward me, jumping from the tree-house bedroom, where the bed-bird-nest is.

"Ayn..." she slowly float down, waving her wings slowly, captivating me with her ethereal look, truly a goddesses, and with her white-lingerie, and silver-jewelries on her body, I immediately get hard, letting my energies burst out, changing to my humanoid-dragon-form, with my clothes disappearing, and fly toward her, as we begin 'dancing' in the air, pushing my love deep inside of her, filling her up again and again, while we fly higher and higher.

... "Mmm... Delicious..." Yuena quickly swallow my cum, gathering it from her face, catching it with her hands, not letting a drop go to waste, drunk in love after few hours of intense love-session, drinking her 'dessert' as we chill on the bed, and right after she release energies, cleaning herself, while creating clothes, and gaze at me, still with a stricken-in-love-gaze, asking in a blush, while her hands reach my shaft, beginning to jerk me of, "What happened?.. Where were you?.. Why is it so..".

"So?" I ask as she turn quiet, and she put a finger on her lips, dazing off, mumbling "..Delicious?..", and I smile happily, caring her up, while sliding right back into her, moaning in joy "Because I love you so much", and begin another round of fucking love.