
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH168: Out sane

Rossweisse just stand there, not letting me go, yet do nothing more than that, waiting for my response.

*Hug* I wrap my hands around her, looking at her excited face, wishing for a deep kiss, but instead I *teleport* into her bedroom, putting her down on the bed, and she look at me with a sadden-expression, probably going to cry if I leave the room right now, so instead, I fall down to the bed, right on top of her, hugging her closely to my chest, while patting her hair.

"Just say if you find me repulsive.." she say in an angered sad tone, and I *Chuckle*, asking "Can't a man just wish for a date? To know you better? Before he jump and promise you the world?.. Why do women even agree to look at a men without a solid promise from him?".

"Have you ever thought that women, just like men, have the same needs? I mean, like, you know, when, like, in bed, when, you, and a woman, you do, together, ssseee, you know!!" Rossweisse begin with a deep-truth, but the moment she try to talk about sex, she begin blubber-mumble cutely, turning bright-red, hiding her face on my chest.

Instead of 'poking the hornet-nest', I find her wisdom intriguing, asking "Then if women have the same impulse as men, then... Oh... As a men, I kinda find it repulsive.. My father once told me about his friend from China, who doesn't know who his father is, as his mother has few husbands, so he call them all as father, but, it shook me, how can men raise a child without ever knowing if it's their own child?".

"What if, and I wish it will never happen, but what if, she dies, will you take care of the child like it's your own?" Rossweisse asks me, but I sense it isn't coming from her, and I quickly devise my thoughts, finding that I poked an even bigger 'hornet nest' by my talking, answering 'her' "Of course. More than that, there's a chance I will never tell him the truth, unless he's mentally-mature enough for it, that I'm not his father, WAIT, maybe I'm not my father'-child?.. ANYWAY...", my tone of speech turn to shock, realizing that maybe I'm right, not sure at all about it, as I don't look like my father, plus his weird actions, but drop it off, as it seems too ludicrous by all the facts, and return talking to 'her', saying "..Taking a women with a child is taking the child under my custody, as my child, but somewhere in me, there's a hidden-wish to have my own child.. Is it weird to wish for it?".

"Nope, actually, it's weird to think otherwise? But I'm not sure, you know, I grew up with my grandma, instead of with my parents, who always worked, so, I mean, I had a great childhood, but, maybe I'm missing my parent warmth? I don't know, I just know I want my child to grow with his parents..." she respond, and I can feel Bulma, and the girls in Infinity, show a silent-puzzled-happiness, also not sure what's the answer for this life riddle.

"When I was young, one of my tutors told me his dog died. He told me how he raised him, after taking him from a shelter, as he was abandoned and adopted, several times, so they decided to just 'let him sleep forever', but he saw him in the corner of the pet-shelter, took him, raised him for 15 years, till he died from old age, happy... When I asked him if he will do it again, he said that next time, if he will, it will be a puppy, not from shelter" I tell her, and she immediately asks "Why?".

"He said he always felt that he missed an important part of his life..." I tell her, and she ponder about it for a moment, before telling me a story about "I once met two girls, who were kinda the same, and even both were adopted. One knew about it since she was young, but the other found out only when she was 17, and they would always argue about which is better, knowing sooner or later...".

"Why?" I ask, and she tell me "No idea, but, I felt that the one who found out later was more adamant in seeing her adopting parents as her 'real parents', while the one who found out earlier felt like she had a distinctive specification, like she had a certain distance from her adopting parents, which she attributed to her 'biological parents', even though they gave up on her".


We keep on chatting on bed, till she fall asleep, and behind the feelings I have for her, I find that I truly love the mental-relationship between a man and a woman as a wholesome, prolific, a sort of mutual connection between living creatures, which let you feel free, exposed, and express your deepest ponders and wonders without holding back.

'It's like the chicken and the egg... I don't know what comes first, but I think sexual-relationship without mutual-mental-connection, or vice versa, will never lead to a prolong-relationship... Without both of them, the whole thing will just collapse, sooner or later, as you'll just seek it from other places...' I think as I begin cultivating there, next to her, focusing on my endless wonders about the relation between a man and a woman.


"What the... IT'S LIKE A WEEK JUST PASSED BY!" Rossweisse exhale the moment I open up my eyes, looking at me in shock, and I *laugh*, as she asks "Are you doing it every night???".

"Yeah, more or less, like, I usually go to train in the middle, or just train, so there's a break in the middle, but yeah, time-manipulation around me.. Did you have a good time?" I ask with a smile, looking outside, seeing it's still dark, probably 30-40 minutes before sunrise.

"So if I'm not around you, like, let's say, I go away for a moment, time return to normal?" she asks a weird question, and I nod 'yeah', thinking to read her thoughts, but instead, just look at her, realizing something is different.

'She changed lingerie?..' I think as I gaze at her up and down, and she see me looking, shyly hiding, but then, suddenly, stretch her whole body up, pushing her amazing bosom in front of my face, making me want to fucking 'fight' her.

Rossweisse put her two hands on her huge tits, squishing them, squashing them teasingly, and before I lose my cool, I gently smile, look straight into her eyes, and ask "Want to eat early breakfast together?". "Yeah.." she say, like she's disappointed, and jump up, walking out, while showing me her whole body, from the back, as her ass wiggle sexually, and I know that if I jump at her, she won't resist, but last night realization brought me many 'fruits', and instead, I keep my cool, standing up, going after her.

Choosing clothes for her to wear, casual-classic outfit, she put it on her, and in that moment, after materializing a dark-blue-suit to myself, I grab her hand, and *teleport*.


"Where..." she almost asks me, but seeing the easily-identified-building, rather, a tower, Eiffel-tower, she look to me with a bright smile, hugging my arm, and I walk inside a coffee-shop, ordering " Le petit-déjeuner", and as they ask me what kind, I just order a lot, not sure about the taste here, and sit, looking at Rossweisse enchanting beauty, sipping her drink gracefully, while I just devour the food, loving the moment, and decide to keep mapping every good spot in the worlds, having a stack of dates locations.


Back to Kouh-hidden-tree-house, right in time for sun rise, I stand in the balcony, cultivating the purple-sun-rays, right after the 'morning spark', who only show up for people who cultivate sunlight enough time, enjoying it to the maximum, as it creates a feeling like a flower bloomed inside my body, filling me up with unexplained fullness, like a deep feeling that 'living is such a good thing'.

The moment the sun pop out, and the violent sun rays with it, I avert my eyes back to the room, seeing through the balcony'-glass-door Rossweisse, smiling decisively, nodding to herself, which make me giggle, and as I walk inside, she shyly walk toward me, with her bra slipping off, saying aloud with a redden-face "I like-like you! I love you!".

Having an impulse to laugh, smile, or joke around, probably from happiness, I shake it all off, look straight into her beautiful blue eyes, and respond "I also like you, Rose, so, let's find out, if it's just a momentary infatuation, or the real thing", and kiss her lips, feeling her responding happily, and as we start entangling our tongues, my hands roam her body, but pulling her bra up, not without giving them a quick squeeze, loving her amazing body, yet not wishing to farther it right now, and soon whispers "Let's see where this feelings leads us to...", *bite*, and *kiss* her neck, cheek, and lips, and walk out of her room, seeing her standing there in a happy daze, frozen in place.


In the end of the first-class, not waiting another moment, I sneak out, right after Rossweisse, telling her 'Don't forget to get a week off, or just quit, we're not missing money anyway, ah, wait, isn't this school owned by Lana and Sayuki? Just talk with them?', and before she can answer, forgetting once again I'm talking to her head, luckily Tsubaki run out of class, looking at me, then at Rossweisse, back at me, and drag me by my hand aside, waving 'goodbye' to her, making me laugh at the face she's making.

"Ayn..", "Will you give me the pleasure and accompany me tonight for a date?", I cut her words, asking politely, but looking at her floating-thought, and gazing at her mouth, as she suck a lollipop, I smirk, waving my head aside, and we both walk to the escape-stairs.

Throwing away her lollipop, turning invisible, making my clothes disappear, and shoving my cock to her mouth, she take off her glasses, beginning to suck my dick lovingly, obediently, and I slow time for the maximum, but soon, *Gag, Gag,..*, Tsubaki swallow my whole dick into her mouth, for the first-time in my life, except when I turned small, or the girl was gigantic, like Shirahoshi, Shyarly, and sometimes Yuena, and I excitedly piston into her mouth-pussy, grabbing her by her hair, and soon cum a bucket into her.

"Tonight goona be..Fucking awesome" I whisper in her ear, as I hug her from behind, helping her correct her clothes, kiss her cheek, and *Teleport*.


"My love" I call Shirahoshi, finding her in her bedroom, still waking up, and stare at her lips. Shirahoshi look back at me, beaming a smile, letting her purple-night-gown slide off her body, while taking her tongue out, teasing me, and I go kiss and hug her, before I turn small, and begin fucking her mouth, or rather, it's her fucking me with her mouth, holding me with her hand, sucking me good, till I fill her up with my love.

"Look, look" Shirahoshi call me excitedly, as I turn big, and *fwoosh!*, she materialize clothes over her, but it's a transparent sexy lingerie, who ignite my lust to the brim.

Looking at her sitting on the bed, I take out flowers, throwing them all over her, raining it down all around her, before I push her down, giving her a quick lick, seeing she's already wet and ready, and we begin making love, a wild wild love, as I hold her by her legs, massaging them, while I piston in and out of her love-hole, listening to her moaning loudly, seeing her bashful joy, watching my dick go in and out of her, and like that, we begin 'dancing' around her bedroom, to the point she can't keep her 'human-form', turning back into a mermaid, and it just ignite me all over again, rampaging with her another 'room tour'.


"Ready to go?" I ask Shyarly, after sending Shirahoshi into Infinity, and coming now to her bar to pick her up, but she right away turn smaller, create legs, and materialize new clothes, showing a beautiful cute smile, like she never showed before, as she come to for a hug.

"Ayn, you know, the girls said I look much better.. I even get compliments everywhere I go now!" she tell me after we kiss for a bit, and I ask "Are you teasing me? Cause you know, I'm a jealous husband", and she cutely dance in a circle, answering "Maybe?", and run into her private-room.

Going inside, seeing her slowly taking off her bikini-top, I gently smile, loving this woman, and more than it, feel proud by the changes shes been through, from her deep-melancholy, to brimming in liveliness, feeling that our relationship is a major part of it, and before I notice, I'm already fucking her silly, cumming inside of her, while her blazing ahegao face, and super-loud-moans, just push me to go harder, giving her all my love.


By lunch time, I gather everyone from Red-line, including Tashigi, except Shakky, which I just left a few presents and a letter, and also Chopper, which I kinda neglected, but can't return him yet, promising to do so in a week, as the experimental-children are still in his care, even though they're cured already, but since I took Viola and Rebecca, I decided to leave him here, and by seeing his face after getting new medical-books, he probably will have more than enough excitement for now.

'Where now?.. Oh, Earth, USA..' I think, decide, and *Teleport*.


Flying across the USA, using this chance to map it all out, for whatever might be needed, I suddenly think about the fact there's regions in the world that no one has 'conquered', as they're just irremediable, like the top of huge-mountains, frozen-lands, desserts, etc, and ponder which one should I make my new 'resort spot', but more than that, try to find out a nice idea for my date with Tsubaki.


Flying from one place to another, I finally get a text back from Robin, sending me the location they're at right now, and I finish mapping the spot, as I *teleport* into Los Angeles, flying toward them, soon finding the place, which is just a regular villa, on a hill, but the whole scenery is enclosed, private, yet kinda suffocating, at least for me, used to live in huge plots, and surrounded by nature.

"Ayn! It's you, right??" Alison jumps in joy the moment I sneak in, showing me a news article while bouncing, and I can't see a thing with her shaking, and I go say hi to Robin, and also Erina, who's in the kitchen, whispering to me "sorry, she looked depressed, so we follow her", and I kiss her and go back.

"Look!" she show me the article, yet sit aside of me, in 45-degree-angle, not 90, which indicates frontal, or 0/180, which can mean seeking attention, but I just read the newspaper, trying not to over-analyze every little thing.

Amazed to see my fake-look, plus Serafall, going outside the casino, walking on the street, while pushing a cart filled with suitcases, with the headline 'GRAND ROBBERY HITS LAS VEGAS!', I form an evil smile across my face, planning to strike them broke, just like I did in Alabasta, to show them what a real robbery is, but drop it for now, and focus on Alison, while signaling Robin to leave us alone for a moment.

'Try not talking about what humans precept as super-natural...' Robin tell me telepathically as she leave us alone, and I stand up, going to sit on a deep-sofa, laying-down, asking Alison "Join me?".

She come and sit on the edge of it, not in a dejected, 'want to get away' way, but rather like she's infectious, and doesn't want to stick her gloomy mood upon me.

"Just pour it out, my love, not telling me just hurt me more.. And they always say people love to speak, but, reality is so different, they do talk, but not on the really important issues..." I tell her, but suddenly jump up, seeing a piano in the corner, and sit down to play.

*Piano music playing*, "Oh, I didn't know you play the piano" Alison say as she sits beside me, and I *chuckle*, telling her "I don't?", but she look at me confused, so I tell her "Got no piano, organ, or anything, just love sounds.. Sounds who sync together.. Like a light bulb who ignites in your head, who make your blood boil, who send your brain into an imaginary abstract journey".

"I always thought music is eternal, lasting forever, while we're mortals, doomed to die, leaving behind pieces of our creations, of ourselves, in this world... But... Are we really going to live forever? Am I goona live for thousands of years now? It's so hard for me to cope around it..." Alison finally opens up, while I play the piano, like her words are a song, which lighten the mood, making her tell it all with a smile, instead of a frown.

I take a deep breath before saying "There's a saying, 'If you look into the abyss - the abyss gaze back at you'.. BUT.. the other side of this thought is.. 'Sane' is a healthy-thought, yet 'INsane' is an ill-thought... It means... It's okay to gaze at the abyss, But, never go inside the abyss".

"Insanity is going into the abyss? Never go inside the abyss?" she repeat my last sentence, questioning my thought, and I notice Robin and Erina come join us, sitting close-by, listening as well.

"Like life...", I tell them, "It is for living. Pondering about life is okay, but sinking into it, it's going inside the abyss. Life is for living, so, live it, never think it, just be it, because we're all like a ship with a hole in it, if you ain't moving, then you're sinking... And in the end, we'll all go underneath the sea, and I always remember the distance between what I see to what the brain translate, and what thoughts it's bringing".

*Giggle*, "I like this song" Alison smile to me, putting a hand around my arm, and with the other start to play the piano.

I do the same, playing with her, responding to her sounds, talking through it, through music, without saying a word, finding out how deep of a conversation we can have without a single spoken word in it.