
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH162: Enriching life

"He's a fallen-angel, one of their leaders actually. You know, Rossweisse probably know where he's at, because they're working close together, at least her boss is, former-boss now" Lana tell me after breakfast about Akeno'-father.

"Thanks, my love, *chuu*, see you in the evening" I say goodbye to her, going out, as the girls already ready to walk to the train, and she kiss me back, then smirk, saying "good luck", like something is up.

Walking outside the house, I find only Sona and Tsubaki, who smile to me, telling me "the girls all went together with Rossweisse, but there wasn't place left, so... let's go?", and I take out their hands, planning to teleport, but Sona push my hand away, saying "I want to go through the train!".

'I guess it's about me and her sister, Serafall' I think, and just grab her hand again, saying "Sure, would love to a private time with both of you, let's go", and begin walking, hand in hand in hand, with me in the middle, chatting.

"Sona, I heard I need to win a chess game against you?" I ask teasingly, and Tsubaki burst laughing, yet quickly stop, while Sona blubber "..No ..yes ..I mean ..I ..", "Oh, relax, I get it, but, why not? We can at least have a game, can't we?.. I didn't played much in the recent years, but, I did invent a mathematical-theory on this game" I tell her, blocking her mumble.

"What theory?" Sona show interest, as we enter the train, and I quickly use my powers, making people walk to the sides, illusion of the train already fully-packed, and soon enough, there's lots of empty space just for us, as I tell her "I mapped the chess-board, using zones, ... , so then, occupying the strategic threat, using long-moving-pieces, I can advance my soldiers without much risk, making every mutual-kill-exchange always beneficial to me, by losing less long-moving-pieces, which leads to dominance through the middle-game-phase...".

Sona listens to me so attentively, she actually fall asleep, while writing in her notebook nonstop, probably realizing something of her own by my words and ideas, and I look over at Tsubaki, who sits next to her, smirking to me, and *flash*, raise her skirt up, showing me her black panties, with a redden face, saying shyly "your turn".

I create an illusion of myself, like I'm still sitting in the same place, while turning invisible, bare naked, and stand next to her, *flap* my dick on her beautiful ethereal face, hitting her on the cheek, and she look in wonder to the side, still not getting it, but the moment I shove my dick on her lips, she beam a cute smirk, and *Slurp!*, taking my dick into her mouth, while I create an illusion of her, not wishing for anyone to know a thing.

'Yes! Yes! Fuck! I love you! Tsubaki! Yesss!!' I moan in my thoughts, sharing it with Tsubaki, who pleasure me to the point I feel it's one of the best fellatio I ever had, realizing from her floating thoughts this sexy mink actually training in doing this, making her the most skilled mouth-pussy I had, even though she's not as unique as Shirahoshi'-giant-mode, or as sexually-enticing as Nami'-dancing-fellatio, where her boobs dance upon my balls. 'AHHHHAAAaaaahh' I moan for the last time, cumming buckets into her sexy mouth, seeing her showing me off her mouth full, then *gulp*, and show me an empty mouth, going back to wipe me clean with her tongue.

... "Sorry. I didn't slept well last night" Sona tell me as we walk toward school, and I grab her hand tighter, signaling her my love for her, but my mind run wild, wishing to conquer not just her right now, but also Tsubaki, who use every secret moment to send me erotic signals.

"Well, a break, or a rest, is important too. Why don't we have some time for only ourselves soon? We can do whatever you want... Heard about Paradise? Or anything else you wish to go to?" I suggest them, and they both press their bodies onto me, saying in sync "Yes!", making us all *giggle*, and right before entering class, I tell them "be right back", go to the bathroom, and *Teleport*.


'Just thinking about sitting like a ginseng in class annoys me...' I think as I start traveling around the worlds, going from one place to the other, training, fighting, gathering intel, meeting people, having fun, chilling, shopping, and meet my women in different places, till I arrive to Cocoyasi-village, in Red-line, to the hidden-house.

"Hey", "Ayn! We're ready!", Nojiko and Nami welcome me home, hugging together, and I join the hug, kissing them both, looking at the pile of suitcases on the side.

"Look! Look! I've reached level 20!" Nami happily jump around, taking out her butterfly wings, looking as beautiful as ever, but I can see from the side Nojiko'-complicated-daze, probably feeling insecure about moving away from this place, as I wish to take them into Infinity, to travel with them all around the universe, instead of them being stuck in here.

"Nojiko..", *Chuu*, "..We can always come back. Whenever you want to, we will" I say, while Nami cut me in the middle, saying "Ayn express is the best ship ever!", and jump at me, whispering loudly, seductively, "What about my reward?", while taking her shirt off, exposing her sexy yellow bikini, and I sit-down on a bench behind me, with her on top of me, loving the way she dance upon me, rubbing her clit on the bump on my pants, while Nojiko throw off her skirt, sitting right next to us, making such a pose I wish to shove my dick into her already.

... 'I know they're not biological-sisters, but seeing them like this, I start to understand that growing in the same environment, under the same roof, do make people similar to each other...' I think as I piston my dick in and out of Nami and Nojiko, who sit on four, with their back to me, on the staircase, teasing each other, teasing me, and more than anything, creating a huge puddle all over, almost making me slip down the stairs few times.

... "Don't worry! Infinity is the best place ever! You'll feel like an idiot once you see that place, and the girls will surely love you!" Nami *push* Nojiko toward me, after we took a bath, and once I finished taking their suitcases inside, I wait for them to arrive.

"Ayn..", *Chuu*, "I'm ready" Nojiko say cutely, and I send her right after Nami, into Infinity, sure that the girls there already know what's going on here, and right after, I go to the storage, take all the stock into Infinity storage-space as well, plus a few young-trees, planning to plant an orchard there as well, as those two minks truly love it.

'OH, wow, what's that?!' I feel amazed, in the best way I can, gazing at a huge dome-building inside Infinity, floating into it, finding Bulma, Umi, and Beau, smile in joy at the entrance, welcoming me with hugs and kisses, while telling me about the laboratory they've been building here, and how much all the girls are the real reason it came-to-be so fast, so beautifully.

"Kinda like the building in West-city, huh?" I ask in amazement, touring the place with them, and soon we meet most of the girls around the place. "Nope! Totally different!" Bulma happily dance in that stupid-sexy-suit, which she call 'super-saiyan-suit', kinda annoying me this memento from her ex-husband, yet say nothing, kinda tired of talking about clothes again, after yesterday. "What happened?" Umi question me, and I hug her close, saying nothing.

"I bet he's annoyed from Bulma'-clothes" Chi-Chi hug me from the side, wearing a sexy leather-dress, while pressing some key, and I notice the whole dome-building-roof goes down, like an open-space now, amazing me. "AYN!AYN! AYNNN!" Conis run toward me, beaming a huge smile, and making me laugh the moment I see her, in her queen-maid-outfit.

"Weird?" Conis stop and look at me in a shy-awkward-face, and I pull her for a hug, whispering "So beautiful that my brain stopped functioning for a moment".

We continue looking around for a while, before Bulma come before me, now with her old-suit-look, fidgeting cutely, and before I can relax, I wish to ask her questions, but she begin telling me "That suit that I just wore, you're the only man who saw me ever wearing it... And I get it, but my child, he's half saiyan, so, I feel part of that race somehow now...".

"Well, my love, I knew it's complicated, so I just chose to shut up, till I know how to pronounce myself adequately. Sorry if my inconvenience bothered you. Come, it's a happy occasion, let's call everyone to a lab-party? Oh! Lab-coat-party! That sounds fun! Oh! Drinking from flasks, haha, oh!..", I blubber a lab-party-ideas, and the girls joining me, beginning to run around, gathering everyone, while a lunch-lab-party starts, with me 'disappearing' to the side every moment with another girl, having a fucking fun.

... "Me too" Aisa pull me over to the side, but by her expression I get that she has no idea what we're doing when we go to the side, making me smile with her cute childish behavior, who stand in contrast to her quick maturing body, and I take her lab-coat off, wishing to see how much she grew by now.

"You turn more and more beautiful every time I see you" I tell her while marveling at her beauty, in a black-dress, looking elegant, smiling lovingly to me, and I think 'She's a lot taller, making her body proportion more balanced, like a model, hmm, kinda like Infi, huh...', as her bosom much less 'standing out' now after growing bigger, and focusing on her energies, I ask in shock "How can you cultivate so quickly?".

"Infi guides me! She's the best!" she tell me in joy, and before I can ask where she's at now, as she didn't come to the party, I hear her saying <Snowy is on a break through, so we're helping her for now>, explaining to me where Bi-Bi and the rest are, and just then few girls arrive, and I tell them "Trust me, I understand", reading their minds, who worry about Aisa immature-sexual-mentality, even though she's smart, strong, and developed, yet not really matured, and I just kiss her cheek, grab her hand, and return with the girls to our lab-party.


"Ayn!", Rossweisse voice hit my ear-drum the moment I arrive to the class-entrance, probably feeling me standing there, and the moment I enter, I see her smiling politely, standing in front of all the girls, saying "Nice of you to join us, Sir Ayn, why don't you sit down, and we'll talk later?", and the class fill with *Giggles* from all the girls, and I smile happily, sitting in my place, but few minutes later, the bell rings, and school is over for the day.

"Ayn...", Rossweisse say my name as we all leave the class, and I smile to the girls, saying "See ya at home", and stay with her, wondering what she's got to say, as I read her mind, running around stupid thoughts like 'school is important', with no real coherent reason why, or 'he should interfere with those fallen-angels', without realizing how much impact I can create, even damaging us, as who knows what mystery lies behind their plots around this town, and it's better confronting weak-soldiers, finding clues, before blowing our secrecy cover.

"What's so wrong in the educational-system that make you choose to go away from it?" Rossweisse asks me, and I ponder to myself, deciding to grab her hand, *teleport* to a cafe-shop, and drag her by her hand inside, ordering few things to myself, and seeing she's shying from spending money, just double the order, but she suddenly change the drink and snacks, and we soon sit-down in a corner table, as I begin talking.

"School... There's life. School is irrelevant for life. ... People suppose to live, so, they teach there nothing about living? Like houses, rents, etc... They teach nothing about money, banks, loans, handling economy, etc, even though it's a major part of every grown human in society... They teach nothing about food, even though we eat to live, saying nothing about it truly, like, average human can't even read the back-side ingredients on products to even comprehend what the food he's eating composed of... How can they not teach how to earn money? How to do basic actions, like laundry, cooking, etc? Even sport, it's insane, why not teach humans about human-body? How to use their bodies rationally? How come so much useless information shoved into the youth instead...".

"Wait wait wait!" Rossweisse *Cough*, chocking from a croissant, and I smile, kinda sorry about my speaking tone getting more wild, and just go back to drinking my coffee.

"But honestly, think about it, why are you, or all the devil-girls, are even in school? Just go and have fun" I say after a long moment of silence.

"But Iv'e got plans for my life! I want a steady paying job, and a husband!" She say seriously, but I burst laughing, thinking-out-loud "For someone who live for thousands of years, and have that much power, what's that even means".

"You should go to school!" she exhale, changing the subject back to her point, and I pull out a suitcase, putting it on the table, saying "How about you take this, and I won't have to hear you asking this question again?", and open it up, showing around 4 million dollars inside of it.

"WHA...", her eyes pop out, "That's bribery!", she look at me madly, and I smile, taking it back, responding "Well, your choice... But... I already finished school, like you, way ago... I'm going there just because my father thinks I should experience 'normal' boring 'life'..".

"Then why are you so rich??" she asks in puzzlement, and I tell her "Casino, yesterday, won around 300 million, but you know, it's a fake value anyway, just papers, so I plan to liquefied it anyway... Say, can't you just use your powers, magic, to build something, sell it, and be a millionaire in a single day? What's the point on being poor?".

"Build something?" she look at me like a student who discovered real education. "Yeah. Actually, every human, just get a lot, build a house, sell the house, and get rich? You can even register it as a company, not pay taxes, even get discounts, and withdraw salary to yourself monthly, while using the company for things like car, food, etc... Do you know how big is the gap between bringing a container, let's say of clothes, and the price of clothes in here? It's astronomical. It's so easy making money. How come no one teaches this simple truths?" I tell her in wonder, not understanding her poor-mentality, as she seems stressed for money.

"I don't have money for a house, or to bring some container from somewhere" she question me, and I *sigh*, saying "Then, like, buy 100 of something, let say guitars, for 10 dollar each, sell them for a 100 each, which is still lower than market-value, and start gathering income for a bigger project?".

"Hmm, that sounds smart, but, there's a whole market already competing against me, and I'm just starting out" she downgrade my words, and I tell her, not wishing to farther it out, "one person entity can flex more than a company, use that, you can do what no big entity can, live in the quick gaps... Like a company who invest a billion can't use it like someone who put a million, or someone with just a thousand.. Their flexibility is their true power in that position. My friend sold a loona-park tickets when I was in school, through a website, and made 100 thousand dollars from this nonsense somehow. Money is that easy to make if you do something, instead of downgrading yourself so much. Just push something you think is worth it".

Walking down the street, while she keep being quiet, thinking in her head, I read it, and tell her "If the whole problem is complex, then make your problems into smaller chunks, smaller, simpler... That's modern-education-curse, they make you think the world is so complex, instead of just simplifying it.. They make people feel like idiots, insecure about how simple it is... Life is like mathematics, it's a 1+1+1+..., not an integral equation, at least not for a single person, only for large companies...".

She nod her head, yet a sign of '100-yen-shop' catch her eyes, and she walk inside, dragging me in with her, and I grab her hand, pulling her away, and before she can say a thing, I *teleport* us to the mall, entering a fancy clothing shop, and say "It's on me, just buy everything anything. I just made 300 million yesterday, this small amount won't even budge me before that, much less now".

... "How's this?" Rossweisse come out after changing clothes again, modeling for me, after long persuasion from my side, and I tell her "Like a flower-princess", putting a flower-crown on her head, thinking to myself 'If I met Grayfia before, would she be like her?.. I know they're different, but that feeling, of women, like Serafall, who lived already such a long time, did it change something between us? ...', "How's that?", she come out with another dress, sitting next to me, playing with her hair, showing me her blue-flowery-dress, and I raise my thumb up, saying "Like a successful woman".

Every time she goes back in, and out, she come out with more daring clothes, revealing more and more of her body parts, to the point she come out in a sexy-lingerie-costume, dressed like a sexy pink cat, and I suddenly feel my heart thumb, like I'm developing feelings for her, and realize she probably have the same.

I grab the whole pile of clothes, not even caring if she tried it on yet, or liked it, just buying everything in there, and tell her we should probably return home already, as we soon do.


Finding Grayfia in the house, cleaning around in a sexy maid costume, still not over that nonsense, just like Conis'-play, I smile gently, grab her to a tight hug, and jump outside, near the lake, and she look at me intoxicate, asking "Are the big bad dragon going to eat me now?", so I throw her a floating-wheel, saying "Here, rescue wheel".

I hug her again, jumping into the water, and she cutely laugh, shyly asking "what's got into you?", and I look at her on the background of the falling sun, not minding the cold weather outside, as the sun is still shining brightly, asking her "Love caught me, and you're the main culprit!", and while playing around, the vibe turn more and more sexual, till in a corner of the lake, she stand with her hands on a huge-rock, with the water reaching to her knees, while I'm behind her, rocking her back and forth, holding her by her ass cheeks, listening to her beautiful loving moans, as we both shoot our love together, shouting our love to each other.

"I love you" we both moan together as the climax settle-down, and we sit down hugging, watching the falling-sun, and with it, all my doubts about my true love for Grayfia fade-away, knowing it's as real as love can be.