
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH151: Out-of-the-box

"Not yet..." I whisper to Lady Sitri, Sayuki, and put my finger on her lips.

*chuu*, she jump forward, giving me a quick peck on the upper-lip, while pushing my hand aside, pushing her body onto mine, moving her mouth to my ear, whispering "yes yet...", and *bite* the lobe of my ear.

She slowly slide her cheek on mine, till we're face-to-face once again, and *bite*, *bite*, *bite*, we keep on biting each other lips, our bodies entangle together, with our hands running on each other' body.

*Lick...*, I run my tongue on her upper-lip, and *CHUU!*, she jumps on my body with full-force, while wrapping her hands around my neck, sticking our mouths together, as we fall into the water, diving while kissing, and she wrap her legs around my waist, as we flirt underwater.

"Mine" I tell her the moment our heads go outside the water, whispering it in between our lips, and she beam a super-cute-smile, making me smile as well, and right away return to kissing.

Feeling too much time has passed, we both have the same look, somewhere between a deep desire to stay alone, together, continuing farther, to return to the girls, and before anything, there's so many unanswered questions in my mind.

"Yeah, I'll be yours..." she say as she jump off my body, dancing in circles inside the water, and I swim to her, holding her two hands in mine, asking in a firm tone "Forever? Committed till the end?...", "Ayn!", she cut my words and *Chuu*, kiss my lips again, "You do know I'm not the flimsy type, right? I mean, how many thousands of years was I committed into an unhappy-relationship... I planned to be single till death anyway... I guess being born to a concubine, feeling unimportant, took a toll on me... Like I should be happy with what I have... Venelana truly opened my eyes...".

"Ouch", I say with a pout, "Not me?".

*Giggle*, she smile with all her teeth, "I wonder if I ever been in love, or is that just a strong infatuation, but whatever it is, it's you who's the reason for me feeling like that".

"So... Sayuki... or mother-in-law?" I ask/say with a smirk, and she stare at me up close, with her beautiful face showing no expression, or just way too many expressions that I can't read a single one, before responding "Who's your mother-in-law?", like she refute this idea, and a second later hug me close, putting her head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat, before grabbing my hand, pulling me back to the girls.

"Ayn!", the moment we're back, separating a bit, creating a distance, as she asks me "please keep it a secret for now, I'm not ready yet for it to explode, we must talk, and do, more", we arrive to the other side of the pool, where a hot-tub, inside the pool, yet apart, have flickering lights, music on, and the girls playing games, mostly drinking games, while dancing.

*Pssstttt...*, my body spread heat, which creates a huge fog, and like an instinct, I grab Serafall and Sona first, raining kisses on their beautiful faces, telling them "mother-in-law seems to understand our relationship now..", and while Sona show a cute-shy-smile, Serafall stare at me with a meaningful look, yet say nothing.

The two escape my grip, swimming away, and soon a game of hide&seek, or catch-me-if-you-can, begins, as I swim like a shark in the water, chasing the girls around the pool, not minding them cheating, as they use powers, hide outside the water, or even jumping upon me, changing it to a 'wrestling' game.

... For a long time I flirt with the girls all over the pool, from a mere massage, to teasing, naked swimming, underwater sex, and even finding moments to share secret kisses with Sayuki, till we're all seems too tired to keep on going, with some girls showing they're kinda drunk, collapsing on the side of the pool, or on floating-beds.

... Finishing caring the girls to the master-bedroom, onto a huge cloudy bed, I sit at the balcony outside, returning to meditation, wishing to comprehend what just happened few hours ago.

<Ayn,>, Infi calls me, and I smile, thinking to go meet with her, but she tell me <Snowy needs energy, lots of energy, and Infinity can't handle it, so, or return to Soul-land, or send her all your energies, completely, but it will probably exhaust you completely>, and I smile, thinking 'Isn't my energies better than general-air-energies?', and once she answer <Yeah, it's better>, I begin sending my energies, till I fall asleep, on the balcony, in lotus-position, feeling extremely tired.


"Good morning" Robin, together with Alba, sitting in front on me in the moment I open up my eyes, and I blubber out loud "What a good morning indeed", grabbing the coffee-cup Robin offers to me, and look at the cute blushing Alba, who point at Robin, and I gaze upon their sexy bodies, wearing bikinis, and in the background the sun begins to shine.

"It's cold outside..." I fake a shiver, and hold both their hands, pulling them to my lap, and pull out a blanket, covering us, with only the head outside, and seeing the rising-sun, shining a tingle of violet-light, the purest sunlight of the day, we sit there staring, with eyes-wide-open, cultivating this wonderful light into us.

"Ah, I love this part of cultivation" Robin say as she cuddle to me right when the moment to cultivate is gone, as the sun already come out completely.

"Can't you just create a violet-light-source, and cultivate with it?" Alba question us, and I wonder about it, telling her "There's something about this routine, waking to the rising sun, which is more than cultivating our sight. It's life-cultivation, with the awakening of the whole world around us, with the change in nature from dark to light, with the upcoming day, like a cosmic-world-order, who ease our mind, heart, and souls, getting a final moment before beginning a new day".

"Oh, that sounds good, I'll also do it", "Yeah, it does sounds majestic...", Grayfia and Alison walk out to the balcony, looking to the horizon, before turning around, smiling to me, and I pull them as well, to our human-warm-pile, sitting on the floor of the balcony, drinking warm-coffee, enjoying this peaceful moment together.

"Oh, you're father-in-law will be here in around 3 days, and school suppose to begin in 5 days..." I tell the girls, and they ask me about my plans for those days.

"Except focusing on enhancing Infinity, I guess just gathering intel for now, look...", I show a shadowy-small-bird, like a fly, but a dragon-fly, telling them "It's a shadow-creature I created, and by using it in a bee-hive-method, I hope to create a network of flowing information, beginning from Soul-land, moving to Red-line later on".

"Ayn! I can help!" Alba jump in joy, putting her hand in mine, taking the shadow-fly, while using this chance to flirt with me, running her fingers seductively on me, making us all laugh by doing so, and I quickly hug her close, telling her "Cute", *chuu*, kissing her cheek, enjoying her blushing face.

*Fwoosh!*, she use her creation-powers on the shadow-creature, giving it back to me, and trying to control it, I realize it's more than a simple change, as she somehow gave it intelligence, a simple one, yet it still exist, and 'open the door' to so many new possibilities, which were really lacking, like information-transferring, avoiding surveillance, making strategic decision, etc.

"Amazing" I say and kiss her, and then all the girls, and feeling my stomach grumble, decide to go eat breakfast, waking up on the way all the girls, kissing and tickling them happily, till they begin moving, the whole house becomes lively in a minute.

... Sitting in the living-room, after saying goodbye to all the girls, as some already left before me, like Serafall, who's always running back to work, or just to their work-rooms, like Robin and Alison, so I take the soul-ring-girls back into Infinity, now left alone with the girls who decide to study together before school starts, telling me I also must study more, but I just respond by transferring them more cultivation-knowledge, perusing them to get stronger, as worldly-knowledge ain't really taught, or learnt in school, and developing the mind can come in many different ways as well.

"When will you come back?" Sona asks as I pull her to sit on my lap, kissing her back, while looking at her, and all the girls, telling them "By evening, probably, I can't be away from you longer than that", and as they beam a smile to me, I go and kiss each of them one last time, and *Teleport*.


'Let's begin...' I hype myself as I arrive to Soul-land, arriving to the empire'-capital, deciding to start with the two empires, plus the spirit-hall-main-base, making it the 3 most important locations for now, and begin creating tiny-shadows, fueling them with lots of energy inside, in hope they won't disappear from me while being away, as for now this experiment only succeeded in closed-spaces, at the houses, not in the open-world yet.

'Communicate with your superior, queen-dragon-shadow. Report when your energy is about to deplete. Avoid anyone seeing, feeling, or sensing you. Gather information that influence a large amount of people. Run or hide in case of detection, or just destroy yourself. ...' I keep giving commands to them, creating a hierarchy, with one shadow-creature, who focus on staying in one-place, gathering all the information to it, and tackle the communication-language-barrier between us by transferring my thoughts, even if in a shallow-way, to them, like creating simple-minded-clones of my own simple thoughts about them, planning to just read their mind a week for now, and hope I'll get what I wished for.

... Doing the same thing in two more locations, spending lots of time and energy, I finally relax, as I arrive to New-Shrek-Academy tree-house, yet find it empty, so just leave a few presents, and go meet Yuena, who surprisingly ain't home as well, leaving a note 'Be back soon. Went to meet my people. Love you', and I leave her a note as well, and *Teleport*.


Arriving to West-city, wishing to meet Chi-Chi, Lazuli, and Bulma, I find an empty house once again, understanding they're probably busy, preparing themselves to go into Infinity for a longer period of time soon, making everything ready for it, so I just leave a note to each in their rooms, go around the city for a while, doing few things, and *Teleport*.


Visiting Red-line, I'm happy to find the girls everywhere busy, running their businesses, kingdoms, tribes, etc, and instead of grabbing their attention, just sneak around, seeing everything is fine, leaving love-notes, and by the last-stop here, Marineford, the government-army-navy-base, which I once wrecked, I find Tashigi in the training-area, fighting fiercely with her sword against an old-white-hair-man, who use only his fists, coated with haki, and feeling happy about her intense training, I sneak a love-note into her pocket, laughing in my head as she seems to felt something, yet not realizing a thing, as I'm invisible, and *Teleport*.


'That was quicker than I thought it will be...' I think as I fly in Earth, above the church in Kouh-city I once was at, finding the fallen-angels-secret-base here, but not being here for a week now, I decide to plant a more sophisticated-intel-gathering-tools here, as this is after all in Earth, where wireless-networks exist, plus having such a specific-location make it even more easy.

Installing a secret-camera inside their secret-base-hall, with few microphones around the place, making sure the batteries are full, the dark-net-connection is stable and encrypted, of course with Umi' and Beau' help, as it's above my technology knowledge, we hear sounds of people coming, and I turn invisible, happy we just finished, as Umi and Beau pout, returning into Infinity.

"I'm hungry!" the cute little fallen angel girl run inside, going straight to the fridge, and I remember her name was Mittelt, or something like that.

"Did they think we can scan the whole forest??? How can we even find what they can't find??", the blue hair sexy fallen angel come inside while complaining, and I remember she's Kalawarner, or Kalawarna, somewhere around this names.

Kalawarna look back, where a black-hair-fallen-angel come inside, remembering she's Raynare, their leader, and she make a frustrated-pose, saying "What can we do? Just trust the leaders...", and she fall onto a sofa, breathing heavily, relaxing herself.

'Why fallen-angels wearing such sexy clothes... Even sexier than those devilish-women...' I think as I listen to their conversation, amazed to hear they're talking about me, as they describe yesterday'-night, chatting about violet-lightnings, a shadow of a giant dragon, etc.

<Ayn, you can see it, right?> the girls in Infinity asks me, and I tell them 'Yeah.. They're cursed, right? Or corrupted?.. Manipulated?.. Brain-washed?.. One thing for sure, it's much worse than the last time we were here, like they turn into some soulless puppets slowly...'.

<Then what now?>, 'No idea, can we solve it? I mean, you know my motto, I won't interfere, unless I'm already doing so, and right now I guess I already doing so?', <The only solution we have... Well.. It's to brainwash them, to conflict the already-existing brainwash ; 'fighting poison with poison' ; But we don't know how to brainwash? ; Yeah, it's much more powerful than Ayn'-powers ; So maybe mine?>, 'What's yours?' I ask Alba, after listening to the girls chatting about the situation, but a second later regret it, hearing her saying <Sexual enslavement!>, like she's offering me the best idea ever, while I think it's the worst.

<If I had to guess, this curse is sitting inside them, dormant, gathering a hold, for at least thousands of years already ; And whoever made it was also powerful enough ; Yeah... ; Then? ; Alba'-suggestion is the best, huh? ; ...> The girls chat let me realize I'm truly with 'my back to the wall', or rather, 'with their back to the wall', or even in the edge of falling to a pit, as I'm their enemy, yet probably their last hope to survive, and somehow have a chance to break away from the curse who's corrupting them.

'Why now? Why did it become so powerful in a mere week??' I ask in resignation, and the girls turn silent, while I just *teleport* out of here.


"What's with that face?" Sona asks me the moment I arrive to Kouh-tree-house living-room, and come close to me. I hug her, and feeling her warmth, I *rip* her shirt, making it evaporate, as I fall down with her on the sofa, with her on top of me, kissing each other, sucking her nipples through her bra, flirting intensively, and I can feel a raging boner down my pants.

*Cough!, Cough!*, a fake cough breaks the moment, and we look over at Sayuki, Sona'-mother, in the kitchen, stopping to cook just to interrupt us, and Rias come to us, noticing it all, telling me with a smile "Koneko is mad at you, go to her room", confusing me with the contradicting-emotions between her words and smile, but then also smile, kissing Sona once again, and walk toward Koneko'-room, while seeing Rias calling on her phone, probably alerting Koneko, so I just walk slower.

*Knock, Knock*, I come to Koneko'-room, but hear nothing, also sensing nothing with my 6th-sense, but see Akeno coming toward me, telling me "Ayn, a package arrived, we put it in your room", and I smirk, knowing what's coming, yet can't act too stupid, and just kiss her, and go over to my bedroom, laughing to myself 'What package can even arrive to this hidden-house...'.

Entering my room, seeing a big-cardboard-box awaiting for me, I go next to it, talking to myself "Oh, is that the package who arrived for me?", and seeing a note on top of it, open it, reading it aloud "To Ayn, please take care for what's inside, give it all your love, forever, because it's only yours", and while doing so, I open it, in the middle of reading, looking inside, watching Koneko lying inside of it, smiling shyly to me.

"Oh, wrong address probably..." I *giggle* and close the box, and a second later, Koneko stand up, jumping up madly, but the moment she look at me, crouching next to the box, with a wedding-ring in my hand, her sadden-face turns to shock, then to surprise, all the way to a smirk, as her eyes are shining, mumbling "I'm a genious! Nyaaaaaa!", making me burst into laughter.

"Koneko, will you...", "YES!!!", she jumps out, right into me, hugging my head tightly, and after kissing and hugging for a while, I put her down, and slide the ring on her finger, watching her cute crying face.

"I know we're still young..." I tell her as we hug once again, "But we can at least be engaged, promising our future together...", I rain kisses on her beautiful cute face, playing with her furry ears and tail, "And honestly, sleeping at night, knowing we're still haven't affirmed our relationship was tough on poor me", I pout, and she *giggle*, raining kisses on my face, licking me whole, and tell me "I love you, Ayn, I love your face, I love your voice, I really love your smell, I love your personality, and your body, and your brain, and...", *Chuu!*, I kiss her mouth, kinda shy from her endless compliments, which only make her beam an even bigger smile, laughing at my redden-face.

"Oh, I also love your shy face!" Koneko joke on me, and I *tickle* her, telling her "It's super-rare, so you better enjoy this moment", and she cutely *giggle*, rolling on the bed, and I follow her up, rolling with her, slowly ripping her clothes off of her, while she cutely complain "..pervert..", but help me take her clothes off.

"Do you wanna... Do... it" Koneko asks with a shy-tone, yet serious-face, and as I kiss her from her knee, slowly kissing my way up, I respond "What's the hurry, my love, we've got thousands of years ahead of us...", *Chuu.. Chuu...Chuu...*, "Waiting a bit more, maturing, knowing each other better...", *Chuu, Chuu, Chuu...*, "Will make our first time together even better", and I go down at her, licking her pussy, like a cat drinking from a milk bowl, hearing her moans, "Nyaa... Aynnn... NNYYAAaaaa... NNNYYYAAA.... AYNNYA! .. NYAN!! .. NYAYNNnnnNNN!!! ...", who only push me to eat her up to a climax after a climax.

... *Ring, Ring...*, I hear my phone, finding it's a massage from Rias, asking us to come eat lunch, and I look at Koneko, who cuddle between my legs, licking my dick from top to bottom, thinking 'Well, it seems Koneko eating her lunch already...', moaning in joy from her cat-skills, truly a talent when it comes to a fellatio, as my whole body get loose, cumming, moaning, and my mind feel bliss.