
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH149: Familial love

"Then you'll have more sisters!" Nami laugh, while Nojiko smile, stand, and walk away, and I'm just sitting there, thinking 'Is it Nami'-doing? Interest? Real genuine emotions? Or should I suspect my new founded powers, also, the powers Iv'e got from Alba, who feels like a boost to my already existing charm?'.

<What does it have to do with me? ; Yeah, Ayn, say sorry for Alba! ; It's just a thought, not accusation ; But it's wrong, she truly show interest in him, even if it's just liking, at least for now ; Yeah, at least for now ; ...> I listen to the girls chat in Infinity, letting a part of my conscious share this conversation with them, trying to hear their take from it.

'Alba, it's me, not you. You're perfect just the way you are..' I think, and look at Nami, giving her a devilish-smile, and she right away jumps at me.

Taking out a fluffy-cloud that I took from Point-Nemo, our sky-island, at the outside deck, while still caring Nami in my arms, I fall-down with her, and pretty soon she's already riding on top of me, then me riding on top of her, having a fucking time together, loving each other to the maximum.

... "What's wrong?" I ask Nami as we're relaxing on the cloud, as she show a saddened-expression on her face, asking me "Am I wrong to want my sister to be a part of our family? A bigger part of my life?..", and I pat her gently, telling her calmly "Nami, I love you, but you can't trade my love, and Nojiko is the same, so instead of forcing your way, maybe just let time do it thing? Opportunities is the most you can do anyway".

Suddenly, Nami jump up, standing, with a face full of determination, and I jump up as well, grabbing her close to me, telling her "If you still got energy to move that much, then, let me show you what you can do with it...", and I finally *Rip!* her dress off, which I left whole till now, even with the intense love we did a moment ago, and dropping her down on the cloud, I go above her, fucking her senseless, to show her how much I truly love her.


'I'll come visit soon, probably tomorrow, love you, take care' I write on a note, putting it on the table, while giving the sleeping Nami a kiss on the cheek, deciding to give Nojiko, and me, some time, and *Teleport*.

- ...

Traveling across islands and worlds, meeting almost all my women, except Tashigi, who's not answering the special-phone, probably in some marine-business, not minding it as she does talk daily with the girls in Red-line, and it seems everything is fine, plus the girls in Earth, as Robin and Alison seems busy, and I decide to go meet the devilish-girls, remembering my promise to Sona, yet worry about my relationship with her sister, Serafall, who's in some kind of a hold lately.

'Maintaining relationship with more than 40 women ain't easy, especially if they're all successful, smart, beautiful, individuals, with their own dreams and goals, but maybe just because of that it goes so well, as they're that good of a women to make it work, plus, Infinity, and Infi, are a real miracle, letting us be always together like that, and not by minimizing ourselves, rather, expanding, as a whole world form there, our own private world...' I ponder about my recent status, as more women appears, but I do not wish to create any situation where any of my wives feels neglected or even remotely forgotten.

<Hehe, you know something, but, don't take it the wrong way, but, your thought-process show how young you are. Will you be able to say the same 10 years from now? 100 years? 1,000 years?.. The panic for attention won't be there forever> Infi tells me, but I laugh, telling her 'After even 10,000 years, it will be even more important, even more crucial, to our relationship... Relationship only step forward, evolving to a sharing-life, not the opposite... Infi, after meeting you, I want to meet you even more again, not less'.

<..me too.. weird feeling .. love .. why talking to you make me happy and sad, relax and mad, so many emotions, it never happened before..> Infi words suggest a weird thing, like she's suppose to know what love is, even though she herself said she never been in love, or had any sexual relationship, and without trying to dig-up her past, suspecting, yet negating, any theory, as they all seems ludicrous, I prefer leaving it be for now, as our relationship only begins.

'Good can't exist if there's no Bad, like there's no Up without the existence of Down, because everything must have balance, except feelings, feelings are something that just exist by itself, good or bad.. so.. as long as you feel, it means there's something between us?' I answer her, or maybe myself, as I enter Kouh-tree-house.

"Hello" I say aloud, as Infi respond <But what if you hate someone? That's a feeling too>, and I answer 'Then there's two options, or a problem with you, cause you hate, not the other side, OR, it affects your life in negative way, and that's again you who need to confront this situation, finding a way to negate those things from even happening... Till you can be apathetic to it. To not care'.

<That sounds wrong, not caring can not solve a real problem, and there's a lot of circumstances you can't get away from>.

'For example, I hate hate, so I go away from things who arouse me this feeling... Imagine me hating the fact that I grew without a mother, or barely a father, so I just look at the other-side of it, where they gave me my life ... Or someone wish to take something of mine, or bully me, which on the other-side, if you look there, you can see behind pain, hate, or suffer, in there, I can find from it, in myself, things like passion, determination, a will to fight, thoughts of how to never be in this situation again, and more than that, how can I benefit from such situations, to use the other-side abuse to propel myself higher, even at his expense, as his my enemy anyway'.

<Oh.. You always look at yourself.. As the source of it all...>.

'Yeah, I'm only myself, always was, always will be, so thinking for others is a waste... When I was young, really young, my father was my bully. He would always make me struggle, for anything I wanted, but when I look back, every time I made an effort and fought him, I could 'win' it back, probably him teaching me how to have a will... And whenever I was relaxed, he would annoy, or steal, or do something to make me stressed, so I became defensive, protective, alerted...'.

Nostalgic feelings hits me, as I reminiscence about my childhood, realizing how much of an impact my life had from my father, which created a deep hatred in me in the past, but now, looking back, seeing the world(s), I truly appreciate it, even though I still got some resentment, as he seems to enjoy it way too much, but I can't argue with the results, remembering how one of my tutors always told me, 'Bad times create Good people... Good people create Good times... Good times create Bad people... Bad people create Bad times.... Bad times create Good people'.

*Ring..Ring..*, my phone stops my and Infi talk, as I'm just eating something in the kitchen, before going around the house, already talking about other things, like how she recovered most of her powers, and how amazing Alba is, as her energies are so useful, and important to Infinity, plus how good a manager she is to maintain this world, but more than that, seems to be on the same vibe, like they both know the life of a solitude, leaving alone in their own space, yet now, live together, and finding much interest in each other.

"Hello?" I answer the call from Sona, who tell me "We're in the 3rd floor, in the lady-area, wanna come join us?", and I say "Sure", hang up, and walk toward the place, which is a new area I created, dedicated as a 'public'-women-area, as they each got their own bedrooms, and things, yet they share so much, from clothes, jewelries, toys, accessories, to whatever women use, so as long as it's there, it becomes public, becoming like a women-lounge, as they keep hang out there, demanding now a whole list of things, even a new bath-house there, even though I'm the only man here.

"NO! I refuse!.." I say aloud the moment I enter the place, finding Lady Sitri put make-up on Sona'-face, and while Sona blush, Lady Sitri smile, and Serafall, who sit in the back, wakes-up from my voice, napping on a sofa while hugging the teddy-bear I gave her.

"I love nature. I love Sona. Why does she need to cover her face? Ain't the glasses already too much?" I pout, and before they shoo me off, I shoo myself off, going next to Serafall, hugging her, falling back onto the sofa, and as I cuddle to her, I ask quietly "Not fair. Why only the teddy-bear gets a hug?".

Serafall come sit on my lap, demanding a hug, instead of giving one, and whispers to me "Ayn, you do know that as much as I'm crazy in love with Sona, my mother is a billion times more fanatic than me, right?".

"Nope, but what can she even do? It's just a date anyway... When are we going on a date, my love, oh, wanna go tonight? I heard there's a meteor-shower" I ask as I touch her whole body, messing her clothes up, and she fidget cutely, as I watch in worry at Sona and Lady Sitri, who also talk privately between themselves, like me and Serafall.

"Ayn, I'll be ready in... An hour.. Yeah, let's go in an hour" Sona tell me, like sending me off, and I smile at her and her mother, grabbing Serafall on my shoulder, as she struggle to escape, but I just *teleport*, not giving her, or them, a chance to say a thing.

"Where are we??" Serafall complains, and instead of answering, carry her to the window, showing her the beautiful view of Paradise-island, as we're way up, at the top of the tree-house, telling her "Our kingdom, my queen, want a tour?".

Soon after a short tour, being invisible, just flying from one corner to the other, telling her about the place tale, mostly how it became a secret-animal-girls-shelter, who live in the island, we chill in the hot-spring here, who's right under the tree, who got most of it covered by branches, with small gaps where the view, and light, comes from, and Serafall swim to a gap, watching the view.

The moment she turn her head around, with her eyes brimming with affection, I'm drown to her enchanting lips, her mesmerizing face, and *chuu*, put my lips on hers, and we begin kissing. Our bodies mingling together, roaming our hands on each other, and the towels on our bodies falls down, and so our swimsuits, and I step back for a mere second, to marvel at her glorious, beautiful body, while she shyly hide behind a towel, and feeling inspiration, I bring out a giant-hair-pin, in a shape of a purple-butterfly, putting it on her hair, and look at her once again, saying "A special queen needs a special crown, right?", and she show a gentle smile.

She stretch her hand to me, inviting me to come closer, and I do so, as we snuggle to each other, watching the view, while sneaking kisses, like two children in love, playing around, doing mischievous things to the other, who gets more and more sexual.

"Not funny" Serafall complains as I pull her nipple, a bit too hard, standing up from the water, grabbing a towel from the side, but just stand there, glancing at me from the side, still bare naked, playing with her breasts, and I swim behind her, then sit up, and lick her pussy from behind, as I grab her bubbly-butt, squishing it, spreading it, enjoying her growing moans, as she begin grind her pussy on my lips.

... "MMMHHhhhhh...." Serafall orgasm for a whole minute, before almost falling down, and I help her sit down on the deck, gazing at me with blushing love-stricken-face, looking so cute, so innocent, I just enjoy watching her, till she whispers shyly "my turn..", and jump at me, pushing me down, and *lick... Lick... Slurp..., ...* my dick, yet hide half her body with the towel, and I almost laugh how cutely-shy she is, yet a moan, "mmmmm", escapes me, loving her tongue work.

... "I'm ready, let's go" I hear Serafall calls me, as she finish dressing up, and I finished eating something, but I can only see a wooden-cardboard, opening it, and seeing her inside, asking in wonder "What?".

"Like.. Wait. She didn't?" she asks/say, and I narrow my eyes, thinking to read her mind, but she quickly say aloud "No. Never mind. Please forget it", but I can already see something about Koneko, nodding my head like saying 'yeah', feeling a bit of guilt, and she quickly change the subject, asking "Who's clothes are these?".

"I think Wu? or Alison? I bet they'd won't mind" I tell her, thinking aloud "She's a real live cutie, huh", and she laugh, telling me "You know, I'm the biggest pop star in the underworld?".

"Hmmm... Like Alison on Earth?" I ask, wondering how the underworld looks like, only seeing a map up to now, but my imagination run wild, wishing to go there soon.

"Yeah! But, I'm pretty popular with children, like a magical-girl, but I do music also" Serafall say, and I smirk, telling her "I bet our children will be happy with you as their mother", and she blush cutely, jumping out of the box, and declare "You must join my next show!", and I nod in agreement, not minding doing so, plus loving the chance to go there.

"Let's go, superstar" I say as I grab her to a hug, and just before I teleport, she grab the cardboard, planning to take it with us, and I just *teleport* with it.


... "Ayn" Sona come outside of the tree-house, as I'm waiting for her in front of the car, and seeing her running toward me with a red-summer-dress, I *Sigh*, feeling like a repeat of yesterday, with Akeno summer-dress, even in winter, and I just go hug her close to me, kissing her beautiful face, yet, after a short-living-happiness, I discover behind her Lady Sitri is coming, looking like she plan to make it a triple-date, joining us, and surprised even more to see Lana.

"Mind giving us a ride on your way there?" Lady Sitri asks me with a blushing smile, looking lovely, but I know there's no way I can say 'no', so I just nod in agreement, looking at Lana, who give me a shy-smile, and hearing "Let's go!" from the car-direction, I'm surprised to find Sona on the driver-seat, with the roof taken-down, looking excited to drive us.

"By the way, where are we going?" Sona asks me as we start driving, with me next to her, deciding to just hang-out in a public-place, where we can mingle in the crowd, yet have our private-time together, without those two cougars eyeing us too much.

"The new mall, we can check out all the new shops there. I heard there's few shops from abroad, and the cinema got 3d-movies, if it's your thing. Oh, Iv'e heard the cafe there is the hottest spot for ladies this days, in a mere few months after opening" I advertise the mall, and the girls quickly agree going there.

... Ice-skating, window-shopping, bookstore, bowling, me and Sona walk all over the mall, enjoying ourselves, 'not noticing' the two stalking cougars on our back, and smelling a tasty fragrance, my stomach growl.

"Come, let's go in there!" Sona pull me by the hand, acting cutely, not cowering or turning red anymore, as the whole time I do everything to 'break the ice' between us, wishing to feel like a couple, entering a comfort-zone between us, where touching comes natural, and slowly it becomes so.

"Does it bother you?" Sona asks me as we're sitting down on a sofa-table near the window, at a fancy restaurant, and I tell her "As much as it bothers you... I mean... It bothers me that it bothers you more than anything else".

"It doesn't!" Sona exhale, and I *chuckle*, brushing her hair, and just avert the conversation, also finding it weird they didn't follow us inside here.

... Waiting for Sona outside the bathroom, next to the cafe, as we finished eating, plus touring around more shops, I sit on the road-rails, as the cafe is in a building outside the mall, and after a minute she's gone, Lady Sitri comes out of the bathroom, seeing me, smirk, and come sit next to me.

"Youth is nice, isn't it?" she asks as she cross her hands around her body, and I notice she changed to a new clothes, plus got no wedding-ring on now, but say nothing about it, just stand in front of her, looking at her face to face, saying "They say 'Look at the mother, and that's how you can guess how a girl will mature', so, after seeing you, my desires to marry Sona and Serafall only got stronger".

"With your look, mouth, power, and assets, no wonder girls fall to you that easily" Lady Sitri sting/tease me back, and I *sigh*, saying "and yet, there's beauties like you, who doesn't even give me a single chance, playing with my poor weak heart".

"Hehehehe, yeah, playing...", "Ayn?", Lady Sitri stop her sentence in the middle, as Lana comes, sitting next to her, on the rails, looking so charming, my heart skip a beat, and I quickly go to her, *Chuu*, kiss her lips, whispering "My love, We must go on a date, as soon as possible", and she *giggle*, pushing me away, and with a red-face tells me "You shouldn't think about me right now!".

"Thinking about you is all the time for me, so, too late" I tell her, putting my mouth on the straw, sipping from her watermelon-ice-cream-drink, weird-out by this weird combination, laugh a bit, and seeing Sona coming out, I smile to the both of them, warning them "You're too beautiful, so please watch yourself, have fun", and walk toward Sona.

"Did something happened?" Sona asks as we go inside the cafe, and I smile, telling her "Mothers sure are a beautiful thing, don't you think so?", and she nod her head enthusiastically, showing her love for her mother, yet grab my hand firmly, signaling to me she's ready to step outside of her family-rein, ready for a family of her own.