
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH141: Dancing souls

A fight occurs inside of me, finding this assimilation much more than I could have ever expected it to be, beginning a fierce fight against this whale, once again, like I never won in the first place, but just as I win, a new, different, battle, begins.

"The world is a dark place to live in..." my father suddenly appears in front of me, like an illusion, as there's no way he's here, inside of me, in the middle of an assimilation, but somehow my mind is tricking me to perceive it as real, and I find it hard to fight against it.

"Killing is the rightful way to live...", he tells me, as I fight this illusion, who corrupt even my soul from within.

"Kill to eat the others... Kill to take dominance from others... Kill to have more, cause there's never enough for everybody... Kill to protect... Kill to fight for your rights, your privileges, your way, your hate, your love, your death, your life... Kill... That's the purest power which a creature must have..." My fake-father-embodiment voice loop in me, emphasizing the word 'Kill' over and over, and a type of energy, kinda like the 'divinity' I felt from my own soul, just dark, demonic, instead of heavenly-light, penetrate my energy-channels, running wild inside of me, effecting every inch of me.

"Who's my mother?" I ask, from deep within my soul, shocking myself from this weird question, waking me up to the chaos who happens inside my body, trying to take control of my own stream of blood and energies inside, while my mind is in confusion, as my father'-voice dim-down for a moment.

"Continuity!" I exhale to myself, feeling the blood rushing within me, remembering all my loved ones, my wives, who are my family, and how much I long to build an everlasting life together with them, in that intimacy, where I'm not just me, alone, but a part of this unity between a man and a woman, that yin and yang, who can create life itself from merging together.

*Opening eyes*, still in meditation, my eyes pop open, looking at the girls around me in a daze, and realize the situation barely changed, like I was frozen in time, finding out that all that's happening inside of me is like times moves a 1,000 times longer.

I mumble "love me.. fuck me.. make it so.. my blood.. won't stop.. rushing.. flowing..", and while falling back into deep-meditation, I 'sense' the girls taking off the gown they covered me with, and I quickly open my space-pocket, dropping outside the yacht, signaling them that they can take us away from here now with my finger while doing so.

Inside, a havoc never stop to happen, as this dark-demonic-divinity run wild inside my energy channels, even though I finished the assimilation with the demonic-whale, realizing that some demonic-power, a godly-demonic-power, is trying to seize control over me.

... For a period that feels like weeks, or months, has gone by, I struggle in body, spirit, and soul, as if my body fighting an invading foreign substance, my soul collide with evil energies, and my soul is being corrupted by demonic perceptions.

Suddenly, my blood flows normal for a moment, shaking me off, waking me up, and with a quick glance to the outside world, I'm shocked to find out a mere minutes have passed, that's it, even though it has been so long for me from inside, and realize Mia is on top of me, inside the yacht, riding my dick, but feeling the fight turn to my favor from that flow, I back inside, meditating.

Riding this flow, I can finally find myself, effecting the tides, washing the insane rage that infects all of me with love, with bottomless affection, where there's so much more than death, but quite the opposite, there's life, a wish to create life, to watch and share life with the outside world.

... A really long time pass by for me, and it feels so, as my conscious never back down, can't back down or else I'll lose myself, in the war to control my own body, my own energies, my own soul.

The main reason that keep me together is the endless stream of flowing blood, rushing through my dick in stabilize manner, feeling the love of a woman, in this broken-state, where that demonic perception is trying to invade my ideals, to corrupt me, whispering to me "Killing is living!", and use everything that's dear to me as a tool in his brainwashing.

"Ayn... Ayn... Mmmm..." Like a soft song melody, Mia'-moans reach in to me, and I can feel her having an orgasm, pulling my senses outside, to 'see' her beautiful charming face in euphoria, so ethereal that she look like she's going to ascend to heaven any second now, and while 'seeing' the wedding ring on her hand, my thoughts turn to a bliss, really happy she's my wife.

From beside her, I 'see' Wu is sitting right next to us, looking straight at our connected point, playing with herself, with jealousy spilling from her, and standing next to her is Zhuqing, looking at her hand, at her wedding-ring, on the verge of crying.

'Can't.. Let.. Them.. Suffer.. Must.. Fight.. THIS!!' I shout at myself in my head, thinking hard how can I win this, whatever it means Iv'e got to do, as I'm filled with killing-intent, but not just a general killing-intent, rather a killing-intent against killing, against that demonic energy who wish me to kill, deciding to fulfill it's wish, and kill it, however I can.

'I can use all my energies, becoming empty.. No, it got a flaw.. I don't know what this demonic energy is even living from.. What does it feed.. In me.. What does it want?..' I think to myself, till I hear a soft voice.

<Ayn.. It's a curse.. A semi-godly curse.. Separate it from your divinity.. Don't let it touch that divine energy that grows inside you..> Infi voice reaches me, giving me a solution, yet not the means needed to do so, so I try to find how to by myself.

... For a period who feels like a year inside me, I've gained a supreme control over my energy, even opening the energy-channels at my body to the maximum I can, gain control on the flow, and can command it to become anything, as it can even become a pure energy, such purity it can become any energy I wish it to be, by a mere thought, but as the divine-energy, it runs freely in me, having no reins.

<Come> A voice I know, yet seems so different, of Infi, reach my soul, echoing like I'm in the presence of the most sacred creature that can exist, and quickly focusing on my soul, it feels like I'm a dancing light, dancing together with another beautiful light.

Stretching my hand toward this light, trying to touch it, suddenly a soft gentle hand touches mine, and our fingers cross, hugging hands, and I can feel her silky smooth skin, comprehending it's Infi, who's holding hands with me.

Pulling her closer to me, wishing to finally see her, I can't see, nor 'see', a thing, in our soul-form, like two masses of energies, yet, it feels just like having a real body, and by the moment her body touches mine, I put my hand on her cheek, sensing her beauty through the touch of my fingers on her neck, cheek, and like fulfilling a deep wish inside of me, I bend my head, toward her, putting my lips on hers, and we begin kissing passionately, sensually, pushing our love toward each other.

Infi break the kiss, putting her hands behind my back, snuggling into me, like we're merging together, becoming one soul, while my hands roam her body, trying to imagine how she's like, touching her from her long-flowing-hair, curvy body, alluring skin, her soft, yet firm, butt, and her enchanting legs, hugging them, raising her upon me.

Reaching higher upon me, she descend a bit down, dropping herself down into me, taking me inside of her, and I cuddle my face in her soft bosom, feeling her with my lips and tongue, while moving her up and down upon me.

Making love, in this soundless state, where no sound is needed, or exist, in this invisible state, where no sight is possible, in this purest state of souls, me and Infi make passionate love, and all I can do is imagine how she looks like, how she sounds like, but I know how she feels like, truly heavenly, and can picture how she looks like, as my hands touching every inch of her enticing body.

... Not knowing how long our love-dance went on, a strong sense of divine energy dominate my existence, like it's shining in the darkest place who exist, and I cum, having an orgasm, together with Infi, and for a mere speck of a moment, I can 'see' her, stricken in love by her unfathomable beauty, focusing with all my might, and can even 'see' her real lips, but just then, it all break apart.

Infi'-soul float away, disappearing, as my conscious do the same, returning inside my body, but now it feels like all that problems Iv'e been having are a mere dust on the floor, and with a mere push of force, my whole body is cleansed by this foreign substance.

Opening my eyes, the first sight I see is a beautiful woman, riding on top of me, in a white-transparent-dress, who almost falls down from her, exposing her completely, and raising my head, I see Zhuqing perfect face, smiling, yet crying in the same time, looking at me with a deep affection and longing.

"Aynnn!!!" all the girls shout together in the same moment, noticing in an instant Iv'e awaken from the state I was in, and while asking "How long was it?", I grab Erlong and Rongrong, who sits next to me, wiping the tears of their faces, amazed by their beauties, feeling like this experience opened up a new world to me, a world where I can truly 'see' the beauty which a women have.

"Less than an hour?" Yan answers, and I avert my gaze to her, seeing her on a sofa, in a black-lingerie, also with a red-face, like she was crying, yet acting cool, like nothing happened at all, and I smile to her, wishing to kiss her, yet she's too far, so I just kiss Erlong, and then focus on Rongrong, who's opening up her shirt, exposing her majestic breasts to me, and I quickly kiss this seductress, while Zhuqing is having an orgasm on top of me, kissing my neck lovingly.

'Infi!!! I! LOVE! YOU!' I shout in my head, roaring into Infinity, to let them all know, to let this whole inside world of mine know, while I'm also looking for Wu and Mia, finding out their in the kitchen, preparing food, and I suddenly realize how hungry I am, like Iv'e been starving for a week.

... Walking to the kitchen, Yan call for me, asking "Ayn?", staring at me while I watch the yacht is sailing slowly into the direction back ashore, to the mainland, as what we need now is a stable ground, and a long, quiet, period of relaxation for me. "Yeah, dear" I answer, and seeing her compassion, I'm a bit confused by her cool-character break apart, as she stand next to me, but notice she's holding a napkin, acting like she clean my eye, like I had a tear in it, but notice it stained with blood now.

"My eyes are bleeding??" I exhale in shock, going aside, to a mirror glass, looking at my eyes, and discover it's not, rather, my eyes somehow evolved, or more like the waters inside my body is filled to the brim with energies inside of it, thinking 'Wait, if a human-body has in avarage 60% water inside of it, then, ain't this upgrade one of the biggest power-ups I ever had?..'.

<Ayn,> I hear Yuena'-voice, <There's something estrange within you, like your divinity ain't belonging to this world, bypassing the god-powers, the divinity, I know of, from this world... The sea-god of this world is a seat in the upper-realm, but you, you hold a similar powers now, yet it's higher, like I used to have, way back when I was complete...>.

'Hmm... Cool? It's good, right? Anyway, can you come to me yet?' I respond, hearing her saying <Probably tomorrow, that's what Infi said before she left>, 'Left?? What do you mean??' I ask in shock, and she tell me <She said she's got to do something with you? And then disappeared, it was back when you were meditating... She didn't come back since then..>.

'INFI?' I try to talk to her, but hear nothing, not a single sign of response from her, deciding to dwell at it after shoving food into me, feeling weak at the moment, and walk to the kitchen, finding the girls busy filling the table full, and I smile happily, sitting down, waiting a moment they'll all sit down, and begin devouring nonstop, making them go back and forth to bring more food.


<I'm fine> Infi'-voice reaches me in the moment I finish eating and ready to check upon her, and I say right away, uncontrollably, 'I love you', and hear her cutely laugh, responding in a whisper <This feeling is mutual... I need to rest for a while... Talk to you later...>, and somehow I can't sense her now, yet I can feel my control over Infinity is like I'm a god to this world, or more like a semi-god, able to influence it like it's a clay, and I'm making a statue from it, but holding back, not knowing what influence it can create, I decide to discover it in depth later, carefully, while wondering 'Did what Infi and I did had such an impact on her? On Infinity?...'.

"Let's go!" Wu hold my arm, pulling me up from the chair, as she *Sniff,Sniff* me, and do a cute-disgust-face, acting like I'm smelly, and I hug her close the moment I stand up, saying "Oh, wow, Wu, you got to shower more often!", and the girls laugh, while Wu pout cutely, pinching my cheek, and jump upon me, like a monkey on a tree, and I carry her to the bathroom, while looking at all the girls, demanding with a gaze and a head-movement they all must join along.

... 'Girls? Why don't you join in?' I ask in my head the girls in Infinity, mostly the soul-ring girls, who can come and go as they'd like to, but they just tell me <Big Bad Dragon!>, laughing cutely, signaling me it's okay to have 'fun' with the girls already next to me, and not worry, and I tell them 'I love all of you, so come, or say, whatever you wish to, whenever', and focus back in what's going around me in the bath.

While sitting on a stool, Erlong washing my body, using her own body, mostly bosom, and mostly my dick, who's in between her soft huge tits, and I hold them from the sides, helping her, while looking around, seeing Wu and Mia in front of me, in the head-shower, as Wu pushes her mother against the glass-door, asking "Why is Ayn so crazy for you? Is it something in your body?", and Mia shyly complains "Wu! We're the same, and why would you think it's more or less? Love is different between people, AHHHH!!", Mia moans as Wu play with her mother'-pussy, and raise her head to smile teasingly at me, as she's trying to pull me inside, to join them.

Averting my stare to the right, I find Rongrong sitting on a stool, near me, and while I complain to her "Why are you washing yourself alone there? come here!", I look to my left, seeing Yan in a bubbly-hot-bath, looking at me in the eyes, and I can feel 'She's ready..We're ready..Tonight..', and instead of talking to her, I ask aloud "ZHUQING?", and suddenly, from the sauna-room, Zhuqing pop her head out, looking questionably at me, and I laugh, realizing she was here all along, just loving the hot sauna that much, she always go there.

"Yan, come to the larger bath" I say in demanding-tone, while holding Erlong and Rongrong with my hands, caring them with me to the open head shower, quickly wash the soap away, and jump with them inside, putting each on one of my legs, playing with their bodies, teasing them to an orgasm, when suddenly Wu and Yan come to us.

"Ayn!" Wu push her way through between the two girls, holding my dick, and push it inside of her, riding on me in reverse-cow-girl-position, or rather, reverse-bunny-girl-position, with her cute fluffy tail, and ears, popping out, while in the same time Yan kisses my cheeks, and I tell her "Tonight", and pull her up, not minding her blushing face, wishing to eat her up, and just before she cover my face, I can see Mia is still in the head-shower, teasing me by smashing her buttocks on the glass, taking her tongue out, and paint a heart-symbol on the glass-door.

... 'Grrr... Zhuqing had the guts to leave the bath without a single kiss... Grrr....' I think in a fake-rage, walking out of the bath, after making a fucking loving time with the girls, leaving them to relax a bit more, finishing planning for tonight, mostly planning to anchor near a stable island, so I could teleport to Earth, tell them everything is alright, as I said I'll return soon, and I shouldn't make them too worried, but for now, search for Zhuqing, remembering her teasing me while dancing with a towel before she ran away.

"Where are you rushing to? And with only a towel on you..." Zhuqing, sitting on the edge of the deck, wearing a black-and-white-sexy-lingerie, asks me in the moment I walk outside to her, seeing the yacht anchored near a small isolated island, happy she's such a good woman, who truly get things done without even saying a word.

Holding her whole body to me, I drop her down on a soft mattress I pull out from my space-pocket, seeing her making a cute pose to me, with her cat-ears, black silky hair, shiny charming eyes, and whole sexy body, and while putting a flower in her hair, admiring her beauty, and we begin making love, in this beautiful scenery, fucking all over the deck.