
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH139: The calm surface

"Tonight!" Robin say while shivering a bit, holding her coffee cup up before we start eating breakfast.

"A long day and A long night awaits us, but the impact will last for many years to come, and may be change the upcoming era!" I say aloud, also raising my juice drink.

"At least do it with a bit of whiskey inside of it?" Nami joke around, and we all smile, needing this naughty mink, as she always know how to make the vibes flow more relaxed, easing the tension we're all feeling.

"What am I suppose to do today?" Pashia asks as she fill my plate with food, and Raki, who sit next to me, look at me in questioning-gaze, like she's asking the same, and thinking about it, I tell them "Nothing really, except as planned with the prisoners, then at evening we'll set-off, so we'll move since afternoon, and...", I take a long breath, and continue, "Listen! My idea is... What about creating a functional-Robin-Hood-Organization?".

"What?" Robin asks with one eye closed, smiling, yet doubting.

"My idea is adding a pamphlet, to the magazine, with information about 'Robin-Hood-Organization'... It can be minimal, of what our goals, wishes, etc, OR, it can be how to contact us, OR, even how to join us, BUT, the underlining reason is to let the rage calm-down, and if anyone feel frustration, they'll come to us, instead of wrecking havoc all over the world" I finish my speech and sit down to eat.

"Sounds right" Raki comments, and all the girls ponder about it, as I say "Think about it, and talk after we finish eating", and we chill and eat breakfast.


"What did all the rulers and kings said about it?" Aisa asks as she read the magazine while we discuss the pamphlet-idea, and I tell them all "Most common comment is 'As long as it's worldwide', as it takes the fire off their back, because it talk about things all over the world, but the weirdest is Fishmen-island, because Neptune afraid the already existing hatred against the humans, and government, can become sky-high, and his late-wife, Shirahoshi'-mother, had a wish to make peace with humans".

"I love Shirahoshi, I bet she had a really good mother" Aisa make a cute remark, making us smile at her growing cuteness, but Robin focus on the issue in hand, asking "So Fishmen-island is off?", and I respond "Moderate publication, mostly to officials, who need to know what's happening in the world", and she nod in agreement.

... "So, here it is, what do you say?" Nami asks while giving me the finished pamphlet we're going to add to each magazine, or just spread it, as I doubt I'll have patience to not only deliver magazines, but put a paper in each of them.

'Well, in the end we chose to leave it as our Manifesto, declaring what Robin-Hood believes in, which is the 'declaration of freedom, independence, and human basic rights', demanding the government for a coherent constitution, where they must promise every living creature his rights, and foremost, abolish slavery...' I think after reading the whole page, smiling in agreement with it.

"Why didn't you criticize News Co, the newspapers company, more?" Conis question me, as she know about all that happened with them, and I tell her "It's the only global-news people have, and 'Freedom of speech' is a must, but, I still wish people will doubt what they read more, even if it's doubting us, because 'free speech' is just an epitome of 'free thoughts', 'free mind', yet 'free thoughts' need a stimulus, which is 'free speech'...".

... "See ya later" I tell the girls as I go meditate till lunch, wishing to be in prime condition before it all goes down, planning to also rest after dinner, not to find myself like I was yesterday, even though I mostly got manual-jobs today.


"Ready when you're ready" I tell the girls as we sail in the middle of the ocean, in Grand-Line, somewhere close to Sabaody-island, on a big-ship I stole from some cruel pirates, who are now already brain-washed, moving around in a daze on the deck, sailing to the planned location we set before.

Glancing one last time at the sun settling down in the horizon, all the girls are go into Infinity, while I sit on the bird-nest, the highest-spot on the ship, spreading my 6th-sense to watch everything that happen inside, focusing on the lower-deck, where the prisoners, in cells, are all together, and while going there, invisible, I signal Tashigi to start the operation.

... "Are you sure it can work?" Kalifa question Tashigi, who broke her own glasses, twist it to a key-like-shape, and stuck it into the lock, trying to break it open.

"It worth the try" Tashigi answers, and all the other prisoners focus on her, when suddenly, *Click*, the lock is opened, the door of her cage opens up, and she quickly go next to Kalifa'-cage, breaking it open, and like that, she open all the cages, whispering "Our goal is to escape, because they're way too strong for us, right?", and Kalifa nod in agreement, while the men follow them from behind, even though one of them seems to wish to fight his way out, and also take the leadership from her, but say nothing.

Slowly sneaking around the ship, they arrive to the back-deck, where the rescue-boats are tied to the deck, and Tashigi signal them the area is clear, as she keep a watch, seeing all the crew on the ship is busy in the front-deck, doing some work, in a daze. They quickly take two boats, slowly drop them into the water, and jump onto them, with rows in their hands.

"THE PRISONERS AREN'T IN THE CELLS!!! RING THE ALARM!!!" I shout aloud, enough for them to hear me, as they begin rowing the rescue-boats away, and just as the alarm-bell rings, by me, a ship coming from the distance, seen from the direction of the fading-sunlight, and while giving last instructions, through brain-washing, to the pirates on board, that their prisoners must be captured, I fly away, to the incoming ship.

"It's time" I tell telepathically to Hancock, who signal her crew, who then yell toward the pirate-ship "PIRATES! SURRENDER! OR SINK!", and a fight erupt between the crews, starting from cannon-balls, all the way to jump into the pirate-ship, defeating them all, and I watch from the sky, seeing Hancock help the escaping-prisoners after the fight, promising to shelter them to safety, asked by them to take them to a government-island, while in the background, the pirate-ship begin to sink, and the pirates all escape in small rescue-boats, or captured, while Hancock crew carry large piles of goods, and boxes of gold, that are taken from the pirate-ship into Hancock'-ship.

'See ya later, my love. Good luck, and stay safe' I telepathy tell Hancock, then Tashigi, and *teleport*.


Till light start to appear back in the world, even though I'm at it's farthest point, where it shine last, I'm still busy spreading the magazines all over the different locations, making one last rush before stopping.

For the whole night, I used all ways possible to spread the magazines. For some I just put stocks of them, some I delivered to doorsteps of houses and businesses, some thrown all over public locations, some are hidden in every corner and every block, till I feel it's really everywhere in each location, and if someone, everywhere I've been at, search for one, he can shortly find it, at least before the government get their act together, and operate to find it, stop it, in a try to block it all, hold back the freedom of speech.

'It's really the break of a new dawn...' I feel a profound vibe hits me up, heating my soul, as I float in the sky, watching people waking up, moving around a public-square, finding the magazines, opening it up in interest, slowly sinking into deep-read, or just stashing one or more on them, and keep walking.

'Guess it's my time to sleep' I think as I *teleport*.


"Mmmm... Ayn... I thought you came to sleep..." Vivi mumble in her sleep, as I hug her closer, playing with her boobs, while we're in her bedroom, at the palace, in Alabasta.

I kiss her cheek, stop, and enhance her blue-energy, making her fall asleep, but then smirk to myself, feeling naughty, as I put my finger against her pussy, and slowly make it vibrate, teasing her, seeing her moaning in her sleep, drooling from her mouth, as she's having orgasm while sleeping, like having a sexy-dream, and her whole face smeared with lust, in ahegao-mode.

Feeling happy from feeling her orgasm, smirking, I somehow fall asleep like that, big-spooning her.

... "Revenge!" Vivi smile cutely the moment I wake-up, feeling her riding on top of me, shaking the whole bed, but just as I open my eyes she's just sitting on me, with her beautiful smile, acting all cutely-shy, and I beam a smile, stretch my hand, and *Rip!* her white-shirt open, exposing her sexy-black-bra, who was hiding underneath, telling her "You woke up the monster, so don't be surprised if it eats you up", and looking at her blushing face, I burst laughing, rolling with her on the bed, making love.

... Eating lunch with Vivi and her father, the king, Cobra, they tell me about the public reaction to the magazine, saying "...Because they know about what happened here, most of them only now realize how serious the things that happened behind the scenes here, and it also affirmed them that if that's true, then maybe the whole magazine is the truth...".

"Well, only time would tell... What about Restart-organization?" I ask after a while, worried about a backlash on it, and Vivi laugh, telling me "filled with government spies, at least a few that I already knew of, from long ago, but it's a charity organization, who sponsored by the kingdom, so I don't even understand why they're there, but at least we get free work from this rotten government?".

"Cool... I'll let the whole world simmer down for a while.. do you need anything? Missing anything?" I ask, and they shake their heads, as there's way too much going on already, like the water-ways, water-system, rebuilding, etc, and I stocked hangars with the necessary tools, plus instructions, on how to do most of it.

... "See ya soon. Take care. Stay safe" I say and kiss Vivi, and once she say it back, hugging me for a while, before letting go, with a smile on her face, I *Teleport*.



At Earth, after saying goodbye to all the girls who stay here, in the Red-line, and also checking upon others, like Shakky, who I find out read the magazine for the who-knows-how-many-time again, I go around Paradise'-tree-house, feeling lonely, so I sit at the balcony, focusing into Infinity, while meditating, deciding to check what's going on inside the place.

'Yo...' I call the girls, and like a far-away-voice, I hear them saying <Look at the beach! ; Ayn, try this out...>, and while the girls keep chatting, I feel Infi send me some information, something about soul-manifestation, so I focus on that for now, comprehending it, till I can manifest myself as my soul, and as Infinity is inside of me, I quickly succeed in doing so, flying into it, like Iv'e got a solid-body now, not just a floating conscious, slowly descending down, arriving to a beach, near a large-water-lake, who probably will be a sea, and even an ocean, in the future.

The girls jump around me, gathering around, touching me in wonder, and I announce loudly "FINALLY! I'M IN INFINITY!", while the girls laughing, messing with me, before starting to push me to a sand-hole they created on the beach, covering me up with sand, laughing, and I let them do whatever, at least for now.

"We've planted an Ayn in here!", "Do you think it will grow?", "Maybe we should water it more?", "hehe, what tree do you think it will grow out to be?", "A big-bad-tree", *giggles*, "Here!", *Splash*, Zhuqing throw water-bucket on my head, acting all serious with this nonsense, and I *ROARRRRRRRRRRR*, breaking the game, jumping up, but suddenly stop.

"Where's Infi?" I ask while looking everywhere around me, and the girls shyly shake their heads, and I notice Bi-Bi, Monet, and Sugar, are also ain't here, probably with her, and not wishing to put Infi on-the-spot right now, I just let it go, hanging out with the girls, having fun, while discovering the place, or at least the area near the lake, which is more like a beach-resort than anything.


'So? Are you going to tell me what's wrong in meeting you face to face?' I focus my thoughts on Infi, as I'm back to meditating in the balcony, kinda bummed out I can't solidify my soul for a long period of time yet, but it was just my first time doing so.

<Why... When... I'm...> Infi mumble-talk only starts of sentences.

'Take your time, my love, I don't get it, but rushing things never gave any good solutions' I tell her, not minding her doing so, as we have all our life together, being connected, and feeling like Infinity existence is like my existence, paramount for our lives becoming inseparable, we'll really be together forever.

<It's the best times Iv'e had in I don't know how long... The girls... And you... Maybe I'm afraid... I can't lose it all again... It was so...>.

'Hey! Hey ey ey! Infi! I love you. Take your time. We're together, forever, so just be yourself, at least always remember there's a future, and the past is just the past, already gone... okay?'.


[Ayn! That was awesome! Don't worry, she can't hear me when I'm back to the spirit-soul! I'll go back now, but I love you! Chuu] Bi-Bi suddenly speaks to me from within, and I go back to training myself, letting Bi-Bi do the rest, as I just send energies to Snowy, and then go back to meditate, stabilize my new profound level, getting ready for my next soul-rings.


Skipping on the chance to meet all the girls in Paradise, even though I can see new faces, and even new construction in the base-camp, looking more like a village now, I just fly around while being invisible, before I *teleport*.


At Kouh'-tree-house, in Japan, I arrive to the living-room, and find this place is as empty as I thought it will be, realizing how much impact my women has on my life, deciding to eat something, before going into Soul-land, kinda bored, remembering how I used to stroll all over the worlds when I wasn't busy enjoying my existing relationships, or rather, moving between worlds to meet my women.

While eating, my mind afloat, thinking '...Traveling all night, around the whole Red-line-world, truly put how meager a human being is in compare to the whole world... The mere thought to impact the whole of it is so enormous, I can't even fathom it...'.

<Ayn, me and the girls discussing here about powers, and except the soul-rings, which you still miss a lot of, we're thinking there's that one sacred-gear which is a true power, who can boost you to the next level...> Infi tell me, as the girls affirm it from the background, making me happy they're thinking of how to make me stronger, even though I meant for them to use it for themselves.

'Which is it? The dragon one?' I ask.

<Nope ; The one with the shadows ; Ayn, we assume it's Annihilation-maker, a longinus who enable you to create monsters from your imagination> the girls tell me.

'Wait, so why don't you take it for yourself?' I ask in doubt.

<*Sigh* ; It's too dangerous to hold such a thing ; We better get much stronger, at least to the top of the entire races, before showing such a tool is in our hands ; I want something more cool ; Hehe, me too, and Ayn, you're already proficient with shadow energies, no?>

'Well, I can always find more of those sacred-gears I guess, so if you say so, I can use it, even though I still doubt how useful this power can be to me, like, what can I create... An army of small-flies with cameras? Oh! Snakes that can chain people up! OH! Servants that can work for me! Wait, does this thing have souls? How obedient are they? Do they have their own mind? thoughts? brain?' I blubber nonstop in my head, hearing the girls laughing, telling me they've got no idea, and they already told me all I know, and what's left is for me to assimilate on me, which I sit down on the outside balcony, doing so.


<Ayn, we're coming to you> I hear the spirit-rings girls, plus Alison, the moment I finish assimilating the new power, from this Longinus, into me.

'Oh, cool, I'd love that' I think, understanding that Alison is the only one who can get out right now, probably because she's from Earth, making me wonder 'Is the devil-girls ain't the same?', but get no response, and just help her teleport to me, appearing with Umi, Beau, Junko, Bi-Bi, and Siege.

"Ayn!" Bi-Bi, in a brown dress, looking so sexy cute, bursting a smile, while tapping her lap, signaling me to put my head on it, holding in her hand a ear-pick, probably planning to clean my ear, and I do so, still looking around, watching Umi and Beau walking toward us, Junko sitting on a stool, all three of them in black dresses, and Alison sit close to my face, giving me a teasing look, wearing a white-dress, when suddenly she stand up, saying "Oh! Cool! I haven't been in this house yet! Right? Where are we?".

"Japan" I answer as I try using my new powers, creating few snake-like-creatures, who crawl toward Umi, Beau, and Junko, but soon all the girls beginning running around, even Bi-Bi, exploring the place, and I go for a chase.

... "Ah! Master! Where are we going?" Junko, with a leash on her neck, wearing a sexy-black-lingerie, following me, as I go toward Alison, who sit on a swinging-chair, with an expectant gaze, and half-torn dress, while I'm holding Umi'-hand, now only with her black-bra on, and see Bi-Bi dance near the window, bare naked, teasing me.

... "And then his big dick stab right into you! Sliding inside, into your wet pussy..." Siege whispers to Beau, who moans loudly "AYNNNN!...", while shoving her finger into her own pussy, laying on the bed, next to Siege, jerking herself, wearing barely a black-thong, and a string-black-bra, saying back to Siege "MM, And then he's tongue lick your clit, circling around, vibrating softly, eating you up, as you sit on top of Ayn'-face", and Siege play more intensely with her boobs and pussy, moaning "MM... Ayn... I love it...".

Can't hold it anymore, I burst into a laugh, turn visible, exposing myself as I sneaked into the room, searching for them before starting anything with the others, while caring all the girls on me, finding them here, and just throw all of them on the bed, announcing loudly, with a smirking determination "Time to make your fantasies turn into reality!", *ROAR*.