
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH137: 'The Truth'

"The world won't be the same after this..." the girls mumble while skimming through the first printed magazines who came from Infinity, with the explusive name, 'The Truth', written on the cover, made by the courtesy of the girls working nonstop in printing them for some time now, right after we finished the final edit of the articles, correcting any possible mistake, adding photographs, arranging the pages, and making sure it's in the highest quality possible, for mass printing it.

"Can the government even bounce back after such a hit?" Tashigi asks in some sort of panic, realizing how grave the impact is going to be.

"There's a certain level, which human society can reach to...", I tell her, and all the girls turn their heads up, listening to my words, "...A level of such a high self-doubts against the rulers, against the government, where mere force can no longer control the masses. Where societies can not fall down on their knees without fighting back".

"What will happen then?" Tashigi asks, and I smile, saying "Proof. The proofs will must be shown. Proof of correct conduct. Proof of righteousness. Proof of justice. The words will no longer be enough to silence society doubts! The government will be forced to correct it ways, at the minimum for the outside-lookers, by doing critical changes, from top to bottom".

"So... When... Society-Self-Doubts reach a high-level... Then society fight the government?.. And the government must make drastic changes to the public-view?.." Tashigi try to analyze my theory, and I nod, telling her "that's my perception on society, there's a level where doubts-against-government force the public to protest against it, and this paper...", I point at the color-photo in the front-cover of the magazine news-paper we made, where Marineford falling-down in panic, an admiral shouts his lungs-out from the high-fortress, who're painted pink, with a drawing of a pony on it, and marines running in panic all over, "...This paper can make the doubts about the government reach this point, and awaken the public to who really rule them".

"But what about all the articles about the different governments? Alabasta and Crocodile? Dressrosa and Don-Flamingo? Old tales like Ohara? even stories like.. Government-people kidnapping people and make them slaves? auctioning them in Sabaody? Human-experiments on kids? It's way too much..." Tashigi protest.

"But But But! What but?! It's true!!! IT'S ALL TRUE!" Pashia turn her words to shouts of anger, and I quickly go hug her, as she burst crying right after, and Tashigi fall silent, while Nami whisper to her about the fact she was a slave on an auction, and it was the government who had a huge part in making her so.

"..Sorry.." Tashigi mumble as she begin crying as well, and soon everybody break-down, tearing-up, shaken-off, from how soul-shaking this magazine really is, and I doubt if we should even do so, as the world can break apart to a total chaos from such a move, but the moment my eyes meet with Pashia, I comprehend the severity of letting such a world keep rolling around, as there's way too many people crushing under it, with no one to bring 'justice' to them, rather, those who say 'justice' are the real cause of it all.

"I love you" I tell Pashia as I wipe the tears from her beautiful shiny eyes, "And look at what we're doing, look how much we're going to change the world, so a girl like you, somewhere in the world right now, will not fall into the same pit you fell into, because of what you're doing right now".

Pashia whole face turn serious, filled with determination, as she nod her head in acceptance, but it just make me smile, whisper to her "Wifey!", and rain kisses on her lips, cheeks, nose, whole face, till she push me back.

"Be serious, will you?" Pashia say with a blushing face, putting a finger over her mouth, acting so cute I can barely hold myself back, and quickly shift my focus to the girls, walking over to each of them, offering them a tissue, patting them, pouring water glasses, till the whole scenario defuses itself, and we reach the point where we can actually talk again about the upcoming plan.

"Robin... Did... Did Ohara... I mean... Why? How can we discover what they knew that made the government do such a thing?" Tashigi asks Robin, who gaze at her coldly, saying apathetically "Such knowledge is what can bring destruction, instead of just a change... We better think of how to minimize damage, instead of enhancing it right now".

"Maybe distribute it in selected places? Like, islands who are mostly controlled by the government? The government itself? Marine offices? Independent countries? etc.. I'll write down the list of islands Iv'e been at, so you'll know our options" I suggest, and now the whole conversation turn much better, using this idea to map the way we spread it around.


After lunch, feeling a lot more relaxed now, feeling like we're in the eye-of-an-invisible-storm, seeing it all, yet not effected by it just yet, I suggest the girls to train together, find tranquil unity between them again, like they had till the vibe got sour, while I'll handle the prisoners, and after putting food for the men, I go toward Kalifa'-room.

'She's asleep... Let's leave her like this...' I think as I put down on the table food, a swimsuit for the bath later, and a note, saying 'We'll talk later, after the bath, in the evening'.

'Maybe I should map a bit more of this world?' I ask in my head, hearing <well, if you wish to start the plan tomorrow, then it's kinda too late? But maybe choose certain locations in the world, or postpone the whole plan for now>, 'Then what about the prisoners?', <Dressrosa?>, 'Hmm, I'll suggest it to the girls', I end the conversation with the girls in Infinity, going outside, after finding the training-room empty, but hear sounds from the pool area.

After few minutes in the kitchen, eating some more, I grab snacks, drinks, etc, and go outside, to the pool, finding the girls playing volley-ball, and sitting on a sun-bed I lay my head down, watching them bounce, and without noticing fall asleep.

... 'Mmmm... That was a nice nap... I guess I should wake up now...' I stretch myself, finding I'm not touching anything, meaning the girls haven't joined me, probably, at least they're not here now, and I open my eyes to the sight of the dark-sky, realizing how much time passed since I fell asleep, but also remember how much missing sleeping-hours I had for the passing week, barely getting a nap in between.

Walking toward the house, I feel some weird energy at the edge of the garden, and decide to go inside that part, even though I never been there before, where I suddenly gaze upon Tashigi, standing alone in that dark spot, watching the stars, and the moment she turn her head around, seeing me, she show a cute smile, yet her face filled with sorrow, and tear drops fall like rain from her eyes.

'The plans about her must be canceled, she ain't emotional-mature enough for such a role...' I decide as I hug her to me, patting her head, while watching the night sky.

"Am I such an ignorant idiot? Am I that naive??" Tashigi mumble-asks me, and I ponder what's the right answer, yet say what I truly think, "Not an idiot, naive only in parts, and as harsh as it sounds, always remember, you're not the government, you're not the marines, you're only a small part of it all, with a meager responsibility to the sum of it all... So it's not your fault, my dear".

*Sob...* Tashigi cry quietly, and instead of waiting, I pick her up to a princess-carry, taking her into the house, thinking to ask her to go inside Infinity, while also change few parts about the upcoming-plan, who slowly crumble with it's scope, personal, self-doubts, and who knows what's next.

... "No! I want to do it!" Tashigi insist, telling us all around the dining-table, after we finished eating, and I began discussing the changes I'm thinking of.

"Tashigi... There's whole worlds out there, universe filled with starts, why would you choose to sink into this situation?" I question her, and she quickly responds "Because it feels it's what Iv'e got to do, like it's my calling, like this is my test to make a change... Maybe it's time to do, instead of listen, or talk, because.. because...".

"Because?" Robin asks after a long silence, but Tashigi just sits with her leg up on the chair, putting her hands and head on her knee, take off her glasses, and look at me, making me mumble-talk "..Because she's got questions, not answers, so she needs this chance to find answers..".

Tashigi smiles, looking at me in peace, and I smile back at her, happy I can understand her, and also myself, as I'm still not taking a step forward in our relationship, as my guts telling me she ain't ready, and in relationship, between any two, before they can find each other, they must find them-self.

"Should we do a test-run before starting the plan?" Robin suggest, and we all nod, while I also smirk, kinda excited about the next phase, feeling like the next play going to open a whole new world for me.

... "I'm ready!" Tashigi announce, sitting on her knees, in her room, and I smile in excitement, yet turn serious, saying "From here on out, we'll build the vibe, so, try to hold it in, but, safe word is... 'Bazinga', when you'll say Bazinga, we call it all off... say it once, and we're starting", and the moment she say "Bazinga", I go next to her.

Tashigi, wearing a white shirt, a short skirt, with a collar on her neck, is connected to a leash, which I hold to now, standing above her, asking "Why are you wearing underwear??", and put my leg on her pussy.

Tashigi begin to take off her underwear, shyly, cutely, but I up a notch, pulling the leash, making her fall on her knees, asking "Why didn't you say sorry to your master??", and her mood turn angry-shy, saying quietly "sorry... master...", and I tell her "Crouch on your toes, let me see how sorry you really are...", and she fume from anger, yet doing it, gazing at me with a red-face.

"I don't like that look of yours, take off all your clothes, and go lie down on the bed" I smirk at her, and she almost burst, yet hold it in, doing as I told her, while saying "Yes, Master".

"Raise your ass higher!" I say firmly, and *Spank!*, hit her bubbly-butt with my hand, with enough force to hear the sound clearly, and a red-mark is left on her. *Spank!*, "Take the skirt and panties off already! And *Spank!!*, Why didn't you say thank you, for me dirtying my hand by touching your ass??", *Spank!*. "Thank you master", Tashigi stare at me in anger, plus shyness, but I just *Spank!* her again, and again, and again, till her mood seems solid.

'So mad, like she can kill someone right now, yet so submissive, as she just endure', I think and stop, averting my sight for a moment toward the door, where the girls peek while making various expressions, somewhere between shyness to excitement, while Pashia come toward her, helping her sit-up, patting her head, saying "That's the mood, keep the madness under the coolness, don't forget that feeling", and Tashigi look in confusion, putting her glasses back on, still fuming yet blushing cutely.

... *Spank!*, I hit Tashigi butt, enjoying this situation way too much, as I push her inside Kalifa'-room, while wearing a one-piece-swimsuit, and she shyly walk inside, but soon change to a serious outlook, stepping in the room, looking at Kalifa, while I walk behind her, in a different outlook, looking like a buffoon, wearing a costume, plus a mask, like the ones associated with Robin-Hood-Organization.

"Let's go! Don't make me hit you again! Quickly! I'm not like that idiot nice guy you met till now!" I say firmly, and walk out, with Tashigi following me, and right behind her Kalifa, looking at the situation in some doubts, yet say nothing, just playing with her glasses.

"In!" I say and point to the bathroom-door, and they both walk inside, while I stay near the door, watching them shower, and they sneak glances at me from time to time, so I say aloud "Maybe we give you too much time?? Hurry up, Government scums!!!", making them move quicker, acting friendly from the situation they're in, helping each other.

"What about clothes?" Kalifa asks me, and I stare at her, *Jump* toward her, *Push!* her into the bath, while still holding her swimsuit, *RIP!*, the one-piece-swimsuit torn apart, and I tell her "Your birthday suit, use it well, or we can take it off too!". Tashigi quickly wrap herself with towels to dry herself off, going next to Kalifa, as she tell me aloud "Thank you, we will watch our mouths, master", and pat Kalifa'-shoulder, like saying 'shut up for now'.

... "Don't do a mess. Oh, they gave you government-scums food, wow, they're wasting it on people like you, that's nice, do you even need it? Don't you eat human-souls usually??" I ask, and Tashigi quickly respond "Thank you, we won't do a mess... master", and I smirk, going out, closing the door, locking it, and go to the girls.

"Oh, you made the vibe well enough, if she'll mess it up, it's her responsibility from here on" Pashia tell me in the moment I come in, watching her looking at the laptop, who show what's going on inside the room, and the speakers loud enough, so all the girls here can listen.

"What's with you?" I ask Robin and Lya, who sit around the couch, with a weird emo clothes, and there's a mess all around them, like magazines, pieces of crumbled papers, diaries, notes, drinks, etc. "Nami got... Inspiration? She's now experimenting her new style on poor Aisa, only Pashia survived till now..." Robin smirk to me, doing a silly pose, and Lya jump up, looking at me in wonder, which in turn make me wonder, yet smirk a moment later, thinking a naughty thought.

"Where's Conis and Raki?" I ask a moment later, trying to sum up the situation before we start 'running around', and Lya smirk, pointing to a room, so I narrow my eyes, not understanding what she mean by that, walking there, and the moment I open the door, I hear Conis asking "Are you sure he'll like it?", and Raki tell her "Maybe if we expose here a bit more?", while pulling her v-neck-red-dress expose more breast.

Closing the door, the noise aware the girls I'm here, and I quickly snatch the leash'-edge from Raki, pulling Conis to my left, while looking at Raki in a fake anger, asking "Is that how you greet your master?", and she mischievously smiles, saying "Sorry master, I'll go wear something nice", and I focus back at Conis, who shyly speaks while fidgeting "Master..Iv'e been a good girl..Can I have a..Reward..", and put her hand on my rising erection.

"Did you now?" I ask as I take off her dress, "Sure, my lil'-angel, but you better not waste a single moment, or a drop", I say as I sit down on the bed, and Conis fly up on top of me, flapping her cute white-wings, looking at me with her enchanting gaze, and I order her "Let me taste those lips first", and she bend forward, smearing her bosom on my chest, kissing my lips, as shy dry-fuck me.

... "MASTER, AHHH, MASTHAARR, UWAAaaaa, YES, YES, THANK YOU, MASTAAHH" Conis moan in craze, drooling on the bed, while I piston her from behind, holding her by the hip with a hand, and by the neck, with the leash, not letting her fall down on the bed completely, and even feel her pussy spasm on my dick whenever she's chocking. Feeling a leg touching me, I look aside, seeing Raki, in a white-sexy-dress, with a blue-collar and a blue-leash attached, looking at me hungrily.

While I keep fucking Conis, I stretch my hand toward Raki, who quickly give me the end of the leash, and a moment after she begin flying away from me, like she's trying to run away, but looking at her, she got a huge smile on her face, enjoying this, and I *Pull!* her strongly, making her fall onto the bed, *Spank!* Conis butt, saying "Help me capture this naughty angel", and begin ripping Raki'-clothes off, while Conis climb on top of her, locking her hands with hers, and soon they begin kissing, teasing me to go wild, and I do so, fucking them to dominance.

... "How's Tashigi is doing?.. And... What's with Lya?" I ask Nami, who cutely *giggle*, looking at Lya lying on a bed, tied with chains in her hands and legs, wearing a skimpy-transparent-black-nightgown, averting her eyes in shyness from them, till finally Nami open her mouth, telling me, while tickling Lya'-feet, "She made the first contact rather weakly, but once she opened up to her, telling her about finding out the culprit by mistake in Marineford, being kidnapped, and prisoner since, the whole situation turned better, to the point she told her she's from a government agency...".

*click,click*, "What are you doing??" Nami shout in panic, as I lock her two hands in chains, smirking at her shivering, while sitting her down on the floor, when suddenly Junko appears out of Infinity, sitting on the floor, all tied-up, with a rope, in a weird sexy way, telling me in half a cry half a shy "Ayn! Help me! Look what they did to me!", and I burst laughing, telling both of them "don't worry, I'll help you, really, really really help you", and beam an evil smile.

Suddenly, Robin enters the room, holding a rope, and behind her, walking on six, Pashia, in a rabbit costume, connected with a leash, raise her body in panic, looking shyly toward me as she crouch up, standing on her black-high-heels, looking seductive, and I jump toward Robin, tying her up with a rope, till she's lying-down on the floor, can't even speak, tying also her mouth, and announce "I guess it's time to show you who's the master?".

... "I love you, my cute wife" I whisper to Pashia, who stand bare naked next to me, looking at me lovingly, touching her body nonstop, while holding four leashes right now, one of her, and three more of Robin, Lya, and Junko, who triple-fellatio me.

... "AHHHHYYNNN, MASTER, MASTERRR, FUCKKK MEEE, YES, YES, I LOVE YOUR LOVE, POUR IT INSIDE OF ME, PLEASEEE, AHHH" Lya shouts her blubber while I'm fucking her from behind, holding her hand with my hand, and with the other hold three chains, of her, and Robin and Junko, who lie-down beneath us, kissing, making me wish to fuck them once again.

... "Master, I think she's ready" Pashia tells me while coming to me, holding Nami by a leash, giving it to me, kiss my lips, and go toward Nami, kissing her lips, whispering "Are you ready to feel Master love...", and slide her hand to her pussy, playing with her, "..Deep deep inside of you?". Nami moan, climbing on top of the bed, and I make my dick vibrate roughly, making Robin cum, and move out, *Spank!* Nami'-bubbly-butt, and shove my dick into her, *Spank!*, "good girl", I begin piston, *Spank!* her every few seconds, holding her by a leash, and doggy-style her, like the good master I am.