
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

Ch135: "Am I a murderer?"

"Where's the rest?" I ask them about Nami, Bi-Bi, and the rest who stayed here, changing the subject from the naming of Infinity'-land, not understanding the inside-topics of this place, as I haven't been there yet, or explored it enough, planning to do so soon, even though I always plan to, and somehow never do so.

"Sleeping", "They said they'll give us time too?", "What we do now?", "Party?", "I prefer a more quiet night", "Me too", "So let's divide the night between us?", "Cool", ... , the girls plan the night by themselves while I keep eating, deciding to follow their lead for today and tomorrow, before the vacation officially ends.


At the morning, arriving to Point-Nemo, I just anchor the ship right next to the cloud-palace, Moving the girls inside one after the other, which is just Robin, Nami, Raki, Conis, Lya, Tashigi, Pashia, Asia, Chi-Chi, and leave the prisoners in the cells there.

While waiting the girls will wake-up, I make breakfast, and ponder about the existence of prisoners, while going around the island, meeting my certain officials here, two men and two women, who represent the two tribes, and appointed by Raki and Conis, plus the restart-organization here, controlled by Aisa'-mother mostly, plus a friend she made from the other tribe.

"Say, Gun-fall, do you have any idea what can I do with prisoners?" I ask one of them, and he shake his head, looking toward Shandia'-chief, who also shake his head, telling me "we usually would set them off to the sea below, so bringing prisoners up here is new to us".

"How's the merchandise I brought goes?" I question, and they tell me the hangars here are filled to the brim with dials, this island 'natural power source', already emptying half the stuff I filled the hangars with, like solar-panels, generators, electric-devices, food from Earth, etc, and now they moved to the agriculture-stage we set up, wishing to make the land fertilize, enough to feed them all without a worry, to the point they'll be in surplus, and achieve natural balance in the Eco-system here.

... "Ayn!", "Mother!", Conis, Aisa, and Raki, come to the town-hall, hinting me the girls are up, and probably already after breakfast, and I let Conis, Aisa, and Raki, take it from here, as I soon say my goodbye, going back to the cloud-palace.

"Yo!" I call aloud, not seeing anyone, and soon find out they're with the prisoners, giving them food, with Robin, Nami, Lya, Pashia, plus Tashigi, who's hiding in the corner of the entrance.

"Hey... Ayn.. What do you plan doing with them?" Tashigi stops me in the moment she see me coming, and wiping my forehead I breath heavily, saying "I think... In one hand, I don't want to set them free, after all they did, on the other hand, I don't want to make them slaves, like the government do to people... Got any idea?".

"Iv'e got one!" Nami come to us with a huge smile on her face, winking to me, and say "Let's set them free, BUT, use this opportunity to make Water-7-island an ally of ours, and while at it, raise Tashigi status in the marines a lot higher!", and Robin come over, telling us "I listened to her idea yesterday, and I believe it can be a great thing, but there's way too many variables in it".

... After an hour of a long conversation, concluding the whole thing, I ask "By the way, where's Chi-Chi?", and the girls show a sad-smile, pointing in the direction of the bedroom, and they tell me "Just go there", so I nod my head, walking toward there.

"Chi-Chi?" I ask as I enter the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, patting her softly, as she's hiding under the blanket, waiting for her to pop her head out of there.

"Chi-Chi?" I ask again, raising the blanket, seeing her faking her sleep, hugging a pillow, looking cute with a simple-white-dress, but give a sad vibe, making me wonder why ain't she rushing to meet her child, still in West-city, in a really good safe care, but still, she missed him so much till now.

"Am I a murderer?" Chi-Chi asks in a crying tone, and I lie-down next to her, suddenly realizing she supposed to have a baby, but still hadn't given birth, nor showed any sign of her stomach getting bigger, even though time in Infinity moves as fast as it does for me, and I'm using time-energy a lot, and suddenly I realize all the weird conversations I had in the past few days, like when Shyarly questioned me about babies, etc.

"Did you... Abort the baby?" I quietly ask, not sure myself how to feel about the fact she did so, pretty shocked about the fact she decided to do so, feeling the thoughts stuck in my mind, not sure how to think, feel, or answer, for the obvious answer she's going to say, and when I hear her mumble "yeah", beginning to cry, I hug her tightly, not even asking 'why', as I'm probably a big part of the blame here, even if I did nothing, as I'm the real reason.

I pat her stomach, asking "Was there any problem? any damage? there's lots of babies I'm planning to take out of this sexy belly", and Chi-Chi laugh-cry, answering "idiot... no... but... doesn't it mean I killed a soul?..", and I respond right away "We, it's we, we're together in it, for good or bad", and she put her hands on mine, as I begin to think-out-loud.

"I do not know what happens before birth, or after death, so making a conclusion on such issues are behind the scope I can make assumptions on... As for a baby, I think that I'll take responsibility, even if it's not my child, or even if the mother is not with me anymore... The real question, and most important one, is obviously the mother, not the baby, because the baby will live by his mother, for many years, so letting a woman decide, having freedom on her body, is...".

"No,..", Chi-Chi cut my words, "Did I do a sin?", she asks.

"You made a choice...", I answer, "and let me tell you what I think about sins ... In the oldest religions in my world, Earth, there's a certain rules given by their god, saying in them 'You shall not kill the other', but from that point on, the book is filled with nonstop murders, wars, death, and atrocities ... I once wondered about it, but realized that even today murder isn't forbidden, it just mean there's a punishment, because the law never said 'Nobody will kill anybody else' anywhere in it, it just says 'If you killed someone, you need to pay for it by sitting in jail' ... There's even countries that if you kill someone, they'll kill you, making them murderers as well ...".

"So?" Chi-Chi asks without patience, and I *breath heavily*, and continue speaking "So there's nobody who found a good answer to this question, that's one, secondly, it's also a sin against you, not just him, and thirdly... Will the thought of it being a sin will ever exist if it were Women who made the religions? the laws? Never! No way in any world! Abortion is a sin just because the men can fuck and run away ... And honestly, I refer a baby if he had a heart-beat, which is two months after you became pregnant...".

"It wasn't two months! It sounds right! No heart-beat yet!" Chi-Chi say in determination, like she found some solution in my endless blubber about this issue, and I tickle her, whispering "You're such a good mother, a good person, really, just bringing you to this vacation took so much persuasions, and isn't it the longest time you're away from him? Don't doubt yourself so much...".

"Idiot" Chi-Chi say with a smile, sitting up, raising her hand while holding the pillow high up, like she's about to strike me, and I quickly open up her shirt, saying "wanna make a baby?", laughing happily as she drop the pillow in a surprise-shy face, looking like she's really thinking about it.

"Maybe I do?" Chi-Chi laugh and jump onto me, blushing a cute smile, and I sit up, with her on my lap, make her clothes disappear, looking at her beauty, saying "I love you", and begin kissing her all over, hearing her saying back "I love you too..." while touching all over my body.

Pretty quickly she already rides on top of me, exposing her love, expressing her lust, as I watch her bouncing boobs, listen to her enticing moans, feel her tight wet pussy squeeze me up, and can't stop thinking how she's going to be a perfect mother to our children in the future.

"Aynn... Aynnnnn..." Chi-Chi moans, on the verge of an orgasm, and I put my hands behind her knees, standing up, with her, beginning to piston, and she kiss me in a craze, moaning into my mouth, while we both cum together, falling back onto the bed after a minute or so. Suddenly, Chi-Chi stand up, with the blanket, dancing in front of me, teasing me, and the moment she's with her back to me, I sneak behind her, hug her close, sliding my dick back inside, kiss her neck, and we begin making love all over the bedroom, then bath, and bedroom again, before she finally show her usual-gentle-smile, saying she's okay, and I send her into Infinity.

Going around the castle, I find Tashigi is sitting next to a half eaten piece of cake, and half a glass of cold-coffee, while gazing through the window, like she's thinking about something, not noticing me, even when I'm that close, and I sit next to her, asking "What made such a cutie think so much?".

Tashigi turn her head in shock, and because I'm that close to her now, our noses touch, and she shyly giggle, trying to move back, but I hug her quickly with a hand, while taking her glasses off with my other hand, saying to her "So fucking beautiful...", staring at her beautiful lips, as she put her hand on them, and I dive in, sucking her lips into my mouth, letting my tongue run wild inside her mouth, enchanted by her.

... "Will it really work?" Tashigi asks as we're walking, she to the training-room, planning to practice with Pashia, and me to the kitchen, hungry once again, promising to come train after, and I tell her "Trust the family, trust yourself, but raise any concrete doubts, because worry is a curse without a real reason behind it... And honestly, I'm still sad you wish to leave, but it's your choice, your life...".

Tashigi stop in shock, staring at me, and a second after she jumps at me, wishing to drop me to the floor, and I let her do so, falling down, with her sitting on top of me, gazing at me with a serious face, before finally speaking, after seeing my smile, saying "You know I'm in love with you!", and bend down, kissing me passionately.

... Eating, together with Nami and Robin, we discuss a bit about this island, but I decide to leave it all for Raki, Conis, and Aisa, at least until they'll have a problem, or we'll have a new idea for the place, and we continue the plan to release the prisoners, while making Tashigi a war-hero.

"She's with us since Marineford, so that's a must-use-point" I declare. "We can implant the whole scenario wherever we want to, but it's better be near Water-7" Robin say. "We need to decide who will be the scapegoat-location-villains, and how do we orchestrate the Robin-hood-scenario" Nami press on the focal-points. "Maybe add Hancock, or Vivi and Alabasta, into the plot, it can add credibility, to them, and to the whole scenario" I suggest, and we keep on making the plan become more realistic every passing minute.

... "Yo" I call Tashigi and Pashia, entering the training-room, but find only Pashia here, looking around, and she tell me "Tashigi suggested will go for a run". I smile to her, having naughty thoughts, seeing her sexy body, full of sweat, wiping herself, drinking water, and she blush a smile, saying "Let's go join her, Big Bad Dragon", and I *sigh*, nodding for affirmation.

... "That was a good run! I'll go swing the sword for a while!" Tashigi say with a huge smile, not minding my lustful look, after drooling over her and Pashia bodies bouncing for the whole run, even teasing me, while bending her body, and Pashia shove a water bottle to my face, making me look at her, watching her stretching her sport-bra with her hand.

"Have fun with the sword" I tell Tashigi, planning to go have a 'shower' with Pashia, who already start walking inside the training-room, and I follow her, entering inside, seeing her do stretches against the wall, feeling like she's trying to tease me more than really stretch, so I walk behind her, as she follow me with her eyes, bend behind her, as she put a hand on her sexy butt, and push my head into her sweaty yoga-pants, biting her pussy, while hearing her happy moan.

... "I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! AHHHHH, AAAHHHYYYYNNNNN ..." Pashia shouts as we make love, and I push so deep, like I'm trying to impregnate her. I put my hand on her cheek, making her turn her head toward me, and while staring at her charming eyes I cum, together with her.


"Let's go have fun in the beach, or the boat, before leaving in the evening" Robin suggest to us, and we all agree to that, me as well, as there's one thing I really wish to try out, buying it without ever having the chance to do so, what more that the sea-water are so dangerous for me.

Arriving to the ship, I pull out a water-jet-ski, and plug to it a hoverboard, connecting it with a huge long tube, who supposedly will make me fly above the water with it.

"What's that?" Aisa, sitting close to me asks, and I look at her body, never getting tired of being amazed by her growing beauty, showing more and more signs of growth-sprout, or rather, already too sexy to be ignored, and I avert my eyes to the sea, hearing the girls cheering, watching a dolphins-pack jumps above the water.

"Come save me if I fall!" I tell the girls before igniting the whole thing, and soon a water-stream pushes beneath my feet, who are tied to it, making me fly high, and pretty soon I'm already balanced, trying to do tricks, doing a flip, or moving quickly up and down, left and right, hearing the girls cheering, already arguing who's next, as I land back onto the boat, but suddenly I feel unstable, and *Flop!*, fall into the water, in the moment I almost land on the edge of the boat.

*Flop!*, Nami jumps into the water after me, *Fwoosh!*, my inflating-belt gets filled with air, making me float, *Flop!*, Aisa throw a rescue-wheel over to me, holding the rope from the other'-edge, but I'm paralyzed from shock.

'Why the water ain't effecting me at all?? Infi? Bi-Bi? Girls? Someone?' I think aloud, and hear a mumble-jumble of girls talking, but nothing that's pointed toward me.

"OH NO! I'M DROWNING!" I laugh and shove my head in between Nami'-huge-bosom, water-boating my face, snuggling in that soft haven, and she *giggle*, kissing my forehead, while hugging my body, not yet getting it, so I pull the string of her bra, as she hold the floating-wheel, swimming us toward the boat, and she turn around with a cute smile, holding her bra, looking at me, and I hug her soft body, kiss her soft lips, fondle her soft breasts.

"AYN!" I hear the girls shout to me from the boat, so I raise my head, breaking the play with Nami, but the next second, I see Aisa jumping onto me, with a floating-wheel on her, yet she's laughing happily, even though she suppose to fear sea-water, after eating a devil-fruit, and I quickly adjust myself to catch her, getting hit with that blissful growing-body, amazed how huge her bosom is already, enjoying her wrapping her hands around my neck, her legs around my waist, and swim back into the boat, dragged by Nami.

"What was that about?" Robin question me the moment we get onto the boat, and I grab Nami for one last quick kiss, right after putting Aisa down, who get scolded by Raki and Conis, and then tell Robin "It had no effect on me, don't know why... Maybe because I reached level 80 yesterday? Or maybe because some powers I got? Or reached new cultivation stage? Or some technique made it happen?.. I don't know, but the result is, it didn't".

"That's weird" Robin ponder, as she sits down on the boat'-rail, next to Nami, and I can see she has a hidden smile behind her serious outlook.

I go to the edge, putting my hand in the water, feeling there's no effect on me, and try to put the whole hand in, then take it back, sit on the edge, put my legs in the water, and nothing, so I take a floating-wheel, and jump inside, feeling nothing, and wave to the girls, so they wouldn't be worried.

... "It's already sun set" Aisa pout as the boat goes back to the ship, wishing to continue doing water-sports, but we warn her again and again about the dangers of sea-water to her, plus she already fell in few times, so she should know it herself pretty well by now, only allowing herself do so when we're with her, and she got that many safety-devices on.

"Dinner?" I suggest, and they all nod in agreement, while planning to do that before anything else.

... 'Infi? Girls? Any idea about the sea-water?' I ask while eating, letting the girls discuss the plans for tomorrow, about the prisoners, and hear <None, not the initial cause of it, and not the reason it was solved, but, maybe it's time to search for information, like that Doctor Vegapunk? We need a concrete research data before we can conclude anything>, and I answer 'okay', dropping it off for now, having zero leads about his whereabouts, except a rumored island somewhere.

"Party time?" I ask the girls, who're busy eating desserts now, and they all look at me, smiling, as Conis tells me "I wish to go for the night, to be with my father, Raki and Aisa wish to go hang out in their tribe, so...", and Tashigi tells me "I want to sleep early, there's a long day tomorrow".

"Robin? Nami? Lya?" I ask the three, and Lya tell me "I'm also tired, so...".

*Giggle*, Nami cute laugh catch my attention, as Robin tells me "Let's go for a tour around the city later?", and I think 'oh, cool, a date', not asking any more question for now, probably they've got something in mind, but I plan to have a long, serious, conversation with Tashigi before we execute the plan, plus wonder about Kalifa, not wishing to end it all with her without exchanging a single word.