
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH130: Vacation : A day in the life

... "So your father is a big-shot over here?" Sona question me with a puzzled look, staring at the girls who came from this world, who have ever-changing-faces, all the way from shock, to excitement, and back to wonder.

"Don't know?.. But you met him, at least some of you, so you know, he's a big-shot in few worlds already, so it doesn't really hit me as surprise..." I respond, using this opportunity to hug her close, but soon the Red-line-girls surrounds me, asking a million questions together.

"I really don't know much, but you're welcome to come meet him, I'm sure he'd love to meet you all?.. Ask Robin, she probably know way more than she ever told me..." I respond to them in one sentence, and they go bug Robin with their question, except Perona, which I decide to hug close, feeling I haven't spent much time with her here.

"Do you know how dangerous it is if someone will find out who you are?" Tashigi come close to us, and I'm happy she look so concerned about me, but realize again there's some risk, with her, Sugar, and Monet, as we not yet built a trusting-relationships, at least not enough to ease my mind from a potential risks from them, even though I read their minds, covering my security by action, rather than blind-belief in some good-of-heart like some hypocrite humanist.

"I'm barely in this world, and anyway, I myself don't know when will I come here, and to where, so the risks is for my wives, which is why it's an absolute secret... Letting you know is a show of trust..." I smile to her, and avert my eyes to Sugar, who smile back, and then to Monet, who smile cutely, but reading her thoughts, I know she still got some inching-vibes about her past'-pirate-gang.

'I better spend time with those three, as soon as possible, mostly Monet, cause the other two are pretty much committed to our family already.. I wonder who's Monet best friend in here, except Sugar..' My mind float in thoughts, plans, but soon shaken up but Tashigi pouting face.

*Laugh*, with a huge smile on my face I go hug Tashigi, letting Perona and Sona go change clothes, and while doing so, I say aloud "Girls! Sunset is soon! If you wanna go tour around before that, now's the time! We can have conversations at dinner! Come pick this world cash before you go!", and I throw huge stocks of berries-bills on the table, but still hugging Tashigi.

"What about me?" Tashigi asks, and *chuu*, I kiss her cheek, whispering "I love to eat my food between medium to well-done, so maybe I'll roast you for a bit longer?", and she shyly giggle.

I pull out a sword I got somewhere, who look kinda good, but it make Tashigi jump in joy, grabbing it, checking it again and again, before breaking free from our hug, running away, just to return a moment later with some notebook, reading aloud information, probably recognizing this sword, but I don't care, saying "It's yours now", and she happily play with it, posing cutely with it, like a real sword-master.

"What about us?" Monet and Sugar come close to me, and I hug the both of them, while falling down on a sofa, with the two on my lap, and tell them "Some questions need time... But! My wives are my top-priority. Nothing can endanger them", and I leave the double-meaning afloat, letting them realize it for the good and the bad of what I really meant in it.

"Here?" I say and pull out the two-devil-fruits they were using, while adding "Monet, if you wish to have a surgery to return to a human-form, I believe it's easy, I mean, look at Lazuli, ask her, and Bulma, Umi, Beau... Do you wish to use the same powers? Have others?".

"OTHER!" Sugar exhale in panic, shoving the devil-fruit away from her, making me and Monet laugh, but contrary to her, Monet is pondering while staring at the devil-fruit, and I await her, while brushing her hair, asking Sugar meanwhile "Take your time with it, but you should know, we're not lacking in devil-fruits, even though I'm not sure what types we've got now, but logia, like that snow-devil-fruit of Monet is pretty awesome... Talk to the girls? The soul-land-girls... Or devil-girls, if you prefer that...".

"I'll also wait" Monet decide, giving me back the devil-fruit, and I decide otherwise, reading her floating thoughts, about her trying to prove to me she's trustworthy, saying "Monet, you love those powers, right? The snow logia? Just eat it, mmmm...", I smirk, "Maybe you'll taste like an ice-cream with it?".

*giggle*, the both of them cutely snuggle on me, and I shove the fruit toward Monet, who gently smile and bite it. "BLURGHHH... TWICE! TWO TIMES TOO MANY FOR THIS KIND OF TASTE!" she complains, and we all laugh happily, before some girls rush them to change clothes, plus Yuena and Mia take Monet aside, giving her a soul-tool to hide her wings.


Walking around Water-7-island, the girls already 'lost', running around in a craze, shopping, riding sea-horses-rent-boats, eating, exploring, and I decide to fly up, watch them from a building'-rooftop, taking Sugar with me, and followed by Monet.

Once we settle-down, I pull out some cool snacks, giving the girls, and soon few other girls arrive to us as well, demanding snacks as well, pointing to a certain direction, and looking there, I see a street-performer playing a guitar, while Shirahoshi sits close-by, beginning to sing beautifully, charmingly, attracting attention from everywhere.


"I'll go check upon the girls, you've got all you need?" I ask the girls who sit in a coffee-shop, checking the 'loot' they've got, with few more of them around the street, in clothes-shops or book-stores close-by. "Yeah", "yeah", "we're good", the girls respond, and I smile, jumping to the rooftop, and move quickly.

Suddenly, I see Grayfia and Hancock walking together, and jump down. "Yo" I call the two, but Hancock smile cutely, grab Grayfia'-hand, and walk with her to an ally, drop all her bags on the floor, and Kabadon Grayfia on the wall, putting her hand on her hip, while Grayfia giggly shyly, and right before they'll start kissing, I shove my face in between them, *chuu...*, three tongues entangle together.

"Ahhh... If I didn't need to check upon the girls, I'll eat you right now!" I say in regret as I separate from the two, and Hancock whispers to Grayfia'-ear "see? it's that easy, just be sincere", and hearing that I realize I hold back on some girls, not wishing to eat them before it's ready, but with all that's going on, and that intense sexual environment, it becoming inevitable.

"The girls are there" I say as I transfer them the memories, plus the memories of where the other girls, and I jump up, moving again, between the girls who walk around the city, mostly flirting, tell them about our plans to meet up, and continue onward.


*Chuu*, I kiss Nami'-cheek, as she crouch next to a cat, and she cutely-sad gaze at me, as I nod, saying "Sure, but you must take care of it, at least until we move it to a stable home", and she jump up, hugging me, and take the cat into her arm, while I transfer her the memories, kissing her, and avert my attention to the other girls with her, doing the same.


By the end of it, the only ones left is Rias and Akeno, who's in a nearby clothing shop, too immersed in the fashion of this world, so I go inside, finding Akeno in a simple-white-dress, modeling in front of me with a smile, and I instantly hug and kiss her, before she point to a changing-booth, while I tell her the girls waiting in the nearby cafe.

Entering the booth, Rias stand in front of a mirror, looking at herself in pirate-style-clothing, and I chuckle, finding it more funny than anything, but the moment she take her clothes off, remaining in a black-lingerie, my lustful gaze is caught by her through the mirror.

Rias turn around, playing with her hair, coming close to me, and knowing the girls are waiting ain't enough to stop me, as I hold her hand, *teleport* into the house Iv'e setup in Water-7, right on top of the bed, laying down right on top of her, as she shyly run her hand, from her lips, to squeezing her amazing breast, stomach, and now playing with her thong.

"Beautiful.." I say and right away kiss her, sucking her lips, dry humping her, and our hands begin roaming on each other body.

Soon we're already in 69 position, eating the other, and in my mind I decide 'I'll make love with her, sooner than later..', and meanwhile quickly make her orgasm, again and again, till I also cum, and we quickly rearrange our clothes, and going back to the girls, realizing it's already dark outside, but the girls just smirk, and let it slide, as more and more food come to the huge table they've ordered in the upper-floor, all for ourselves, throwing money to make the cafe-restaurant ours for now.


"I heard the sea level is really low now", "It's because of the Aqua-Laguna", "What's that?", "A yearly storm here, where the water-level not only rise up, but there's also an enormous waves who wash the city", "So that's why this city is built like this?", "Yeah, it seems like they're ready here for things like that", "That's also why the salt here is so good", "Oh! That's why you bought such a ridiculous amount of salt!", "I also want some of it", "me too", ... The girls chatting all around, and I just relax, chilling, after eating so much I feel a bit tired.

"What are we doing tonight?" Robin suddenly asks me, not the girls, and I smile, answering "The same thing we do every night, Pinky", and she laugh, but the girls look at us in wonder, so Mia explain them about the cartoon-show, opening a whole new conversation about the television-world in Earth.

"Girls!..." I say out loud, "...We got a house here, but, it's probably not better than the ship, what do you say?", and soon enough we're on our way to the house, as they're saying it feels like a hotel-experience.

... "There's no special activity for tonight?" I ask in wonder as I enter the living-room, seeing the girls over the huge sofas, ready to watch a movie, already eating popcorn and snacks, in sexy-pajamas, and blankets.

Most of them burst laughing, looking at me, saying "is it even possible to just 'chill' with you?", and I smile shyly, responding "blame yourselves for being too charming, too beautiful", and I get a variant of cute responses, from shyness to smirks, and even few teases.

... By the time the movie starts, after a long discussion what to watch, most not even caring, just drinking alcoholic drinks, eating snacks, we've arranged the entertainment-room to be like a huge bedroom, filled with beds, sofas, and a huge projector with a white-screen on the wall, laying everywhere, watching the screen.

"What's better, watching a movie, or doing a movie?" Nami asks me while crawling on top of Robin, who sits next to me, and they both touch each other, taking their shirts off. I feel feet moving on top of me, and looking who's that, I see Yuena and Siege making a sexy-pose, also teasing me, and hearing a cute moans, I look over to my left, seeing Rebecca and Vivi smashing their pussies together, and my patience break apart, spreading my face, hands, legs, and my dick, on girls, letting my lust go free.

... fucking Nami from behind, while her head stuck into Zhuqing'-pussy, licking my cum out of her, I look aside, seeing Wu and Vivi 69ing, slurping each other'-pussy, and I shift a gear up, piston Nami till she shouts her moans into Zhuqing'-pussy, having a triplet orgasm before I move on.

... Vivi is riding me in a reverse-cowgirl-position, while kissing Wu, who play with her boobs, and Koneko comes to me, kissing me passionately, and hearing strong moans beside me, I look over, seeing Yuena riding on Conis'-face, while Grayfia is having an orgasm next to them, from having a girl shove her fingers inside of her from behind.

... Going to 'punish' Yuena, I'm 'assaulted' by Lya, Chi-Chi, Hancock, and few others, making me fuck them silly, while watching Lana, Viola, Raki, and a few more smashing-pussies, kissing, touching each other, making me raise the pace even higher.

... While my dick is shared between Shirahoshi and Viola, my face is in Serafall'-pussy, who lies down on top of Akeno, as I couldn't accept the fact Akeno shove her fingers on her pussy, while pinching her giant bosom, who belongs to me, only me, and even if I know they're just teasing me, some primordial jealousy always pop in my mind, making me devour them myself, not to allow them do such things if I'm not an active part of it.

... Playing around with Yan, Erlong, Rongrong, and a few more girls, food-fighting, or more like, smearing food on me, and lick it from there, like I'm a human-plate, I'm stare in amazement at Bulma and Lazuli, who're still watching the movie, but like they can sense my gaze, they turn around, showing a blushing face, and I laugh, rolling all the way to them, shoving my dick and hands in them.


'What a night...' I think in joy as I walk to the bathroom, feeling like I really need a good bath now, and find inside Serafall, Tsubaki, and hear the shower running, guessing it's probably Sona as well, and begin soaping myself, before pouting, saying "Care to wash my front?".

"You mean the back?" Serafall asks, but when she turn around and see my face she smirk, and I don't let her a chance to refute, sitting right on her lap, while pulling Tsubaki by her hand to join us, thinking 'I better take my time with Tsubaki, or Sona, and even Serafall.. I wonder about Akeno and Koneko.. But Rias..'.

Entering the head-shower, after soap-playing with Tsubaki and Serafall, flirting for a while, I find Sona there, and without thinking go behind her, kiss her neck, whispering "..beautiful..", and while keeping saying sweet-words, biting her neck, and letting my hands roam her sexy body, top to bottom, and back again, the girls come inside, jumping onto us.

Pretty soon I'm handling three pussies, one in each hand, and another with my mouth, while they're playing, jerking, licking, sucking, slurping, my dick.

By the time we all cum, finish bath, and put clothes on, I kiss them good-night, wondering 'Is Rias still awake?..', spreading my 6th-sense, before realizing she is, together with Lana, her mother, chatting, or more like flirting, like she's guiding her in 'the ways of love', and I walk to their direction quickly.

Opening the door, the two already 'saw it coming', smirking to me, and a moment later begin to kiss, lighting a fire inside of me, a deep desire to have them both, as I walk inside, but they suddenly stop, look at me for a second, and run out of the room, holding hands, with me following them from behind.

Arriving to my bedroom, Lana, in a wedding dress stand before me, and I quickly pull a flower-bouquet, giving it to her, and then kiss this beautiful creature, whispering to her "The only thing more perfect than an already perfect woman is a woman who gave birth to another perfect woman", and she immediately beam a smile, and push me toward Rias.

"She's so beautiful" I think out loud as I sit on my knees, in front of Rias, who's wearing a revealing-wedding-dress, or more like what a bride will wear for her first-night, and after giving her a flower-bouquet, she dance around in circles, while I'm waiting with a ring in my hand, asking "Rias, I wish to be with you forever, will you marry me? Be my wife?", and she cutely sit-down on her knees, right in front of me, giving me her hand, and her devilish-energies going out of balance, even popping out her devil-wings out.

"I do" Rias say shyly, and we begin kissing, and moment after I princess-carry her to bed, standing in front of her in a love-stroke-stupor, amazed by her beauty, as she pose, rolling around the bed in joy, teasing me.

The moment she's with her back to me, waving her plump-butt in front of my face, I crouch-down, biting her pussy, through her underwear, eating her up. "Ahhh... Ayn... " Rias moans, and from the angle of my eyesight I see Lana taking off her wedding-dress, posing to me with her white-sexy-lingerie, and slowly walk toward me, before she sits-down to my left, touching me shyly, while taking off my clothes.

... "AYNNNN!!..." Rias moans, having an orgasm, and her energies explode.

A minute later, she roll around, giving me a seductive gaze, playing with her bosom, sliding my dick in between them, and *slurp...*, sucking my dick who pop out from them, as I stand beside the bed, watching this beautiful scene, as Rias suck my dick, and Lana take off Rias'-clothes, kissing her body, playing with her plump-butt.

... "I love you", "I love you", me and Rias say the same, as I'm laying on top of her, with my dick teasing her pussy-entrance, a push away from taking her virginity, and I stare at her perfect-body, glance for a moment to Lana, beside us, who finish taking off all her clothes, and look back at Rias, kiss her lips, and push forward, going inside, making her my wife.

"MMmmmm..." Rias struggle a bit with the pain, biting my shoulder, till she relax enough to let me kiss her, begin to slowly move, letting my dick to vibrate slowly, while I'm playing with her amazing bosom, sucking her nipples greedly, squeezing them to shapes, thinking 'no wonder she won the boob-contest, with such a fierce competition.. something about them.. is just the epitome of perfection..', and soon enough her pain turn to pleasure, moaning cutely, hugging me, dancing together on the bed, with Lana teasing us from the side happily.

"AYN! AYN! AYN! AYN!..." Rias shouts while having her first sexgasm, with tears of joy on her shy face, pulling me for a deep kiss, slurping tongues against each other.

... By the time Rias having her second orgasm, while we keep changing positions, one moment raising her legs, another turn over for doggy-style, till she try riding on my lap, with Lana playing with us, teasing us everywhere, Rias suddenly relax, smirks, and signal me with her eyes toward her mother, Lana, and we both jump at her, 'taking revenge', as we drop her on the bed, fucking her together, as her shouts echo in the room, and our nightly sex time just begins.

"Such a cute sisters" I laugh, and they both look at me, before looking at each other, smile, and begin kissing, pushing me to a blissful state, going berserk on this pair of mother-and-daughter, fucking them to oblivion.