
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH125: Seven devils

'Well... Let's just take his sacred-gear, and then, I can use it, right? Infi? That's what you meant anyway?' I ask.

<Yeah... But... Yeah... There's no option to investigate it before doing so... Well, the other two look stable and usable...> the girls discuss the question about using this gear, as we yet to use any of it yet, just researching it inside Infinity for now, but I decide to just extract it out of him, and let it flow right into me.

'It ain't forming a spirit-ring ... Feels like a purple-energy-mist, a really thick space-energy ... Wait ... Hello? Is someone there? ... Nothing ...' I meditate for more than an hour, sucking the sacred-gear into my body, till I can finally create a strong-space-barrier around me, feeling an enormous upgrade to my space-energy.

<There is a high probability there's a soul-connection in this energy, for a dragon-king, and even a dragon-god, who specializied in space> Yuena tells me through Infi, and another discussion begins, but I tell them 'Let's get away from here first, and analyze it later...'.

I grab the man, who seems wasted, but less than a person who I take a devil-fruit from, yet, still in a deep-sleep, and will probably will stay like that for a few hours, and *Teleport*.


Inside Kouh-tree-house, I wonder 'Did I do the right thing, bringing him here?.. Maybe I should reinforce the space-barrier, and practice my space-energy while doing so...'.

"Who's your friend?" Rias asks in worry, seeing me carry the man, but I throw him to the floor, checking once again he's asleep, and tell her, and the girls who begin coming toward the living-room, "He's... I'm not sure myself? Lana said.. Terrorist? Hmm.. Chaos-brigade, she thinks... He, and his friends, trapped me in some enclosed-space, but it seems it's them who were trapped there with me, hehe".

"So what now?" Serafall asks as she stare at the man, together with Grayfia, Sona, Tsubaki, and soon Akeno and Koneko who come from the kitchen, standing next to Rias.

"Interrogate the man... And then gift him to.. I don't know? Isn't he wanted..?" I say, but turn to question them, as Lana tells me he's a wanted-man.

"Cool!" Serafall comment nonchalantly, yet look at him in interest, like it is a major benefit to capture him. "As far as we know, he's from a human-only-group, which formed inside that organization, and most of them hold sacred-gears, strong swords, and advanced powers, like magic... I believe his a sub-leader, plus, a holder of a Longinus, which can even destroy the world" Grayfia remarks.

I *Chuckle*, telling her "All this nonsense of 'destroying the world'.. I heard it a lot... But..", I say while tying him up, keep my awareness at him, locking him in a space-barrier at a dark-room, and return back, saying "To destroy a world is equivalent to destroying all the living-beings in that world, which accumulate to a force which also disrupt the space-time-continuum... More than that, destroying a world is not just 'fighting against the whole universe', it's being a terrorist against fate, an act that will make the whole universe rejects you, and bring your demise, any way necessary".

"Are you saying they can't destroy the world?" Grayfia asks, while the girls looking at me in wonder, kinda not understanding me.

*Sigh*, "Just know that no one is bigger than the total sum of it all... one person can't bring demise to the whole people... A screw can make the machine his a part of to stop working, but he can't become a machine himself.. No, never mind, I'll just say 'There's bigger forces, always, in play, and we're all small-fries to the great universe'", I say and sum my words, now confused myself.

"Anyway, Mr. Socrates, the food is ready! Let's go!" Serafall rap her arm around mine, dragging me to the balcony, together with the girls following, and the table is ready, filled with lots of food and drinks.

... "He's waking up... I'll interrogate him a bit, and then gift him to you" I tell the girls, and quickly go to him, changing my look, and in the moment he open his eyes, I look into them, reading his thoughts, not minding to assault him with strong-mind-force, scanning his brain.

'...Magic ...Human-force in Tokyo called 'hero faction' in this Chaos-Brigade organization ...the rest is boring' I finish reading his mind, mostly taking any knowledge about magic, and the sacred-gear he had, plus the people in this hero-faction, gathering intel, and once done, I make him fall asleep, and go out to the girls, telling them "He's all yours, and the sooner he disappear from here, the better".


"Ahh... I'm tired.." I exhale after dinner, with all the girls here, except Serafall, who took Georg and yet to come back, but knowing she's blowing-off work to hang-out here, I'm sure this 'gift', and intel I wrote for her, will be enough to cover her lazy-attitude for a while.

... "Then a movie?" Tsubaki asks, about their plans for later on, and I smile as I look at her, finding her inside-shyness, versus her outside-coolness, a funny personality.

'Iv'e reinforced the space-barrier... Did some cultivation, and finding out about those sacred-gears... Now I should...', "AYN!!", a loud-voice wakes me up, and looking aside, I see Grayfia pouting at me. I beam a smile, mumbling "beautiful..".

Grayfia begin walking away, while saying "okay, one hour, be in time at the entertainment room, okay?", and I can see she's smiling cutely, happily.

"Wait, why you're dress as a maid again? And where are you hurrying to?" I ask, and she turn around, saying "to my son, so, I could return in time as well", and she wink at me, walking away, while I see Tsubaki coming toward me, looking stiff.

"What happened?" I ask Tsubaki, as she sits on the sofa near me, hugging her legs, answering "I think I did some wrong move today, and my body kinda hurt".

"Then... Let me help you?" I say as I crouch near her, pull her legs to me, and massage her through her jeans, but I can't do it right with her pants on, and just when I'm about to give-up, she stand, take off her jeans, and sit-down, putting a towel to cover her underwear.

"Now it's better, right?" she asks, as I begin massaging her legs, moving higher, till my hands reach the towel.

"Mmm... Maybe try.. massaging my breasts?" she suddenly asks me, and I 'see' she has lustful energies hidden in her, but enjoying the atmosphere, and her attitude, I tease her, pressing my finger on her bosom, moving it around her breasts, who are hidden in a black sweater, asking "here?".

"Mmmm... More to the sides maybe?" Tsubaki bashfully say, and I put my hands to the sides of her huge breasts, beginning to massage them, feeling the softness, even through the sweater and bra she's got on, as she's staring at me, mostly my lips, with a hand on her mouth, holding her hot-breath, probably blocking her moans, from me.

"Ohhh... Maybe I was wrong, and it's my legs?" Tsubaki say while breaking her eye contact with me, and her whole face is redden.

"Maybe here?" I ask and shove my hands between her legs, with my thumb rubbing against her underwear, feeling her pussy already dripping wet love, and I sit right next to her, jerking her off with a hand, while playing with her bosom with the other, as she's sitting there with her eyes closed.

"Ohhhhhhmmmm...." a long moan escapes her mouth, and she finally open up her eyes, yet doesn't make eye contact with me.

I pull my hands off of her, pulling the towel with me, saying "Iv'e got an idea, come", and she look at me finally, with a shy look, but I just grab her hand, helping her stand up, and then lead her to a side-wall.

I make her stand with her two hands on the wall, while standing behind her, and begin massaging her from top to bottom, touching her everywhere, even though she still got her sweater, bra, and panties on, and I crouch down, shove my head between her ass-cheeks, and *Lick... Lick... Lick...*, while moving her underwear aside, shoving my tongue into her pussy, and my hands dance between her bubbly-butt, her clit, and her body, keeping to massage her.

"MMMM... No.. Somebody will..." she moans, and I *teleport* us, arriving to her bedroom, and I throw her into the bed, looking at her laying-down, face-up, and I climb above her, whispering "Tsubaki, I like you, you're so charming, beautiful, cute...", and *chuu*, kiss her lips softly, and begin kissing her neck, bosom, stomach, and go down on her again.

... "Like this?" Tsubaki asks while still laying-down, now holding her legs up, to her bare-naked chest, after taking her clothes off, and I smile happily, going back down, wishing to send her to another orgasm, devouring her pussy like a hungry beast.

"Whaaaaa... Ayn!!!.. I love it!!.. I love!! AYNNNNN!!!" Tsubaki shout, squirting like crazy, splashing my face with her sexy-juice, while my tongue vibrates on her clit, two of my fingers in her pussy, and my thumb pressed against her butt-hole.

Tsubaki'-legs fall on my shoulders, as she's all worn-out, exhausted, with an ahegao-face, and drool slipping out of her mouth. She keep on having small-spasms, as her body softly shivers, and I stop myself, not pushing her any farther, for now at least, and just lie-down next to her.

"mmmmm..." Tsubaki cuddle her head on my arm, her hand on my chest, and her leg above mine, cutely humming.

Suddenly, she sit up, in kind of a panic, mumbling "..oh no, sona, what, ahh..", and she create a magic-circle above her, trying to stand up, while clothes appears on her, but at the moment, I grab her legs, and sit up as well, saying "Tsubaki is Tsubaki".

"What?" Tsubaki question me, as I bring my face closer to her, saying "Sona is Sona, and Tsubaki is Tsubaki, and right now, I'm only seeing Tsubaki...", I put my hand on her cheek, putting my face an inch from her, whispering "Tsu...".

*Chuu! CHuu! CHUu! CHUU! ...* Tsubaki cut my words short, sticking her lips onto mine, and she goes from 0 to 100 in a mere seconds, pressing our faces closer, rapping her arms around my neck, and even shove her tongue outside.

'Oh, her two sides are really something...' I think happily as I open my mouth, kissing her, pulling her to my lap, as I take control of this smudging, turning her novice-kissing into a passionate french kissing, and the vibe turns hot by the minute, till a loud voice breaks it.

"Tsubaki? Let's go to watch the movie" Sona voice reach us, and I 'see' her coming closer to the room, while Tsubaki kinda panic, so I whisper "relax, I get you want time with it all...", pat her head softly, peck her lips, and *teleport*.

"Where'd you go to?" Akeno asks in the moment I appear in the living-room, seeing her caring few snacks and drinks, and I take it from her, saying "You look lovely", looking at her long-black-hair, enchanting-purple-eyes, black-bra under her skimpy-white-shirt, and her exotic-panties.

"Hehe... Echhi..." Akeno smiles to me, and Koneko comes toward us, saying "Echhi!", but act completely opposite, as she hug my arm, wearing only a long-white-sweater on her.

Walking to the entertainment-room, to a huge sofa, in front of a huge white screen, I put the food down, pulling more also, and jump into the sofa, sitting between Rias'-legs, who *giggle*, and hug me, pushing my head into her bosom, patting my head.

Grayfia come into the room, rushing toward us, sitting between my legs quickly, laughing happily, which tease Akeno and Koneko, and I roam my hands on her white-shirt and purple-skirt, pecking a kiss on her neck, and a moment later Akeno and Koneko jump at us, making us become a human-ball, cuddling in a mess together, when suddenly Sona and Tsubaki come inside, and I see Tsubaki pushing Sona, as the both fall onto us, joining the mess, and soon we somehow get into a comfortable position, with me in the middle of this sea of sexual women, beginning to watch the movie.

... "Good night", we all part ways, already half-asleep from this boring movie, mostly just chatting with each other, and I go back to my room, thinking about calling the spirit-rings-girls to sleep with me, but when I look inside Infinity, I can sense they're all together, doing something, so I just sit in lotus position on the bed, and begin cultivating.

... 'It feels like I'm the male version of snow-white, with a twist of seven devils instead of dwarves' I think in joy, 'seeing' Grayfia sneaking into my bedroom, coming close to me, and kissing my lips.

Contrary to my thoughts, assumptions, or expectations, after Grayfia takes her clothes off, remaining with only her sexy lingerie on, she put her head down, onto my lap, and just fall asleep. 'Wow, that's a surprise...' I exhale in my mind, and return to focus on my cultivation, falling into deep-meditation-state.


'Good morning' I think as I wake-up to the heavenly melody of Infinity'-girls chatters, kinda my morning routine now, and shift my focus to the outside, feeling something 'eating' me, expecting to see Grayfia under me, but I'm surprised to find myself surrounded.

Grayfia slide my cock between her wet giant soft bosom, squishing my dick with her hands on the sides of her boobs, and every time she move down, she take my dick into her wet mouth, sucking it, while whispering "good morning" in the moment I open up my eyes.

"My turn" Koneko say cutely and push Grayfia aside, taking my dick into her mouth, and begin a harsh fellatio.

The view down suddenly blocked, by Akeno and Rias, who sit with their boobs on my stomach, stretching their hands to my face, smiling cutely, taking my shirt off.

Feeling my head on a soft skin, I raise my sight up, and all I can see is a pair of magnificent pair of boobs, under a white loose white shirt, of Serafall.

In a stupor, not knowing how to even react first, I suddenly feel a hand on my cheek, turning my head to the side, and moving my head so, I see Tsubaki half-naked next to me, and right behind her, Sona is just the same, both in a skimpy-white-dresses.

Another hand touch my cheek, turning my head back up, and in the moment I do so, a soft lip touch mine, and I can see Akeno, with her shirt off, kinda teasing me.

A second later, just as Akeno in between whispering something, or maybe planning to kiss my lips, Rias push her aside, putting her face right in front of mine, but she freeze, gazing at me in a daze, like she's not sure what she's suppose to do now, blushing, and put a finger on her own mouth, whispering "Good morning" cutely.

"Rias, look, like this..", I hear from beside me, and turning my head to my left, I see Grayfia stretching both her hands to my face, coming closer to me, while saying with a gentle blushing smile "Good morning, Ayn", and *Chuu*, kiss my lips.

A moment after, she separate the kiss, jumping up, with an infatuated gaze, looking love-stroked, and escapes away, while Rias comes at me again.

'Ah, It's all-or-nothing, huh? Well, time to man up...' I think.

"Good morning, Ayn" Rias say while crawling on six toward me, and I just pull her to me, *Chuu*, kissing her soft lips, touching her amazing body, and whisper back "Good morning".

I shift my sight to Akeno, pull her to me, whispering "Good morning", and *Chuu*, kiss her plump lips, making her blush a smirk smile, and tease me with a seductive pose, before she's also escaping away, after Rias and Grayfia.

I feel Serafall moving, and coming to my side now, and before she can speak, making her teasing face, I whisper "good morning" while pulling her to me, *Chuu*, kissing her lips.

Moving my head to the right, I watch Tsubaki redden-face, opening up her dress, and I smirk, loving this bashful nerdy girl, pulling her to me, and *Chuu*, kiss her lips, whispering "Good morning".

Sona, pushed from behind by Serafall, sits right next to me, and I mumble-out-loud "Beautiful", gazing at her mature-vibe-cuteness, and hug her waist, pulling her to me, my eyes hypnotized by her sexy plump lips, and I whisper "good morning indeed...", *Chuu!*, kiss her passionately, hugging her to me, not letting her go, while she hug me as well, showing me her desire for me.

"MMMmmmm..." I moan into Sona'-mouth, while kissing, bursting, exploding, from Koneko'-fellatio, relaxing my whole body.

"Girls, just like we agreed..." I hear Grayfia voice, and suddenly, they all leave the bedroom, even Koneko, who gives me one last enticing look, and roll out of bed, and I'm left alone in the huge bed, thinking 'Girls banding together is the strongest force in the universe... And probably the best thing in the universe...'.

<*Giggle* ... Maybe ... No! Don't tell him! ... Why not? ... It's their time? We just pushed it a little? ... > I hear a shocking gossips from Infinity, not sure if they're talking-out-loud in purpose or not, but I can already understand there's some major influence from there.

'Well... It's sure for the better... The most important thing in a Harem is Harmony...' I ponder about it all, knowing that I probably need to go prepare for the vacation now, as approximately five days already gone since the girls went into Infinity, and it's better if no mishaps will happen when we're going there.


For the whole day, I spend few hours, who stretch with time-energies, with each girl, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Tsubaki, Sona, Serafall, and Grayfia. We do nothing sexual, mostly chatting, walking around the house, forest, city, or doing some fun, like flying, driving, swimming, playing, etc.

At dinner, holding a glass wine, I announce "I'm going for a short while, to a vacation, with my wives, so I need to go soon, prepare everything, as it's tomorrow...".

"I wanna come!", "Me too", "I'm in!", "I...", "We also!", "Cool!", "Sounds fun!", the seven devils chat happily, seemingly going to join, even Grayfia, who still has unsorted issues, and Serafall, who always complains about pressure from her work.

"Okay... Okay..." I grab their attention, "Hmmm... Wait... I actually think it's possible...", 'Infi? Do you think it's less than a week now? With my new upgraded space-energy?'.

<Yeah, approx half the time>.

'Do I wanna take them into Infinity? Are we sure about it? Tell me what you think?'

<Ayn, as Rias'-mother, I'm sure she's absolutely safe, and so is Akeno and Koneko. About Grayfia, living with her for hundreds-of-years, you can be sure about her as well. Serafall is maybe childish sometimes, but it's just a play, she's more mature than you can imagine, just like Sona and Tsubaki, who're still acting too mature right now, but just give them sometime to open up, discover the world... Devils have thousands-of-years life-span, so...>. 'Okay', I cut Lana after a long speech she's giving me about the girls.

"Then the faster, the better... The travel in space to you will be longer than mine, so get ready, and come to me as fast as you can..." I tell the girls, and sit-down to plan my next days, before the vacation start, to prepare all is needed, excited about what's coming next.

End of Vol.04 (chapters will continue coming daily:)

Die_Jobbcreators' thoughts