
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH106: D A D A M

<Remember, don't break your concentration! No matter what happens!> Infi warns me, after we finish discussing my plan, and making them ready to correct any mishap that may occur, as I begin.

First, I numb Vomi whole senses, so whatever can occur, she won't feel pain.

Secondly, I try to communicate with Vomi'-soul, who's really splitting-apart, like there's two souls inside a one huge-messy-ball-of-soul-energy, and I'm conflicted between keeping it whole, and helping it separate into two different entities.

'Like a Yin need a Yang, I can't leave the good without the bad, nor should I take such risk' I decide, leaving it as it is.

Before going to the main stage of my plan, I begin calming her down, purifying her, while still trying other approaches, like sucking her energies, seal her 'evil-side', and empowering her 'good-side', but all turn to a failure, and I go for the plan I made beforehand.

'Third-step..' I declare in my mind, and begin assimilating Vomi, which should contain two parts, just like the assimilation that happened with Bing-Bi back then, but for now, I focus on her energies, on her soul, making it sync, sink, and merge, into me.

Fourthly, I start to decompose her body, like how a soul-beast creates a soul-bone, I focus on the parts Infi pointed me to, mainly her bone-marrow, who spreads in every part of her body, existing in every bone, but find it way more difficult, not to mention, it also not a single part, but rather her whole.


Few hours pass by, as I'm sitting in lotus-position, in meditative-state.

As far as the soul goes, the assimilation can be half-done-half-forced, and with a strong-push, it can be over with, but I wish to complete it together with the fourth-step, the body'-decomposition.

I, together with Bing-Bi, Infi, Junko, and Bro-Ge, keep a sharp focus on the process, and luckily my brain-powers can handle such a tiresome procedure, as I need to divert my attention to every part of her body, running an endless streams of energy around her.

'I'm going for it...' I announce, ready to go all-or-nothing, but just before I can start, I feel Vomi trying to communicate with me.

'Vomi?' I ask, and hear [Yeah... I can somehow hear you all... I get it... I don't get what's going to happen, but it's really the best solution there is... Even my soul stabilized into one complete entity...].

'What do you think will happen?' I ask her, and she responds [The obvious thing is the results similar to bone-marrow-transplantation, but as we're not an identical-genome, there's a high-risk... Of course there's a certain risk of your body rejecting it... And more than that, the mutation you would probably experience, and the huge-amount of bone-marrow you transfer...].

'You're worth it' I think, feeling she really is, more than the fact that she's a real-risk, for herself, for me, for us, and the fact that I'm her trigger, plus, there's the plus-side, that if I succeed, the benefits are off-the-charts.

*FSSSSSSSS...*, Vomi'-body set ablaze, turning into a liquid-energy, who float around me, rapping around me, in a ball shape, as I float in the air, still in deep-meditation, and it slowly sink, sucked into my body, in tiny-streams, puncturing me, all over my body.

'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!', A pain I never knew was existing hits me, reminding me of the time with Bing-Bi, making me realize my tolerance is extremely-high, and yet, not high enough, because what I'm feeling right now, is like comparing a horse-carriage to a modern-car, it's a pain in a different dimension.

'I! LOVE! YOU!' I shout to myself, remembering the two days I spent doing the wildest sex with Vomi, in all her different forms, colors, shapes, entangling in a pure bliss, who can continue till forever, once the pain is gone, but it just getting stronger, like swords stab my whole body.

'I! LOVE! YOU! ALL!' I keep shouting, reminding myself how many wives Iv'e got, how much life is good, and while fighting the pain, I also fight my self-doubt, of 'why do I even need to go through all of this'.

I feel like the magician, who go inside a box, and people outside stab swords inside the box, but the magic doesn't work, and I'm inside the box, all the swords cut through me, but there's no blood, no shouts, just endless pain, and I wish I will get out of it alive.

*ZZZZZZZTTT...*, as the liquid-energy enter my body, my body keep inflating, like a balloon, but soon, my body begin to dump the excess, and liquids starts to leak out of me, making blood flow out of my mouth, nose, eyes, and soon, every porosity in my body, as my body bleed from everywhere.

I feel all the girls helping me, from stabilizing my troublant energies and soul, to a mere wash, splashing water-energies to clean me up, and their shouting voices calm me, let me relax, against the feelings of my body rip apart, over and over again.

*PA PAM! PA PAM! PA PAM!...*, My heart beat so hard, I'm afraid it will explode any second now.

*BA BAM! BA BAMM! BA BAMMM! ...*, all my blood run through my heart, making it inflate so much, I feel my rib-cage can break, and that I can't even breath, as it press on my lungs.

*...BAA-BAAAMMMM!!...*, suddenly, I get a certain heart-beat, as splashes of blood keep dropping out of me, like a bloody river, and that gives me an idea, a kind of epiphany, and focus my energies on my heart, cutting short my dantian, or Infinity, just leaving the stream who goes up to my brain.

*DAAAA DAAAAMMMMM!! DAA DAAMMMM! DAAA DAMMMMMM!...*, the heart pulse keeps changing, and it make me feel my heart is like that phenomena at sea, those 'ocean eddies', where it acts like there's a hole in it, like whirlpools, like a black-hole, sucking everything inside it, against any knowledge why it even happens.


* ! D A D A M ! *, a singular heartbeat, where both beats become a one beat, who's more like a heart-attack, happens in my heart, and suddenly, my conscious returns to my body, finding out that I was so focused on listening to my heartbeat, that I forgot about everything else for a while, and I feel like an overcooked chicken in the oven, who was forgotten inside for more than a day.

*Crack,crack,crack,..*, I try to move my body a bit, but notice I can't, like I'm inside a shell, and I stop, focusing back on the assimilation, going against my raging headache.

'Vomi, be mine!' I ask, and hear her crying, mumbling [..i do.. i do...], and suck her soul into me, but instead of going into my brain-spirit, becoming my 7th-spirit-ring, her soul get sucked into my heart.

* DA DAM *, my heart beat in a flashy noise, like the moment I had that 'heart-attack', but in a good-way, and I feel like I really did recreated what happened with Bing-Bi, creating a new spirit inside of me, inside my heart, from my heart, and Vomi becomes a spirit-ring in it.

'AHHHHH!', I feel pain, in the moment I thought it's all over, and perfectly fine, and realize Vomi soul did separate, becoming another, and I suck her right back into me, dominating her with every bit of energy I still got, forcing her to become my 2nd-heart-spirit-ring.


* DA DAM *,


*crack..Crack... CRACK...*, I wake-up, trying to shake my body, and find I'm in that shell, stuck in it, and use more and more force, trying to break free, but it feel like a torture.

*CRACK!*, I push hard, shaking my body with full-force, like taking a bandage in one swift swing, instead of slow pulls.

I'm sitting, on the ground, bare-naked, opening my eyes, in the middle of the deserted place I was at, and except the reddish-ground, who smell like rotten blood, I find that the shell was probably my own skin, who kept growing, and dying, till it became a solid substance around me, together with all the flowing blood.

'Alive and well.. HAHA...' I think in joy, and kinda feel invincible, overflowing with power, but less because I got more powerful, and more because I feel I can use my potent powers to a much higher degree, releasing and moving energies quicker, stronger, sharper, like a sport-car who drove on a muddy-road, who is now driving on a highway.

I feel signals from Infinity, of the girls wishing to teleport to me, and create a space-portal.

A second later, Robin, Nami, Mia, Wu, Alison, Roxanne, Vivi, Shirahoshi, Perona, Pashia, Lya, Lazuli, Chi-Chi, Bulma, Zhuqing, and then Junko, Bi-Bi, and Vomi, all stand around me.

"Hehe, I'm a lucky man, wow" I say, looking at all their faces, thinking '18 wives, plus another 6 in Soul-land, and 2 in Red-line... And each one of them is a world-class-woman...'.

"Hentai", Bi-Bi is the first to talk, in between a laugh and a cry, and I can sense my erection, but don't mind it, as it's quite clear what I desire right now to eat, and it ain't just food.

"4 days" Robin say, shocking me, as I did use time-energy, every time I could, but it still took 4 days in 'real-time', and honestly, the longest assimilation I ever heard or read of was barely a day.

I look over at Vomi, beaming a smile, and open my two hands wide.

Junko pushes her back, shaking her off her gaze, and she finally, shyly, walk to me.

I pull her hand, so she will sit on my lap, and I hug her with a hand, while whispering "I'm happy", and look at all the girls, who seems relaxed, joyful, but also show they were stressed for the last couple of days, with me stuck in the assimilation.

"Home? Bath? No, Food first! Then, a party! All night long!" I say happily, and create a space-portal, not forgetting to hug and kiss each before they go inside.

After everyone went in, while still hugging Vomi, she begin crying softly, on my chest, mumbling "..they were so nice.. even when they were so sad.. because of me..".

*CHUU*, I kiss her wetly, on her cheek, laughing, and tell her "Because you're worth it! And look, I'm totally fine! even more than fine! Relax, my love".

"Hehe...", *Sob*, "..My love..", *sniff*, Vomi mumble-cry, and clean her face on my bare-chest, like I'm a piece of tissue, and burst laughing hard, as her hair turns white, but her eyes stay blue.

She grab me for a deep kiss, whispering "Don't forget, I'm the good one!", and go back into the spirit-ring, and a sudden realization hits me, remembering her soul-split, into two soul-rings.

"Hmm, now, that's confusing" I say aloud, while arriving at home, materializing the girls back, but now, there's two Vomi in front of me.

The 'evil-Vomi' is full on Tsun-Tsun, looking at me with hearts in her eyes, and I stand there, with my mouth open, thinking aloud "..Like winning the lotteries two times in a row..".

*Pinch*, I look down, seeing Wu next to me, and the height-difference annoys me, thinking 'I'm around 210cm (6'11"), that's insane...', and try to down-size myself, turning a bit smaller, exhaling air, as this height-differences is a real nightmare, especially with the shorter-girls.

"No! Get back to your normal height!" Wu complains, and I do so, as all the girls seems intersted in that.

"Barbeque! Pool! But go shower first, stinky-head" Mia decide for us all, and the gathering around me break, so I walk to take a shower, and find Iv'e got a 'secret' follower, 'evil'-Vomi, or rather, Tsun-Vomi, who got a look of a groupie now.

"If android is a man name, then how do you say android in female?" I ask Vomi-2 as we enter the bathroom, and I feel like a nudist, as I'm still naked, since I woke-up, but not mind it even a little bit till now, like my common-sense just returned to work.

"I mean.. in greek, 'Andro' means a man, and 'Eides' means a shape.. So, Gune? Yuve? or Thilycos?.. I'm not sure how to say..", *CHUU*, my blubbering gets shut down when a wild-Vomi jumps at me, as I stand under the shower-head, closing my eyes, letting it watch the dirt, before I use soap.

"Care washing me, my love?" I ask her, and she smirk, running her hands on me from head to feet, giving special attention to a certain part of my body, and so do I, as I fondle her bosom, wishing to do just one thing right now, but relax, and go soap myself.

"Let me" she take the soap-bottle from me, as I sit on the stool, and *squeeze!*, half the bottle hit my hair, and I laugh, while she bubble-it-up, till I can't open my eyes, and understand by her movement that she's goona fucking fuck me, as quite quickly she sat down on my lap, and begin giving me a hand job, forgetting I have many more parts in my body.

*creak*, the door open, and I hear Vomi, the 'good' one, saying "hey... I came to join you..".

I feel Vomi-2 leave me be, going to Vomi-1, so I just wash myself quickly, before our shower will be a mere 'shower'.

*Squish*, my head is covered in a heavenly jiggly feeling, and I can recognize tits easily, feeling 4 of them encircling my head inside, and I begin a game of pinyata, with my blind-face, trying to bite a nipple.

*Bite*, I find one after few tries, and slaps, soft booby slaps, with soft laughters, 'seeing' them playing together, acting in harmony, and I feel better by that, deciding it's time, and right after the bite, begin sucking that nipple, enjoying the sensation, while my mind afloat.

I think 'What about babies... it's an inevitable reality... especially with 26 wives, 2 on the way, or even 3, my eyes on 1 more, my dream on 2 more, and that's without counting that cutey-blond-cook, or the devilish-gang, nor the animal-girls-paradise that slowly built in Paradise, plus Amazon-lily, who Hancock wish that I could make mine...'.

*SLURP...SLURP...*, I feel two mouths running along my dick, waking me from my wandering thoughts.

"I'm hungry" I say, and pull one of them up, recognizing wild-Vomi from her tail, and flip her whole body upside-down, as her pussy is now on my mouth, and her head on my navel, so I quickly turn smaller, till our height sync, and my dick is inside her mouth.

'I will stay here forever if it stay like this...' I think and make my tongue vibrate, realizing it's way too powerful, as *SQUIRT...*, she shoot my head with her orgasm, and slump-down.

"Mine!", 'good'-Vomi move her aside, throwing her into the bath, and I create water, washing the soap off of me, just in time to see her bubbly-butt descending into my dick, swallowing it deep inside her, and she look back, straight at my eyes, with her blue-ocean-eyes, and I feel her love, and my love, as we begin making fucking love.


*GROWL*, My stomach make a furious noise, and both Vomi smile, each to a side of me, 'playing' nonstop, but now let me go, as I kiss them, and go outside, dying to eat something.

"Food, where are you??" I shout, and 'look' in the house, finding everyone already on the roof, in the pool, sunbathing, or eating.

I *teleport*, appearing right next to the table, beginning to devour food, till I stop feeling hunger, devouring everything they took out, plus keep pulling more and more from my space-pocket.

When I finally relax, I look up, seeing Wu and Mia, in white-dresses, talking in the side, and go hug them both, together, while calculating in my head.

'If it's morning right now... I can spend a pure hour with each girl before tomorrow.. and if I slow-time, it give me at least 7 hours with each of them...' I plan my day, as I kiss Wu, standing behind Mia, and Wu raise her mom dress, as I slide my dick between her ass-cheeks, while holding Wu'-ass-cheeks, and begin having a sexy time with the mom-daughter-heavenly-bunny-pair.


While doggy-styling Perona, standing with my back to the edge of the pool, on the side of it, inside the water, there's meanwhile a water-volleyball game running wild next to us, and I bath my eyes on all the womanly-beauties, and piston even harder, making Perona moan in happiness.


On the pool side, still wet, from more then just water, I gaze upon Shirahoshi, in a 'normal' 'human' body, understanding she mastered the technique perfectly, as I sit on my knees, behind her, diving inside her teasing ass, who wiggle at me, and push her on top of Chi-Chi, while Vivi is laying-down just beside us.

I kiss Vivi, while shoving a finger inside her, and beside us, Chi-Chi and Shirahoshi are kissing, as my dick is inside Shirahoshi, who's under me.

I create a tentacle, wishing to also 'play' with Chi-Chi, but suddenly 'see' Lazuli, Alison, and Junko sneak behind me, and I smile, creating lots of tentacles, and grab the three of them, surprising them.

Moans after shouts after screams erupt, as the girls keep cumming, and a joyful time begins.


Noticing a 'danger' coming, while I already 'played' with the 6 girls for a pretty long time, I stretch a tentacle, grabbing a sneaky Zhuqing, who come with a real sword, and I turn to her.

Tangled in tentacles, I look at Zhuqing, who have a shy full, lustful, gaze in her eyes, and I walk toward her, whispering "I love you, sorry for making you worry, and wait for me", kinda like I told each girl, and kiss her beautiful face, lick her plump lips, grab her ample bosom, and begin making love to her.


At sunset, with the party still going in full-swing, I watch the horizon, right behind Robin and Nami, seeing them whispering between each other, and begin teasing me, fully knowing I'm looking at them, creating a raging boner, who threaten to tear off my swimsuit, as I drool by the sight of them kissing, jumping to add my tongue into the mix.


'It's good to be alive' I think, looking at the two delicious women to my right, Nami and Bulma, teasing me, and I feel jealous at Nami, who grasp Bulma'-boob in her hand.

'Just you wait..' I think, and shift my sight to the left, seeing Roxanne and Lya kissing, and their amazing bosom squish against each other.

'Ohh, a long long night awaits us..' I think, and focus on my front, seeing Pashia'-bubbly-butt right in front of my face, and between her legs I can see boobs, sexy bouncing boobs, of Junko, who go down on her, licking her pussy, and I join her.

"AHH, YES, I LOVE IT!!" I hear a shout from below me, and see Bi-Bi, who's got my dick inside of her, spasm, on the verge of an orgasm, and I hump her with love.

'..A long fucking night indeed...' I happily smirk, and let my white love explode, spreading it deep inside Bi-Bi hole of love.