
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH101: One O One

"Can you help me tie up the bra?" Persona asks me in the morning, getting ready for the day, after a 'fun' night, playing with this gothic-lolita all over the house.

I 'help her' tie the bra, teasing her breasts, while my dick rub against her pussy, making her tingle for more, pushing my lust into her.

"Mmmm... I guess it's not comfortable..." Persona gives an excuse, and take off her thong, sit on the bed, and start taking off her bra, and I smile at her, rolling on the bed, landing with my head on her lap, *sniff* the middle of her body, and see a soft-morning-dew drop from her pussy, touching it with my finger.

"What's that?" I ask an idiotic question.

"Your drool on my body" I get an idiotic answer from Persona, who smile happily, like she won something.

"No, nonono, my drool is more like..." *LICK*, I run my tongue on her clit, and she shiver, pushing my head into her, moaning "mmmm" cutely.

"But look, it look different" I tease her stupidly again.

"Then maybe I was wrong" Persona smile, and roll out of bed, grabbing a skirt, and I comprehend how woman hold the upper-hand against man, with this simple-desire, which is so much stronger in man, then in woman.

"My dear Wife, mind coming over for a second?" I ask, and Persona lie-down back into bed, face-to-face with me, and I pat her cheek with my hand, whispering "Love is Love... who care what make the rain, as long as there's fresh water to drink", and I roll over her body, raining kisses on her sexy curvy body, letting my hands roam.

I roll us over, till we're lying in front of a mirror, and I *Rip* her skirt, and she laugh, while looking at me through the mirror, raise her ass, as she sits on 6, and I warm her up with my tongue and fingers, before sitting on my knees behind her, and doggy-style, watching her beautiful perfection dancing with me through the mirror.


More then an hour later, we finally reach the kitchen, and I feel as hungry as I was yesterday, ready to eat the whole kitchen whole, and find there's enough food ready for me there, as the girls spread everywhere.

"Ayn", Bulma come next to me, wishing to talk while I eat, "Me, Chi-Chi, Zhuqing, and Raki, will stay here for now, and the rest will go to Infinity", and I nod to her, agreeing to whatever they wanna, and she adds "You must remember to come soon to the lab, you promised to meet my scientist friend", and I smile, nodding in agreement again.


After finishing sending them to Infinity, I say my final goodbye to the girls staying, and *Teleport*.


At Sabaody, inside the mangrove-tree-house, I find Lya cleaning, wearing a maid-clothes, and I quickly raise her up, and she smile happily to me.

"How's our home?" Lya asks in joy, and I kiss her lips, answering "I have a problem in my eye-sight, somehow, whenever I'm near you, all I can see is you", and she pout laughingly, *punch* me softly, and then jump for a hug, snuggling her head on my chest, and we flirt for a while, before I plan to leave, and also plan 'How to let her live a normal life, not as a maid, but rather, as my wife..'.

"Today will be a harsh day in this place.. Do you wanna go somewhere else? Like Amazon-lily? or Infinity?.." I ask, and she shake her head, signaling me 'No', and I kiss her lips, telling her "So I'll come back here when I'm finished... You can go to the underground-water-prison only while wearing a mask! ..through the elevator, like I showed you.. Rememeber, Mask! Hidden!", and *teleport*.


At the Rip-off-bar, I 'see' that the straw-hats are inside, at least partly, meaning they've arrived here, and I decide to tour the area, wondering how much chaos this day goona be, and how much loot I'm goona amass.

'Should I create the chaos, or wait for it to happen naturally?' I think while flying, invisible, around the busy streets, and to my luck, I find the problematic-brother of that Saint-Shalria, from Holy-land, which I kinda mingled with before, harassing a nurse, and recognize more than 5 pirates, with a bounty over 100 million, in the crowd who gathers around.

By the time I focus back on the idiotic-brother, who harass the crowd, marking in my mind the 5 I caught sight of, I find out Zoro, the green-hair swordsman from Straw-hats-crew, talks to him, and laugh to myself, flying above them.

Suddenly, in a split-of-micro-second, the idiot shoot a gun at Zoro, who avert it, and pull out his sword, but the pink-hair-woman-pirate turns into a lil'-child, jumping at Zoro, stopping him from attacking, and the whole situation soon calm down.

'Wow, that was nice improvisation... And what's her powers exactly? becoming a child? no way, right?..' I wonder at the scene, but ignore it, finding everyone looking at Zoro, focusing on the scene, as the two argue about some 'Pirates code', making me think '..how much an idiot can be an idiot..', and touch a gangster-pirate, and right then, *teleport*.

*Splash!*, he land in the water, in the mangrove-tree-house-basement, and I make sure he lost his power, rapping a rope around his neck, tying it to the ceiling, and *teleport*.

'His subordinates going crazy around, making more chaos..' I smile, going behind a freaky-blond-pirate, with tattoos all over him, touch his shoulder, and *teleport*.

*Splash!*, he land inside the water, and I do the same M.O, making sure he's really a devil-fruit user, who lost all his energy, and *Teleport*.

'The guy with the wings.. I'm not sure he got a devil-fruit... But that ugly-looking-DJ... I'll make him my last hit for now..', and I go behind him, doing the same M.O, teleport back and forth.

'The place in a mass, hehe...' I enjoy the scene of panic, and chaos, between lots of pirates-crew, when suddenly someone attacks the winged-muscle-man, and he laugh, as his body gets bigger, with more muscles, and the idiot tell everyone about his devil-fruit, so in the moment the situation cools down, I just do the same M.O, teleport back and forth.

'THEY, ARE, SO, WEAK' I exhale in shock, feeling like I'm bullying little-children, and give-up on the rest here, mostly because none interesting left, except the pink-pirate, and I ask in my head 'What do you think?'.

<In a general vote, by the present girls around me, they think mostly that: If they did you nothing, you should do them nothing>, and I smile, responding 'Well... at least for woman I'll adopt this rule for now..', and *teleport*.


While getting the devil-fruits, to the meaningless sounding screams of the pirates, when I begin extracting the devil-fruit of the last-one, in the moment it gets into my hand, a space-appears from his chest, and endless stream of people, horses, weapons, gold, art, money, furniture, just nonstop, flows out of him.

I quickly create a space-portal in front of him, letting the non-living-things enter inside it, while *punch,punch,punch,punch,...*, throwing endless stream of fists, sending the incoming-men into a side-wall, and soon the human-pile is so big, I worry they will start drowning, so I change the angle, till hundreds of unconscious-pirates lying all around the place, and I exhale, shocked to discover a space-ability-user here.

<It's too weak for you now> Infi say before I can even ask, and I feel her love and affection, wishing to be a vital-part of my journey, even if I ask for less advice from her, and even suspect her a bit, as she never tell me about herself, just teasing me through the girls.

'Infi, please help me, any idea for the human-piles here?' I ask, and she *giggle*, sounding happy, responding <Maybe it's time to create short-distance-space-portals>.

I think 'I love you, Infi, you're the best!', and begin creating one, to a different mangrove, near here, and after an hour finally succeeded, sending them all away, leaving no trail about my existence, and *teleport*.

'Now no one is here...' I think as I fly around, finding no action, or chaos, nor any interesting foes.

I keep touring around, finding nothing, and decide to check the auction-house, and in the moment I reach above it, I see lots of traffic, wondering about the occasion, and sneak inside from the open-front-door, shocked about how many people are here.

From 'celestial-dragons', who just call themselves so, but ain't dragons at all, to pirates, who I was searching for, mainly for their devil-fruit, plus knowing their notorious name, of harming the innocent people around the world, thinking 'everyone here is rich or powerful, chaos is coming..'.

Suddenly, I feel a wave of haki, coming from the back of the place, and remember Rayleigh is supposed to be here, like he knew something is goona go down in here.

'I wonder how my half-brother is doing... Ace said he'll be in an island in the new-world, so maybe after Dressrosa, I'll go meet up with him... Or should I talk about my adventures here with my Father?.. Our Father?..' my thoughts float, only awakened by the start of the auction.

I 'look' inside, to the back-stage, 'seeing' mostly human-slaves, men and women, and also a huge giant, Rayleigh, and a mermaid, a cute young mermaid, crying, near him, and I wonder 'what's Rayleigh plans..'.

Feeling bored, I go behind the evil-pirate, touch his back, and *teleport*.


Stealing his devil-fruit, and all his belongings, I *teleport* back, with him, dropping him into the floor, behind his crew, and sneakily go watch the auction.

... 'What will happen if a soul-land person will eat a devil-fruit, when he's already above level 90, or not yet level 10...' I wonder, watching the crew panic, and leave the place, with that unconscious-pirate in their hands.

'I don't really care about the punishment I bestow upon all those pirates, maybe even a bit happy, because instead of harming the regime, this pirates hurt civilians, who done them no wrong... Anyway, should I try giving soul-land people devil-fruits?' I wonder.

<I believe a starting experiment, of finding a level 10, and giving him a fruit, will be the best first step> Infi say, and I tell her, again, 'I love you Infi, and we should ask others, cause, there's a certain risk of death', and shift my focus to the last pirate I have my eye-sight on, who got a space-power leaking out of him, plus another, that I haven't saw yet, rumored to be an ancient dinosaur.

... When a charming dancer, with a blueish-hair, arrive on stage, and the sale gets up to 7.2 million, I can't hold myself back, almost turning visible, and bidding on her, but I see the idiotic-brother-of-that-saint enter inside, while kicking his slave-ride, and order his guard to take him outside and kill him, but he just nod, not doing a thing, so I resume focusing on the auction.

I suddenly recognize Saint-Shalria, calling him "Brother Charloss, you're finally here".

*Crash!*, my focus goes to the stage, as a slave, who was about to be auctioned, fall on the floor, creating a pool of blood, and it seems he bitten his own tongue, to death, making the vibe in the place horrific, even though the mere slavery is horrific to any normal human outside of here.

The curtains closes ... *Exciting drums*, *Happy cheers*, *Flashy lights*, and a moment later, inside a water-ball-aquarium, the cute-mermaid get onto the stage, without Rayleigh, confusing me what his plan, if he even got one.

*CHEERS SOUNDS*, and the VJ announce about 'the mermaid Camie', and suddenly, brother-Charloss stand up, and shout "500 MILLION BERRIES!", shocking the place into silence, before the bidding even begin.

'I'm so goona loot that holy-land soon, they're too rich, 500,000,000, wow...' I think while planning how to take her away, as she surely be heavily-guarded.

*BOOM*, the entrance-door break apart, even though it ain't locked, and smoke arise.

I look over, seeing Luffy and Zoro, riding on a flying-fish, or rather, crushing, onto the floor, and Luffy shouts "CAMIE!!", running toward her, with no plan, strategy, tact. Nothing. 'Pure low-brain-mentality', I think, wondering 'when's the moment he will die, but, if I won't help him, Nami will be sad...'.

'Well.. here's the chaos I was waiting for..' I think positively, and begin looting every person who get in my way, as the place turns to panic, people running away, and I finish them off with a kick, sending them toward the sides, not stopping getting more and more loot.

'rich.. rich.. I'm so rich.. this money is mine now, thank you, may you end up in a ditch.. rich.. rich..' I sing in my head, to the sound of Infi giggles, as I keep getting more and more money, from all the scum-customers.

Suddenly, an octopus-man, with a starfish on his shoulder, who walks in the middle of the crowd, gets screams from all the people, and I'm confused about the situation, letting them be, as they're probably here to save the mermaid with Luffy, but suddenly *Bang!*, brother-Charloss shoot the octopus-man, and he hit him, making him fall to the floor, bleeding.

*Boom!*, Luffy hit that Charloss, sending him flying, to my direction, but it seems he's unaware of me, as I loot people around.

I go next to Charloss, taking his money, with a smile, saying 'thank you' in my head, and add a kick to his balls, making him wake-up, and screams from the depth of his soul.

The chaos going into full-force now, as a celestial-dragon was hit, and his father demands to call the government, to send an army in here.

I decide it's enough trouble for now, knocking-out every person who came with those celestial-dragons, but I notice there's too many of them, while going on stage, stealthy kicking the workers, and decide to take the aquarium off-stage, and just as I turn visible, I hear "You could have left some cash for me, you know?".

"Rayleigh.. Hehe... Well.. early bird gets the worm?" I say, and put my hand on the collar on Camie'-neck, whispering "Dear, close your eyes for a moment".

Camie does so, and I *Rip* it off, throwing it into a space-portal, hearing an explosion from outside the auction-house, where I threw the collar to.

*SOB!!!* Camie begin crying, and I hug her, whispering "Dear, do you know Shirahoshi maybe?".

Camie look at me in shock, nodding 'no', mumbling "..the princess..", so I try asking "And Shyarly?", and her eyes light-up, and she quickly say "Yes! Yes! I used to work in mermaid-cafe!!", and I smile, hug her, saying to Rayleigh "See ya later", and *teleport*.


"Shyarly?" I shout from the entrance, holding Camie in my arms, and Mero comes to me, looking at us in shock, while Camie begin blubbering "..Hatchin!..Papago!.. Please!.. Save them!!..", holding me tightly.

I nod, putting her on a chair, whispering to Mero "she was in a slave-auction, almost sold, I'll come back soon", and I go outside, and *teleport*.


I grab the octopus-man, together with the starfish, but instead of taking them to Fishman-island, I decide to save energy, and time, as I hold them, and *teleport* into my 1st-floor in the mangrove-tree-house, calling Lya over for help, and ask her to wear a mask, as I *teleport* back.

"Got more alcohol?" Rayleigh appears next to me, behind the stage, and I laugh, throwing a bottle at him, and turn invisible, planning my next strike, feeling a wave of haki go from Rayleigh, through the whole place, knocking almost everyone unconscious.

I create a space-domain, blocking the man with the space-energy, and he seems to notice it, looking around, and in the moment he move, I appear behind him, kicking him into a wall, and fly to him, touch his back, and *teleport*.

*Splash!*, he hit the water, and I tie him up, making sure he can't move, and climb up a floor, finding Lya treating the octopus-man, who was shot, and touch him, and the starfish, saying "Go up, don't leave the place, show no energy to the outside, the island is in total chaos", kiss her lips, and *teleport*.


"Call a doctor!" I shout at the moment I arrive inside the mermaid-cafe, finding Shyarly patting Camie head, as all the workers sorrunds her, and she quietly tell them about what happened.

I hold Shyarly, face-to-face, and pass her the memories of all that happened, and she kiss my lips, almost crying from joy, and start moving, calling a doctor, as I say 'goodbye', and *teleport*.


At the auction-house, I find the place in ruins, forgetting to get invisible, and regret it very much, as Luffy jumps at me, trying to hold me by the shoulders, and I evade him, looking at his crew, who got a talking-skeleton as well now, and he shouts "WHERE IS CAMIE?? HATCHI??...".

"Sent them home, why? You wanna make them a slave as well?" I ask, and then say "Rayleigh, that's the clown-crew I told you about.. What'd ya say?", and he burst laughing, looking at me, saying "the troubles didn't even started yet, I bet an admiral will arrive here soon".

I change my look, as I turn my back to the blubbers they make, and walk to the remaining-slaves, 'washing' their mind, making them not know it was me here, like a blurred-face, and begin setting them free, saying "Whoever got a place to go to, please stand here, who doesn't, come next to me".

In a moment, the only one who stand next to me, is the blueish-hair-dancer, for whatever reason, suspecting myself, 'maybe the devil-fruit powers influenced her?', while the rest begin running away from the exit in the back, including the giant.

I create a space-portal in front of the door, feeling exhausted, but still helping them, letting them arrive to the next tree, away from here, and see that even the crew of the last pirate I caught run away with them.

I smile to the blueish-hair-dancer, saying "Tell her I'll come soon", and push her through a new space-portal, to Lya.

"Come here, Ray, clown-crew" I call them all to me, and when they arrive, I *sigh*, say "please, say nothing about it, to anyone, ever", and create a space-portal, seeing Rayleigh laugh, and he jump inside, and soon the rest follow inside, not asking a thing, arriving to Rip-off-bar, and I hope Shakky won't kill me for that.

"...THE PLACE IS SURROUNDED..." I hear a shout from a megaphone, outside, and turn invisible, flying through the broken-roof, who Usopp fly-in through it, seeing an army there.

'..Endless small-fries... What's the point..' I stop thinking, gazing at a new man who arrived, in shock, as it's that Kuma, who I knocked-out, into a coma, and left inside the prison.

'How..Why..', and fly toward him, when suddenly I see a few more of him, making me realize it's mass-produced humanoid-robots, and I check their energies, but find out that I was wrong, as they're pure-robots, not like he was, and remember he was still alive after I took the devil-fruit from him.


Inside the Rip-off-bar, I find them all chatting, lazing around, and I *SIGH*, saying "Ray, you goona do it or not?", wishing he will get them some normal common sense, train them a bit, as how they are right now, they won't survive for long, and he burst laughing, smiling happily, saying "sure".

"Then get going? cause the chaos on the island will reach the peak soon, and this weaklings won't survive" I say, and instead of waiting for a response, I smile to Shakky, waving 'goodbye', and go outside.
