
The Otherside - Journery of the Quadbrid

All the myths and legends of old are all real. The otherside of society is full of the supernatural. The Grandson of 4 of the most powerful creatures in japan embarks on his journey of growth to become the most powerful creature in the world.

KiwibroG · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 13 - Dream Analysis

Having returned back to my room with Grandma we take a seat on the couch that is present in m room. Grandma sits opposite to me on the single person lounger and looks at me with a serious expression. It seems Grandma wants to have a more serious conversation with me.

"Tsuki dear, we need to have a discussion about the most recent prophetic dream you had. IO have analyzed it to some extent in the past but with the new addition you told me about I believe I have a clearer view of what it is trying to say."

"Yes I also have an opinion on what its trying to direct towards. Shall I explain analysis first?"

"Hmm yes since it was you experiencing it that would be good, go ahead dear."

"Okay well I was originally thinking that the war was actually hinting to something physical in reality but I think that is wrong. From what I have seem there are four armies fighting. I think this translates to the four race bloodlines I carry. Then there is the creature that comes and wipes out the armies, I think this is a manifestation of all my powers combined becoming a single power and dominating my body. Lastly this dream had the addition of the puppet strings, I think these are not puppet strings but that they are more closely related to energy. That is my current analysis. What do you think?"

"Not bad darling, I think your pretty close to the truth. Because although you cannot manifest all your bloodlines at the same time you can use their powers individually. This gives you an advantage of other supernatural creatures but there are the obvious draw backs. They are your personality changes and having to shift to your base form before changing to another bloodline. So maybe your path forward is working on some kind of merger between your bloodlines. The dream may be hinting that if you do not pursue this now you will eventually lose control."

"Well I had an idea about that. After the dungeon system was activated I was able to view my soul more and I wondered what if I simply fuse all my power together with my soul and do away with my energy cores. Simply put turn my soul into an energy core."

"Yes that is a decent idea but how will you make your soul strong enough to withstand the process darling its easier said than done."

"Simple Grandma I will consume souls to strengthen my soul. Everything has a soul even plants and dungeon monsters so what if I simply add their souls to mine and expand it. Of course I will purify the souls before I consume them."

"And how are you going to even take the souls darling that a power of a god."

"Hmm well you see my human form or base form although it doesn't have access to my bloodline powers it seems to have manifested a power of its own. I call it soul manipulation. I can see and touch souls. The nature of a being is revealed through their soul. White souls are pure untainted souls only belonging to babies and plants, the more a person commits evil not matter how small the soul will slowly change color. Monsters souls are completely black the epitome of evil. Anyway with soul manipulation I can grab the souls of the deceased and purify them then consume them."

"Wait wait wait, your base form has power. That shouldn't be it is you just hiding your supernatural traits how could it have its own power its no possible!!"

"Well sorry to say but it is, my base form has become a power of its own. I don't know how or why but I assume its my body compensating for storing the power of four bloodlines at once. A completely new bloodline born from suppression."

"But handling souls is the power of the gods, mortals cannot touch them."

"Hmm but what if my soul was reincarnated and was a god in a previous life. Instead of a inherited ability it could be a soul based power one that cannot be lost even after death"

"But no gods have died on earth, its still not possible."

"Who said it had to be earth though, what about other worlds?"

"Haah lets end this conversation for now I have a lot of information to process darling. Let Grandma groom you. Your nails and hair need some attention don't they dear."

I guess that conversation is over going from such a heavy handed topic to getting pampered is so Grandmas style. Oh well we will continue once she processes everything I said.

For the rest of the evening Grandma trimmed my hair and my nails. She even trimmed the fur on my tails. We then had a bath where I was subjected to Grandmas unconscious seductions. Geez this women doesn't even realize that shes a bomb shell. If I wasn't in my Kitsune form I would have lost control.