
Normal Life

Tring... tring... the sound started slowly and began to increase a loud. suddenly like a robot my hand shut the alarm and took my blanket on my face and enjoyed the warmth of early morning.... tring... tring again the sound started, but this time more annoying. Suddenly a pile of to do tasks for the day splashed in my mind. sleep de-accelereated.. woke up and started my morning routines..

thirty mins and I got fresh up. started gym workout.. 6 push ups and got tired and with great difficulty 2 more push ups and lay down on ground taking heavy breath. then took a stone roughly around 4kg and began my biceps exercise. around 20 times and then jumping as high as possible 10 times. this exercise would make me to feel like I have a body of Tom cruise. then took bath, prayer and then get ready for college.