
THE OTHER WOMAN(his beautiful obsession)

The story of an ambitious woman who had to give up on her love life due to her career. Watch out so for so much suspense in this intriguing story

Mami_Brihmz · Fantasy
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Gracing the stage with her beauty, splendor is this tall, multi-talented young lady. She isn't just a beauty to behold, she is also a talented and ambitious woman. She is that definition of a career woman. A woman of prestige and honour. I present to you MISHA guys.


"Gosh, I am so exhausted but very excited as well" Tope said grinning from ear to ear 😌. I can't blame her, it's worth being excited over seriously. Okay let's break the news to you also,I just had my first ever music concert with Ed Sheeran and just as you have guessed,it was massive...

Hi,I am MISHA not my real name though. My name is MAEESHA and I am an entertainer. I model,sing, dance and act. 

I am a Muslim, a devoted one. I had issues with my career due to my religious and family background, they weren't ready to make me go through with this.

I was even forced to go to science department and study food science but you are what you are and seriously I am music.

It wasn't serious at first when I was in my first year in the University. I was into little online businesses and I had a brand of my own. Not until I sang for a guy friend and he took it upon himself to see me become a big artiste.

He even requested I joined their dance group so we could be a band. Now, don't let me bore you with my success story. Lol.

I cleaned up and went to back to the sitting room to find Tope asleep on the couch. Lazy bone.

I cleaned up the sitting room and went back upstairs to face my reality.


"I am so grateful to God for allowing my son to meet this beautiful jewel" that's my mom voice again. She has been going on and on singing praises of this girl since she met her and our wedding date has been finalized.

I am OLAMIDE,the CEO of OLAM'S beauty home, my company is responsible for the production of all kinds of male and female wears, body massage and spa home, just name anything fashion and beauty. 

I turned on the television to get away from my mom's ranting when I heard MISHA'S latest song; Lost in your world, her melodious voice always find a way to soothe my soul and bring peace to my mind. 

Lost in your world: verse 1

🎵 always knew we were worlds apart🎵

🎶 through the end when I met your love 🎶

🎵this kind love I just wanna feel 🎵

🎶they shut me up and I couldn't see 🎶

demons wake me up in countless feat🎵

🎶they said girl won't you fight for this 🎶

🎵he said don't look their way can you hear me please 🎵

🎶we are far away now so don't text me please 🎶

🎶I feel you and I don't know how I got lost in your world 🎶

🎶and I don't see you then I realized I got lost in your world 🎶

🎶they,they don't know how I see you baby they don't know 🎶

🎶this feeling is driving me insane but they don't know 🎶

🎶they will just keep on telling you stuff they don't know 🎶

🎶they don't know oh oh🎶

"Are you still into this prostitute girl? When are you going to stop this rubbish you are doing? You have a beautiful and responsible girl you are getting married to in a few months and you are still into this devil's child."

" Enough Mom, I am not saying anything against this marriage so do not insult Misha" I said and walked out on her.

I got to my room and lock the door behind me and fell flat on my face.

Those lyrics were mine, they fit us so perfectly.


My world is definitely the opposite of perfect or whatever but nothing close to good.

Yeah, a perfect life outside and shattered one inside. I lay on my bed as I can't help but think about the fact that my cousin is getting married in a few weeks times, I am happy for her though not like I am not happy. I am taking responsibility for over 70% of her wedding from the bride's side. I am using that as a bribe cause I won't be there for the wedding. Yeah, booked a flight to Maldives, no one is aware of it , not even my Manager. I just need to clear my head.

Went back online and there are tons of messages from my fans, haters, well wishers and of course secret admirers. I replied to some, liked some and ignore the rest before paving way to sleep.


"Iyawo wa ( meaning our wife in Yoruba)" FAHEEMAH was smiling sheepishly as her would be mother in law hailed and praised her. " You are such a beautiful and responsible woman, my son is so lucky to have you " she continued. My wedding is coming up in few weeks and been excited is an understatement. Though I and OLAMIDE haven't spoken much, I know he is going to make a wonderful husband. He gets really busy with work which is not a problem. His mom already made plans to fly us out immediately after our wedding to Maldives and I have been having butterflies in my tummy. I have always had a thing for OLAMIDE and now he is going to be mine just like that. What else can I ask of you God.


🗣️: Congratulations sir

🗣️: Your invitation card came in this morning that your wedding is in two weeks time

🗣️: Weren't you going to tell us?

"Will you all get back to work before you lose your jobs?" I yelled at my staff as they all scrambled away.

"Tell the Manager to report to my office with immediate effect" I told the receptionist as I marched to my office.

"Knock knock."

"Come in" I said from within as the door opened.

"What on Earth was that commotion about? And how the hell did they find out about the wedding?"

"I am so sorry sir,I really tried to control it but your Mom and wife- to- be were both present in the company earlier this morning. They came to invite the staff to your wedding." The manager explained.

" What the fuck,shit, this is bad news" I walked aimlessly around the office.

" You know what? Excuse me for some time,I need to breath"

" Alright sir,I will be a call away" he said as he exit the office.

The next thing to be heard were sounds of glass breaking and stuff crashing on the floor.

How could my mom do this to me? 

I picked up my car key and left for home.

Unknown to me,I was already on #1 trending on the internet.

"What on Earth was that about my mom? I told you to do everything on a low but what did you do? You went over to workplace and did this shit, seriously" I said to my mom not minding that FAHEEMAH was on seat.

"Is that the way to speak to your mother? A woman who birth you and took care of you till you are this big. Is this how you repay for all the sleepless nights, all the countless efforts I made to make you this way, is this how you repay?" My mom said crying.

I gritted my teeth, speechless, I walked out of the room to wind away whatever it was I was feeling.

*I pity olam seriously 😳,is his mom blackmailing him or what?*

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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