
Chapter 2. Chaos

Alice was looking at the customers entering and leaving the bakery."Rose's Bakers" was where her mother worked everyday.Her father had opened the bakery in her mother's name before his death.The bakery had caught fire due to certain unfortunate events but once her cousin Mia had married Lord Damian, she had made sure that the bakery was reconstructed.

It was bigger and better than the last one.Alice hated accompanying her mother to the bakery.All she wanted was to go out and play with her friends.The weather was nice and it was a bright, sunny day.Everything about the world outside the bakery lured her.

She was sitting in a corner and suddenly heard the chirping of the birds outside.She took small steps towards the bakery entrance and saw the birds standing on the trees, busy calling out to each other.The weather was beautiful and she longed to go outside.She turned around and saw her mother who was busy giving instructions to one of the workers.

Alice saw the opportunity and ran out into the open without catching her mother's eye.She knew her way back to her house.She started walking towards her home thinking she might find her friend Paul.She walked for about fifteen minutes and neared her house.She saw a small boy about her age feeding the birds.The boy had brown hair and brown eyes and was using his crutches to take small steps towards the birds and was enjoying feeding them.The boy had his right leg amputated from below the knee.

"Paul!" Alice squealed and ran towards the boy.The boy turned in her direction surprised and his brown eyes slightly dilated.The girl threw her arms around him, her arms wrapped around his waist.He was thrown off balance for a few seconds but quickly steadied himself with the support of his crutches.He then looked at the girl and a broad smile formed on his lips.

"Oh boy! How did you come here Alice?" He asked her surprised as the girl let go of him.

The girl frowned, "I came here to see you.That should be of more importance to you."

The boy laughed, "I am glad to see you Alice but you shouldn't just run away like that.Your mother must be worried."

"I am a prisoner Paul! Mama doesn't let me make my own choices." Alice whined.

"She wants you to be safe Alice!" Paul replied.

They started feeding the birds together.They threw the feed and the birds gathered to eat.

As they were busy feeding the birds together, Alice heard a voice, "Thank goodness you are here!"

A lady with black hair and green eyes came frantically running towards them.

"Alice! Where have you been?" Rose looked at her mischievous seven year old and gave her an intimidating glare.

Alice's eyes dilated at the sight of her mother approaching.

"Here Paul! Hold this." She handed him a fistful of bird feed and went off running in the opposite direction.

"ALICE! COME BACK THIS VERY MINUTE!" Mrs Rose shouted but Alice was already off.She ran in the street.

Mrs Benson was coming from the opposite direction.She had gone for shopping and was carrying a large basket full of day to day items.

She saw Alice running towards her and before she could think or do anything, Alice bumped into her sending the basket flying away.All the eatables were thrown out of the basket and laid scattered on the floor.

"SORRY MRS BENSON! I'LL WATER YOUR PRECIOUS FLOWERS FOR YOU TOMORROW." Alice shouted as she kept running without giving a glance in Mrs Benson's direction.

Mrs Benson had an annoyed look on her face but Alice didn't notice and continued running.

A few metres ahead, there were two ladies who were having a casual conversation.The first lady had a beautiful necklace that adorned her neck.It was a silver pendant with a heart.

The second lady held the pendant in her hand and was busy looking at it admiringly.

"This is such a lovely pendant dear! I envy you."

The first lady, who was clearly enjoying the attention, covered her mouth and laughed out funnily, "What do I say now.It's so difficult when you have an adoring husband! Sometimes I do not know what to do with him.He keeps travelling to different places and brings me these rare jewels.Ah! My destiny! My delicate figure can't carry the heavy burden of these jewels now.I will ask him to get something light for me next time."

"PLEASE STEP ASIDE!" Alice shouted as she saw the ladies.

The ladies saw the little girl running towards them and their expressions were horrified.The first lady let out a scream as Alice bumped into her, sending her pendant flying away.

The lady then fell on a man standing next to her who was enjoying his cup of tea.The contents of the cup fell on her dress, spoiling it.

The second lady too fell down at a distance.

"I AM SO SORRY.HOPE YOU'RE FINE." Saying so, Alice gave them an apologetic look but didn't stop to hear their replies.

"WHOSE CHILD IS THAT!" The first lady screamed in frustration.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Benson saw Mrs. Rose who came running and was shouting at her daughter to come back.She halted upon seeing Mrs Benson.They both started collecting all the eatables and started putting them into the basket.

"I am so sorry Mrs Benson! I saw Alice bump into you.She's a mischievous child." Rose was panting.

"I do not know where does she get so much energy from.Mia was such a lovely child!" Mrs Benson spoke while placing an apple in her basket.

"I miss Mia too sometimes.She used to handle Alice really well." Rose stated.

"Just take care of that little daughter of yours, Rose.Who knows where her vivacious nature will take her in future!" Mrs. Benson raised her eyebrows at these words and left.

Rose fell into thinking. What if what all Mrs Benson said came out to be true? Alice was a naughty child but ever since she had come back from the castle, something had changed about her.She had become more rebellious day by day.It could be because of too much of attention showered upon her by Lord Nicholas.She had heard it from Alice that she was spoilt by the Lord a lot.

All these thoughts brought out her worries and she went out in search for her daughter.She tried looking for sometime but realizing that it was a futile effort, she decided to head back home and wait for her instead.

Alice, anyhow, wouldn't come home if she saw Rose chasing her.

In the evening, Alice decided to go back home.It was getting dark and vampires generally preferred the night time.

There were very few people on the streets now.Alice knew she had to hurry.It would be anytime now when the creatures of the night will come out.

Though there were laws in place to stop the vampires from killing random humans but the rules were not being followed by all!

The shop owners were busy closing down their stores and the mothers called their children, who were playing in the street, home.

Alice started moving slowly towards her home.Her eyes were busy taking in the surroundings of the street.She had come a few blocks away from her place of dwelling.

She didn't realize that she had come this far.

As she was walking, she saw a group of men coming from the opposite direction.They were five in number.

"No human in sight and we came this far for nothing!" One of them complained.

"The royalty has taken fun out of our lives!" The other one stated.

Suddenly one of them spotted Alice and they all stopped in their tracks.

Alice was cowering and wished she had not come this far.

"How are you darling?" One of them asked her with a huge devilish smile forming on his lips.

"What is a little child like you doing out in the open? Have you lost your way?" Another one spoke with his fangs elongating.

"I-I w-was just heading home.M-my m-mother must be looking for me." Alice tried to sound brave but her quivering voice and stammering gave away.

One of the vampires held her by the chin and titled her head to expose her bare neck.

"Why don't I get a taste of your sweet blood before you go home kid?" His eyes glowed red and his fangs elongated making him look like a monster.

Alice shut her eyes tightly, her heart started thudding loudly.As she thought there was no escape for her she heard a voice.

"Leave the girl." It was a dangerously sweet voice.

Alice opened her eyes to see Rosalinda standing.She was in her signature black robes and her long blonde hair were open.Her eyes were gleaming red and she had a calm expression.

The vampire holding Alice, quickly left her and they all had horrified expressions on their faces.

One of them recovered from the shock and spoke, "G-Greetings milady! W-We are pleased to s-see the Chief Advisor to Lord Nicholas.We were just fooling around.Please forgive our foolishness."

Rosalinda rolled her eyes and hissed, "You need to follow the rules of the Empire.Go before I change my mind."

The vampires looked at each other and then at Rosalinda.They quickly nodded and fled away.

Alice squealed in delight, "Linda!"

Rosalinda looked at the girl and gave her a slight smile.

"What are you doing here Alice? You should be at home." She bent down so that their eyes were at the same level.

Alice scratched her head and spoke sheepishly, "I was trying to go home Linda but I was stopped by Mr. Bad Vampire Man."

Rosalinda gave out a laugh, "You should be careful.You were lucky I was here for some official work.Next time, I might not be around you."

Alice's face fell and she slowly spoke, "I wish I could be with you.Where is Nick?"

"Lord Nicholas is busy with official work these days.You shouldn't worry about him darling.Let's get you home.ok?"

Alice smiled slightly and the two of them started walking.