
The Orpha


AndrehDukmak · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter (2)

You have to think hard "

"Before you Did Something "


I began to think what would happen to a child when he got a little older and understand life correctly. What would he say ?? Where i am, wheres my father and wheres my mother, this feeling is very difficult, but I will do what I can to preserve this child, when the child became a little older in age, the man took him to his home and became interested in him and responsible for him.

So the man's family was shocked by this child, and his wife said, "Where did you get this child from?" The man fasted and said to his wife, "I will tell you the story later ," Then the woman began to worry about this child... So the man took the child to the market in order to buy clothes so the child was happy because the man cares about him The child said to the man, "Can I call you my father?" Then the man said, "You can call me by this name. I will be happy with that. So they went after they finished buying clothes to a restaurant in order to eat , So the man's wife called and told him that a fire broke out in their house, and that their daughter died." He went to a car quickly with the kid.

to go to their house while they were going to the house, they made a traffic accident, and they were very seriously injured, so they transferred the child and the man to the hospital, the police came and called the man's wife and told them what happened with her husband and the kid, so the wife was shocked and entered into a coma.