
The originals 2023

How did Esther get the spell to turn them into vampires?I commissioned it from anonymous

Joshua_Zamar · Fantasy
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8 Chs

It was fate that one day, one of the Mikaelson will break

t was fate that one day, one of the Mikaelson will break.

Now immortal and above human, the Mikaelson leave their lives as the plea but are feared by

those around them. Though forever they can live, they will still experience hunger and their only

source of fill is the blood of the living.

The siblings will feed on blood. But animal blood does not satisfy them.

Nobody felt this hunger more, more than Niklaus.

Then one night, Niklaus snaps. He killed a person from hunger and activated the curse.

As he walks away from the body, his knees bend in a way a leg should not bend. The bones

crack loudly. "ARGH!" He cries, yelling for his brother.

"Niklaus!" Elijah runs towards followed by his father.

"What is happening to me?!" Niklaus cried, on all fours as his legs cracked and bent.

Upon seeing the state his son was in, Mikael pulls Elijah back.

"No! Don't! Don't!" Mikael pushes his son back.

Niklaus continues to cry, "Brother, it hurts!"

Then finally, the cracking stops. Niklaus roars. His eyes are bright yellow.

Upon seeing what Niklaus is, rage fills Mikael. "He's a beast! An abomination!"

Niklaus is the result of an indiscretion Esther had hidden from her family.

An affair with a werewolf.

Infuriated by this affair, Mikael forced Esther to cast a spell that would suppress Niklaus's

werewolf side.

Esther had prepared the spell that night. Her hand waved around the fire. Whilst this was

happening, Mikael is chaining Niklaus's wrists to a wood so he wouldn't run away.

Niklaus tries to fight back and run but Mikael pushes him back and tries to get his other wrist

chained. On the side, Elijah watches.

"Elijah! Elijah, hold him down!" Mikael "Niklaus cries to his brother, "Brother! Please, don't let them do this to me!"

Mikael yells again, "Do it now, boy! Now!"

And with that, Elijah helps his brother. Chaining Niklaus's wrist.

Niklaus felt the chains tight around his wrist but wanted to plead with his brother. "Help me."

Niklaus looks into Elijah's eyes. His brother steps back,

Esther performs the spell and Niklaus's other half is sealed. He felt anger towards his father and

betrayal towards his mother and brother.

But even with his wolf suppress, Mikael cannot accept the affair. As a human, he was prideful.

That he would rather stay in the village with the consequence of his family being in danger than

run. As a vampire, that was magnified.

Mikael went on a rampage. Killing everyone in the village.

Their screams of terror echoed through the night until there was nothing but silence.

As he stands in front of his carnage, a large looming figure stands behind him. He turns and

staggers back at the familiar figure.

"Demoness Stolas…" He breathes out, blood dripping from his mouth.

Stolas gives a small laugh. "What a pathetic sight you are, Viking Warrior." She walks around

him and checks her surroundings. "So many bodies…You have given me more work now." She

said, feigning sadness.

She turns around and looks down at him. "What now? Your wife betrayed you. Conceiving a

bastard child. I mean, no matter the cause, you still loved her. And for her to do such a thing…It

only seems fair for her to receive the consequence of her actions." She whispers to his ears.

Feeding onto his pride.

Mikael harshly pulls away and walks off. Stolas didn't care for such an act of disrespect. She

smiles in delight. "This is only the beginning of all of your adversity. None of you will live a

peaceful life as long as you choose to live." Her figure disappears in a flow of feathers.

Mikael returns home to have a talk. At seeing his wife, Mikael yells in pain and fury.

Niklaus watches all of this unfold. His mother heartless and his father stood over her Confronted by his kids, Mikael yells at them. That it wasn't his fault.

"You would fight me over him?!" He yells.

"I won't allow you to hurt us anymore." Rebekah holds the sword, the end pointing at his father.

Mikael easily overpowers Rebekah, taking the sword from her. But he doesn't attack. Merely

walks away.

In the morning, the siblings found no trace of their father.

The rest of their family scattered. Scared by the fury of their father. But not Niklaus and

Rebekah. Not yet, at least.

Niklaus stayed so he could help bury their mother. He knew she had to say goodbye to their


Rebekah stands at the now-covered grave of her mother. One would yell in pain and sorrow

upon hearing about their mother's death. But Rebekah stays silent, except for the hitched

breaths and hiccups as tears stream down her face.

As Niklaus stands close to his sister as a way of comfort. With heavy breaths, Rebekah says, "I

know you think she hated you, Niklaus, but she did not." He doesn't say anything. His lips

pursed tightly, seemingly staring at their mother's grave. "She was just afraid."

Finally, Rebekah faces her brother. "I'm sorry she turned her back on you. I Will never do that."

There was a brief pause before someone else joined in. "Nor will I." They declared.

They both turn and see Elijah. Niklaus and Elijah's eyes meet and they just as quickly leave.

The three stand in a triangle.

"We stick together as one." Rebekah proclaimed, reaching her hand out to Niklaus first. "Always

and Forever." She raises her other hand to Elijah.

Niklaus holds her hand and Elijah does the same. Elijah reaches out and Niklaus holds his.

"Oh…Such a touching moment." A menacing laugh echoes throughout the entire village.

The siblings look around and notice how the sky has darkened. A swirl of feathers circles

around the siblings, making them cover themselvesThe flock of feathers stops and takes the shape of a tall, slender woman. From the feathers,

Stolas emerges. Her sclera differs from others. Instead of white, her's was red. And instead of

black pupils, Stolas had white.

The three staggered back upon seeing the demoness. For all they know, she finally decided to

take her revenge on them for stealing her book.

Stolas looks at them and then at the grave. She gives a chuckle, "How unfortunate. An original

witch- dead. Shows how pathetic she is."

"You!-" Rebekah tries to lunge but is held back by Elijah and Niklaus.

Stolas smiles in amusement.

"Why are you here? Have you decided to kill us?" Elijah asked.

"No. I find no entertainment in torturing fools such as yourselves. Having you dead wouldn't be

fun now, would it?" She mocks.

Niklaus breathes heavily through his nose before asking through gritted teeth. "Did you have

something to do with this?"

Stolas arches a brow. "What? This attack? No. I do not interfere in the lives of mortals. All of this

was from your father's pure rage."

"Why are you still here?" Rebekah asked, glaring.

"Hmph. Though you should pay for what you did, I think the right thing to do is watch you all

suffer from the choices you've made, until the day I take your souls back with me, that is." Stolas


The three watch her wearily, not knowing how to handle it as their mother was the only one

familiar with entities like her.

"Well, until then, I bid you farewell and a warning. Your father will return with different intentions."

She warns before disappearing the same way she enters.

With the demoness now gone, the three stood there in silence and contemplated the warning.

Their father up and left in a fit of rage after killing their mother. They could only guess one

reason he was coming back.

"We have to leave, now." Elijah pushed his siblings forward and into the woods. They left Mystic and could only go In the woods, glowing red eyes watched the siblings with interest and amusement from a tree

branch. Jumping down, Stolas lands gracefully. A little fellow imp walks with nervousness, their

head bowed deeply and sweat trickling down to the forest floor.

"Imp, tell the others to pack and leave we're heading further in Europe." She orders. The imp

nods furiously and runs to the mansion.

Stolas turns back to where the Mikaelson's left.

This is how they started running away. Never staying in one place of fear of their father who now

dedicates the rest of his life to hunt his children down and kill them.

The year is 1002 A.D. They went further in Southern France. Along the way Elijah, Niklaus, and

Rebekah were able to meet up with the rest of their siblings; Finn and Kol.

So they ran as a family, and when they fed, as a family…

A poor caravan steps down on his horse upon seeing a bloodied cargo. As he got close and

inspected the blood…Someone pulled him away and the rest was history.

"Kol, are you quite done?" Elijah asked.

Finn had finished eating and is now destroying and hiding the evidence that they were there.

Kol had finished sucking blood and couldn't even sigh in satisfaction. "Oh, bother, Elijah. Is all

this truly necessary?"

Annoyed, Elijah at the road ahead. "Brother, the road is a major thoroughfare. If the bodies are

found, word of our presence will spread to Mikael." He points out.

"We have run through Autumn and Winter, through sleep and snow. Are we cursed to live in fear

of our father?" Rebekah quips.

Leaning on the cargo, Finn answers. "I should say yes, sadly."

"Finn, please." Elijah reprimands before turning to Niklaus. "Niklaus."

"Do we have any idea where we're running through next?" Rebekah asked.

Kol stands, "Why not just do what we've all thought of doing? Split upEveryone is silent.

Then Finn talks. "Perhaps Kol is right."

"Thank you, Finn. Yeah, I've always said, the eldest is the most intelligent."

"Stop talking," Finn said, annoyed. "I take no joy in our assent, but I do wish to sleep in a bed, to

bathe in a bath, to feed off proper food. If we divide…"

Elijah cuts him off, "No, brother…Niklaus is right. We made a vow. Family above all." He turns to

Niklaus, "Always and forever."

Niklaus stares, a bit stunned.

In the morning, they feast once again.

Another group in a caravan. This time, nobles.

Niklaus strokes his thumb over the victim's wrist before gently laying it down. As if he was guilty

of doing such a thing just so they could survive.

Kol pats Niklaus on his shoulder, snapping him out of his trance. "Who's ready for the next

course?" He jokes.

At the back, Finn watches them in disgust. "You're all filthy gluttons."

Kol points at him, "And you remain ever the duller."

Next to them, Rebekah fiddles with the noblewoman's sleeve in jealousy. "Oh, such pretty

clothes. What a shame they'll go to waste."

Elijah throws his head back in annoyance. "Rebekah, we have discussed this endlessly."

Rebekah cuts in, just as annoyed and angry. "No, you've discussed this. None of us had any

say in the matter." She gestures to the corpses. "This lot was traveling somewhere. Their cart is

full of silks and finery. 5 of them. 5 of us."She specified. "Wherever they were off to, why can we

not go in their stead?" She questionsThey quickly look back down.

Seeing Kol's hair out of place, Lucien quickly fixes it and turns back.

Not liking that, Kols leans forward and threatens him. "Touch me again, and I'll tear your arms

straight off."

Finn quickly scolds him, "Behave, Kol. Or I'll bury you in the ground to rot."

"This isn't going to work, is it?"Rebekah said.

"Just speak as we practice. And know that you look lovely milady," Lucien said.

"Are you worried, brother?" Niklaus asked.

"We're placing our lives in the hands of a stranger, Niklaus." Elijah points out.

It was their turn to bow. Lucien bows first.

"Lucien, you were sent to fetch the Comte De Guise." The count reminded.

"Indispose, Your Grace. Gout. May I present his children? Lord Finn, Niklaus, Elijah, and Kol.

Also the lovely lady Rebekah." Lucien introduces.

"Your father never mentioned you to me in all our dealings." The Count stands up.

They were silent. Not knowing what to do. Before Elijah steps in and adds-lib.

"Yes, your grace, do forgive us. Uh, father was forever distant with his travels and, uh, we were

largely raised by servants. However, I do know that Father would consider it a glorious honor

that we should be introduced to society by your noble hand, your grace." He bows.

Niklaus steps in, "Your grace, I look forward to hearing tales of your hunting escapades. May I

present our sister?" He gestures to Rebekah.

Rebekah steps forward and bows deeply. "Rebekah Du Guise de Rochefort en Seine." The

Count travels his eyes downwards. Rebekah looks up, "Charmed."

Well, it could've gone worse, but it was still a success. No one notices anything and now they

mingle with the upper class.

Lucien stands to the side as he was a servant, but Niklaus was the first to talk to him They have a pleasant talk about the corrupt upperclassmen and Lucien's deep hatred toward

them. How Niklaus and his siblings may be evil, but there is still even greater evil than them.

Niklaus likes hearing that. That they are at least still seen as human.

Then the crowd quiets down. Murmuring about the new guest walking in.

The Count's children.

"She is exquisite." Niklaus gawks, as their eyes meet across the room.

"Yes. Um, as her brother is wicked. Might I suggest that you avoid them completely?" Lucien


"Would she really be such a threat, even to one like me?" Niklaus wonders.

"The lady Aurora doesn't need teeth to tear a man's soul out. One only needs to stare in her

eyes and get lost." Lucien said, longing.



The room gets a bit colder. Another guest walks in catches many eyes and whispers.

Lucien and Niklaus turn back to the door and see a beautiful woman walk in fine silk and


They call her Countess Goetic.

"Who is she?" Niklaus asked.

As if he was heard, the woman turns and smiles mischievously at him. Her eyes glowed red

before returning to 'normal'.

He freezes.

"Oh, bottoms…" Niklaus mutters.

"Hm? Why? Do you actually know her?" Lucien asked, curious.

"Unfortunately. That woman is a demon who has hunted us for a while now," Niklaus explains."Shh!"


"We stole something from her. We returned it, but since then, she has taken an interest in us."

Niklaus clicks his tongue.

After bowing to The Count, from the corner of her eye, Stolas watches her prey. Their eyes

meet. She smirks"Excuse me?!