

They were told that they were flawed. That they would never amount to anything unless they were blessed. But they lied... They lied about everything; they lied about themselves and they lied about them, the children of Kohze'. And now someone knows the truth. She will turn them around from the inside out...they won't see it coming. Yet neither will she. She will turn them around. She will change the world. But he will set the world to rights

AuthorRexy_Marie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


The noise levels were not as high as usual was the first thing Coraa took note of as she went to line up by the servers. There were not as many students as she had gotten used to. It seemed that some people had other options for food service that she did not know about. Or is it just that people were taking their meals at a less frenetic pace than they usually had to during the week.

"You know what's missing from this whole picture?", Coraa heard Abitha asked a seemingly inattentive Warren as she walked up to their usual table close behind Alex.


"It's a Prayer house! We don't have anything on this campus set aside as a place for those who need to commune with their gods", Abitha said decidedly. "I was talking to the older students", she went on quickly, "They told me that we are expected to set up small altars all over the place as according to our needs. Who does that?"