
The Original Character Lives in the Fanfic World

There was a popular comic that captured the hearts of readers not because of its plot, but rather the bromance between the two protagonists, a crown prince and a duke. Their friendship & mutual trust led fans to ship them endlessly, with countless fanfiction stories ranging from dating to marriage or even incorporating omegaverse settings. One particular m-preg fanfic novel became extremely popular among fans, where the previously cold duke becomes pregnant. But the popularity of both the original comic and this novel caused everything to become unbalanced, until something strange happened - these works of fiction turn into real worlds that collided, creating an error that connected them together. In the world of the comic: Carlton from the fanfic world gazed up at his husband with longing eyes. "Husband..." He pouted, "Why don't you kiss me today?" Alaric from the comic world recoiled slightly and goosebumps broke out over his skin as he moved away. "Please don't come close to me..." He said tersely. Meanwhile, in another world: Alaric from the fanfic world, pulled his beloved Carlton into a warm embrace and peppered kisses on his cheeks. "Darling, are you mad at me?" Alaric asked affectionately. "It's okay, you're still cute." He leaned down to whisper into his ear before continuing. "But don't forget to comfort all our children, they think you're mad at them." Suddenly, seven children barged into the room and called out to their fathers. "Father, Daddy!" they exclaimed. Carlton's frozen expression spoke volumes about his state of mind as he tried to process what was happening. His murderous gaze fixed on Alaric as he muttered through gritted teeth. "Whose children do you say they are....?"

callciel_rin · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Long life

In the study room, Alaric sat with a blank expression on his face as he stared at the paper in front of him. The quill in his hand had scrawled random lines and doodles next to it as if he was lost deep in thought. Kastiel, who stood nearby, looked at Alaric with a worried expression.

"Your Highness, ki..." Kastiel began before Alaric interrupted him abruptly.

"Stop! Don't continue speaking if it's something personal!" Alaric snapped back quickly.

Kastiel was taken aback by the sudden outburst, but decided to proceed anyway since he wanted to discuss an important matter of state.

"Your Highness, I have received word that King Albertus is interested in forging a trade agreement with our kingdom. It seems he has heard rumors of rare minerals within the lands you possess, and wishes to discuss the possibility of acquiring them through trade."

Alaric raised an eyebrow at this news. Rare minerals were indeed abundant in his land, but they had never been explored or exploited.

"I see..." Alaric said thoughtfully. "It would be beneficial for both kingdoms if we can come to an agreement. Please send word back to King Albertus that I am open to discussing this further."

Kastiel nodded in understanding and spoke again.

"And also, ki..."

Alaric's reaction was swift as he looked awkwardly at Kastiel.

"W...what? What did you want to say?"

"Oh, I just wanted to inform you, Your Highness. There seems to be a problem with the supplies due to mismanagement by some of the kitchen staff." Kastiel replied hesitantly.

Alaric's expression hardened as he listened intently.

"Is that so? Investigate it thoroughly and fire those involved immediately if corruption is found." Alaric replied firmly.

Kastiel nodded, he couldn't help but notice how Alaric reacted strongly to the word 'ki'.

He trying to hide a smile as he spoke again.


Alaric ignored him, focusing his attention on the paper in front of him.


Alaric immediately looked up, his eyes glaring irritably at Kastiel. The prince's irritation was palpable and Kastiel didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his reaction.

"Your highness." Kastiel began bluntly. "Are you still thinking about the hot kiss that Duke Carlton gave you this morning?"

The question caught Alaric off guard and he felt heat rising to his cheeks. With a clenched fist, he slammed it onto the table in front of him before responding fiercely.

"Nonsense! Why should I think about that kiss? It was... it was just like being bitten by a dog! And that kiss wasn't hot!" Alaric suddenly realized his outburst and cleared his throat, still with a flushed face.

"By the way, what about Luna? Is she still confining herself in her chamber?" Alaric asked Kastiel while trying to change the subject.

Kastiel answered with an awkward smile. "Ah... Princess Luna is still confining herself and refusing to accept gifts from you, your highness. But give her time, a little girl's heart is usually very fragile..." Kastiel tried to encourage Alaric.

Alaric let out a sigh of frustration. He had only returned to the palace after two years, but strange events were already occurring left and right. He was grateful that his father, the emperor, hadn't called him yet because it meant he still didn't know what was going on.

"And Duke Carlton..."

Kastiel suddenly spoke again, mentioning the name that made Alaric inexplicably nervous. Carlton was his best friend and he had always been happy when someone talked about him, but this time he felt anxious and panic struck his heart.

"Duke Carlton has been examined by all the royal physicians..." Kastiel said, "But no one has found any problems with his health. They say he also has a normal mind."

Alaric gave Kastiel a scornful grin in response to what he just heard.

"Are they sure he's normal?" Alaric asked incredulously. "You yourself see how different Carlton is. Besides, claiming to have been pregnant and given birth... Can you imagine saying that as a man?"

Kastiel shuddered at the thought of making such an outrageous claim himself.

But then, he suddenly remembered something and looked at Alaric hesitantly.

"By the way, don't you want to run away now, Your Highness?" Kastiel asked with concern in his voice.

Alaric looked confused. "Why would I run away?" He asked.

"Because Duke Carlton said he would see you after the examination is over..." Kastiel trailed off.


Just as Kastiel spoke those words, the door of the study room opened loudly, followed by a loud coquettish voice calling out. Both Alaric and Kastiel felt goosebumps rise on their skin as they heard it. Kastiel watched in horror as the 188 cm tall and muscular Duke Carlton, ran quickly into the room and jumped onto Alaric's lap.

"Husband! I missed you~" Carlton exclaimed as he showered Alaric with kisses on his cheek.

Kastiel silently prayed for his prince's patience and long life as he watched on in disbelief at what was happening before his eyes.