
the Origin of Divine Sense

Wang Shen always grew up bullied by Seniors and Juniors alike. “Why would you focus on Divine Sense?! You idiot!” they would yell. However, Wang Shen disagreed. “The ‘Shen’ in my name is the same as in ‘Shenshi (Divine Sense)’!” He would always say! This is the journey of Wang Shen, the Origin of Divine Sense.

void0 · Fantasy
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Wang Shen

Divine Sense.

Throughout the Boundless Universe, many Cultivators have used Divine Sense for battle, sight, puppets, and more. But…

What exactly is Divine Sense?


On an unknown mountain, on an unknown planet in an unknown universe…

"Damn it all!" roared Wang Shen, cross-legged, in a small Immortal's Cave. This was the 5th time this decade that he tried to break into late-stage Dantian Precipitation! He used everything on this last attempt…all his Sunrise spirit stones, expensive Lunar Realm treasures, even his Life Essence! The latter made Wang Shen cough up a couple mouthfuls of blood.

"My current Life Essence will only allow me to make one more attempt before I return to the earth…" Wang Shen sighed. He's lived for countless years, and didn't fear death. However, he truly wanted to become stronger.

"All for Divine Sense!" Wang Shen's eyes brightly shined. Divine Sense was his life, and his life was Divine Sense. Back when he was a trifling Mortal Realm cultivator, he always got bullied by his Seniors for choosing to focus on Divine Sense. Cultivators rarely used Divine Sense, only say, for treasure refining.

However, Wang Shen was different. "The 'Shen' in my name is the same as in 'Shenshi (Divine Sense)'!" he always said. However, this led to him making close to no friends in his early years, because everyone thought he was insane.

"Look at me now!! Haha!!" Wang Shen laughed heartily despite knowing about his dwindling Life Essence. Laughing, Wang Shen stood up from the lotus position, and flew out of his dark Immortal's Cave.

Outside, he looked around. He was in a huge mountain range with over 100,000 mountains. It was considered one of the largest mountain ranges on the planet, with countless sects dotted around the area.

Wang Shen, feeling better with the fresh air, spread his Divine Sense out to around 300,000 meters. When he was about to expand it further, he stopped. To the north of his Divine Sense, he could see two male cultivators flying his way. They looked to be peak early-stage Dantian Precipitation cultivators, which would make them elders in most sects of the planet Wang Shen inhabited.

One of the cultivators there, a man with dark red hair and light blue eyes, recognized Wang Shen's unusually large Divine Sense and suddenly stopped. The cultivator beside him looked back, confused, until the man with dark red hair snorted, "Wang Shen, I finally found you, you bastard! You dared steal from the daughter of our Lunar Sea Patriarch! You're dead!!" The man then suddenly teleported 3,000 meters into the distance, leaving the other cultivator, who wore a black robe, behind. However, his eyes flashed and he teleported as well.

Wang Shen's pupils constricted. These two Cultivators were Elders of the nearby Flame Sea Sect, which was a great Sect of the area. It had a peak Lunar Sea Patriarch, and many late-stage Dantian Precipitation great Elders. However, it seemed that these normal Elders were sent out to pursue him.

Wang Shen retracted his Divine Sense, and rapidly fled in the other direction. Although his cultivation base was higher than the two cultivators, he was severely weakened after failing to breakthrough. While fleeing, he suddenly turned around. He stood there midair for a few breaths as if he was calculating something. Then, his phoenix-like eyes suddenly grew cold and heartless. He sneered as his killing intent bellowed to the Heavens. He spread his divine sense to the max.

50,000 meters, 100,000 meters, 250,000 meters, 500,000 meters…

He continued spreading it out until it reached 1,000,000 meters!

Wang Shen could see, hear, smell, touch, and taste everything within 1,000,000 meters!

The two cultivators didn't even notice anything due to Wang Shen spreading it out in the time it takes one to snap their fingers.

Although most cultivators would pass out due to sensory overload when having such a large Divine Sense, Wang Shen didn't seem fazed in the slightest. In fact, he looked as if this was nothing!

The usual maximum Divine Sense a Cultivator at his Realm had was only around 150,000 meters!

Wang Shen then focused his attention on the two cultivators rapidly approaching him, and suddenly…shrank his Divine Sense!

750,000 meters, 250,000 meters, 50,000 meters, 1,000 meters…!

He shrank it until it reached 3 meters!

The sudden shrinkage of 1,000,000 meters to 3 meters caused a massive tempest to shoot in the direction of Wang Shen's gaze. His gaze… was locked onto the two cultivators right in front of them!

In truth, all of this happened in only a few breaths. The cultivators, previously over 300,000 meters out, arrived to his position in the blink of an eye!

The cultivators were very angry at Wang Shen. They were actually guarding the daughter of the Patriarch that day, and yet the shameless Wang Shen actually sneaked in and conned her!

This caused their killing intent to rise exponentially. After arriving, they were preparing to unleash hell onto Wang Shen when they saw…

"Idiots." Wang Shen smirked. A tempest over 10,000 meters tall and wide was firing at them at a rapid pace.

The man with dark red hair's pupils constricted, as did the black-robed cultivator's. A sense of a huge deadly crisis suddenly appeared in their minds. They rapidly retreated in the opposite direction, gaping in shock. If Wang Shen was at full power, they wouldn't be so shocked. Wang Shen was famous across this part of the mountainous region and they knew a bit about his powerful Divine Sense. However, Wang Shen was clearly weakened! The aura of Death Essence enveloped him completely! As they were contemplating this, suddenly, the black-robed man gritted his teeth and used a mysterious technique to sacrifice Life Essence for speed. He shot forward at the speed of sound.

However, the tempest traveled at above the speed of sound! Roaring, it shot toward the cultivators. Almost instantly, it swallowed the cultivators. Screams could be heard coming from the tempest. It was simply too fierce!

Wang Shen stood there, staring coldly at the tempest, hearing their miserable screams. He laughed coldly, "You thought it was that easy? Even if I'm injured, taking out two trifling early-stage Dantian Precipitation cultivators are easy as pie!"

The black-robed man, who was currently being stirred up in the tempest like soup, suddenly roared. An azure shield suddenly appeared around him, blocking the devastating winds. He flew desperately out of the tempest. The man with dark red hair, however, didn't have such a treasure. A blood-curdling scream rang out in the mountains as the man was ripped to shreds.

After getting out of the tempest, the black-robed man's coughed up blood and his pupils constricted again after his companion died. He quickly retreated at top speed, utilizing his secret technique.

By now, the tempest started to slow down and dissipate, and the man successfully got out of its range. Even after seeing this, Wang Shen, however, snorted coldly.

"Don't think I'll let you off so easily! Zhao Hongquan, you bastard! Fight me like a man, damn it!" yelled Wang Shen. He then shot toward the black-robed man, which he called Zhao Hongquan.

"Senior, this is a big misunderstanding! I-I was forced! Come to the sect and I'll assure you make up with the Patriarch!!" Despite his words, Zhao Hongquan continued to flee in the opposite direction from Wang Shen, who was getting closer and closer.

Zhao Hongquan coughed up blood once again. He was deeply afraid of what happened to his companion, as it only took him a few breaths to be ripped apart. Without the life-saving treasure he acquired in his yesteryears, he would've been slaughtered as well.

Wang Shen's phoenix-like eyes twitched. He subconsciously rubbed the scar on his right cheek. This shameless bastard had said the same words to him before!! Enraged, Wang Shen shot toward Zhao Hongquan at double the speed. Frightened, Zhao Hongquan unleashed a few treasures and magics at Wang Shen, to no avail. He used the same strategy to call up the tempest to block them.

After an unknown period of time passed, the surroundings changed. There was scorched ground everywhere. The trees, grass, flowers, and herbs were all scorched! There were also a few burned corpses of terrifying beasts laying about.

Wang Shen saw this, but ignored it. However, a few more breaths went by and Wang Shen inhaled sharply. His pupils constricted because a few hundred thousand meters away…

Was a flame sea!

Zhao Hongquan also saw this, and got incredibly excited. He shot forward and called out loudly as if he desperately wanted someone to hear, "Patriarch, Wang Shen is here!! He's here!! The shameless bastard who stole from the Holy Daughter!!!"

Wang Shen gulped and shot backwards. He was about to continue fleeing, when suddenly an enraged voice bellowed to the Heavens.

"Wang Shen!! You dare come back here?!?! Die!!!" An azure-robed, white-haired old man suddenly appeared, shaking the Heavens. Heavenly Qi flowed around him, eventually shaping into that of a half moon! He teleported directly in front of Wang Shen, and punched out.

A life-threatening sensation filled Wang Shen's body and soul. He gritted his teeth and used his inter-spatial ring to quickly get out a blue ring!

It gave off immense amounts of Heavenly Qi, and looked like a matchless Celestial Treasure. He nearly coughed up blood as he suddenly...snapped it in half!

Nothing radiated out, but inside, Wang Shen nearly fainted. Immense amounts of Qi flowed into him, strengthening his Divine Sense by nearly 10 times!

He paid an immense price for that treasure, nearly 200,000 Sunrise spirit stones!

When Wang Shen thought about the price, he nearly passed out in regret. However, he had no time to think. The Patriarch's deadly fist was only a few breaths from destroying him completely.

He gritted his teeth once more and expanded his Divine Sense.

200,000 meters, 500,000 meters, 1,000,000 meters, 5,000,000 meters…

He spread it out until it reached an absolutely unprecedented 10,000,000 meters!!!

No cultivator above or below his realm had ever reached this high of a Divine Sense range!!!

However, just as fast as he expanded it, he began to shrink it.

10,000,000 meters, 5,000,000 meters, 1,000,000 meters, 500,000 meters, 100,000 meters, 25,000 meters, 2,500 meters…

Until it was exactly… 1 meter in diameter!!

The Heavens roared. Before the Patriarch's fist could reach Wang Shen, the Patriarch's pupils shrank. He backed up rapidly. What he saw absolutely shocked him in body and soul. He saw a tempest…

1,000,000 meters tall and wide!

"What divine ability is that?!?!" shouted the Patriarch, surnamed Li, as he shot backwards rapidly. In truth, his cultivation base was only at the peak of late-stage Dantian Precipitation, but he had used a priceless Lunar Treasure to bolster his aura.

However, even with the treasure, he had lived for countless years, much longer than Wang Shen, and yet was still left shell-shocked. The tempest pierced the Heavens while emitting terrifying shrieks. Eventually, the flame sea couldn't withstand the winds and started being thrown around!

A deadly, 1,000,000 meter flame tempest!

Even Wang Shen was petrified. He never expected such a large tempest to come out of his Divine Sense! Both Wang Shen and Patriarch Li rapidly retreated, as they were too close for comfort. Wang Shen, even though he was the spawner of the tempest, still felt fear from it!

Zhao Hongquan was rocked. What kind of matchless treasure could make a tempest 1,000,000 meters?! He trembled while fleeing. Even being a few hundred thousand meters away brought him immeasurable danger.

Wang Shen and Patriarch Li flew through the air at top speed. They heard the immense roaring behind them, and both were scared witless. However, Patriarch Li was in the most danger, as Wang Shen had actually aimed the tempest towards him!

After a few breaths of top speed, Wang Shen and Zhao Hongquan were both safe, out of range of the tempest. They both let out a sigh of relief. On the other hand, Patriarch Li was in incredible danger. He shot forward at top speed, even utilizing the same magic as Zhao Hongquan to flee even faster.

Although he was faster than the speed of sound, the tempest was many times faster. Even though he coughed up blood and used the secret magic, the tempest was still gaining on him.

He roared as he turned around and threw out countless treasures and magics in the hope of slowing it down a bit, to no avail. He smiled bitterly. He regretted coming here. He regretted not being able to see his daughter at death. As he was seconds away from certain doom, time suddenly halted.

The scene looked like a painting. The 1,000,000 meter flame tempest, Patriarch Li's shrill and forlorn expression, Wang Shen and Zhao Hongquan's pale expression turned into an interesting scene.

Suddenly, an ancient voice murmured silently.

"He's pretty interesting. Even True Celestials would find it hard to spur up a tempest like this." The ancient voice chuckled. "He's a good candidate. I'll take him."

After finishing, a domineering voice then bellowed to the Heavens, "Old Xu, he's mine!! He's a perfect fit for my Ancient Devil Sect! He even conned that young girl!" the voice laughed, booming sounds shaking the Heavens.

The ancient voice suddenly frowned. Sounding disgusted, he spoke, "Well…let me bestow him with some good fortune, if you don't mind, Old Demon Han." An ancient hand filled with cracks and wrinkles suddenly appeared midair. It then waved and disappeared.

On the next breath, time started once again. The 1,000,000 meter flame tempest started to roar again, and Patriarch Li started to laugh maniacally.

"If the Heavens want me dead, then so be it!" Patriarch Li then shot towards the tempest. He started to get slashed by the incredibly strong winds. At the moment he was about to be destroyed completely, the tempest suddenly vanished.

Gone. Patriarch Li's mind spun. His blue-robe was in shreds, and blood covered his whole body. However, he was fine. One breath he was in a deadly disaster, and the other breath he was fine?! Roaring sounds echoed in his head.

Roaring sounds also filled Zhao Hongquan's and Wang Shen's head.


"H-How?!?!" The first to break the silence was Zhao Hongquan's voice, which cracked, despite being over 750,000 years old.

Author Note: Welcome! My name is void0 and this is my first novel, the Origin of Divine Sense! It will go into detail about how Divine Sense was popularized among Cultivators in the Universe! This novel will just be a few chapters at most, so don't expect a lot. I'm merely tempering my skill before I make a bigger novel. Now, since this is my first novel, it's probably very much bad with grammar and other things (Although I paid attention, it was never my strong suit). So I apologize if it's hard to read. If you have any suggestions or revisions you'd like me to make, just comment it and I'll try my best to work on it!

Furthermore, this novel and future novels of mine are based HEAVILY on the Xianxia genre and the author Er Gen. I absolutely love Er Gen novels and hope to bring my ideas into a similar world as his (Mostly just chuuni things I thought of)! So if you like a bit of comedy with a lot of fights, I'll try to imagine it and write it (semi) well!

Now, let's get onto the story.

Wang Shen. This is a Chinese name (if that wasn't obvious enough). Wang is a surname that is pretty common and Shen means Divine/Deity/Soul/Spirit. But in this context, I'm using it as kind of a joke with Divine Sense. If you didn't know, Shenshi is Divine Sense in most Xianxia novels, so the first Chinese character Shen is the protagonist's given name!

Zhao Hongquan. Our friendly neighborhood antagonist and 750,000 year old teenager! His surname is Zhao, which is pretty common as well. Hongquan is roughly translated to something like "grand water spring", which I feel fits in the best since he is in the Dantian Precipitation stage!

Patriarch Li. The supposed Lunar Moon cultivator who is in fact a trifling Dantian Precipitation cultivator. His surname is a very common surname in China, and so I picked it because.....I said so.

Anyways, you are probably very confused about the cultivation levels. I have a huge list that I spent the entire day making of the Cultivation Levels, and I could easily share it with you all. But I won't! It might be a spoiler to future novels I make! Remember, all of these will be connected in some way (same universe)! I have big ambitions and if you're reading, please help me remember to keep trying…

Anyways… love you if you're reading!

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