
Let me tell you why

Thank goodness this was all planned. When we decided to flip that truck we where in over our head, but its still happened. You know when you think hey this is a good idea. You never would think that you could have such a horrible idea. Like really when did this happen?

Well you see you could always just disappear but you never know who will be looking for you. Your parents or family or maybe even a private investigator but you never know. So me and John had this crazy idea right and we'll it hurt like a slap on Sunday. John looked at me and said with a straight face "ima beat you the next time we do this type of dumb stuff."

I couldn't help but laugh knowing this might happen a lot. But I looked at him with a smile on my face and said "no promises."

As we where sitting there after that all just happened. We looked at each other and couldnt belive we tried it. As I went to unbuckle blood started to run into my eye from my nose. I assessed my self, and saw that I had only minor bumps and bruises but next to my head was a two inch peice of glass sticking out. But John wasnt so lucky. He had a peice of glass through his left leg.

As I got down I started to crawl to him and was about to unbuckle him from his seat. He stopped me just in time as I see a blood drop drip down from it. So I decide to rip more of my ripped up shirt and tie it around his leg above the glass. I unbuckle him from the truck and carry him through the open field to the right side of us heading to the woods.

Right as I get to the marked location. I set him down and run back to the truck to grab our supplies for our long long trip, and the first aid kit.

As I get back to the marked location I took the first aid kit and brought out a big patch and looked at John's leg. "Don't you think about it" John knew what I was about to do and hated the idea. I still rushed over and pulled his pant leg down. Dont worry he had shorts underneath.

I looked at him and said "on a count of three take a deep breath and I will pull this out." John looked at me with deep regret and hated in his eyes but he knew it had to be done."One, Two" John hurry up and screams "Wait!" But I didn't stop and yelled "Three!" over him and yanked straight up, and as the piece of glass came out so did a lot of blood. The good thing was the peice of glass came out smoothly. I hurried to put the patch on his wounded leg, as the patch went on he muffled a scream. As the disinfectant hit the wound. John instantly passed out, but he wasn't bleeding through the bandage yet so felt okay about it and let him sleep.

After a couple of hours of waiting around, and John sleeping. I decided to go through the supplies we brought. As I went to go look at the supplies I heard a loud scream. At that moment I knew that the truck had been found, but I knew I covered our tracks so people wouldnt see them right away. Five minutes later I hear sirens getting closer to the flipped over truck.

So I decided to wake up John and grab our supplies and jump in to our destination. By this time John is able to move on his own and follows me to. This leads to where we are now.